Panduan construct 2 pdf multiple choice

Construct 2 merupakan sebuah game engine atau salah satu tool  yang digunakan untuk membuat game khususnya dalam bentuk 2D dengan menggunakan basis HTML5. Software ini dikembangkan oleh Scirra.

Download Construct 2 terbaru (56 mb)

Construct 2 tidak menggunakan bahasa pemrograman khusus, karena semua perintah yang digunakan pada game diatur dalam EvenSheet yang terdiri dari Event dan Action. Sehingga, untuk mengembangkan game atau aplikasi dengan Construct 2 kita tidak perlu mengerti menguasai bahasa pemrograman yang sulit.

Construct 2 memiliki keunggulan antara lain Quick and Easy. Construct 2 memiliki antarmuka Ribbon yang cepat dan mudah dipahami. Layout editor menyediakan antarmuka what you see is what you get untuk mempercepat perancangan game. Sehingga apapun yang di lihat dalam desain layout adalah tampilan yang didapatkan ketika game dijalankan. Dengan demikian kita dapat menggunakan Construct 2 untuk membuat game dan aplikasi dengan lebih mudah.

Panduan construct 2 pdf multiple choice

Keungulan lainnya yaitu Powerfull Event System.  Dengan Construct 2 kita dapat membuat game atau aplikasi, termasuk media pembelajaran berbasis mobile, dengan lebih mudah. Hal ini dikarenakan kita tidak perlu menggunakan bahasa pemrograman yang rumit sebagaimana sofware lainnya. Construct 2 menyediakan EventSheet yang berisi pernyataan kondisi atau pemicu. Jika kondisi tersebut terpenuhi, tindakan atau fungsi dapat dilakukan.

Panduan construct 2 pdf multiple choice

Selain keunggulan tersebut, keunggulan Construct 2 yaitu Multiple Export. Construct 2 dapat mempublikasikan game atau aplikasi dengan berbagai pilihan platform hanya dengan satu project. Game Construct 2 dapat diterbitkan pada platform berbasis web seperti Chrome Web Store, Facebook, Kongregate, Newgrounds, Firefox Marketplace. Construct 2 juga dapat di ekspor ke desktop PC, Mac, dan Linux dengan menggunakan Node Webkit. Selain mempublikasikan ke Windows 8 Store atau sebagai aplikasi Windows Phone 8. Pengguna dapat pula mengekspor game ke iOS dan Android dengan menggunakan CocoonJS, appMobi dan PhoneGap. Dengan dukungan platform yang luas pengguna dapat memiliki akses yang luas untuk pemain.

Panduan construct 2 pdf multiple choice

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  • In this section we'll get you set up to run Construct 2. We'll look at downloading and updatingConstruct 2, then the installation process, how to use your license if you have bought one, and areminder of the system requirements.

    To download the latest release of Construct 2 you can visit: This URL will always point you to the latest build.

    We recommend you always and use the latest version of Construct 2. This willprevent you encountering problems that have already been fixed. There are three ways to benotified of new releases:

    If you would like to be notified when a new build is released then you may want to sign up to ournew releases mailing list. To do so, log into your account and visit your 'Me' page: Tick the Construct 2 new releases box under . We'll automatically send you anemail whenever a new release is published. We won't send you any other mail at all other thanrelease notifications if you only tick this box, and you can unsubscribe at any time by untickingthe same box in your profile. We hate spam too!

    If you use Construct 2 on an internet-connected computer, Construct 2 itself will alert you if anew release is available. Usually this is a little slower - it may be a couple of days after the

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  • release until Construct 2 notifies you of a new release this way. You can change your updatenotification preference in the Preferences dialog.

    We have a Facebook page , Twitter account and Google+ page . If you use any of theseservices you can follow or add us. We post updates to these pages whenever we publish a newrelease, as well as other news that might interest you.

    Beta releases of Construct 2 are not quite ready for prime time, but are released sooner andmore regularly than stable releases. If you want to help test these releases, at the risk ofpossible bugs or crashes, you can find beta releases in the releases list or set Construct 2 totell you about beta updates in the Preferences dialog.

    Once you've downloaded Construct 2, the Setup will begin to install it to your computer. Click to advance through the steps.

    Your browser or Windows may show a security warning before running the setup. You should check the publisher is listed as before running. This helps ensure the setup is a genuine Construct 2 setup from Scirra and not something malicious

    from a third party.

    Construct 2 can be used as portable software. In other words, you can install it to a removable drive (like a USB stick) and use iton any computer. If you want to do this, set the install folder to a folder on your removable drive.

    There are both 32-bit (for older computers) and 64-bit (for newer computers) versions of Construct 2. If you're not sure you canleave the setup to auto-detect. However, if you're installing to a removable drive, you may want to specifically install the 32-bitversion. This is because the 32-bit version will run on both 32-bit and 64-bit computers, but the 64-bit version will not run on32-bit computers.

    Construct 2 can still be installed on limited user accounts without administrative access. This is common in workplaces, schools,universities, libraries and other public access computers. You should still be able to download and install Construct 2 on a limiteduser account, as long as other restrictions are not in place. In this case the setup cannot access the Program Files directory.Instead it will install to a folder in your user account. Other users may have to install the software for themselves as well. Some

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  • systems will also uninstall the software when you log out; you may need to reinstall every time you log in.

    If setup fails due to other limitations (e.g. not being allowed to download EXEs from the internet), try a portable installationinstead. Install Construct 2 to a removable drive on a computer you can run the setup on, then try taking the removable drive tothe limited computer and running it from the drive.

    If you already have Construct 2 installed and you're installing an update, the setup will oer to remove the last installed copy ofConstruct 2. You should always remove the old version unless you have installed Construct 2 twice (e.g. to the host computerand also to a portable drive, in which case uninstalling may remove the portable install).

    Construct 2 can be uninstalled via (Windows XP) or (Windows Vista and newer)in Control Panel.

    If you are installing Construct 2 to a lot of computers, remember the installation is portable. This means it has no dependenciesoutside its Program Files folder. You can install it to multiple machines by installing it to one machine and copying the installationfolder (and any shortcuts you want) to other computers.

    You can also use the following command-line switches to run the setup executable automatically, without prompting:

    By default this also adds an icon to the Start menu.

    To make sure Construct 2 finds your site-wide license, simply place it in the install directory on each computer. If that does notwork, you can use the 'Load license file' link in the About dialog to locate it. Normally this only needs to be done once and thenConstruct 2 will remember the location in the registry. However, some networks revert any changes to the registry when the userlogs out. This will make Construct 2 keep forgetting the license path. To ensure it is remembered, contact your networkadministrator. The license path is stored in the following registry key:


    This must be a string with the full path to the license file, e.g. C:\Path\To\c2license.txt . Your network administrator must ensurethis registry key is preserved when logging out, and then the license should be remembered permanently.

    It may be desirable to hide the View license link in the About dialog when using a site license. To hide it, set the followingregistry key to the DWORD value 1:


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  • Tutorial on How Construct 2 Licenses Work

    Construct 2 can be downloaded and installed to any computer for free, including site-wide at non-commercial institutions likeschools. Without a license, it runs as the . This has the following limitations:

    A maximum of in a projectA maximum of in any layoutA maximum of in a projectNo folder organisation in the project barNo event searchNo configurations barNo FamiliesNo Preview on LAN Not allowed to be used for commercial purposes (however, it can be used in education andother non-profit organisations)

    Buying a license removes all of these limits. Licenses can be purchased from or from Steam. Both the Standard andBusiness licenses remove all the above free edition limitations.

    All the free edition limits are removed with a Personal license. However, the rules for commercial use are dierent for individualsand organisations.

    may use a standard license for commercial purposes up to a revenue limit of $5000. Once revenues associated withcreations made with Construct 2 exceed $5000 (including associated advertising/promotion) a business license must bepurchased. However, no business license is necessary before that point.

    like schools, libraries and universities may use personal licenses to remove the free edition limits.Bulk discounts are available.

    cannot purchase standard licenses: they must purchase business licenses.

    Most individuals do not need a business license. It is only necessary for:

    from revenue associated with Construct 2creations, and

    like businesses.

    Not-for-profit organisations never need business licenses - they may use standard licenses instead.

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  • If you purchase from Steam, then Steam will manage the license. If you want to install your copy of Construct 2 on anothercomputer, just install Steam, log in and download Construct 2 again. The rest of this section applies to buying directly from oursite, which involves a license file instead of using Steam.

    If you've made a purchase directly from Scirra (rather than from Steam), you will be sent a by email. This is a specialcode you can enter to the Scirra Store and get your license. If you want to buy a license for someone else, you can give them theredeem key and they can then get a license from the store with their own name and email address on it. This also works if youwant to buy licenses for a number of people, e.g. your employees or colleagues: you will receive a number of redeem keys, whichyou can then give to each individual.

