What is the best quality to export video from Premiere Pro?

Whether you’re looking for the highest quality output or want to save on file size, we’ve got you covered.

Read on for tips and tricks on how to get the most out of Premiere Pro’s export options!

Best Export Settings For Premiere Pro

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Article Overview

You’ve completed your film, which is fantastic! You now need to figure out how to get your finished video out of Premiere Pro in the proper format.

There are export settings for just about everything, but we’ll focus on the ones that are most likely to be required in this lesson.

Here’s a quick rundown of the aspects of the export process that we’ll be covering in this section:

How to Export Video from Premiere Pro: the fundamentals of file export and the most important options (with tutorial video).

How to Export Video for Collaborating and Storing Files: how to transmit clips back and forth when a group of people is working on the same project when it is ideal to keep file formats the same, and when it is preferable to maintain the highest-quality footage you have available.

Exporting for Online Video: A basic overview of codecs, particularly H.264 and H.265; when to use a preset and when to delve further into the settings and make specific adjustments to your output.

Learn how to understand the difference between a constant bitrate and a variable bitrate: what the difference is, why it matters, and how Premiere Pro will interpret your choice as a trade-off between file size and quality.

How to Create a Video Export from Adobe Premiere Pro

Unfortunately, there is no one-stop-shop for export configurations!

However, you do not need to be an expert in bitrates and codec settings to produce a high-quality output from Premiere Pro and deliver it to your intended third-party recipient.

Are you a complete novice when it comes to video exporting?

This lesson from David Bode’s free Adobe Premiere tutorial walks you through the steps you’ll need to do to get going.

In addition to learning how to organize your files outside of Premiere Pro, you will also learn how to import assets and set up a project, as well as editing fundamentals such as making cuts, adding audio and video effects, and much more.

5 Tips For Producing Video for the Web

Follow these rules to ensure that your video is of the highest possible quality for broadcast over the Internet.

1. Understand the data rate of your target audience.

When delivering video over the Internet, it is best to create files with lower data rates.

Users with fast Internet connections can watch the files with little or no delay in loading time, whereas dial-up users must wait for the files to download before they can view them.

Shorten the clips to keep download times below acceptable bounds for dial-up customers.

2. Choose the appropriate frame rate for the situation

The frame rate is the number of frames displayed each second (fps).

If you have a clip with a high data rate, a lower frame rate can help you get more playback time out of your restricted bandwidth.

Taking the example of a clip with little motion, lowering the frame rate in half will only save you 20 percent of the data rate when compressing it.

When compressing high-motion video, however, lowering the frame rate has a significantly bigger impact on the data rate than increasing it.

Because video appears considerably better at native frame rates, you should keep the frame rate as high as possible if your distribution channels and playback platforms permit it to do so.

Obtain this information from your web hosting service in order to facilitate web distribution.

Use the device-specific encoding presets and the device emulator offered through Adobe Media Encoder in Premiere Pro to encode for mobile devices.

Whenever possible, the best results are obtained by dividing the frame rate by whole numbers when the frame rate is being reduced.

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3. Choose a frame size that is compatible with your data rate as well as your frame aspect ratio

When working with a particular data rate (connection speed), increasing the frame size results in a reduction in video quality.

You should take into account factors such as frame rate, the source content, and your own tastes when deciding on a frame size for encoding settings.

Preventing pillar boxing can be accomplished by selecting a frame size that has the same aspect ratio as the frame aspect ratio of your source footage.

For example, when you convert NTSC material to a PAL frame size, you will see pillarboxing appear.

4. Cover the duration of progressive downloads

Calculate the amount of time it takes to download enough of your video so that it can play through to the conclusion without halting to allow the download to complete.

While the initial segment of your video clip is downloading, you might display other content to distract the viewer’s attention from the download.

When creating short clips, follow the formula below: Pause time is equal to the sum of the download time minus the playtime plus 10% of the playtime.

Using the previous example, if your clip is 30 seconds in length and it takes 1 minute to download, give your clip a buffer of 33 seconds.

In this case, the formula is 60 seconds minus 30 minutes plus 3 minutes equals 33 seconds.

5. Noise and interlacing should be eliminated

Remove noise and interlacing from your video for optimum encoding.

When it comes to final results, higher-quality originals produce better results.

