How does the book now button work on Facebook?

Add a “Book now” call-to-action button to your Facebook page

Please note: to use the Facebook integration with SuperControl you must have more that 2000 likes – this is a rule set by Facebook.

Do you know that Facebook has added call-to-action features to its business pages? Essentially, you can choose from a selection of call-to-action buttons – including “Book now” –  enabling visitors to book your property directly from the header of your Facebook page.

How do I add a Book now button?

How does the book now button work on Facebook?
  1. 1. Log in to your Facebook account and go to your page’s cover picture.
  2. 2. Click on Create Call-to-action.
  3. 3. Select Book now. Then type in the destination URL you want to link to.
  4. 4. Click Create.

It’s easy to edit your button if you need to – just hover over it to make any changes. You can also keep track of the people who click on your Book now button.

Don’t forget, we also have a number of apps for Facebook that allow your guests to access your availability, make an enquiry, see your special offers etc, directly from your Facebook page.
Set-up is easy. Just log in to your SuperControl account and go to Integrations > Social Media > Facebook for a full list of available apps or contact the Support team for more information.

See more set-up guides and training videos in the Help section of your SuperControl account.

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Unfortunately, Facebook has removed the option to link your website to the Book Now button. This means connecting Facebook’s Book Now button to your booking page is no longer possible. 

Here is a work-around:

  1. Log in to Facebook and navigate to your Page
  2. Click to Edit or Add a Button (top of page)
  3. Choose either one of the Contact Us or Learn More button options
  4. Paste in your Website URL
  5. Click Save

Now when customers visit your Facebook Page, they can click on the Contact Us or Learn More button to view your online booking page. You can also direct them to use that button via a post or through Facebook Ads.

Are you wondering how to increase ticket sales on Facebook?

If you’re using the Checkfront already, you know that having the “Online Bookings” tab displayed at the top of the page is beneficial. It allows customers to book right on your page without becoming distracted and leaving your site.

But Facebook has another way to prompt customers — through a call to action button that sits right on your cover image — front and center and appealing.

Here’s how to add a book now button to your Facebook page:

1. Log into your Facebook page

How does the book now button work on Facebook?

Once there, go right to your Facebook admin panel and click on +Add a Button.

2. Select your call to action

To make this choice easier, Facebook provides a list of options to match your purpose for the button. Each comes with a drop down arrow where you will find a suitable call to action. Of course, we like the ‘Book Now’ label found under the ‘Book with you’ option.

But there are a handful of options to choose from and depending on your tourism social media strategy, you will need to give this decision some thought. Think about how you want to use Facebook in your buyer’s journey. Do you want them to visit your website, engage with your content or make an immediate booking?

Don’t stress, however. You can always try out a call to action for a short period of time and then try another to compare results (see more information below).

How does the book now button work on Facebook?

A call to action should send a user to the right section of your website. It would be frustrating if they clicked on the ‘book now’ button and were only directed to your website’s home page. Once there, they might lost interest if they have to find the reservation page on their own. This is why it is important to streamline the process as much as possible.

Select ‘Link to Website’ and enter the URL for your reservation page. Make sure to click save and then finish.

How does the book now button work on Facebook?

4. Track your conversions

Now that your button is set-up, you can see and track how many people have clicked on your call to action. To test and analyze results, click on Insights located in the top menu bar of your admin page. On the side bar, find Actions on Page and then scroll down to People who clicked Action Button.

Using this graph, you can filter the number of clicks by age and gender, country, city and device. This will give you great insight into whether or not you are reaching your target audience. And you will find it interesting to see how many customers book with a mobile device.

As mentioned previously, the ‘book now’ button doesn’t have to be your only choice. Test it out for a month and analyze the results. If you want to see how others do, try out another button like ‘learn more’ and repeat the process. You may find that users respond better to gathering more information about your service before making the decision to book. Soon you will find the best call to action for your business.

Not only can you benefit from a ‘book now’ button on your business page, but with your Facebook advertising as well. Creating a Facebook ad is a great way to reach a wider audience. But you want to make sure your compelling advertisement encourages the user to look further. No surprise, you can also use a call to action feature here!

After following the steps to create a Facebook ad, you will be prompted to select an appropriate call to action. This is an opportunity to use the ‘book now’ button again.

However, you may find the ‘learn more’ button to be more useful here. A user will happen upon your advertisement in their newsfeed and if they don’t know anything about your business yet, they are not likely to book right away. Instead, use the ‘learn more’ option and direct users to a landing page on your website. With more information, they are more likely to convert into customers.

How does the book now button work on Facebook?

With a prominent call to action button on your Facebook business page and advertising, you will encourage more customers to engage and book with you. It’s a quick way to increase both traffic and conversions, so create one today!

Want to get more likes, clicks, and bookings from Facebook ads?

How does the book now button work on Facebook?

Download the Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Ads

And learn how to make the most of your budget by running ads that target the right audience from discovery to booking.

How do you get book now on Facebook?

From your Feed, click Pages in the left menu. Go to your Page and click the blue action button below your Page's cover photo. Click Book Now and then click Appointments on Facebook to manage your appointments through Facebook.

What does book now mean Facebook?

Information on Facebook Business Pages and Calls to Action The Calls to Action button allows you to set up a “Book Now” button for friends and fans to book appointments directly through Facebook. Additionally, you can leverage other Facebook tools to promote or report on the engagement of your audience.

Why is my book now button not working on Facebook?

Unfortunately, Facebook no longer supports the Book Now button for our market. This means connecting Facebook's Book Now button to your Checkfront Booking page is no longer possible. As a work-around, you can add a Contact Us or Learn More button instead! Log in to Facebook and navigate to your Page.