    Once you have redeemed your purchase from the Scirra Store, you can download your Construct 2 license, which is a file called. You simply need to copy this folder in to either the or . Restart Construct 2 and it

    should launch as the licensed version: the purchaser name should appear on the start page and About dialog, Free edition shoulddisappear from the title bar, and the free edition limits should be removed. Alternatively, you can place your license file whereveryou like and locate it by clicking Load license file in the About dialog.

    Unless a license is purchased for an organisation, the license is for the individual rather than their computer. This means you canuse your licensed copy of Construct 2 on as many computers as you like, so long as you are the only one using it. Other peoplemust buy their own license. Remember Construct 2 can be used as portable software (see Installing Construct 2). You can putyour license file in the install directory on a removable drive and take your licensed copy of Construct 2 to any computer.

    You must not modify the license file at all. It is protected by a hash, and any modification whatsoever will cause Construct 2 toreject the license and revert to the Free Edition.

    Keep it to yourself like you do with serial numbers for other software. Also, the license filecontains some of your personal information, so it is certainly preferable to keep it private.

    If you lose your license file, such as if you format your computer and forget to back it up, you can re-download your license here:

    The Construct 2 editor currently only runs on . Please see our FAQ for information onsupporting other systems.

    Despite the fact Construct 2 itself only runs on Windows, it makes HTML5 games which can run on a wide variety of computersand devices. See the Technology section for more information.

    Windows XP Service Pack 3 or newer512 MB RAM1 GHz ProcessorA HTML5 compatible browser (see below)The latest version of your graphics card drivers

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  • Windows 7 or newer2 GB RAM2 GHz dual-core processorA nVidia or AMD graphics card with latest drivers . We recommend you avoid anyhardware using Intel graphics chips due to their poor performance, stability, and featureset.

    You can get by fine without these, but if you can they're nice to have.

    Solid state drive (SSD) for OS and software64-bit edition of Windows 7 or newer4 GB of RAM or moreA large display or dual monitor setupA nVidia or AMD graphics card with latest drivers , at least 512 MB of dedicated videomemory and support for OpenGL 2.0+A hi-speed broadband internet connection

    To preview your HTML5 games you need a modern HTML5-compatible browser. Browsers are free to download and install.HTML5 is also relatively new technology, so it's important to also . Supportedbrowsers are:

    Internet Explorer 9+ (Windows Vista and newer only - Windows XP users should use adierent browser)Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Opera

    Scirra recommends or .

    Third party developers can extend Construct 2 with new plugins, behaviors and eects (collectively referred to as addons ) usingthe Javascript SDK. Many addons can be found in the Plugins for Construct 2 forum .

    Malicious addons have the potential to compromise the security of your project,or have hidden unwanted features like surprise adverts or tracking users. Badly written addons can also cause bugs or glitches inyour game. While addons can be useful, remain vigilant about them, especially in regards to whether the developer seemstrustworthy and if they regularly maintain their addon to fix problems that arise.

    If you have problems with third-party addons, you must report the issues to the developer who provided them. Scirra cannot

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  • oer any support for third party addons whatsoever.

    Recently developed addons are installed from a file with the extension .c2addon. Simply download the .c2addon file, then dragand drop the file in to the Construct 2 window. Construct 2 will prompt to ask if you want to install the addon. If you approve theinstall, you must restart Construct 2 before the addon becomes available.

    You can also drag-and-drop multiple .c2addon files in to the Construct 2 window and you'll be prompted to install each of themin order.

    Some addons were developed before Construct 2 supported .c2addon files. These are typically distributed as a collection of filesin a zip file. To install them, close Construct 2 and copy the files to the appropriate place:

    for plugins for behaviors

    for eects

    Note that each plugin and behavior has its own subfolder in the above directories; make sure you copy the addon files to theirown subfolder like the others in that directory. Eects however are simply a .fx and .xml file that all go in the same folder.

    Restart Construct 2 and the addons should then appear in the editor.

    When installing .c2addon files, Construct 2 will attempt to copy the addons to two places: both the install directory, and theAppData folder for the current user (%appdata%\Construct2). This means even if you don't have permission to write files to theinstall directory you can still install addons.

    If you use Construct 2 portably, addons may disappear if they only exist in the AppData folder on the local computer. To takeyour addons with you, either take a folder with all your .c2addon files with you, or make sure Construct 2 has permission to writeto its install directory when installing the .c2addon files by running it with Administrator privileges.

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  • In this section a basic overview of Construct 2 is provided, including the start page, interface, project structure, the two dierentsaving formats, exporting and publishing, the technology behind your games and some best practices and performance tips toremember when using Construct 2.

    When you first start Construct 2 you should see the , which looks something like this:

    This gives you a useful starting point whenever you launch Construct 2. It has some useful linkssuch as , on the website, your recently opened projects,links to our Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages, and so on.

    If you're new, you might want to check out the link to the Beginner's Guide to Construct 2tutorial . This is a step-by-step guide to help get you going making your first game in Construct2.

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  • If you like examining existing projects to see how Construct 2 works, you can try opening the or demos. These are advanced examples so don't be put o by the

    math or complexity of them. They're mainly to show o what Construct 2 can do in the hands ofan experienced user.

    There are many much simpler examples in Construct 2's Examples directory. Click to see them. There are over 40 which go through things like making a simple

    platformer and physics demos. Commonly asked questions like "How do I set up custom controls?" have examples showing howit's done in the Examples folder.

    You can change the and settings in the Preferences dialog.

    The following diagram highlights the important parts of the Construct 2 user interface. Anoverview of each part is provided below, and later the manual goes in to each section in moredetail.

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  • Open full size image

    Construct 2 uses a ribbon interface, which is like a tabbed toolbar similar to Oce 2007 and newer. The blue button with thedrop-down arrow is the File menu, and to the right of that are ribbon tabs which drop down the ribbon bar with various buttonsand options.

    There's also the quick-access toolbar with the four most commonly used commands: Save, Undo, Redo, Preview and Debug. Youcan add and remove buttons to this toolbar yourself: click the small drop-down arrow to its right to customise it. If you want tohave a lot of commands in this toolbar you can also opt to have it shown beneath the ribbon.

    This is a visual editor where you place objects to design levels, menu screens and so on. See The Layout View.

    These tabs allow you to switch between dierent layout views and event sheet views, to define the event-based logic of the game.

    You can a tab in to one of the views to set up a side-by-side split screen view.

    In this bar you will see a list of properties depending on what you have clicked on. You can view and change properties for thingslike layouts, objects, layers and more. See The Properties Bar.

    By default the Project Bar and Layers Bar are tabbed here. The Project Bar contains an overview of everything in your project. TheLayers Bar can be used to add dierent layers to a layout.

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  • These allow you to switch between the Project Bar and Layers Bar.

    This contains a list of objects in your game. You can drag and drop objects from here to place them in layouts. The right-clickmenu has many options to filter or display the objects dierently. See The Object Bar.

    At the bottom of the editor window is the Status Bar. This shows:

    what Construct 2 is currently doing during a long-running task, like exporting or saving theprojecthow many events are in the project and its approximate filesizethe current active layer, which is the layer new objects are placed on tothe mouse position in layout co-ordinatesthe current zoom level.

    As well as the usual Windows minimise, maximise and close buttons, there's also the button to force the ribbon toalways be showing, and the to open the About dialog with information and credits for Construct 2.

    You can customise the interface to suit your tastes. Any of the bars can be dragged and dropped to dierent positions in theeditor window. Also, you can auto-hide bars to save room: click the pin icon on a bar and it will shrink to a simple tab. Hover thetab to pop open the bar.

    Bars can be hidden and shown in the ribbon tab.

    You can create a view by clicking and dragging one of the layout or event sheet tabs in to the main view. This can beuseful on large monitors.

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  • Construct 2 projects consist of the following elements. These can be accessed via the ProjectBar, which contains a tree of all the elements in the project. Items in the Project Bar can also beorganised in to subfolders (licensed version only) which is very useful for medium to largeprojects. For more information, see the manual section on Project Primitives.

    Levels, menus, title screens and other pre-arranged layouts of objects. In other tools Layoutsmay be referred to as scenes, rooms, frames or stages. See the section on Layouts for moreinformation.

    Layouts also consist of multiple Layers, which can be used to arrange objects in to backgroundand foreground layers. These are managed with the Layers bar.

    A list of Events defining the game logic. In Construct 2, Events are the alternative to programmingor scripting. Layouts have an associated Event Sheet for their logic. Event sheets can be re-usedbetween dierent layouts with event sheet includes. Event sheets are edited in the Event SheetView.

    For more information on events, see the manual section on Events, especially the page on Howevents work.