The frame rates and video sizes of Internet video are smaller than the frame rates and video sizes of television video, respectively.

While computer displays do not always match high-definition televisions in terms of color fidelity, saturation, sharpness, and resolution, they are often at least as good.

Image quality can be just as crucial for digital video as it is for high-definition television, even when viewing through a small window.

The presence of artifacts and noise on a computer screen is at least as noticeable as it is on a television screen.

How to Export Video for Collaborative Work and Archiving (Maximum Quality Video for Archives

If you’re fortunate enough to have a dependable crew working with you to develop your film, you may find yourself emailing clips back and forth between each other, and you’ll want to avoid transmitting large files between each other.

In Premiere Pro, there is a fantastic Shared Projects tool that includes Project Locking, which allows many editors to collaborate on the same film without overwriting each other’s work.

If you are unable to use this function or do not wish to do so, the method of exporting will be determined by what the other party intends to do with the film.

If they’re going to be editing it for inclusion in the film, you’ll probably want to provide them the highest-quality files you can get your hands on the original files right from the camera (if possible).

As long as they’re only adding some notes or markings that you can subsequently overlay over your own footage, you can get away with exporting at a lesser resolution.

Maintaining consistency in your formats will make your timeline more functional, and if you’re applying a coloring effect or other similar change, you can rest assured that it will have the same—or very near to the same—impact across the board.

When archiving old videos for future reference, the same reasoning applies: always save the finest possible versions of the content you have on hand.

A trade-off between space and the best guess as to what you might require in the future is involved.

Sidebar: What Are Digital Video Codecs and How Do They Work?

A codec is a means of compressing and then decompressing a video file (similar to how JPEG files compress and decompress images), and there are several different types of codecs.

Video codecs are methods of achieving a high-quality result while maintaining a small file size, albeit each has its own set of advantages, trade-offs, and limits that must be considered.

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Unlike a video container (though some can be both), a codec is responsible for compressing the video whereas a container is responsible for determining how the video is stored, opened, and played back in its entirety.

Visit Envato Tuts+ to learn more about video codecs from Tom Green, who has written a tutorial on the subject.

Using Premiere Pro to Export a Finished Video is a useful tip.

Step 1: Launch the Export Dialog Box.

To export a video from Premiere Pro, select File>Export>Media from the menu bar.

Additionally, you might use the shortcut keys Ctrl + M on a PC or Cmd + M on a Mac.

Check that the sequence you wish to export is selected before you proceed further.

This will bring up the Export Settings box for your current project.

In this box, you’ll be able to select the video parameters (or presets) that you want to use before submitting the movie to Media Encoder to be exported.

Using Premiere Pro to Export a Finished Video

Step 2: Select the Sequence Settings that you want

When it comes to exporting a video, the first thing to consider is where the film will be sent and how it will be viewed.

Are you planning to post your videos on YouTube and Vimeo?

Is it necessary to compress the video in order to send it to a client more quickly?

Alternatively, are you exporting a high-resolution master version for presentation purposes?

When determining what parameters to use, it is critical to consider the delivery destination.

Several essential presets are pre-installed in both Premiere Pro and Media Encoder, making it easy to get started.

With the help of these presets, you can rapidly select the settings for your exported file.

If you wish to avoid these custom settings and export with the EXACT settings of your sequence, you can select Match Sequence Settings from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

This will cause your export settings to be changed to exactly match the settings in your sequence.

However, I do not advocate doing so because the majority of delivery destinations demand codecs other than your standard editing or intermediate codec.

Select the Sequence Settings that you want

Step 3: Determine which platform you will be using to export your products

In this example, we’ll be exporting from Premiere Pro so that we may upload it to the YouTube website.

There are also presets for both YouTube and Vimeo in Premiere Pro, which will export your project in the best-recommended settings for each platform.

However, for the purposes of this demonstration, we will be exporting with customized parameters.

Determine which platform you will be using to export your products

Step 4: Choosing a Format and Codec

The H.264 codec is the most appropriate option for web playback.

As a result, we’ll choose H.264 as our video format.

Moreover, it is the most often used codec for video exports from Premiere Pro.

H.264 will be used for eighty to ninety percent of your exports, according to the estimates.

We’ll choose a preset that corresponds to our sequence and the output we want.

