Page load animation CSS CodePen

How do I start an animation on page load CSS?

Add CSS.
Add @keyframes with the name "slideInLeft" and use 0% and 100% as a starting point and ending point of the animation, respectively. ... .
Use the animation property on the <header> and specify its background and padding..
Style the <body> element by setting the margin to 0 and specifying the font-family..

How do you load an animation in CSS?

First, add a div in HTML and define it with the classname "loader." Next, use the CSS class selector . loader to customize your CSS loading animation. You can define mutliple properties, as shown in the rule set below.

How do you add an animation page loading?

To create a page loader, you simply need to:.
Create your HTML code to indicate what you want to use as your loader, e.g., an image or an icon..
Then, style your loader page to your taste. ... .
Finally, create a JavaScript script that will fire up when the page is requested and then execute the code it contains..

How do you animate a page in CSS?

CSS allows animation of HTML elements without using JavaScript or Flash!.