    An Object Type defines a 'class' of object. For example, TrollEnemy and OgreEnemy could bedierent object types. Multiple of an object type can be created. For example therecould be three of the TrollEnemy , and five of the OgreEnemy


    It is important to be clear on the dierence between and : they will bereferred to as dierent things throughout the manual. For more information, see the manualentries for Plugins, Object Types and Instances.

    Object Types can also be grouped in to Families.

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  • The represents built-in functionality in Construct 2. It is the only object an emptyproject contains. It cannot be added again or removed from a project. There are no instances ofthe System object: it is simply always present and provides access to the built-in aspects ofConstruct 2's game engine. Its conditions, actions and expressions are documented in theSystem reference.

    These are audio files used for sound eects and music in the game. should be used forshort-duration sound eects that are played when events like collisions and explosions happen.

    should be used for the longer musical tracks. It is important to organise audio filesappropriately, because Sounds are downloaded completely before playing, but Music isstreamed. This means if a Music track is accidentally put in the Sounds folder, it would have todownload completely (which could take a couple of minutes) before it started playing. However,audio in the Music folder can start playing immediately since it is streamed from the server.

    Both sound and music must be available in both the (.ogg) and (.m4a)formats. This is because browser makers cannot agree on one audio format for the web, so allaudio must be in two formats to support all browsers! Internet Explorer and Safari use the .m4afiles, and all other browsers (Firefox, Chrome and Opera) use the .ogg files. Construct 2 helpsconvert audio to both formats when audio files are imported. See the Import Audio dialog andSounds & Music for more information.

    Any other external file can be imported to the project. For more information, see Project Files.

    In Construct 2, sometimes you need to enter values such as angles, speeds or sizes. Forconsistency these always use the same units in Construct 2, except where noted by descriptionsor tips shown in the editor. The common units are described below.

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  • are in pixels. The origin (0,0) is at the top-left of the layout, and the Y axis incrementsdownwards (as is often the case with game engines).

    are in pixels are in degrees. 0 degrees faces and increments .

    are in seconds are in pixels per second

    are in pixels per second per second

    To be consistent with programming languages, all features of Construct 2 using a number of anitem in a list (indices) start from 0 instead of 1. This might seem odd at first and take somegetting used to, but in many cases it is actually much more convenient than 1-based indexing.

    Traditionally lists are numbered but in Construct 2 (and all other programminglanguages) they are numbered .

    There are two types of project your work can be saved to. These do not aect the functionality of the game at all, but havedierent advantages and disadvantages during editing. One of the types must be chosen when creating a new project.

    Projects can be saved to a folder. This stores dierent parts of the project in dierent files. For example, each layout is saved to aseparate file in a Layouts subfolder.

    Folder projects . This makes them more suitable for medium or large projects.

    Folder projects are , since it is easy for dierent people to work on the dierent projectfiles and later merge them. See the section on collaboration below for more information.

    The main project file in a folder project has the extension . Note this does not contain the entire project: it is simply a listof other files used in the project. If you want to share a project, the file is useless on its own - save to a single-file project(.capx) instead.

    Projects saved to a single file are often more convenient for small projects. There is only one file to send, upload or share.However, they due to Construct 2 having to pack and unpack the project from one file. They alsomake collaboration more dicult than if the project is saved as a folder.

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  • .capx files are simply a of a project folder. You can rename a .capx file to .zip and see the project files.

    It's easy to convert a single-file project to a folder project and vice versa inside Construct 2. Simply open a project and choose File- Save As Project... to save it to a folder project, or File - Save As Single File... to save it to a single-file project.

    Since .capx files are a ZIP of the project folder, they can also be converted to a folder project by renaming them to .zip andextracting the folder project contained within. Similarly a folder project can be converted to a .capx file by compressing it to a .zipfile and changing the file extension to .capx.

    Construct 2 does not contain any of its own collaboration features, since there are already good free professional-grade toolsavailable which can work with Construct 2 projects. Save your project as a folder, and then you can use source control softwareto manage contributions to the project. Since project data files are XML-based, they already work with merging and di tools. Fora tutorial on setting up a source control system with a Construct 2 project on Windows with SVN, see How to collaborate onprojects with SVN .

    To test your game during development you can it by clicking the play icon in the quick access toolbar or ribbon,pressing F5, or by right-clicking a layout in the Project Bar and selecting Preview. This uses a local server to preview your game on.You can change the browser that you preview with using the Preview browser setting in Project Properties.

    If you have mobiles, tablets or other laptops/PCs you want to test on, previewing over your local network (e.g. Wifi) can maketesting considerably easier. For more information, see the tutorial How to preview on a local network . Preview-over-Wifi is alsosupported with the CocoonJS Launcher for quick testing in CocoonJS.

    You can also hold shift and preview to do a continuous preview. This saves the game, updates it, then loads the previous stateagain. For more information, see the tutorial How to use continuous preview .

    The debugger can also be used to test your game with additional information and tools available. Further, breakpoints can be setin events to investigate how they are working.

    You must export then publish (i.e. upload) the project before anyone else can play it. You cannot share the URL during previewover the internet.

    To export your project, use the File menu, ribbon or Project Bar to open the Export Project dialog. Construct 2 supports manyplatforms; for more information see the Supported platforms section.

    Note exported projects, including the HTML5 export, cannot usually be run from disk. Your project must be uploaded to the web(for HTML5 export) or otherwise published before it will work.

    If you are interested in the technical details of exported projects, see the Technology section.

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  • Construct 2 does a lot of work at export-time to optimise your project. For more information, see the tutorial Construct 2'sexport-time optimisations .

    For more advice about how to successfully publish a game to the web, see the tutorial Tips on publishing HTML5 games to theweb .

    Construct 2 is based on cross-platform HTML5 technology, giving you the opportunity to publishyour projects to a broad array of platforms. The supported platforms are described below withnotes on the specifics of each platform.

    Remember that it is a best practice to test regularly on all your intended platforms from the very start of your project - especiallymobile ones, since mobile devices are often considerably weaker than the desktop machine you're likely to be developing on.Despite the fact HTML5 is a standard that ought to function identically everywhere, in practice there are dierences, especiallyregarding performance, available memory, text rendering, feature support (e.g. WebGL or advanced audio eects), platform-specific features (e.g. Construct 2's platform-specific plugins), input methods, screen sizes, and although less likely these days,browser-specific quirks.

    Modern desktop browsers have mature and high-performance support for Construct 2 games. Google Chrome , Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 9+ (11+ recommended for WebGL support), Apple Safari 6.0+ for Mac, and Opera 15+ (which isnow based on Google Chrome) all have excellent support.

    Note Internet Explorer 8 and earlier are not supported, but their usage share is declining and should be negligible in future.

    For advice about publishing to the web, see the tutorial Tips on publishing HTML5 games to the web .

    The latest mobile browsers have good support for Construct 2 games, but sometimes are trailing the performance and featuresof their desktop equivalents. Construct 2 games should run well on Safari for iOS 6+, Google Chrome for Android , Firefox forAndroid , Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 devices, Blackberry 10+, and Firefox OS.

    Note the Android 'Internet' browser (the default browser on Android before it was replaced with Chrome) has poor performanceand features and is not suitable for running Construct 2 games. On Android devices it is strongly recommended to use Chromeor Firefox for Android instead. Chrome is now the default browser on new Android devices, so over time the Android 'Internet'browser should decline to negligible usage.

    Construct 2 allows exporting projects with a technology called . This is eectively the Google Chrome desktopbrowser packaged up to stand alone with your project. Therefore its performance and features match those of the GoogleChrome desktop browser, which is a mature and high-quality browser with excellent performance. Construct 2 can export toWindows, Mac OS X, and both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux with node-webkit.

    When previewing or exporting with node-webkit, it's possible to also take advantage of special desktop app features like readingand writing files to disk. This can be achieved with the Node-Webkit plugin in Construct 2.

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  • Construct 2 games can be published to the Chrome Web Store , where they can also be run from the desktop .

    Firefox Marketplace provides similar capabilities to the Chrome Web Store, but using Firefox instead. It also covers the FirefoxOS mobile platform as well.

    Construct 2 can also directly export Windows 8 apps , which run from the new tile-style Start screen. This also supportsWindows RT devices, and touchscreen tablets. Windows 8 specific features like Snap view and in-app purchases can be accessedwith Construct 2's Windows 8 plugin.

    Construct 2 can export for PhoneGap Build which is a convenient way to wrap your HTML5 games as native apps for severalphone platforms. However due to the particular way it works, apps built for iOS and Android tend to have poor performance.

