How many hours have i listened to spotify

How many hours have i listened to spotify

It’s coming to that time when we look back on the past year and wonder just where the hell the time went. For many of us, Spotify’s Year In Music feature provides the answer: we were busy listening to loads and loads – and loads – of songs.

The feature begins by telling you about your personal year in music, including your most-streamed artists and the first song you listened to on the service in 2015. Then it hits you: “You listened to [insert gargantuan number here] minutes of music this year. That translates to [more digestible but somehow even more terrifying figure]. Or [truly staggering] number of days.” From personal experience, it is quote a sobering thing to learn that you spent 39 entire days getting your ears filled by Spotify.

After the personal stats (which also includes breakdowns of your listening habits through each season and your overall number of tracks) we get a pretty informative – though in places odd – run-through of the year, tied to various playlists. Sepp Blatter’s departure from the FA is linked to a list of bands who lost influential members, while we also learn that streams of One Direction rocketed 1900% in the hours after the announcement that Zayn Malik was leaving the band.

Check out your Year in Music here.

Logout from stats

Your top songs, artists, genres and moods

Your stats report is 100% private.

We don't store user's Spotify data.

Switch between 3 different time periods to view and analyze your taste.

Find more about genre lists here

Spotify playlists contain your top artists

Find out how Looks like your Spotify! What type of music do you like more? With Spotify listening stats tool, Get insights into your music taste! get updated daily Spotify statistics about your top artists, songs, genres and more, all in nice design complete with charts.

This tool gives more value to your Spotify accounts, reveals your personal taste, your most played songs and artists on Spotify and helps you to get extensive information about your listening habits, and discover how mainstream or obscure your music is. Any way it doesn’t judge your own music taste, Judge for yourself!

Spotify listening stats tool gives you a deeper understanding of what you listen, but it doesn’t stop there though. It shows you your most recently played songs too with exactly when you last played them, and give you a list of recommendation songs based on your Spotify profile that you’d like it.

Analyze your profile now:

How do I find my Top Artists/ Songs on Spotify?

This Spotify personal stats tool lets you explore and analyze Spotify listening habits for any account you have, find out how you listen: which songs and artists you’ve streamed most with 3 different time periods options (last month, last six months, all time), what are your favorite genres on Spotify.

To find out your musical preferences, your lists of you top 50 artists and songs from the past four weeks, six months and of all time, all you have to do is log in with your Spotify account.

What my Spotify stats that can I check out?

Browse your personal most listened content on Spotify during last month, 6 months, or since you started using Spotify. Your own personal listening stats that can you find out here are:

  1.  Your Top Artists
    It shows the top artists (usually 50 artists) you listened to.
  2.  Your Top Tracks
    It shows you the most listened tracks (usually 50 tracks). You can analyze any song you want to discover more about (genre, popularity…) or save your top tracks to your Spotify account in a playlist and more.
  3. Your  Top Main Genres
    Your Spotify genre stats about what the most popular main genres set you apart. Discover what are the main music genres in general click here.
  4.  Your Top Sub-genres
    Stats of most favourite subgenres, maybe you will discover new subgenres that you didn’t hear before.
  5. Your Top Decades
    See If you are a musical time traveler! What decades that you’ve been listening to? What is your favorite decade of music is?
  6.  Your Overall Mood
    Is your music getting more energetic or sadder. How much your top songs are instrumental or noisy. Overall moods include Popularity, Happiness, Danceability , Energy , Acousticness, Instrumentalness, Liveness, Speechiness.
  7.  Your Spotify listening history stats
    This section will take you through your listening history. Which songs you have recently listened to and the source of it (is it from album? or playlist?…).

*If you want to see your most played songs on Spotify for last year, you can see it with your “Your Top Songs 2021” on Spotify.

Compare Stats from 3 different time periods
See how your personal ranking changes over time, indicated by arrows, where last month stats compared to last 6 months and last 6 months stats compared to all time.

  • Green triangle: means it went up in your personal charts.
  • Red triangle: It went down in your personal charts.
  • Blue circle: It newly made it to your personal charts.
  • Hyphen: it is fixed in its place (not up, not down, not new).


  • This tool is safe, your personal listening report is private. It doesn’t store any Spotify data about users.
  • Your Spotify stats are updated daily.
  • You can save your top tracks/ recommendations on Spotify.
  • If you logged in with wrong Spotify account, you can go to and click Log-0ut button. Then open this tool again and sign in with different account.

If you have some other issue (or concern, compliment, maybe a suggestion), we’d like to know about it! Send us an email!

Anyway, If you have any concerns, you can disconnect this tool from your Spotify account here under the app name “Chosic”.

Analyze your profile now:

What you will see (example image):

How many hours have i listened to spotify

How do I see my Spotify stats?

To find out yours, just login in with your Spotify account, choose which period you want to see your stats in then your most played songs, artists, genre, decades on Spotify will show up.

This tool uses Spotify’s API to collect and analyze your listening data – It doesn’t store any Spotify data about you. It’s completely safe.

This tool includes arrows to show you how your data is change by time.

  • Wrapped 2021
  • Wrapped 2020
  • Wrapped 2019
  • Wrapped 2018
  • Wrapped 2017

With Spotify stats tool you will find out your favorite main genres and sub-genres for three period of time (Last month, last 6 months, all time).

How do you find out what percent of listeners you are on Spotify?

If you are one of top 1% of fans for certain artist/s, Spotify will send you an email notification, or you’ll get a pop up notification on your Spotify app. You can also check it in your personal Spotify’s 2021 Wrapped feature. If you cant see it you are probably not one of the top 1%. Sorry about it.

How to create a playlist of your most-streamed songs on Spotify?

First choose what time period you want, you will find “save on Spotify” button next to your top songs that will create a playlist of your top songs and save it to your Spotify account.

How many hours have I listened to Spotify?

Every year in the begging of December, Spotify provides Wrapped feature that will list your total listening time for this year in minutes.

How to manage my Spotify account?

You can Manage your account settings directly on Spotify´s site.