Is 4K video recording worth it

Is 4K video recording worth it

Written by Daven Mathies

What is 4K? Is it really worth it? Do you need it? Do you even want it? Well, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a 4K video is worth 4,000. So here's 4,000 reasons why you should care about 4K video. (Really it's just 4 reasons, but that doesn't sound as impressive as 4,000).

Zoom and enhance.

What if we lived in a world where this was possible?

Oh wait, we do, thanks to 4K video. With four times the resolution of full HD, 4K allows you to crop the video image significantly while still maintaining adequate output resolution. This can extend the reach of your lenses, or simply be used to reframe a shot for creative purposes. And 4K isn't just about resolution. The new color space (Rec. 2020) shows many more colors than the current HD (Rec. 709) standard, giving 4K footage a significantly "enhanced" look (when viewed on a TV capable of displaying all those colors, which yours probably isn't, so you'll need to upgrade your TV, too).


Post-production stabilization works by zooming in slightly on the video image, then animating the frame to counteract camera shake. Given the extra pixels of 4K, this type of stabilization can be applied aggressively while still keeping at least a 1080p output resolution. That shaky helmet-cam footage from your last snowboarding adventure? Perfectly smooth. The handheld video of your wedding shot by Uncle Bob after he had one too many? Yup, perfectly smooth.

Better 1080p.

Another way to think of 4K video is simply as "over-scanned" 1080p, meaning you are recording more lines of resolution than what your output is. By shooting in 4K and then downscaling to 1080p, your final result will be much sharper, with less moiré and aliasing, then if you had shot in 1080p from the onset. This is a great way to improve image quality on current HDTVs and projectors, without actually increasing the number of pixels on the screen.

Everyone's doing it.

Like Pokémon and pogs, peer pressure is at play in getting you to 4K. (Wow, alliteration and rhyming! And pogs!) Sooner or later, everything is going to be created in 4k. It will become the default standard of video production, not just for professional studios, but at the consumer level, as well. Cameras like Panasonic's FZ1000 are already proving this to be true. While the adoption of 4K TVs may be taking a little longer, as prices continue to fall and more consumers get their hands on 4K cameras, the TVs will become more common. YouTube and Vimeo already have 4K support for Internet streaming video, and Netflix has announced that all future episodes of their original shows will be shot in 4K. But don't worry, you're not just another sheep. The commoditization of 4K products means improved, less-expensive workflow solutions. From cameras to computers to storage, 4K video production will only get easier. You'll have just enough time to get comfortable with everything before 8K video becomes the best new thing.

Prints from frame grabs.

That's right, with roughly 8MP of resolution, a single frame of 4K video is suitable for decent-sized prints. Always missing "the moment" with sports or wildlife photography? Just hit the record button and shoot video instead, then scrub through all the footage in video editing software and export the frames you want to save and print. That was easy.

Is 4K video recording worth it

A trending topic right now across the photography world is 4K video and the amazing quality that cameras such as the Sony A7s II and Panasonic GH4 can produce.  But, along with this, many people seem to be giving off the vibe that anything less than 4K is simply amateurish.  So, is 4K video all it’s cracked up to be, or is it just an over-hyped ploy?

The guys at LinusTechTips decided to take that question head-on, testing native 4K, 1080p, and “up-sampled” 4K video to see what the truth may be.  The results vary just a bit, but the conclusion of their experiment is not what I was expecting.

A Few Highlights

What the team was trying to determine was the practical application of 4K video.  Is it better than 1080p?  Does it provide better playback online?  Do genies magically pop out of your video editor and freely grant wishes?

Shooting on a GH4:

  • They were unable to find any distinguishable difference between footage recorded as native 4K and 1080p.
  • Up-sampling 1080p to 4K in post-production produced the same visual results as shooting native 4K footage.
  • Down-sampling 4K to 1080p produced no distinguishable results.

Shooting on a Sony FS700:

  • Only when shooting with a professional-grade 4K camera were they able to find any difference in quality between 4K and 1080p footage.

4K on YouTube

How do these findings translate to footage uploaded to YouTube?

  • Shooting 1080p footage on a 1080p camera “will not result in a degraded experience for your viewers.”
  • The only real “benefits of your fancy [4K] camera are better green screen performance and better color grading” options in post-production.
  • “Up-sampling to 4K for your final export is worth the extra file size and extra rendering time,” says Linus.  This is due to the fact that when YouTube detects a 4K resolution, they will offer a 4K quality setting which results in a higher bitrate and, therefor, sharper image quality on both native 1080p and 4K footage.
  • “4K YouTube delivers a higher bitrate no matter what resolution your monitor is.”


Linus advises online content creators to not become too focused on the 4K debate “or resolution in general,” for that matter.  According to him, 4K entry-level cameras do not produce the same quality “as their 4K, pro-grade brethren”…much like a 12MP point-and-shoot doesn’t produce the same quality as a 12MP full-frame camera.  And, surprisingly, most professionals who shoot in 4K are simply doing it for more post-production flexibility when creating their 1080p final product.

So, which do I choose?

If you are looking for better video quality, Linus’ advocates putting your money into a higher-quality 1080p camera because there are more variables that affect video quality than simply resolution.  And, in the end, the story/content and how its presented far outweighs a simple increase in pixel density.

[via Reddit]

Should I record in 1080p or 4K?

1080p often requires much less memory storage than 4K. This allows you to record more clips to your memory card and take up less space on your editing hard drives. 4K cameras often require much faster and more expensive memory cards, as well. 1080p video benefits from having smaller file sizes.

Do I really need 4K video?

Just because you have a camera that shoots in 4K resolution doesn't mean you have to. Shooting in 4K can be a tedious and unnecessary endeavour at times. So for low-key projects that don't require the best of quality, you can just shoot in 1080p instead. It's better to have it and need it than need it and not have it.

What are the advantages of filming in 4K?

With 4K, you enjoy beautiful 3840×2160 images—four times the resolution of Full-HD. That's why even on large-screen TVs, images look clear and realistic, not pixelated. Images that are down-converted from 4K to Full-HD have higher quality and greater resolution than images that are taken in Full-HD from the beginning.

Do Youtubers shoot in 4K?

YouTube supports uploading in all standard resolutions, including 1080p, 4K (2160p) and 8K (4320p). Most common frame rates are 24,25, 30 and 60fps, but other frame rates are also accepted.