    To export iOS and Android native apps with significantly better performance, Construct 2 supports wrapper services likeCocoonJS . These use dierent technologies to PhoneGap which are considerably faster. Like PhoneGap Build, CocoonJS canalso publish to a variety of other platforms for you. Construct 2 has a built-in CocoonJS plugin that can also access features likeads and in-app purchases. Note that CocoonJS is owned by Ludei, which is a separate company to Scirra. For more informationsee How to export to CocoonJS .

    Construct 2 can also directly export for a number of other mobile app stores, all of which have good quality browsers so gamesshould work well. These include Blackberry 10 , Windows Phone 8 , Firefox OS , and Tizen.

    Construct 2 can also publish Facebook games , accessing Facebook features with Construct 2's Facebook plugin.

    It's also possible to publish to Scirra's own Arcade , where you can use Construct 2's Scirra Arcade plugin to access features likehi-scores.

    Construct 2 makes games. These run online in a web browser on a wide variety of dierent devices and operatingsystems, including on mobile devices like phones and tablets, ensuring your game is accessible to as many people as possible.This section is a summary of the technology involved. It is probably of more interest to technically-minded people and can beskipped if you are more interested in the details of how to use Construct 2.

    Despite the fact that Construct 2 games can be ported to a variety of dierent platforms even as native apps, the underlyingtechnology is still a HTML5-based engine.

    A is the program that loads and displays web pages on your computer. Popular web browsers include:

    Internet Explorer (only version 9 or newer works with HTML5)Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome

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  • Opera Macs also commonly use Safari . Some of these browsers are also available for mobiles and tablets.

    HTML stands for yper ext arkup anguage. HTML is the standard way web pages have been made since the beginning ofthe internet. HTML5 is the fifth major revision of the HTML standard, and it started to gain widespread adoption in 2011. Itintroduces many new features, but only a small number apply to games. However, HTML5 is still the most appropriate way todescribe the technology used for Construct 2's games. is the standard programming language used to program webpages, and this is also used to power Construct 2 games.

    Of particular interest in HTML5 is the newly introduced tag. This creates a rectangular surface in a HTML web pagewhere any images or content can be drawn. This makes it ideal for games. All Construct 2 games use the HTML5 canvas todisplay the game.

    HTML5 is comparable to Adobe's Flash technology which dominated the internet for gaming prior to 2011. HTML5 diers inbeing an industry-agreed standard, rather than a product controlled by a single company like Adobe. Flash also runs as abrowser plugin, which must be separately downloaded and installed, whereas HTML5 is built in to the browser. This also meansHTML5 games can run on devices where there is no Flash support, such as iPhones and iPads. Given its advantages, HTML5 willeventually replace Flash on the web.

    Javascript is the standard programming language for the web. It allows web pages to become interactive and in many wayswork like traditional applications. It is also an industry-agreed standard.

    is . These are two unrelated programming languages which simply happen to have a similar name. Javaapplets are another technology which can run in a web page, but it is a totally dierent technology to Javascript. Try not to getconfused between the two: games made in Construct 2 do not need or use Java to run.

    Modern browsers compile javascript to native machine code (or CPU instructions). This ensures that web pages (includinggames) using javascript run as quickly and eciently as possible.

    Javascript is a garbage-collected language, which makes games vulnerable to pauses or stuttering due to garbage collection.Construct 2's game engine is optimised to create the minimum garbage possible, recycling objects wherever possible. Evenentire object instances are recycled if an object is destroyed and later re-created. This helps improve performance and ensurethe game runs as smoothly as possible.

    Javascript programmers can extend Construct 2 with their own plugins and behaviors. See the Javascript SDK documentation formore information.

    The HTML5 tag supports two dierent ways to draw the game to the web page: a simple , and the , based on OpenGL. WebGL is about twice as fast as the 2D context and has more features, including supporting eects,

    but is not supported on all platforms. Most browsers have some support for WebGL, but it is not always enabled everywhere bydefault. Construct 2 supports both technologies for rendering the game. WebGL can be enabled or disabled for each game in

    . Generally it is advisable to have it enabled, since the game will probably run a lot faster in WebGL mode, and

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  • eects cannot work without it. If WebGL is not supported by a user's computer or device, or it is disabled, Construct 2 will fallback to the 2D context instead. In this case the game can continue to be played, but it might run a bit slower and not look asgood.

    Since Internet Explorer does not support WebGL, if you're using it you may want to switch to a dierent browser which doessupport it like Firefox or Chrome. You may also wish to advise the people who play your game to do the same.

    WebGL may not be supported on a computer even if it is enabled. In this case the 2D context will be used instead. You can checkwhich renderer is in use in the game itself with the system expression renderer, which returns either canvas2d or webgl .

    The javascript code to your game is minified and obfuscated with Google's Closure Compiler . This reduces the download sizeand makes it extremely dicult for anybody to reverse engineer your game.

    The game images are compressed in PNG format. They are also further compressed when exporting to ensure the download isas small as possible. For more information, see this blog post on Image compression in Construct 2 .

    Construct 2's game engine supports the Web Audio API in Google Chrome for reliable low-latency playback of sound eects. Inother browsers the standard HTML5 tag is used instead.

    Despite the fact HTML5 games run in a web browser, Construct 2 games use the HTML5 AppCache to allow them to run oineas well. This is very useful for iOS web apps and Chrome Web Store apps, since some users may be oine when running thegame. Also, the AppCache helps save bandwidth on servers which host the games: the game files will only ever be downloadedonce, and every visit after that the game will be loaded locally from disk (while checking for an update in the background). Seethe tutorial on oine support in Construct 2 for more information. The most important point is your server be set up toserve files with the MIME type else the oine support and will cause you to wastea lot of bandwidth.

    Neither the hardware nor software in your computer is perfect. Computers fail and software can crash. toprotect yourself from losing work. It is essential to also maintain . If all your backups are in the same computeror saved to disks all in the same building, catastrophic events like fire, floods, theft or simultaneous hardware failure can causeyou to lose all your work and backups together.

    Construct 2 has built-in features to easily make automatic backups, including o-site backups using Dropbox. For moreinformation see the tutorial Keep your work safe with Construct 2's backup options .

    This advice is . It is vital to adopt this practice for any work on a computer which is important to you.Do not wait until you've lost work before starting to do this. People lose work regularly from having poor backup practices. Don'tbe one of them!

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  • It is highly recommended to test your game works as intended in a range of dierent browsers. While HTML5 is a standard whichin theory is implemented the same by all browsers, in practice there are variations between browsers (e.g. in performance,features, text rendering, etc). You should install a range of browsers and test with them all to ensure your game will work well foreveryone. Use the Preview browser property to test desktop browsers and preview on a local network to easily test mobilebrowsers.

    Many users now browse the web with touchscreen devices with no mouse or keyboard. If at all possible, you should design yourgame to also support touchscreen devices, perhaps with on-screen touch controls. For more information, see the tutorial ontouch controls .

    You may wish to prepare artwork and audio in other software before importing to Construct 2. The best formats to use are:

    for images. Be sure to select 32-bit if you are given a choice; the 8-bit or lower versionswill degrade quality. 32-bit PNGs are lossless and fully support alpha-channel transparency. Note the default Windows Paint doesnot support PNG transparency. Use a dierent editor instead, like Paint.NET .

    You can choose dierent export formats like JPEG inside Construct 2 to reduce the size of your finished project. However whenimporting you should still stick to 32-bit PNGs if possible, and leave Construct 2 to recompress them when exporting. For moreinformation see the blog post Image compression in Construct 2 .

    for audio. These are typically .wav files, but note that not all .wav files are 16-bit PCM. Providing you are onWindows 7 or newer, importing a 16-bit PCM .wav file to Construct 2 will automatically encode it to both AAC and Ogg Vorbis.These are the two formats necessary to support audio in all browsers. For more information see the manual entry on the ImportAudio dialog.

    These will be visible in plain text in the exported Javascript, andmalicious users will very quickly be able to take control of the account. If you need to connect to something like a database, writea server-side script that talks to the database, then connect to the URL of the server.

    There are a number of best practices in regards to game performance (ensuring the game always runs fast). Perhaps the mostimportant is when developing for mobile, test on the target mobile device from the start. Your computer could be 10 or 20 timesfaster than your mobile device, and something which runs fast on your computer may be unplayably slow on the mobile device.For more information see the section on Performance Tips.

    Some designers are tempted to design entire levels from lots of large image tiles. This method should be avoided at all costssince it is extremely wasteful with memory, and is not used by any professional game designers. The subject is discussed indetail in the blog post Remember not to waste your memory .

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  • Remember eects require WebGL to display, which is not always supported. Be sure to set up appropriate fallbacks and testyour project with WebGL disabled to ensure it will appear correctly for users whose systems do not support it.

    If you are working in a team, you will probably find source-control software like SVN very useful for managing a folder-basedproject. It can merge changes and highlight the changes each person has made. There is also a history of all changes availableand rollbacks can be made at any time. Construct 2 saves project data in XML format so it is well suited to this type ofmanagement.

