Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone

This article explains how to send large videos from an iPhone using AirDrop and iCloud. Instructions apply to devices running iOS 7 or later and macOS.

How to Send Videos From iPhone Using AirDrop

To share a large video from your iPhone with a nearby iOS or macOS device, AirDrop is often the quickest and most straightforward method. There are no limits to the video size and no need to download additional apps.

  1. Make sure the receiving device is close by and powered up.

  2. Ensure the receiving device is set up to accept AirDrop files.

    • On iOS: Go to Settings > General > AirDrop, then tap either Contacts Only or Everyone.

    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone
    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone

    • On macOS: Search for AirDrop in Spotlight or open the app directly from Finder. Once opened, select Allow me to be discovered by, then select either Contacts Only or Everyone.

    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone
    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone

  3. Open the Photos app on the sending device.

  4. Under Media Types, select Videos. Tap the video you want to send.

    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone
    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone

  5. Select the Share icon.

  6. Select the AirDrop icon. After a few seconds, you should see a list of available devices.

    If you don’t see the receiving device, wait a moment for the list to refresh automatically or tap the AirDrop icon.

  7. Select the receiving device.

    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone
    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone

  8. The transfer will automatically start. Depending on the size of the video, it can take some time to send, but be patient and avoid moving the devices too far from each other. You’ll know the video has arrived when it appears in the Photos app on the receiving iOS device or within Downloads on macOS.

AirDrop is usually pretty stable, but if you try to send several videos larger than a few hundred megabytes, the transfer may fail. For this reason, it’s best to transfer one video at a time.

How to Send Videos From iPhone Using iCloud

There are many cloud storage services available, but if you have an iPhone, you’ll likely already have an iCloud account. iCloud comes with 5GB free storage as standard, which can share long videos and other large files. If your file is within this 5GB limit, Mail Drop is your best option.

iOS Mail limits attachments to 20MB; however, the Mail Drop feature lets you send file attachments up to 5GB in Apple Mail via a direct email link. After the link is shared, the recipient has 30 days to download the file.

If your video is over 100MB, you must be connected to Wi-Fi for Mail Drop to work. Even if the clip is already backed up to your iCloud account, Mail Drop won’t allow you to send it as an attachment through cellular data alone.

  1. Open the Photos app and tap the video you want to share.

  2. Select the Share icon, then choose Mail.

  3. You’ll be taken to a Mail compose page with your attachment automatically added to the message. Add the recipient and subject, then compose your email as normal.

  4. Select Send.

  5. You’ll see a notice that your attachment is too large to send, along with the option to use Mail Drop. Choose Use Mail Drop, and your message will automatically start sending.

    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone
    Best way to transfer large videos from iPhone

    If your video attachment is not already backed up to iCloud, the transfer process begins in the background. Your email sends after the upload is complete.

Sending iPhone Videos Larger Than 5GB

Although iCloud is generally useful for backing up your iPhone files, for sharing videos larger than 5GB, a different service such as Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, or Google Drive is often a better option.

Understanding iPhone Sending Limits

The usual way to send video from an iPhone is to use the Messages or Email app, but iMessage content caps at 100MB per message, and the Mail app limits attachments to 20MB.

Curious about how much video you can record on your iPhone? Newer iPhones can record 4K footage at up to 60 frames per second, which equates to roughly 400MB per minute of finished video. Even shooting at 720p HD for a couple of minutes will generate content too big to send directly through Messages.


  • Where do I find my videos on my iPhone?

    Your recorded videos are saved to your camera roll. Videos are marked by a video camera icon and the time length. You can also access downloaded videos in the Files app.

    How do I transfer large videos from my iPhone?

    How to Get Large Videos Off iPhone with File Explorer.
    Connect your iPhone to your Windows PC with a USB cable..
    Unlock your iPhone and trust the computer..
    Go to "This PC" > [your iPhone's name] > "Internal Storage" > "DCIM" > "100APPLE," and now you can see all the photos and videos from your iPhone's Photos app..

    What is the best way to transfer long videos from iPhone to iPhone?

    Top 6 Ways to Send Large Videos From iPhone.
    Use Airdrop. Apple's Airdrop is the best and most-effective way to send large videos from iPhone to other Apple hardware. ... .
    Use Mail Drop. ... .
    Use File-Sharing Apps. ... .
    Use iCloud to Share Large Videos. ... .
    Use OneDrive or Google Drive. ... .