Why can t I edit my Facebook Business Page on my phone

There are four ways to update your Facebook business page with your mobile phone. Of those four, only the email method lets you upload a picture and write a caption.

  • Send an email to an email address that Facebook generates for you
  • Send a text to a number that Facebook generates for you
  • Upload it via the Facebook iPhone app (we haven't seen this work, though)
  • Visit your Facebook page the old school way by going to it with your web browser oh your phone


- On your computer, go to your Facebook business page and click the Edit button. This button tends to move around depending on the designers at Facebook on a given day. Lately, it's in the top right corner of your Facebook page. Other times, it has been in the list of links below your logo on the left side of the page. But actually, don't click the Edit on the left side. That version deletes things.

- A new set of links will appear on the left side of the screen. Find the one that says "Mobile" and click it.

- Facebook presents you with the four ways to update your Facebook business page via phone. The first way is the email way, and they've already generated the email address for you.

- Type the email address into your phone's contact book, and make sure you've used a contact name that is hard to replicate (you don't want to accidentally send to it!!)

- Send a test and voila! The Test will go to all of your fans, so make it real. This mobile post will show up instantly.


- On your computer, go to your Facebook business page and click the Edit button. This button tends to move around depending on the designers at Facebook on a given day. Lately, it's in the top right corner of your Facebook page. Other times, it has been in the list of links below your logo on the left side of the page. But actually, don't click the Edit on the left side. That version deletes things.

- Facebook presents you with four ways to udpate your Facebook business page via phone. Find the one that says how to do it via SMS Text Messaging.

- Click the button to "Sign Up" and follow the prompts. You'll need your phone with you to do this. Facebook will ask you to text something to a number they provide.

- Once you've added one phone, you can add another by repeating the steps above. You'll see a link on the Mobile page for adding another phone.

- I tested this text method, and could only get it to work with text only, and no picture. Neither text nor picture uploaded when I used a picture. If you want to upload a picture, use the email method (for now at least...until Facebook notices and fixes it).


I have an iPhone 4 and an updated Facebook app, but the setting to view Pages is not displaying for me. If you have an iPhone, apparently there is a link for "Pages" maybe in your home page area (when you click the 6-box in a box icon). Will check back if things change.


- Use the browser on your phone. If you're on an iPhone, click Safari. If you're on anything other than an iPhone, click on whatever lets you surf the web.

- Go to your Facebook page's URL. That looks like this: www.facebook.com/your-business-page-name-here. Ours is //www.facebook.com/TinShingle

- Once you're on your page, you will see the traditional Status update box. It seems like you cannot take a picture this way.

Thanks, Village Soup at Capital Weekly for pointing me in the right direction when first Googling mobile updating!

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Why can't I edit my Facebook business page?

If you don't see the prompt to edit your Facebook for Business page's name, it's probably because you aren't an Admin for the page. You need to update your Page Role to Admin to make any big changes like a name update. Ask an admin to change your permissions so you can continue.

How do I edit my business Facebook page on my phone?

Updated mobile browser experience.
Tap in the top right of Facebook..
Tap Pages..
Go to your Page and tap Edit Page..
Tap the sections you want to edit and add your info..
Tap Save Changes..

Why is my Facebook business page not working on my phone?

Try refreshing your browser or reopening the site; on a mobile app, close and reopen the app. You can also check to see if Facebook is offline and then restart your device, update apps, and clear your cache.

How do I edit my business Facebook page on my iPhone?

Tap Pages. Go to your Page and tap About. Tap Edit Page Info. Tap the sections you want to edit and add your info.

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