How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?

Whether you are adding pictures to your personal Facebook account or a business page, Facebook gives you an assortment of options and features. This can be a bit overwhelming if you have not used Facebook in a while. You can edit the pictures, tag people, add text and apply stickers. You can also control the quality and size of your pictures so that Facebook does not automatically edit them for you.

Upload Photos to Your News Feed

Adding photos to your news feed is quick and easy. The process for adding them to your personal news feed is similar to adding them to a business page.

  1. At the top of your Facebook news feed or profile page, click the Photo/Video option below "Create Post". If you are on your business page, click the Upload Photos/Video option.
  2. Select the photos you want to upload and click Open.
  3. Tag people, if desired, by hovering over the photo, selecting Tag and then typing their names. The photo appears on their news feed and appears to their friends or only your mutual friends, depending on the privacy preferences you each selected. 
  4. Edit the photo, if desired, by hovering over the photo and clicking the Edit button.
  5. Click the Story option if you want to check in at a specific location. 
  6. Choose your audience and click Share. Select Public if you want anyone to see the photo. Otherwise, you can select Friends or specific people to see the photo or select people who cannot see the photo. Note that whatever audience you choose, it becomes the default setting for the next time you upload a photo. 

If you have the Facebook app on your smartphone, you can also add photos directly from the phone's photo gallery.

Editing Photos on Facebook

Before uploading a photo, Facebook gives you the option to edit it. You can do this by hovering over the photo and selecting Edit before you click the Share button. When the Edit window opens, you have several options:

  • Filters: These change the mood of your photo. The Vintage filter, for example, fades the color, while the Winter filter cools the image with a blue hue.
  • Tag: By clicking on faces in the photo, you can add names. To tag someone, they must have a Facebook account. People can disable being tagged by changing their personal security settings.
  • Crop: Crop the photo, either in its original aspect ratio or in a square. You can also rotate the photo. 
  • Text: Add text to appear on top of your photo. You can select the color and font, as well as specify if it is centered or left-justified.
  • Alt Text: Add text to describe the photo for people with visual impairments. The default alt text is also displayed here.
  • Stickers: Place an assortment of stickers on the photo. You can also move and re-size the stickers.

Creating and Using Facebook Albums

Facebook albums are the best way to organize photos, particularly if you want to restrict who can see sets of photos. Both photos and videos can be added to albums.

  1. Go to your Facebook profile, click Photos and then click Create Album. 
  2. Select at least one photo or video to begin the album and select Open. 
  3. Enter a title for the album and, if desired, add a description or location. If you want to allow others to post images in the album, select Add Contributors.  You can also tag friends in the album. 
  4. Select your Privacy preference and click Post. 

Whenever you want to add a new picture to the album or edit its contents, go to your Photos and select the album.

Controlling Photo Quality

At its default settings, Facebook automatically resizes and reduces the quality of photos when you upload them. You can keep this from happening if you upload pictures that are already optimized for Facebook.

All photos should be saved as JPEG files, using an sRGB color profile. Cover photos should be 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall, with a file size less than 100KB. All other photos should be 720 pixels, 960 pixels or 2048 pixels wide.

This article explains how to upload multiple photos to Facebook at once using a web browser or the Facebook mobile app.

How to Post Multiple Photos Using a Web Browser

You can upload and post multiple photos to Facebook from a web browser. Here's how to do it on your computer:

  1. Select Photo/Video in the status field either before or after you type a status, but before you select Post.

    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?
    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?

  2. Navigate through your computer's drive and select an image to highlight it. To select multiple images, hold down the Shift or Command key on a Mac, or the Ctrl key on a PC, while you select multiple images to post. Each image should be highlighted.

  3. Select Open.

    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?
    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?

  4. After you select Open, a Facebook status update box reappears showing thumbnails of the images you selected. Write a message in the status box if you want to say something about the photos.

  5. To add more photos to the post, select the box with the plus sign. 

    Hover the mouse cursor over a thumbnail to either delete or edit a photo before posting it. 

  6. Review the other available options: tag friends, apply stickers, add your feelings or an activity, or check-in.

  7. When you're ready, select Share.

    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?
    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?

When you use this method, only the first five images show up in your friends' News Feeds. They'll see a number with a plus sign indicating that there are additional photos to view.

Creating an Album Using a Web Browser

The best way to post a large number of photos to Facebook is to create a photo album, upload multiple photos to that album, and then publish the album cover image in the status update. Friends who click on the album link are taken to the photos.

  1. Go to the status update box as if you were going to write an update.

  2. Select Photo/Video Album at the top of the update box.

    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?
    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?

  3. Navigate through your computer's drive and select images you want to post. To select multiple images, hold down the Shift or Command key on a Mac, or the Ctrl key on a PC, while you select multiple images to post to the album. Each image should be highlighted.

  4. Select Open. An album preview screen opens with thumbnails of the chosen images and gives you the opportunity to add text and a location to each photo. Select the large plus sign to add more photos to the album. 

  5. In the left pane, give the new album a name and description, and view the other available options.

  6. After you've made your choices, select the Post button.

    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?
    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?

Posting Multiple Photos With the Facebook App

The process of posting more than one photo with your status using the mobile Facebook app is similar to doing so on a desktop web browser.

  1. Tap the Facebook app to open it.

  2. In the status field at the top of the News Feed, tap Photo.

  3. Tap the thumbnails of the photos you want to add to the status.

  4. Use the Done button to open the preview screen.

    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?
    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?

  5. Add text to your status post, if you want, and select +Album from the options.

  6. Give the album a name and select more photos if you'd like. Tap Share when you've finished.

  7. Tap Share Now and your status update with the photos (in an album) is posted to Facebook.

    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?
    How do I add photos to an existing post on Facebook page 2022?


  • How do I make my photos private on Facebook?

    To make a Facebook photo private, open the photo and select the three dots > Edit post audience. When posting a photo, select the down arrow and choose Friends.

  • How do I download photos from Facebook?

    Open the Facebook photo you want to download and select the three dots > Download. To download all your Facebook photos, visit Facebook's Download Your Information page and choose Posts.

  • How do I delete a photo from Facebook?

    To delete a Facebook photo, select the three dots > Delete. To delete an album, go to the Albums tab, choose the album, then select the three dots > Delete. You also can hide images without removing them.

    Why can't I add pictures to my existing Facebook post?

    If you're having trouble adding or posting photos, try these troubleshooting tips: Make sure that you have a strong Wi-Fi or network connection. Try uploading the original photo instead of an edited version. Check the size of the photo.

    How do I add photos to a Facebook post?

    Classic mobile browser experience.
    At the top of your Feed, tap Photo..
    Tap Camera to take a photo, or tap Browse to select photos from your phone..
    Tap Post..
    To choose your audience, tap the audience selector below your name..
    Tap Post..

    Can you add a picture after posting?

    Can You Add a Picture to an Instagram Post? Unfortunately, the only answer here is that you will have to delete it and then re-upload with the added images now included.

    How do I edit a post on Facebook 2022?

    Edit your post on Facebook.
    Go to your post..
    Tap More below the post..
    Tap Edit, then tap Submit..
    Make your changes..
    Tap Save..