1000 dirham berapa rupiah hari ini

The cost of 1000 United Arab Emirates Dirhams in Indonesian Rupiah today is Rp4,244,175.68 according to the “Open Exchange Rates”, compared to yesterday, the exchange rate increased by 0.20% (by +Rp8.69). The exchange rate of the United Arab Emirates Dirham in relation to the Indonesian Rupiah on the chart, the table of the dynamics of the cost as a percentage for the day, week, month and year.

Currency Converter

United Arab Emirates Dirham


1000 dirham berapa rupiah hari ini

Indonesian Rupiah

IDR Indonesia

With the currency converter, you can convert 1,000 United Arab Emirates Dirhams to Rupiah and find out how much one thousand dirhams is currently worth in Rupiah. Also, you can make a reverse calculation and find out the current value of 1000 Rupiah in United Arab Emirates Dirhams.

980 AED to IDR 990 AED to IDR 1000 AED to IDR 1050 AED to IDR 1100 AED to IDR
Rp4,159,292.17 Rp4,201,733.92 Rp4,244,175.68 Rp4,456,384.46 Rp4,668,593.25

Graph of change in 1000 United Arab Emirates Dirhams to Indonesian Rupiah rate

Select the period for plotting the chart:

The United Arab Emirates Dirham to Rupiah exchange rate on the chart allows you to track changes over different periods and draw conclusions about possible forecasts of the exchange rate of one currency in relation to another.

Dynamics of the cost changes of 1000 Dirhams (AED) in Rupiah (IDR)

Compare the cost of 1000 United Arab Emirates Dirhams in Indonesian Rupiah in the past with the current price at the moment.

Changes for the week (7 days)

DateDay of the week1000 AED to IDRChangesChanges %
November 10, 2022 Thursday 1000 AED = 4,225,300.90 IDR -46,796.72 IDR -1.11%
November 11, 2022 Friday 1000 AED = 4,212,869.30 IDR -12,431.59 IDR -0.30%
November 12, 2022 Saturday 1000 AED = 4,212,891.37 IDR +22.07 IDR +0.0005%
November 13, 2022 Sunday 1000 AED = 4,247,071.24 IDR +34,179.87 IDR +0.80%
November 14, 2022 Monday 1000 AED = 4,234,852.09 IDR -12,219.15 IDR -0.29%
November 15, 2022 Tuesday 1000 AED = 4,235,481.14 IDR +629.04 IDR +0.01%
November 16, 2022 (today) Wednesday 1000 AED = 4,244,175.68 IDR +8,694.54 IDR +0.20%
The cost of 1000 Dirhams (AED) in Indonesian Rupiah for a week (7 days) increased by +Rp18,874.78 (eighteen thousand eight hundred seventy-four rupiah seventy-eight sen).

Changes for the month (30 days)

DateDay of the week1000 AED to IDRChangesChanges %
October 17, 2022 Monday 1000 AED = 4,213,211.65 IDR +2,831.32 IDR +0.07%
November 16, 2022 (today) Wednesday 1000 AED = 4,244,175.68 IDR +30,964.03 IDR +0.73%
The cost of 1000 Dirhams (AED) in Indonesian Rupiah for a month (30 days) increased by +Rp30,964.03 (thirty thousand nine hundred sixty-four rupiah three sen).

Changes for the year (365 days)

DateDay of the week1000 AED to IDRChangesChanges %
November 16, 2021 Tuesday 1000 AED = 3,876,174.35 IDR +14,191.28 IDR +0.37%
November 16, 2022 (today) Wednesday 1000 AED = 4,244,175.68 IDR +368,001.33 IDR +8.67%
The cost of 1000 Dirhams (AED) in Indonesian Rupiah for a year (365 days) increased by +Rp368,001.33 (three hundred sixty-eight thousand one rupiah thirty-three sen).

Cross rate of 1000 AED to other currencies

5000 dirham setara berapa?

Jika dicari lewat google hari ini rabu, 29 September 2021 maka 5000 dirham setara dengan Rp.19.475.254,14.

Apa arti 500 dirham?

Artinya 500 Dirham setara dengan 50 Dinar emas yang bisa dibelikan 50 ekor kambing.

Apa singkatan Dirham?

Dirham Uni Emirat Arab adalah mata uang Uni Emirat Arab. Dirham ini disingkat dengan kode mata uang AED, dengan simbol د.إ. Singkatan tidak resmi, antara lain, 'Dhs' dan 'DH'.

Mata uang apa yang dipakai di Dubai?

Dirham Uni Emirat Arab (bahasa Arab: درهم‎) (tanda: د.إ; kode: AED) adalah mata uang resmi Uni Emirat Arab yang diterbitkan oleh Bank Sentral Uni Emirat Arab. Kode ISO 4217 (singkatan mata uang) untuk dirham Uni Emirat Arab adalah AED. Singkatan tidak resmi termasuk DH atau Dhs.