    If you are working on a project by yourself, it is probably easiest to use single-file projects (.capx files). If the project gets largeover time, you may notice Construct 2 spends more time saving and loading projects with Decompressing CAPX... or CompressingCAPX... in the status bar. At this point it is probably useful to convert to a folder project which skips these steps and will makesaving and loading faster.

    Modern desktop computers are very powerful. Generally the main problem with performance is getting your game to run wellon mobiles and tablets. It's more dicult to get good performance on these devices for a number of reasons:

    They have weaker hardware: slower CPUs, slower graphics chips, and less memory.They run Javascript slower than desktop computers.Some devices only use software rendering, making them very slow at drawing graphics.

    Your computer may be well over ten times faster than your mobile device. To avoidsurprises test regularly on the intended device to make sure it is still running fast enough. The Preview on LAN feature canmake this quick and easy. You should aim to design simpler games to match the lower power of mobile devices, and have lowerexpectations of framerate (30 FPS is a good target for mobile).

    The following three tips can help you achieve best performance for mobile devices:

    , since mobile devices have lower limits towhat desktop computers can handle.


    For example, ifyou have a lot of objects using the Additive blend mode (commonly used for explosions,lasers and other eects), make sure all those objects are placed on their own layer. Alsomake sure they are created on that layer if the objects are spawned or created at runtime.Switching between eects can reduce performance, and doing this will ensures all objectsusing the same eect are drawn at the same time.


    Transparent pixels still take up renderingtime, even though they do not visually appear. Crop all images you use. Splitting up large


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  • objects with large transparent areas in to a series of smaller objects can also increase therendering performance and save memory. For example, adding a window border using ascreen-sized transparent sprite with borders drawn at the edges will exhibit worst-caseperformance; splitting it in to four separate objects for each edge will be significantly moreecient.

    Mobile performance also improves with time. If you still have performance problems now, future devices or software updateswill be better.

    Some of the most common things causing slowdowns are listed below. This list is not exhaustive. There may be other reasonsyour game is running slowly not listed here.

    The Physics behavior is very CPU intensive. Using too many objects with the Physics behavior can cause considerable slowdown.You should design your games to use a few large Physics objects rather than many small Physics objects.

    While modern computers are very fast, they still have a limited processing capacity. Creating over 1000 objects will probablycause your game to slow down. Try to design your game to use fewer objects. The system expression objectcount can tell youhow many objects you are using.

    Testing for collisions or overlaps between two object types, each with 100 instances, will require 10,000 collision checks. If this isdone every tick at 60 frames per second it will be processing 600,000 collision checks per second, which is very demanding onthe processor. Try to only check for collisions when absolutely necessary, or on a timer (e.g. once a second), or just use fewerobjects.

    Eects are visually impressive, but can slow down the game's performance considerably if over-used, especially on mobile. Usingan eect on objects with many instances is especially slow - often it is much more ecient to place all the objects with the eecton their own layer, then apply the eect to that layer instead. This allows the eect to process everything in one go, rather thanhaving to ineciently re-run the eect for a small object over and over again.

    Never use eects to process a static eect on an object. For example, do not use the 'Grayscale' eect to make an object alwaysappear grayscale. This will degrade performance when you could simply import a grayscale image to the object and not use anyeects at all.

    The Particles object can easily create hundreds of particles. Each particle is like a sprite, so it can rapidly use up availableprocessing power. Avoid using more than a couple of hundred particles on desktop. It is recommended to avoid using particlesat all on mobile if possible; if you still use them, use as few as possible with the lowest rates you can get away with. Use theParticleCount expression to help count how many particles you have created.

    Creating too many objects can cause slowdowns, and a common mistake is to use grids of Sprite objects instead of TiledBackground objects. For example, a 20x20 grid of sprites has 400 objects, which is a significant impact on the object count. Asingle tiled background can replace the grid of sprites and it only counts as a single object. Tiled backgrounds are speciallyoptimised for repeating their texture so in this case it is literally than the grid of sprites. Always useTiled Backgrounds instead of repeating Sprites wherever possible.

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  • Browsers do not all perform the same. You may find a better performing browser by testing across a range of browsers.

    Usually even the slower Canvas 2D renderer is still hardware accelerated by the computer's graphics card. However, sometimeseven the Canvas 2D is not hardware accelerated and uses a very slow software renderer. There is no easy way to tell this, but it isusually indicated by significantly worse performance on one system. Test on several computers to see if poor performance is aone-o, and make sure the graphics card drivers are up-to-date .

    This is rarer, but using too many loops like For, For Each and Repeat can cause the game to slow down. Nested loops areespecially likely to cause this. To test if this is the problem, try temporarily disabling the looping events.

    The following things are often accused of aecting performance (as in, the framerate at runtime), but probably have little or noeect:

    O-screen objects are not still rendered. Construct 2 does not issue draw calls for objects that do not appear in the window, andthe GPU is also smart enough to know not to render any content that appears outside the window - even when a single image isonly partially on-screen.

    Image formats (e.g. JPEG, PNG-8, PNG-32) aect the download size but have no eect on runtime performance (they are alldecompressed to 32-bit bitmap on startup).

    Audio formats also only aect the download size but have no eect on runtime performance.

    Number of layers usually has no eect, unless most of the layers have changed their opacity, have eects applied, have a blendmode other than 'Normal', or use 'force own texture'. However typically there is no performance impact from using multiplelayers with default settings.

    Number of layouts also is unlikely to have any eect other than the download size. The layout size also does not have any directeect; larger layouts do not use more memory or require more processing, unless you use more objects.

    Angle or opacity of sprites/tiled backgrounds and floating-point positions (e.g. positioning a sprite at X = 10.5) generally has no eect,since modern graphics chips are very good at handling this, even on mobiles. Very large sprites can still slow down mobiledevices, but on desktop they can often still be rendered just as fast as smaller sprites.

    WebGL helps games run faster on desktop computers. WebGL is about twice as fast as the Canvas 2D renderer, so for bestperformance you should make sure it is enabled in project properties. However, WebGL is not always supported, so enabling itdoes not guarantee that the game is rendering with WebGL. Use the renderer system expression to determine which renderer isin use.

    There are several reasons WebGL may not be supported. These are listed below:

    For example, Internet Explorer currently does notsupport WebGL. It will always use the slower Canvas 2D renderer. To improveperformance, try switching to a browser which supports WebGL, like Firefox or Chrome.

    To guarantee a stable browsing experience,

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  • browsers sometimes disable WebGL if the graphics card driver is known to be buggy.Updating your graphics card driver may fix this problem.

    Very old graphicshardware may not be able to support WebGL at all. If possible, upgrading your graphicscard to a new one may fix this problem. However, don't forget your game is probably stillplayable with the Canvas 2D renderer - it will just be slower.

    For more information and advice on performance, see the blog post Optimisation: don't waste your time .

    From the start of your project you should use a framerate indicator and keep an eye on performance. This allows you to notice ifa particular change you have made has seriously aected performance.

    Test your project on as many systems and browsers as possible.

    If you think something is causing performance problems in your project, it is usually easy to test the theory: back up your project,delete the thing in question, and see if the framerate has improved. If it improves, the thing you deleted was the cause; if not, itmust be something else.

    Computer systems are highly complex, and there are many unexpected or counter-intuitiveresults in performance. The way to know what eect something has on performance is to . If you cannotmeasure a dierence, it probably has no serious eect on performance.

    There are two system expressions that are important for determining performance:

    fps - returns the current frames per second rate. Usually the top speed is 60 frames per second, but it can change depending onthe system.

    renderer - returns either canvas2d or webgl depending on the renderer in use. The WebGL renderer is about twice as fast asCanvas2D, but only runs on desktop and isn't always supported. For more information see the Technology section.

    You can display both of these in a Text object to keep an eye on performance while testing your game, using an action like:

    Set text to

    This will display a string like 60 FPS (webgl) indicating both the framerate and renderer.

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  • This section covers the Construct 2 user interface. For an at-a-glance summary, be sure to see the Interface Overview from theprevious section.

    Construct 2's menu is accessed by clicking the blue button in the top left of the ribbon.

    Recently opened projects are listed on the right hand side of the drop-down menu.

    Opens the Start dialog. Open an existing project from disk.

    Save the current project to disk. and Save to a dierent folder or file. See Saving and

    sharing projects. Export to a HTML5 game ready for distribution. See Exporting and

    Publishing. Close the currently open tab. Tabs can also be closed by middle-clicking them.

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  • Close the currently open project, prompting to save changes if any.

    Along the bottom are four additional buttons:

    Opens this manual. Open the About dialog with information about your computer, the Construct 2

    version, and so on. Open the Preferences dialog with settings for the Construct 2 editor.

