5 sekolah terbaik di negara ini 2022

5 sekolah terbaik di negara ini 2022
Tim band dan tari SMA Gembala Baik (SMA GB) Pontianak (KalderaNews/Ist)

PONTIANAK, KalderaNewa.com – Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi (LTMPT) melalui laman resminya telah merilis daftar sekolah jenjang SMA, MA dan SMK dengan nilai rerata Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) 2022 tertinggi di Indonesia.

Ketua Prof.Mohachamad Ashari meminta agar pemeringkatan ini jangan dinilai sebagai penilaian sekolah terbaik secara keseluruhan. Rilis ini adalah bentuk pertanggungjawaban atau akuntabilitas LTMPT kepada masyarakat untuk mengetahui SMA/MA atau SMK yang mengikuti UTBK secara nasional.

Direktur Eksekutif LTMPT, Prof. Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto selaku menambahkan pemeringkatan ini hanya untuk memberi gambaran pada sekolah-sekolah dan utamanya masyarakat yang akan menitipkan putra atau putrinya untuk melanjutkan ke tingkat SLTA.


  • Sekolah Islam Berwawasan Internasional, SMA GIBS Jadi Sekolah Swasta Terbaik di Kalimantan Selatan
  • 1.385 Sekolah Rusak Akibat Banjir di Kalimantan Selatan, Kemendikbud Bergerak
  • 8 SMA Swasta Terbaik di Pulau Kalimantan Berdasar Nilai UTBK 2021

Diketahui, pada 2022 ini LTMPT menyelenggarakan UTBK yang diikuti sebanyak 23.657 sekolah dengan peserta yang ikut sebanyak 745.115 orang.

Metode perhitungan sampai didapat 1.000 sekolah yakni dari jumlah peserta di setiap sekolah sebanyak minimum 40 orang. Dari situ sekolah yang memenuhi kriteria hanya 3.381 saja, sedangkan untuk pesertanya ialah 515.165 orang.

Selanjutnya, nilai UTBK dihitung berdasarkan hasil 60 persen TPS plus 40 persen TKA. TPS berdasarkan rerata TPS tiap peserta dari sekolah tersebut, TKA berdasarkan rerata TKA (Saintek dan Soshum) tiap perserta dari sekolah tersebut dan untuk peserta yang ikut ujian campuran, nilai TKA-nya diambil yang tertinggi.

Selanjutnya sekolah diurutkan berdasarkan nilai total tertinggi hingga terendah dan diambil 1.000 sekolah dengan Nilai Total tertinggi.

Lantas mana saja 5 SMA Negeri dan Swasta di Kalimantan Barat yang masuk dalam Top 1000 Sekolah Tahun 2022 Berdasarkan Nilai UTBK?

  1. SMAS KRISTEN IMMANUEL dengan Skor 565,236 di Kota Pontianak
  2. MAN INSAN CENDEKIA SAMBAS dengan Skor 548,391 di Kab. Sambas
  3. MAN 2 PONTIANAK dengan Skor 543,166 di Koa Pontianak
  4. SMAN 1 PONTIANAK dengan Skor 536,128 di Kota Pontianak
  5. SMAS GEMBALA BAIK PONTIANAK dengan SKor 518,556 di Kota Pontianak


*Jika merasa artikel ini bermanfaat, silakan dishare pada saudara, sahabat dan teman-temanmu

Pendidikan menjadi hal yang sangat penting bagi kemajuan dan kesejahteraan sebuah negara. Adanya sistem pendidikan yang baik dapat menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, juga mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dari sisi sosial, pembangunan, hingga ekonomi.

Dengan memiliki pendidikan yang baik, meningkatkan peluang seseorang untuk memiliki hidup dan karir yang lebih baik. Inilah salah satu alasan mengapa sebuah negara harus terus meningkatkan sistem pendidikan mereka.

