How do I make Microsoft Office Picture Manager My default in Windows 10?

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You may need to change the default programs associated with certain protocols and file extensions. Most of us end up changing the default Photo Viewer, browser, etc, to another program of our choice. If you are one of those, then this post will show you how to change the default Photo Viewer in Windows 11/10.

There are two methods in Windows 11/10 to set or change default programs. One is the classic Control Panel method and the other is easier – via the new Settings app. We will talk about the Settings app first and then about the Control Panel method.

The Settings app offers only a few default apps that can be changed. The list includes Video Player, Maps, Photo Viewer, Mail, Music Player, Calendar, Browser, etc. The programs or protocols are not visible. In short, the Settings app offers just a few options whereas the list in Control Panel is bigger. Using the latter, you can change default programs for a wider range of protocols or services.

Windows 10 sets the Photos app as the default Photo and Image Viewer. The example tells you how to change it to Windows Photo Viewer. You can change it to anything you want – provided the related application is installed on the device.

You may need to change the default programs associated with certain protocols and file extensions. Most of us end up changing the default PDF Viewer, browser, or Photo Viewer to another program of our choice. If you are one of those, then this post will show you how to change the default Photo Viewer in Windows 11/10.

Change default Photo Viewer via Windows Settings app

To change the default Photo Viewer in Windows 10:

How do I make Microsoft Office Picture Manager My default in Windows 10?

  1. Press Win+I to open the Settings app and select System.
  2. Next, scroll down to Default Apps in the left pane and click on it.
  3. Select Photo Viewer
  4. You will see a list of programs that can open image file types.
  5. Click on Windows Photo Viewer or the one you want, save your settings and exit.

In Windows 11 to set default apps, follow these steps:

How do I make Microsoft Office Picture Manager My default in Windows 10?

  • Press Win+I to open Windows Settings.
  • Go to Apps > Default apps.
  • Scroll down to the bottom.
    • You can even choose defaults by
      • Apps
      • File type
      • Protocol

That is all you need to do. The next time the system needs to fire up a browser, it will open the default browser you set.

Change default Photo Viewer via Windows Control Panel

If the default protocol that you wish to change is not available in the Settings app, you can also use the Control Panel to change the default programs in Windows 10.

The method remains the same as it was in earlier versions. Via Win+X menu,  open the Control Panel, and click on Default Programs.

How do I make Microsoft Office Picture Manager My default in Windows 10?

Click on the first option saying Set Your Default Programs.

Control Panel will find the installed apps and programs and display the list. You will see the list of the installed program in the left pane and the right pane will contain a description of the program, along with options that let you set the program as default for files/protocols it can handle

Select the program that you wish to set as default, and then click on Set this Program as Default. This will set the program as default for files and protocols it can handle.

How do I make Microsoft Office Picture Manager My default in Windows 10?

To make further changes to files and protocols, it can handle, click on Choose Defaults for this Program.

You will get a window that displays the list of file extensions and protocols registered by the program. Check the boxes against the files and protocols that you want the program to handle by default. Click Save to return to the previous screen and close the Control Panel

This post will help you if you receive This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action message.

How do I make Microsoft Office Picture Manager My default in Windows 10?

Anand Khanse is the Admin of, a 10-year Microsoft MVP (2006-16) & a Windows Insider MVP. Please read the entire post & the comments first, create a System Restore Point before making any changes to your system & be careful about any 3rd-party offers while installing freeware.

How do I open Microsoft Office Picture Manager in Windows 10?

Start Picture Manager from the Start menu.
From the Start menu, select All Programs..
Click to open the Microsoft Office folder..
Click to open the Microsoft Office Tools folder..
Click Microsoft Office Picture Manager..

How do I install Microsoft Picture Manager only?

Install Picture Manager On the Choose the installation you want page, click Customize. Expand Office Tools and select Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Click the drop-down arrow next to Microsoft Office Picture Manager and click Run from my computer. Click Install Now.

How do I change the default picture viewer in paint?

To change your default program in Windows 10 from Paint to the Photo app, we suggest that you perform the following steps: On the Start menu, select Settings. Go to System, then go to Default apps. Select Photos or any app that you like to be the default under Photo viewer.