    Close Construct 2.

    The is the name given to the tabbed toolbar at the top of the editor window, similar tothe design used in Oce 2007 and newer.By default the ribbon is hidden until you click one of the ribbon tabs. You can toggle permanently showing the ribbon by clickingthe button in the top right.

    Keyboard shortcuts can be identified either by hovering a button on the ribbon, or pressing which will show keyboardshortcuts on-screen.

    Open full size imageThe Home tab has the standard functions common to most software: , , , and .

    The , and buttons aect the current selection in either the Event Sheet View or Layout View.

    allow you to set up dierent versions of your project without having to save multiple projects to disk. sets which configurations are currently being edited. Since only one configuration can be displayed in the editor

    at a time, this is chosen with the , which must also be an active configuration.

    The section contains some web links you may find useful.

    The section has buttons to preview or debug the project and export a game ready for publishing.

    The section allows you to bring up the Start page if you closed it.

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  • Open full size imageThe section allows you to show or hide the various user interface bars in the Construct 2editor by clicking the checkboxes. See the Interface section for more information about eachbar.

    The section can be used to zoom both the Layout View and Event Sheet View.

    The and sections only apply to the Layout View. By enabling , moving and placing objects willsnap them to an invisible grid with the given cell sizes. The grid can optionally also be shown in the Layout View.

    The allows you to choose dierent visual styles for the Construct 2 user interface. This is purely cosmetic and does notaect any functionality of the editor.

    The section also only aects the Layout View. Show collision polys will render outlines of each object's collision polygon inthe Layout View itself if enabled. The color of the collision polygon lines can be changed in Preferences. The Translucent inactivelayers mode will show all layers apart from the active one (selected in the Layers Bar) at 33% opacity. The translucent layers arealso locked so objects on them cannot be selected. This can be a convenient mode for editing individual layers.

    Open full size imageThe Events tab only applies to the Event Sheet View. If a Layout view is open all its buttons will bedisabled.

    The buttons in the section provide quick ways to add a new event, condition, action, sub-event, event group, globalor local variable, event include or comment. If you have something in the event sheet selected, the new item will be added nextto the selection.

    allows you to toggle conditions, actions or entire events on and o. A disabled event appears crossed out, and iseectively deleted - it will not run or aect the game in any way. However, you can bring it back at any time by clicking Disableagain. This can be useful for testing.

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  • The section allows you to toggle bookmarks on the selected event, and navigate to the next and previous bookmarksin the project. These can also be viewed with the Bookmarks Bar.

    The section allows you to toggle breakpoints on events, conditions and actions, or remove all breakpoints from theproject.

    The section allows you to filter all the events in the current event sheet by a phrase. If an event contains the search textanywhere inside it, the event remains in the view, otherwise it is removed. This can be very useful to locate events related to aparticular object, or to find something in a long event sheet. The button (or pressing Escape) shows all events again.

    The can be used to hide or show the Add action link in every event. These provide a quick way to add newactions. However, they can significantly increase the vertical height of the event sheet making it a little harder to read or findevents. If you want to review an event sheet you might find it useful to turn these links o. Actions can still be added to eventseven when the links are hidden by the button in the ribbon or right-click menu.

    The shows an overview of everything in your project. See Project Structure for asummary of the dierent elements that make up a project, or the manual section on ProjectPrimitives for more detail.

    The project name appears with an asterisk by it (e.g. ) if it has unsaved changes.

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  • The Project Bar can be used to arrange your project in to subfolders (licensed edition only).Subfolders can be added by and selecting . Then, you can

    folders and items to organise them in to folders.

    any item in the Project Bar to show a list of options. Most items can be renamed anddeleted. Right-clicking a folder also has the option to add a new item to that folder, such as anew layout or event sheet. Objects are more commonly added in the Layout View, but you canstill add them from the Project Bar too.

    to close, export or open the project's folder inWindows Explorer.

    Deleting from the Layout View will not remove an object from the project completely. The onlyway to fully remove an entire object type from the project is to delete it from the Project Bar.

    either the or folders and select to open the Import Audio dialog.This allows you to pick audio files from your computer and import them to the project. Construct2 will convert them to the necessary formats to support all browsers. To play back audio, makesure you add the Audio object to the project.

    You can import additional external files to the project. For more information, see Project Files.

    The is a vital part of the interface. It displays a list of all the settings you can change on whatever is selected. Inthe picture below, a layout is selected, so the layout's properties are showing.

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  • There are too many properties in Construct 2 to list here. Instead, properties for dierent parts of the project are documented inthe relevant manual section. For example, layout properties are defined in the Layout section.

    Properties are organised in to which can be expanded and collapsed with the button. There are many kinds ofproperties, including number fields, text fields, dropdown lists and clickable links. The property name appears in the left column,and the editable value appears in the right column.

    Whenever something in the project is clicked or selected, its properties display in the Properties Bar. For example, selectingobjects in the Layout View or clicking items in the Project Bar shows the relevant properties in the Properties Bar.

    The following project elements have properties:

    ProjectsLayoutsLayersObject instancesAnimations

    Many behaviors have their own properties - see the Behavior referenceMany plugins have their own properties - see the Plugin referenceMany objects also support eects and have properties for them as well.

    See the relevant manual sections for documentation on the properties that are shown. There is also a link displayed at thebottom of the properties that will take you to a relevant manual section.

    All properties also have a description which provide additional information about what the property is used for. This is displayedin a panel at the bottom of the Properties Bar. It is worth keeping an eye on this since it can contain useful hints and tips. Anexample is shown below.

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  • The is most useful in the Layout View. It displays a filtered list of objects with large icons. Objects can be to place them. This makes the Object Bar useful for showing just the objects you're interested in

    placing, which is sometimes quicker than using the Project Bar (which lists everything in the project).

    See also the manual section on Objects

    The Object Bar also provides another way to access object's properties. Selecting an icon in the Object Bar shows the object'sproperties in the Properties Bar. If a Layout View is currently open, it will also select every instance of that object type in thelayout.

    By default the Object Bar shows the project objects organised by folders. Double-click a folder to show that folder's contents.Click the green arrow to navigate back to the parent folder.

    Selecting a folder in the Project Bar also displays that folder's contents in the Object Bar.

    Objects can also be organised by dragging and dropping them to folders in the Object Bar, but you may find the Project Barmore convenient for this.

    The text at the top of the title bar shows the current filter or folder if any. By default it shows just the objects on the currentlayout (e.g. All 'MyLayout' objects). This means it will show objects only on dierent layouts, nor project objects like Mouse orKeyboard. These objects can be accessed via the Project Bar, and also dragged and dropped in to the layout from there.Alternatively, the filtering options can be set to display all project objects in the Object Bar (see below).

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  • a space in the Object Bar to show its display options.

    A shortcut for the green Up button at the top of the Object Bar.

    Return to the root (bottom-level) object folder, as if clicking Object types in the Project Bar.

    and Shortcuts for the organisation functions in the Project Bar.

    Show or hide the text and Up button at the top of the Object Bar.

    Set to Current layout objects to only show objects which are in the current layout (the default), or All project objects to show allobjects in the project (like the Project Bar).

    Set to Folder structure to display objects organised by their subfolders (the default), or Simple List to list all objects regardless oftheir folder (there are no subfolders in this view).

    Change how the icons are displayed in the Object Bar, including which direction the bar scrolls in if there are lots of objects. Thiscan be useful if you dock the Object Bar somewhere else in the editor, e.g. along the top or bottom.

    Change the size of the icons. Smaller icons lets you fit more icons in the window, but larger icons makes it quicker to identifyobjects.

    The is used to add, edit and remove layers in a layout. A layer is like a sheet of glass objects are painted on to. Thisallows easy arrangement of which objects display in front of other objects, for example showing foreground objects in front ofthe background sprites. It also allows for interesting depth eects like parallax, and layers can be individually scaled and rotated

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  • as well.

    Layers can be in the Layers Bar to change their order. Layers at the of the list are displayed (e.g. background objects), and layers at the of the list are displayed (e.g. HUD objects).

    Selecting a layer displays its properties in the Properties Bar and also sets it as the which new objects are inserted into. See the property in layout properties for more information.

    Each layer in the list has the following:

    A to toggle whether the layer is (this does not aect thegame when previewing or exporting)A . Clicking this toggles the layer's status. If a layer is locked, objects onthat layer cannot be selected in the editor. This is useful to prevent accidental selections onrarely-used layers like backgrounds.A to the right. This is a of the layer (the first layer is number 0,not 1). If you need to enter a layer number in the event system, this is the correspondingnumber. (You can also enter layer names in the event system which might be moreconvenient if you regularly reorder layers.)