Berdasarkan laporan survei yang dilakukan di 78 negara oleh US News and World Report bersama BAV Group, dan Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, negara-negara yang terletak di Eropa mendominasi sebagai negara dengan sistem pendidikan terbaik di dunia.

5 sekolah terbaik di negara ini 2022
5 Negara dengan Sistem Pendidikan Terbaik di Dunia | Siti Hannah/ Goodstats

1. Amerika Serikat

Tak berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya, posisi pertama masih dipimpin oleh Amerika Serikat (AS) sebagai negara dengan sistem pendidikan terbaik. Amerika Serikat memiliki sistem pembelajaran yang berfokus pada siswa. Para pelajar di AS sejak awal sudah dikenalkan dengan pemecahan masalah dan berbagai proyek.

Para pelajar diharuskan mengikuti sistem pendidikan hingga tingkat 13, yakni dari taman kanak-kanak hingga menengah atas. Kemudian, terdapat sekitar 70 persen siswa AS melanjutkan ke pendidikan tinggi.

2. Inggris

Di posisi kedua juga belum berubah dari tahun sebelumnya, Inggris masih menjadi negara dengan sistem pendidikan terbaik setelah Amerika. Inggris mewajibkan sekolah dari usia 5 tahun hingga 16 tahun, melalui empat tahap kurikulum nasional.

Sistem pendidikan di Inggris dinilai berhasil, karena memiliki tingkat pengangguran yang rendah meskipun memiliki standar untuk bekerja relatif tinggi. Hal ini juga dipengaruhi dari sistem pendidikan yang berfokus pada praktik dibandingkan teori.

3. Jerman

Jerman mewajibkan warganya untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan formal hingga ke tingkat menengah. Penelitian dan pengembangannya tak terbatas di perusahaan saja, tetapi juga dalam universitas dan lembaga non-universitas.

Inilah yang memberikan dampak besar bagi kualitas pendidikan di Jerman. Kurikulum di Jerman berfokus pada pendekatan pengajaran yang komprehensif dan penelitian.

4. Kanada

Kanada mewajibkan pendidikan hingga usia 16 tahun, kecuali untuk Ontario dan New Brunswick. Pendidikan wajib dimulai di usia 5 atau 6 tahun. Kemudian, sebelum masuk ke pendidikan tinggi, harus menyelesaikan sekolah profesional khusus selama dua tahun.

5. Perancis

Di Perancis, para siswa sejak awal langsung diarahkan pada bakat dan minat serta pemahaman konseptual. Negara ini menerapkan untuk para siswa terbiasa belajar dengan pola keras, disiplin, dan dipenuhi dengan tugas.

Pendidikan terbaik di dunia dimana?

Amerika Serikat Dikutip dari World Population Review, Amerika Serikat menempati peringkat pertama sebagai negara dengan sistem Pendidikan terbaik di tahun 2021. Indeks Pendidikan di AS adalah 0,900 dan merupakan yang tertinggi di dunia.

Sekolah apa yang terkenal di dunia?

Rekomendasi Sekolah Internasional Terbaik di Dunia.
ACG Schools, New Zealand..
Middlesex School, Amerika Serikat..
United World College of South East Asia, Singapura..
Lawrence Academy, Amerika Serikat..

Sekolah Apa yang terbagus?

Ini 100 Sekolah Terbaik di Indonesia Tahun 2022 Berdasarkan Nilai....
MAN Insan Cendekia Serpong. 666,494..
SMA Katolik St.Louis 1 641,482..
SMA Pradita Dirgantara 640,747..
MAN Insan Cendekia Pekalongan 637,499..
SMAN 8 Jakarta 635,347..
SMA Labschool Kebayoran 634,304..
SMAS Kanisius Jakarta 632,269..
SMAN 2 Jakarta 631,421..

Apa sekolah Terbesar di dunia?