The resolution of our sequence is 1080p with a frame rate of 23.976 frames per second.

Choosing a Format and Codec

Step 5: Adjust your bitrate and fine-tune your settings

To specify a name for the video file that will be exported, click the output name button.

Check to visit this post if you want to learn more about how to name a file correctly.

Make sure that both the Export Video and Export Audio boxes are ticked so that the file has both video and audio information.

If you are comfortable making changes to settings in order to make them more customized, you can do so in this window as well.

Adjust your bitrate and fine-tune your settings

Here are the parameters that I recommend for the majority of my videos that are exported from Premiere:

To render at the maximum depth, check the Render at Maximum Depth box.

Although this can increase your render time, Premiere will take extra precautions to ensure that your video is exported in the cleanest possible manner.

The bit rate determines the size of your file and how long it will take to download.

For smaller file sizes, you can reduce the bitrate to reduce the overall size of your file.

When creating a master copy, you should export at a high bitrate in order to have the highest quality copy possible.

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The following is my standard export procedure: Change the Bitrate Encoding Settings to VBR, 2 Pass, and then drag your Target Bitrate to the desired file size in the drop-down menu that appears.

The size of the window will be displayed at the bottom of the window.

Increase your Maximum Bit Rate to twice the amount of data you want to transmit.

Two passes are used to ensure that there are no corrupted frames in your timeline and that your export is error-free.

Step 6: Finish your export in either Premiere or Media Encoder, depending on your preference.

You now have the option of choosing between two Premiere Pro export options: Queue or Export.

When you choose Queue, Media Encoder will be launched, and the sequence will be added to a queue.

Then all you have to do is click on the green play button at the top of the screen to begin the export process.

In case you wish to export numerous Premiere Pro sequences at the same time, this is a convenient feature.

As a bonus, you can continue working in Premiere Pro while Media Encoder exports your project in the background.

This is the method of exporting that I employ the most frequently.

Selecting Export just exports the sequence that is now displayed in that window.

While Premiere Pro is exporting in this manner, you will not be able to use it.

That’s all there is to it! You’ve just completed the export of your finished video.

Finish your export in either Premiere or Media Encoder, depending on your preference.

Step 7: Save Your Export Preferences for Future Use.

It is possible to create new presets for export settings if you notice that you frequently use a certain custom configuration.

In the export window, click the Save Preset button, which is located next to the preset dropdown menu.

After that, you can give the preset whatever name you like. You’ll be able to access that stored preset in the future.

The exporting of a finished film from Premiere Pro is, as you can see, a simple and very configurable process.

Want to make your exporting process even more efficient?

In Media Encoder, you may also create numerous output files from the same source sequence, which is particularly handy for creating alternative file types and sizes of the same movie.

Our Final Thoughts

To put it simply, you must determine what you want to appear in the exported video.

Is it the level of quality that matters?

Alternatively, you might be willing to sacrifice a little image quality in exchange for a faster download.

That requires the patience to potentially create more than one version or render of the video in order to achieve the desired result.

Frequently Ask Questions

What are the best export settings for Premiere Pro?

When exporting from premiere pro, the recommended format to choose is H. 264 – as the format to export in.

Select a preset from the drop-down menu directly below – we recommend using the YouTube 1080p Full HD preset – but don’t worry, this can be customized to fit your needs if you don’t want to use the exact setting we propose.

What are the optimal Premiere Pro export settings for uploading to YouTube?

YouTube accepts H. 264 video files, which is the best format to export from Premiere Pro.

It may be found under the “Format” bar, where you can choose from a list of available alternatives.

After that, select “Output Name” and give your file a name that you’ll be able to recall later.

What is the best way to export a Premiere Profile without sacrificing quality?

If you’re using Premiere Pro, go to File > Export Media from the main menu bar.

Use the Composition > Add to Adobe Media Encoder Queue option in After Effects if you are using that program.

As soon as you have the Media Encoder open, go to the “output file” link in the queue and make the necessary changes.

What is the best quality to export from Premiere Pro to mp4?

How to export Premiere Pro to mp4..
Choose Export from the header bar at the top of Premiere Pro to open the Export workspace..
Type your file name in the File Name dialog and click the Location option to specify where to save your file..
Choose H. 264 from the Format menu. ... .
Click Export..

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