    The icons along the top provide shortcuts for editing layers. Layers can be added and there are alternative options for layervisibility and locking. There is also a and button (F2 and Delete on the keyboard respectively). Layers can also berenamed by single-clicking a selected layer, like renaming files in Windows Explorer. Finally, there are and buttons, which provide an alternative to dragging and dropping to reorder layers.

    To modify the Z order (front-to-back order) of individual objects on a layer, use the Z Order Bar.

    The allows precise control over which objects appear in front of others. Although

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  • Construct 2 is a 2D engine, the term Z order is used to refer to the display order of eachindividual object.

    The Z Order Bar is not available in the Free edition of Construct 2.

    To open the Z Order Bar, either right click in the layout view and select Z order -> Edit Z order..., or tick the Z Order Bar checkbox inthe View tab of the ribbon.

    If no objects are selected, the Z Order Bar displays all objects in the layout. Group markers appear identifying each layer fromthe Layers Bar. The Z Order increases upwards in the list, meaning objects at the of the list are displayed at the , andobjects at the of the list are displayed at the .

    If any objects are selected, the list is filtered down to only those objects and any other objects overlapping them. This makes itconvenient to see the relative Z order of a small area without having to take in to account the rest of the layout.

    With lots of the same instances in the list, it can sometimes be dicult to tell precisely where a particular instance occurs in thelist. To help identify each instance its UID appears after its name, e.g. Player 41 (meaning a Player instance with UID 41).

    Instances in the list which are currently selected in the Layout View are also highlighted in bold.

    Sprite objects which have a dierent initial image set by changing the Initial frame or Initial animation properties also display anicon for that initial image in the Z Order list.

    Finally, instances can be to make them flash briefly in the Layout View. Alternatively an instance can be right-clicked and then Flash instance selected. This helps visually identify the instance in the layout.

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  • Using the Z Order bar is very simple: to move an object in the Z Order, simply . You can also moveobjects to other layers this way. You can also select multiple objects by holding or and drag them all as a block toanother layer or location in the Z Order. When doing this, the relative order of the selection is also preserved.

    If you want to add, remove or reorder layers themselves, use the Layers Bar instead.

    You can right-click the Z Order Bar and select Show active layer only. This further filters down the list to only display objects on thecurrent active layer (the selected layer in the Layers Bar), which can be useful when working with a single layer.

    The allows tilemaps in the Tilemap object to be edited from within the layout view.It provides a toolbar with various tools and options, and a view of the current tileset image.

    To add a tilemap and start editing it, follow these steps:

    Add a Tilemap object to the layout and make sure it is selected1. Choose the Pencil or Rectangle tool from the Tilemap bar's toolbar2. Select a tile in the tileset showing in the Tilemap bar3. Click inside the Tilemap object to start drawing the selected tile4.

    To stop editing the tilemap's tiles and return to normal layout editing, click the mouse cursor on the Tilemap bar's toolbar torestore normal layout view selection. This also allows you to move and resize the entire tilemap object.

    If you have multiple tilemap objects, only the selected tilemap is edited. It is often useful to layer tilemap objects directly on topof each other, in which case the tilemap to edit can be most easily selected using the Z Order Bar or hiding/locking layers withthe Layers Bar.

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  • The Tilemap bar's toolbar has the following options:

    : stop editing tiles and select the Tilemap object like any other object.

    : draw tiles with the mouse. You can also select an area of tiles by dragging across several tiles in the displayedtileset, and then use this tool to stamp that region of tiles in to the tilemap.

    : draw a rectangular area of tiles by clicking and dragging in the tilemap object. You can also select a 3x3 areaof tiles in the displayed tileset, and the tool will automatically nine-patch the tiles. This also works for drawing single rows orcolumns with smaller selections such as 1x3 or 3x1, where the first and last tile are the first and last in the selection, and the restare the middle tile repeated. Larger selections can also be used, such as 4x4, and the middle tiles will be alternated along therectangle.

    : erase tiles from the tilemap so they appear as transparent space. Larger areas can be erased by selecting a largerarea of tiles in the tileset. A shortcut for erasing single tiles is to right-click while another tool is selected.

    : with a single tile in the tileset selected, click this button to edit that tile's collision polygon.Alternatively double-click a tile in the tileset. When testing for collisions with the tilemap object, the collision polygon will be usedwherever that tile appears in the tilemap. If a collision polygon has set (and it is not the default bounding box), the collisionpolygon will be outlined in red while hovering the mouse over that tile in the Tilemap bar.

    : when using the Pencil tool, tiles will be placed flipped horizontally. Alternatively use the keyboardshortcut. If an area of tiles is selected in the tileset, the entire patch is also flipped.

    : when using the Pencil tool, tiles will be placed flipped vertically. Alternatively use the keyboardshortcut. If an area of tiles is selected in the tileset, the entire patch is also flipped.

    : when using the Pencil tool, click to keep rotating the tiles to be placed. Alternativelyuse the keyboard shortcut. If an area of tiles is selected in the tileset, the entire patch is also rotated.

    : import a .tmx tilemap as used by Tiled . All the tiles in the object are replaced with tile data from the TMX file. InConstruct 2 a Tilemap object represents a single layer of tiles, so if the TMX file has multiple layers you will be asked which layerto import. To import all layers, create a dierent tilemap object for each layer and import them separately. Optionally the tilesetimage can also be replaced with the image from the TMX file.

    : export the current tiles and tileset image in to a .tmx file as used by Tiled . Note that Construct 2 does not supportall of Tiled's features, so importing then exporting a TMX may lose some data, such as terrain definitions. Also since in Construct2 a Tilemap object represents a single layer of tiles, the exported TMX file will also only ever have one layer.

    For more information on how to use tilemaps, see the manual entry on the Tilemap object.

    The shows an overview of all the bookmarks in the project. Bookmarks are away of marking and quickly moving between events in the Event Sheet View. In the Event SheetView, bookmarks can be toggled with Ctrl+F2, and navigated between with F2 and Shift+F2 (see

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  • Keyboard shortcuts).

    The Bookmarks Bar is not available in the Free edition of Construct 2.

    As with all bars, the Bookmarks Bar can be docked anywhere in the user interface or left floating as an individual window.

    Bookmarks are listed in the order they occur in the project: first by event sheets in the order they appear in the Project Bar; thenby their sequence within the event sheet. Each bookmark listed shows a description by it, if possible. For example a bookmarkedgroup will show the title of the group, a bookmarked variable will show the name of the variable, and a bookmarked event willshow some text from the first condition of the event. If the bookmark position has an event number, it is also shown, and theevent sheet the bookmark belongs to is also listed.

    to navigate to it. to show a menu where bookmarks can be removed (alternatively bypressing Delete), or clear all bookmarks from the project.

    The is a visual designer for your objects. It allows you to set up a pre-arrangedlayout of objects, such as a game level, menu or title screen. In other tools, layouts may bereferred to as scenes, rooms, frames or stages. See also the manual section on layouts.

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  • Open full size imageThe dotted rectangle in the top left indicates the window size in the layout.

    in the layout or right-click and select to add a new object type. This will bring up theInsert New Object dialog.

    To create new of an existing object type, another object can be , copy and pasted, or dragged anddropped from the Project Bar or Object Bar. (Make sure you're clear on the dierence between Object Types and Instances asdescribed in Project Structure.)

    A shortcut for importing image files as Sprite objects is to . This automatically creates a new Sprite object type with the dragged image. If multiple image files are dragged, the Sprite is

    assigned an animation with the dragged images as animation frames.

    Instances can be moved by dragging and dropping them with the mouse. to axis-lock the drag to diagonals.Alternatively they can be nudged 1 pixel at a time with the arrow keys (hold shift to nudge 10 pixels), or co-ordinates can betyped in directly to the Properties Bar.

    The key or right-click Delete option deletes instances. Deleting all instances of an object does remove the from the project. To entirely remove an object from the project it should be deleted via the Project Bar.

    Click objects to select them. Objects cannot be selected if their layer is locked. while clicking to select multipleobjects, or a selection rectangle to select all objects in an area. The Properties Bar displays properties for allcurrently selected objects, so changing a property sets it for every selected object.

    When a single object is selected it appears with around it:

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  • the resize handles to stretch the object. to proportionally resize the object. The size of the resizehandles can be changed in Preferences.

    Rotatable objects like Sprite also have an originating from the object's origin. This can be clicked and dragged tochange the object's angle. Alternatively an angle can be entered in to the Properties Bar.

    If you are designing a tile-based game, you can insert the Tilemap object and edit tiles in the Layout View. To find out more, seethe manual entry on the Tilemap Bar.

    There are three ways to scroll in the Layout View:

    at the edges of the view and drag the mouse

    and move the mouse (useful for laptops with track pads)

    On desktop systems, middle-mouse dragging is probably the most convenient way to move around the layout.