Saking banyaknya murid, mungkin kalau kita sekolah di sini, kita nggak bisa menghafal seluruh nama murid di City Montessori School, India. Sekolah tersebut memiliki murid sekitar 40 ribu.

International Education in Amsterdam

⇩ Scroll directly to the list of top 10 best schools in Amsterdam ⇩

As a European business hub with a vibrant expat community, it’s no wonder that Amsterdam attracts so many people as a home away from home. Social amenities and infrastructure are excellent throughout the Netherlands, as are employment opportunities for a wide variety of industries.

There are an estimated 100,000 expats living in Amsterdam alone, so all of your needs - including international schools - are more than covered. Here’s a quick guide to finding the ideal international school for your child in the Netherland’s most famous city.

First of all, you should know that children must meet certain requirements to be eligible to attend an international school anywhere in the Netherlands.

Dutch children must have studied abroad in the past, or be planning on studying abroad for a significant amount of time within the next few years. Non-Dutch children can attend only if they are planning on staying in the Netherlands for a limited time.

For this reason, the ratio of native to non-native students in Amsterdam’s international schools is often lower than in other cities and countries.

International school fees in Amsterdam do not include extra curricular activities, school trips, or anything that isn’t directly related to your child’s day to day education.

If costs are an issue, the city does have some public international schools which are government subsidised. While they do offer an international curriculum, they may not be internationally recognised to the same extent that private international schools are.

Certain private schools, usually ones following a religious ethos, are also subsidised by the Dutch government. While their fees are cheaper, they’re still not exactly budget friendly and they’re also in short supply.

Either way, any private or international school in Amsterdam will have a waiting list that can stretch to two or even four years. The more sought-after the school, the higher the waiting list will be. So once you’ve found the right school for your child, don’t waste any time in applying!

Within Amsterdam, you’ll find a selection of international schools in Haarlem to the west of the city centre, and Hoofddorp and Amstelveen to the south-west and south. The rest are scattered just outside of the ‘old’ town, in easy reach of both the city centre and the leafy suburbs.

Outside of the city itself, there are a few locations within easy reach of Amsterdam that also have a choice of international schools. Hilversum and Almere are just two examples with a commute time of less than an hour. Since the Netherlands is a small country with excellent public transport, you could easily commute from other cities such as Utrecht, The Hague or Rotterdam also.

International curriculum rules the day in Amsterdam’s international schools and English is the most common language of instruction. However you can find a wider choice of curricula if you’d like - everything from French to Japanese is represented in this diverse city and its array of international schools.

Below, we have compiled our top 10 international schools in Amsterdam. However, there are another 11 schools to choose from in the city. You can find the best international school for your child by personalising your results. Just fill in your search criteria, and we will calculate a personal score for every international school in Amsterdam based on your requirements.

Best 10 International Schools in Amsterdam

Out of a total of 21 International Schools in Amsterdam.

Based on the aggregated preferences of our users in the last 30 days.

