How to fix http error 500 in CodeIgniter?

I had an admin panel written in codeigniter on my website root folder say Then I needed to move it to a sub directory named admin so i can upload my main website on the root folder. the admin panel was now on Then i created a subdomain for my website named and pointed it to my sub directory named admin. But when i tried to visit it gives a 500 internal server error. I thought it was due to .htaccess but my .htaccess file has this code:

<IfModule authz_core_module>
    Require all denied
<IfModule !authz_core_module>
    Deny from all

Now i don’t know whats causing the problem ? The original working was that when someone visited the he was redirected to and same happens when someone visits the he is redirected to I even tried to change the base path in codeigniter config.php to $config['base_url'] = ''; but it is not working. So please let me know if someone can help. The only solution i found was that move the whole admin panel back to root folder but it is now good as i have to host a static website there. I am waiting for your answers.

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Are you getting a HTTP error 500 in your CodeIgniter Website? If so, we can help to solve it?

We do receive numerous support request from customers regarding errors in their CodeIgniter website as part of our Website Development Services.

In this context, we shall look at the common causes of errors in CodeIgniter and how to solve them to enhance usability.

Common causes of CodeIgniter HTTP error 500

Different factors could be behind HTTP Error 500 in a website application. This includes Errors in configuration of the PHP attributes, Missing PHP extensions, PHP fatal issues, to mention but a few.

Additionally, using an older version of CodeIgniter might not be compatible with the PHP version in use thereby causing the Server to throw a HTTP error 500. Therefore setting a lower PHP version will rectify this and make the application work.

Method to fix HTTP error 500 in CodeIgniter application

As a general rule in fixing server errors, it is only right to read the logs to get a better idea about what went wrong.

For Apache web server, you can check the location of the logs via the path, /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log. In one of our client's server for example, we saw in the logs that there was an issue with the mod_rewrite settings.

In the process of resolving this, we ran the following command;

$ httpd -V

In this case we located the Apache configuration file at the path, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. This file was modified and removed the comment from the following line;

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

But doing this, the issue was fixed.

In other cases, we fixed such error by adding the following attributes into the .htaccess file;

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?/$1 [L]
</IfModule >

We are experts in CodeIgniter and can help you fix errors in your website.


Basically, most Errors in CodeIgniter applications are web server based errors and detecting the reason for such is a very important step in resolving the issue. You can reach us today if you would like our Experienced Web developers to hep you fix errors in your Website and server based bugs.


Steps to fix CodeIgniter HTTP Error 500 CodeIgniter is a great PHP framework used to develop amazing websites and applications. It is now very popular because of its capabilities, and mostly for its security features. As is has many users , so also are there need to fix common issues affecting CodeIgniter based websites.

Today, We want to share with you [SOLUTIONS] 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR PHP.In this post we will show you Fixing 500 Internal Server Error for a PHP File, hear for How to Fix the 500 Internal Server Error on WordPress Website? we will give you demo and example for implement.In this post, we will learn about ‘500 Internal Server Error’ while running PHP with an example.

There are the Following The simple About [SOLUTIONS] 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR PHP Full Information With Example and source code.

As I will cover this Post with live Working example to develop how to solve 500 internal server error in php?, so the 500 internal server error nginx for this example is following below.

Here are there sre the following the common ways that We might diplay some the HTTP 500 error:

  • 500 Error
  • 500 Internal Server Error
  • 500. That’s an error
  • HTTP 500 Internal Error
  • HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error
  • HTTP Error 500
  • Internal Server Error
  • Temporary Error (500)


Way : 1 SERVER ERROR LOGS(in Root Path)

How to fix http error 500 in CodeIgniter?
check your server error Logs


How to fix http error 500 in CodeIgniter?
syntax OR coding errors

Fix the 500 Internal Server Error PrestaShop

There are main following the two ways to turn on Error Reporting Like as a core PHP type in PrestaShop as well as this is a depending on what main version you have.

For PrestaShop v1.4 through v1.5.2

For assume to PrestaShop v1.4 through v1.5.2

1: first of all you have Open config/ files

and then find below lines

@ini_set('display_errors', 'off');

2. and then Change that line to read

@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');

For PrestaShop v1.5.3+

1: first of all you have Open config/ files

and then find below lines

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);

2. and then Change that line to read

define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

Fix the 500 Internal Server Error WordPress

How to fix http error 500 in CodeIgniter?

How to fix http error 500 in CodeIgniter?

How To Fix the 500 Internal Server Error Codeigniter

first of all you Check your Main root base error logs, here sometimes the some problem is with your file permission issue, so make sure your all the file permission is Like 0755 to resolve CodeIgniter 500 Internal Server Error.

Please You have check your main apache error logs, there should be some permission related interesting more information in there.

htaccess To Fix 500 Error:

onther way: Fixed 500 error using htaccess of a Codeigniter application

#write your Live CI project folder name as rewritebase
RewriteBase /your_CI_PROJECT_folder_name/

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/system.*
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php?/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.+) index.php?/$1 [L]

How to fix http error 500 in CodeIgniter?

Angular 6 CRUD Operations Application Tutorials

Read :

  • Technology
  • Google Adsense
  • Programming


You can also read about AngularJS, ASP.NET, VueJs, PHP.

I hope you get an idea about [SOLUTIONS] 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR PHP.
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I am Jaydeep Gondaliya , a software engineer, the founder and the person running Pakainfo. I’m a full-stack developer, entrepreneur and owner of I live in India and I love to write tutorials and tips that can help to other artisan, a Passionate Blogger, who love to share the informative content on PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, Laravel, CodeIgniter, VueJS, AngularJS and Bootstrap from the early stage.

How do I fix a HTTP 500 error?

How to Fix a 500 Internal Server Error.
Refresh the page. This might seem obvious, but if it's a temporary loading issue, you might find success if you refresh the page. ... .
Come back later. ... .
Delete your browser's cookies. ... .
Paste your URL into the website "Down for Everyone or Just Me.".

What is 500 Internal server Error in CodeIgniter?

"500 internal server error" is just a generic error message to say the application crashed. Look at the Apache error logs and the CodeIgniter error logs. You will probably have more information about the problem.

How can I fix 500 error in PHP?

How to Resolve 500 Internal Server Error.
Step 1: Debugging the Issue..
Step 2: Empty . htaccess File..
Step 3: Debug . htaccess Issues..
Step 4: Increase PHP Memory Limit..
Step 5: Check if the Admin Works..
Step 6: Revert Recent Changes..
Step 7: Audit Your Plugins/Extensions/Modules..
Step 8: Check File Permissions..

What causes 500 errors PHP?

If your PHP script makes external network connections, the connections may time out. If too many connections are attempted and time out, this will cause a "500 Internal Server Error." To prevent these time outs and errors, you'll want to make sure that PHP scripts be coded with some timeout rules.