    Zooming is useful to focus on a small area or see an overview of the entire layout. There are several ways to zoom:

    The in the View tab (hold shift while clicking to adjust thezoom amount)

    and . Hold both Control and Shift to zoom in integersteps (e.g. 100%, 200%, 400%...)

    and on the num pad (hold shift to adjust zoom amount)

    The current zoom is displayed in the Status Bar. Press to return to 100% zoom.

    If you select two or more objects, you can the selection by pressing or right-clicking and selecting .This allows you to rotate and stretch the selection as a whole.

    Wrapped selections appear with a red selection box rather than blue, as shown below:

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  • By using the red resize handles the entire arrangement can be made bigger:

    The red rotate handle can also be used to rotate the entire selection around the mid-point of the selection. If you click an objectwhile the selection is wrapped, the rotate handle moves to the clicked object's origin. This allows you to then rotate the entireselection around that object, instead of just around the mid-point.

    To go to the associated event sheet, press or or right-click and select .

    The Z order of objects within a layer can be adjusted by right-clicking and selecting - or . You can also choose Edit Z Order... to open the Z Order Bar for advanced control.

    Objects can be snapped to a grid for tile placement, and the collision polygons of the displayed objects can also be outlined. The tab of the ribbon provides these options.

    The right-click menu in the layout view also provides some alignment tools under the Align sub-menu. These allow you to quicklyspace objects equally or align objects along their edges. When aligning, the objects are aligned to the particular object you right-clicked.

    The image or animation editor can be brought up by objects with images or animations like Tiled Backgroundand Sprite.

    Eects will be displayed in the layout view if WebGL is enabled in project properties. If WebGL is disabled, the layout view willpreview as it would at runtime, without displaying any eects, and using any fallbacks that have been set up.

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  • The is where events can be added, viewed and edited in an event sheet using Construct 2's non-programmingevent system.

    The event system has a lot of features, so the event system has its own section of the manual. This section will simply cover thebasics of using the Event Sheet View.

    Open full size image

    Events are made up of three major sections:

    The , which contains the conditions. Notice the margin to the left of thecondition which allows you to select the entire event.


    The , which are each listed inside the event block.2. The , which are listed to the right of the event block.3.

    Conditions and actions can be selected by clicking on them. The entire event can be selected (which also selects all its conditionsand actions) by clicking the , or the bottom part of the event block. The event margin can also be right-clicked toaccess a menu allowing things like adding sub-events.

    As with the Layout view, multiple selections can be made by holding control and clicking dierent items. However, you can onlyhave either events, conditions or actions selected at a time (e.g. you can't have both a condition and action selected at once). You

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  • can also and click an event, condition or action to select all the items in a line between the selection and clicked item.

    There are a number of ways to add a new event:

    a space in the event sheetClick the link which comes after the last event

    and choose an item to add in the menuUse the tab on the ribbon

    When you add a new event, the dialog that appears is for adding the first (see Add Condition dialog). To add moreconditions to an event, right-click the margin or an existing condition and select .

    Actions can be added by clicking the link (if it has not been hidden in the ribbon), or right-clicking the margin or anexisting action and selecting . See also Add Action dialog.

    or select and press on condition or action to edit it.

    Events, conditions and actions can be around the event sheet. Holding and dragging will duplicatethe dragged event, condition or action. Event items can also be .

    You may find it convenient to organise events in to , which can also be activated and deactivated as a whole.

    Press or right-click and use the option to quickly swap objects referenced in the selection. Note that objectswith references to instance variables or behaviors in the selection can only be swapped with other objects with the sameinstance variables and behaviors which have the same names and types.

    There are several ways to scroll in the Event Sheet View:

    to the right of the view

    and drag the mouse and move the mouse (useful for laptops with track pads)

    Use the in the View tab or and to zoom. Press torestore 100% zoom. The event sheet font can also be set in Preferences.

    Construct 2 has a built in image editor, and the Sprite object extends it with additional windowsthat allow you to create animations. Note: the image editor is currently a work-in-progress and is notyet feature complete.

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  • To open this editor, an object with an image or animations in the Layout View.Alternatively, right-click the object in the Project Bar or Object Bar and select or


    The image editor is used to edit Tiled Background images and Sprite animation frames.

    The buttons along the top modify the entire image: Resets the image to all transparent.

    Import an image file from disk in PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIF, GIF or WMF format. PNG isrecommended since it is lossless, usually compresses well, and supports alpha transparency.

    Export the image to a file on disk in PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIF or GIF format. PNG isrecommended since it is lossless, usually compresses well, and supports alpha transparency.

    Opens the Image Format dialog, allowing you to set the format on export toPNG-32, PNG-8 or JPEG.

    Mirror the image horizontally. Hold shift to mirror an entire animation. Flip the image vertically. Hold shift to mirror an entire animation.

    rotates the image. Hold shift to rotate an entireanimation.

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  • removes spare transparency at the edges of the image, making the canvas as small aspossible while still fitting the image. This is recommend to save memory and make collisionsmore accurate and ecient. Hold shift to crop an entire animation.

    Adjust the image canvas size, with options to center align the image, top-left align orstretch to fit.

    Zoom the image. Alternatively, hold and scroll the . Switch the background from a light shade to a dark shade. The

    dark shade may be more useful for editing bright images like light spots, clouds, etc.

    The image editor view can also be scrolled by holding the and .

    The buttons down the left are the following tools:

    Select, delete, cut, copy and paste rectangle sections of the image. Erase sections of the image. Draw individual pixels or drag 1px-size lines. Draw with a colored round brush.

    Draw colored lines. Fill an area with a color.

    Flood fill an area with a color. Pick the primary or second color from the image. Note holding control and clicking

    with another tool is a shortcut for this. Opens the Image Points dialog. This allows you to set the image's

    origin (its point of rotation) and place image points at focal points in the image such as at theend of the gun. Image points can be accessed in the event system to create objects from andsuch. Some objects, like Tiled Background, do not use an origin or any image points.

    Set the collision shape for the image or frame. By default Construct 2guesses a collision shape, but it is not always accurate. Click and drag the points of the collisionpolygon to alter its shape. to display a menu of additional options for the collisionpolygon, such as adding and deleting points. Some objects, like Tiled Background, do not usecollision polygons.

    The animations bar is where multiple animations can be created for Sprite objects.

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  • a space to add a new animation or add a subfolder to organise animations. an animation and select to preview how the animation will look in the game.

    When selecting an animation, the Properties Bar displays settings for the animation. These arethe following:

    The number of animation frames shown per second. For example, if set to 5, eachanimation frame lasts for 1/5th of a second. Set to if you do not want the animation to play(e.g. if a tile set is used with a dierent tile in each frame).

    Restart the animation after it finishes. If not looping, the number of times to repeat the animation.

    The of the animation frame to repeat back to if looping orrepeating.

    Play the animation alternately forwards and backwards.

    The animation frames bar displays a list of the animation frames in the current animation.

    Select an image to switch the Image Editor to editing the clicked animation frame. Animationframes can also be to adjust the sequence.

    in the animation frames bar for the following options:

    Add a new blank animation frame to the end of the sequence. Make a copy of the last animation frame and add it to the end of the


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  • Reverse the order of all the frames in the animation. Opens a dialog to select one or more image files from disk. All the selected image

    files are added as animation frames. Import a sprite strip or tileset, where a single image contains a number of

    animation frames aligned to a grid. This is done with the Import Sprite Strip dialog. Reload all the images from the project folder. This is useful if you have

    edited the images in the project folder while Construct 2 is open and want Construct 2 torecognise the changes. (This option is disabled if you're not using a project folder.)

    Adjust the size of the thumbnail icons of each frame in the bar.

    Selecting an animation frame shows a single property in the Properties Bar: , whichis a multiplier for the amount of time to spend on the frame. For example, a frame speed of 2will spend twice as long on that animation frame, 0.5 half as long, etc. relative to the currentanimation speed.

    This section lists each dialog in the Construct 2 editor. You may not need to use all of these dialogs, depending on the featuresyou use. Each dialog has a link to its relevant help page in this section. You may prefer to use these links when you need torather than read through this section.

    If you're looking for general help on Construct 2, try the manual front page. This page describesthe .

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  • The About dialog contains the following information:

    (e.g. Release 70)Construct 2 does not use the a.b.c version numbering system. Instead, the version is simply anumber which increments by 1 every time a new release is published. You should stay up todate with the latest version for the most features, best performance and most reliable stability.

    (32-bit or 64-bit)This determines whether you are using the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Construct 2. If you're usinga 64-bit computer it's recommended to install the 64-bit version, unless you are using a portableinstallation. See Installing Construct 2 for more information.

    Following the release number