1 43.0 Letovo School Russian Federation Both Co-ed 32+ 2 42.8 St Paul's Co-educational College Hong Kong Both Co-ed 62+ 3 42.7 Anglo Chinese School Singapore Both Co-ed 4 42.6 Godolphin & Latymer School United Kingdom Day Girls 28 5 42.1 St Joseph's Institution Singapore Day Co-ed = 42.1 King's College School - Wimbledon United Kingdom Day Boys (Co-ed 6th form) 67 = 42.1 K. International School Tokyo Japan Day Co-ed 8 42.0 Diocesan Boys' School Hong Kong Day Boys 60+ 9 41.6 Cheltenham Ladies' College United Kingdom Both Girls 26 10 41.3 Tanglin Trust School Singapore Day Co-ed 11 41.2 Wellington College United Kingdom Both Co-ed 118 12 41.1 School of the Arts Singapore Singapore Both Co-ed 13 41.0 German Swiss International School Hong Kong Day Co-ed 14 40.8 The ISF Academy Hong Kong Day Co-ed 15 40.7 North London Collegiate School United Kingdom Day Girls 33 16 40.3 Sevenoaks School United Kingdom Both Co-ed 227 17 40.2 Whitgift School United Kingdom Both Boys 24 18 40.1 Ardingly College United Kingdom Both Co-ed 42 = 40.1 The Abbey School - Reading United Kingdom Day Girls 21 = 40.1 Dhirubhai Ambani International School India Day Co-ed 113+ 21 40.0 Singapore International School (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Day Co-ed 40+ 22 39.8 Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong China Day Co-ed 60+ = 39.8 HWA Chong International School Singapore Both Co-ed = 39.8 St Stephen's College Hong Kong Both Co-ed 25 39.7 King Edward's School - Birmingham United Kingdom Day Boys 111 = 39.7 The International School of Monaco Monaco Day Co-ed 27 39.5 NPS International School Singapore Day Co-ed 28 39.4 Victoria Shanghai Academy Hong Kong Day Co-ed = 39.4 Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau Hong Kong Day Co-ed 30 39.3 Dulwich College Beijing China Day Co-ed 64+ = 39.3 St Joseph's Institution International Singapore Both Co-ed = 39.3 Bromsgrove School United Kingdom Both Co-ed 55 = 39.3 HKCCCU Logos Academy Hong Kong Day Co-ed 34 39.2 Bombay International School India Day Co-ed 42+ = 39.2 Chinese International School Hong Kong Day Co-ed 27+ 36 39.1 Wellington College International Shanghai China Day Co-ed 37 39.0 Heritage Xperiential Learning School India Day Co-ed 27+ = 39.0 Dover Court International School Singapore Day Co-ed = 39.0 Dulwich College Suzhou China Day Co-ed (14 to 19) 38+ = 39.0 The International School Bangalore India Both Co-ed 144+ = 39.0 Chatsworth International School Singapore Day Co-ed = 39.0 Canadian International School of Hong Kong Hong Kong Day Co-ed 96+ = 39.0 Porg International School Czech Republic Day Co-ed 35+ 44 38.9 Dulwich College Singapore Singapore Day Co-ed 45 38.6 Global Indian International School (GIIS) SMART Campus Singapore Day Co-ed 46 38.5 Ecole Jeannine Manuel - Paris France Day Co-ed = 38.5 Saint Maur International School Japan 26+ = 38.5 Island School (ESF group) Hong Kong Day Co-ed 103+ = 38.5 Ecole Jeannine Manuel - Lille France Both Co-ed 50 38.4 Jayshree Periwal International School India Both Co-ed 50+ 51 38.3 Desheng School (International) China Day Co-ed = 38.3 British International School Shanghai, Puxi China Day Co-ed 53 38.2 West Island School (ESF group) Hong Kong Day Co-ed 100+ = 38.2 Leman International School Chengdu China Day Co-ed (3 to 18) 55 38.1 Haileybury United Kingdom Both Co-ed 67 = 38.1 North London Collegiate School Dubai United Arab Emirates Both Co-ed 21+ 57 38.0 The British School of Brussels Belgium Day Co-ed = 38.0 International School of Zug and Luzern Switzerland Both Co-ed = 38.0 Scottish High International School Gurgaon India Day Co-ed 20+ = 38.0 International School of Geneva - La Chataigneraie Switzerland Day Co-ed 132+ = 38.0 JESS Dubai Arabian Ranches United Arab Emirates Day Co-ed 88+ = 38.0 British International School Ho Chi Minh City Viet Nam Day Co-ed 122+ = 38.0 Scotch College Australia Both Boys 24+ = 38.0 Oberoi International School - OGC Campus India Co-ed 120+ = 38.0 ESF (group of schools) Hong Kong Day Co-ed 651+ = 38.0 Dulwich College Seoul Korea, Republic of Day Co-ed (3 to 18) 31+ = 38.0 North London Collegiate School Jeju Korea, Republic of Both Co-ed 68 37.9 Shanghai Singapore International School China Day Co-ed 50+ 69 37.8 King George V School (ESF group) Hong Kong Day Co-ed 169+ = 37.8 UWCSEA East Campus Singapore Both Co-ed 71 37.6 Bradfield College United Kingdom Both Co-ed 39 72 37.5 Nord Anglia International School Dubai United Arab Emirates Day Co-ed 43+ = 37.5 International School of Lausanne Switzerland Day Co-ed 90+ 74 37.4 Keystone Academy China Both Co-ed 74+ = 37.4 French International School of Hong Kong Hong Kong Day Co-ed 76 37.3 Fettes College United Kingdom Both Co-ed 49 = 37.3 International School of Tianjin China Day Co-ed 19+ 78 37.2 Park Lane International School Czech Republic Day Co-ed 38+ = 37.2 Yew Chung International School of Hong Kong Hong Kong Day Co-ed (6 months to 18) 80 37.1 Aiglon College Switzerland Both Co-ed 73+ = 37.1 Doshisa International School Japan = 37.1 South Island School (ESF group) Hong Kong Day Co-ed 83 37.0 International School of Geneva - Campus des Nations Switzerland Day Co-ed 79+ = 37.0 International School of Geneva - La Grand Boissiere Switzerland Day Co-ed 149+ = 37.0 Munich International School Germany Day Co-ed = 37.0 St Louis School - Milan Italy Both Co-ed 110+ = 37.0 Beijing City International School China Day Co-ed 38+ = 37.0 Nord Anglia Pudong Shanghai China Co-ed = 37.0 Overseas Family School Singapore Day Co-ed = 37.0 Oslo International School Norway Day Co-ed 100+ = 37.0 International School of Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Day Co-ed = 37.0 Carmel School - Elsa High School Campus Hong Kong Day Co-ed = 37.0 The British School of Milan Italy Day Co-ed = 37.0 Canadian International School Singapore Singapore Both Co-ed = 37.0 St George's British International School Italy Day Co-ed = 37.0 Fairview International School Malaysia Both Co-ed = 37.0 ISR International School of the Rhein Germany Co-ed (4 to 18) = 37.0 Zurich International School Switzerland Day Co-ed 60+ = 37.0 International School Basel Switzerland Day Co-ed 125+ = 37.0 International School of Aberdeen United Kingdom Day Co-ed 30

