What happens when you unfriend on Facebook

Social media sites like Instagram and Facebook have become integral part of our lives. This might be a little overstatement but for many people, social media usage has become addictive. For example, Facebook has become a phenomenon over years and it is fair to say that people spend too much time on Facebook than any other social media site. However, with irritating brand posts and unwanted attention, it’s becoming equally annoying at times. For times like that, Facebook Block and Unfriend features really come in handy.


What happens when you unfriend on Facebook

What does Block mean?

Block is one of the ways to rid your Timeline from annoying posts. Block is an action that allows you to prevent any contact from the person you’re trying to Block on Facebook. It simply cut the connection between you and the person you’ve blocked as if you are invisible to each other on Facebook. Neither of you will be able to post anything on each other’s Timeline.


What happens when you unfriend on Facebook

What does Unfriend mean?

Unfriend is an action that allows you to remove someone from your friends list, without notifying him/her that you have done so. However, he or she can see your profile or anything you shared publicly or posts shared between mutual friends.


Difference between Block and Unfriend

  1. Meaning of Block Vs. Unfriend

Block and Unfriend are two different actions that would allow you to restrict someone from peeking into your Facebook profile. Unfriend lets you remove someone from your friends list, without notifying the person that you have done so. However, you’d still be able to see his/her profile or posts. Block lets you disconnect completely from the person you’re blocking, meaning you two are invisible to each other on Facebook.

  1. Action

To Unfriend someone from your friends list, go to your Friends section at the left and search for the person you’re trying to Unfriend and hold the cursor over his/her name. Then go to Friends in the small window that appears which brings a dropdown menu and then select the Unfriend option to remove him/her from your friends list. To block someone, go to settings and type in the person’s name in the blocking section and click block.

  1. Access

When you Unfriend someone from your friends list, he/she can only locate you by visiting your profile directly and Facebook won’t notify the person you unfriended that you have done so. He/she won’t be able to see anything that’s not public or post anything on your Timeline. You don’t have to be friends to block someone but blocking any of your friends will automatically Unfriend and Unfollow them meaning neither of you will be able to start a conversation or post on each other’s Timeline.

Block vs. Unfriend: Comparison Chart

What happens when you unfriend on Facebook


Summary of Block Vs. Unfriend

If you block someone, he/she won’t be able to see your profile or anything you do on Facebook. Blocking someone means you two are invisible to each other. When you Unfriend someone from your friends list, he/she can still see your posts you shared as public or anything that is shared between your mutual friends. In either case, Facebook doesn’t notify you have done so.

This article explains how to unfriend someone on Facebook. It also explains what happens after your social media friendship is over.

How to Unfriend Someone on Facebook

Unfriending someone on Facebook is a fast and straightforward solution that's a bit stronger than unfollowing them, yet not as dramatic as blocking someone completely.

When you unfriend someone on Facebook, that person won't see posts that you publish to your friends, and any direct messages are filtered into your Message Requests inbox for you to approve before reading.

Unfriended Facebook friends can still view your public posts and follow you if you enabled the option on your profile.

  1. Go to Facebook or open the app and log in, if necessary.

  2. Go to your profile and select Friends.

    What happens when you unfriend on Facebook
    What happens when you unfriend on Facebook

  3. Choose the name of the person you want to unfriend to open their profile page.

  4. Select the Friends icon at the top of their profile.

    What happens when you unfriend on Facebook
    What happens when you unfriend on Facebook

  5. Select Unfriend.

    What happens when you unfriend on Facebook
    What happens when you unfriend on Facebook

Can People Tell They've Been Unfriended?

Facebook users aren't notified when someone unfriends them. However, there are indirect ways in which they are likely to discover what's happened.

  • They might realize that they haven't seen any of your posts in their Facebook feed and visit your profile. They can tell you unfriended them when they see the option to add you as a friend.
  • If you have mutual friends, Facebook might recommend you as a suggested friend.

How Do I Reverse an Unfriending on Facebook?

It is impossible to undo an unfriending. The only way to reconnect with someone on Facebook is to send them a friend request as you did when you first became Facebook friends.

Because they must approve your friend request manually, they will realize that you unfriended them. If you unfriended them by accident, explain what happened.

Is Unfriending the Same as Blocking and Unfollowing?

Unfriending someone on Facebook isn't the same as blocking or unfollowing them. Unfollowing someone on Facebook maintains the friend connection but hides their posts from your Facebook feed. Unfollowing can be a good option for friends or family members that you can't cut off entirely yet don't want to see the content they post in your timeline. People you unfollow can still send you messages and see your posts.

Blocking someone on Facebook is the most-extreme action you can take as it not only unfriends an account but also prevents them from seeing your public posts and stops them from sending you any form of direct message.

What Is a Facebook Purge?

A Facebook purge is what many users humorously call it when they go through their list of Facebook friends and unfriend those that they no longer talk to, don't get along with, or don't recognize.

After the mass unfriending, the user often posts something to their remaining Facebook friends to let them know that a purge took place and that if they can read that message, it means that they have survived and are still considered a true friend.

When you unfriend someone on Facebook Can they still see your posts?

Go to the profile page of the person you want to unfriend. Select the Friends icon at the top of their profile, then select Unfriend. The person you unfriended no longer sees posts you publish but you can still receive direct messages from them. Facebook users aren't notified when you unfriend them.

Can you tell if someone has unfriended you on Facebook?

Select Friends to view your list of Facebook Friends. Search for the person's name via the search bar. Search for the name they use on Facebook if it's different from their legal name. If they don't show up in the search results, they may have unfriended you.

Is it worse to be blocked or unfriended?

If you block someone, he/she won't be able to see your profile or anything you do on Facebook. Blocking someone means you two are invisible to each other. When you Unfriend someone from your friends list, he/she can still see your posts you shared as public or anything that is shared between your mutual friends.

When you unfriend someone on Facebook do all your comments disappear?

Unfriending someone doesn't remove anything from the wall. You have to block the person to go completely dark or to remove showing anything with that particular person.