Apa 5 sekolah umum teratas?

Berikut adalah universitas negeri terbaik di AS ...
Universitas California, Berkeley ..
University of California, Los Angeles ..
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor ..
Universitas Virginia ..
Universitas Florida ..
University of North Carolina di Chapel Hill ..
Universitas California, Santa Barbara ..
Universitas California, Irvine ..

Apa 5 sekolah menengah teratas di negara ini?

Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.Alexandria, VA.....
Sekolah Menengah Magnet Akademik.North Charleston, sc.....
Sekolah tanda tangan.....
Sekolah untuk Studi Lanjutan (SAS) ....
Sekolah Menengah Persiapan Payton College.....
Akademi Davidson Nevada.....
Sekolah Magnet Tengah.....
Sekolah untuk yang berbakat dan berbakat (tag).

Apa sekolah nomor 1 di AS?

QS World University Rankings 2023: 100 universitas AS teratas
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Universitas Stanford
Universitas Harvard
Peringkat: 100 universitas teratas di usawww.topuniversities.com ›Where-to-Study› Utara-Amerika ›United-Statesnull

Apa 5 sekolah terbaik di dunia?

Berikut adalah universitas global terbaik..
Universitas Harvard..
Institut Teknologi Massachusetts (MIT).
Universitas Stanford..
University of California Berkeley ..
Universitas Oxford..
University of Washington Seattle ..
Universitas Columbia..
Universitas Cambridge..