Neurobion vitamin b1 b6 b12 untuk apa

Each coated tablet contains vitamin B1 (thiamine disulfide) 100 mg, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 200 mg and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 200 mcg.
It also contains the following excipients: Montan-glycol wax, gelatin, methyl cellulose, acacia, magnesium stearate, glycerol 85%, povidone 25, calcium carbonate, colloidal silicon dioxide, cornstarch, kaolin, lactose monohydrate, talc, sucrose and titanium dioxide.

Neurobion is a combination of 3 essential neurotropic vitamins (B1, B6 and B12) in high dosage. Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are of special importance for the metabolism in the peripheral and central nervous system. Their effect on the regeneration of nerves has been shown in various investigations using the vitamins individually and in combination.
Vitamin B1 plays an important role in major metabolic processes. Vitamin B6 has an analgesic effect. Vitamin B12 ensures blood cell formation and prevents degenerative processes of the nervous system. Both the individual function and the beneficial biochemical links between the 3 vitamins justify their combined use.

Nerve pain eg, pricking/tingling sensation, numbess, muscle stiffness, muscle cramp, impaired sensation.
Neurological and other disorders associated with disturbance of the metabolic functions influenced by B-complex vitamins, including diabetic polyneuropathy, alcoholic peripheral neuritis and post-influenzal neuropathies.
Treatment of neuritis and neuralgia of the spinal nerves, especially facial paresis, cervical syndrome, low back pain, ischialgia.

1 coated tablet three times daily to treat moderate cases, or to provide interval and follow-up therapy for a course of injections unless prescribed otherwise by the physician.
Administration: Swallow without chewing with a little liquid with or after meals. The dosage and the duration of treatment are to be defined by the physician depending on the condition of the patient.

Sensorial neuropathy and other sensorial neuropathy syndromes which can be caused by long-term administration of high doses of pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) improve gradually upon vitamin discontinuation.

Hypersensitivity to any of the active or excipients of Neurobion (see Description).
Use in Children: Neurobion coated tablets are not suitable for the treatment of children below the age of 14 years due to the high content of active ingredients.

In the literature, neuropathies are described under long-term intake (6-12 months) of >50 mg mean daily dose of vitamin B6. Therefore, under long-term treatment regular monitoring is recommended.

No risks have become known associated with the use of Neurobion during pregnancy at the recommended dosage.
Vitamins B1, B6 and B12 are secreted into human breast milk, but risks of overdose for the infant are not known. In individual cases, high doses of vitamin B6 ie, >600 mg daily may inhibit the production of breastmilk.

Hypersensitivity reactions to vitamin B1 or B12 eg, sweating, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) and skin reactions with itching and urticaria may occur.
Gastrointestinal complaints eg, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain may occur.

Levodopa (L-Dopa): The effect of L-dopa may be reduced when vitamin B6 is administered concomitantly.
Pyridoxine-Antagonists eg, Isoniazid (INH), Cycloserin, Penicillamin, Hydralazine: The efficacy of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) may be decreased.
Loop Diuretics eg, Furosemide: In long-term use, the blood level of thiamine may be reduced.
Long term use of acid lowering agent may lead to Vitamin B12 deficiency.

A11DB - Vitamin B1 in combination with vitamin B6 and/or vitamin B12 ; Used as dietary supplements.


Neurobion with combination of vitamin B1, B6 and B12 is clinically tested to nourish your nerve cells, helps to improve nerve function and relieves nerve pain, keeping the feeling of tingling and numbness at bay.

Vitamin B1 – Strengthens nerves and serves as a source of energy for nerves.
Vitamin B6 – Promotes transmission of nerve impulses and has pain relieve effect.
Vitamin B12 – Regenerates nerves and prevents nerve cells from damage.

Indications: For nerve pain expressed in one or more of the following symptoms: pricking / tingling sensation, numbness, muscle stiffness, muscle cramp, impaired sensation.

Vitamin B1 100mg
Vitamin B6 200mg
Vitamin B12 200mcg

Adult Dosage:

One tablet 3 times daily. To be swallowed without chewing, taken with water after meals.

Gambar hanya untuk tujuan pemasaran. Tidak untuk menjamin hasil, menunjukkan perawatan atau kesembuhan suatu penyakit atau kondisi medis. Dalam keadaan darurat, hubungi dokter atau nomor gawat darurat.


Neurobion (Vitamin B1, B6, B12) 10 Tablet 1 Setrip

Harga HDmall

Rp 26.070 /strip

Neurobion vitamin b1 b6 b12 untuk apa

Terapi neuropati (kerusakan sel saraf) dengan gejala kesemutan dan mati rasa akibat defisiensi neurotropik vitamin (B1, B6, B12) pada keadaan kekurangan asupan, gangguan penyerapan, peningkatan kehilangan ginjal dan peningkatan kebutuhan pada pasien diabetes dan lansia. Mengandung Vitamin B1 100 mg, Vitamin B6 200 mg, Vitamin B12 200 mcg.

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Neurobion Vit B1 B6 B12 obat apa?

Neurobion adalah suplemen yang bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan sistem saraf. Neurobion merupakan suplemen multivitamin yang mengandung vitamin B1, B6, dan B12. Suplemen ini tersedia dalam bentuk tablet dan suntik.

Apakah neurobion aman diminum setiap hari?

Neurobion Forte bisa dikonsumsi setelah makan, setiap harinya hanya diperbolehkan mengonsumsi satu tablet saja. Meskipun hanya satu tablet, suplemen bisa membantu memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin B harian. Perlu diperhatikan, obat ini tidak boleh dikonsumsi terlalu lama dan melebihi dosis yang dianjurkan.

Apakah neurobion bisa mengobati pegal?

Manfaat Neurobion Sebagai sumber vitamin guna menurunkan gangguan saraf maupun fungsi metabolisme untuk kambuh. Beberapa masalah kesehatan ringan seperti kesemutan, mati rasa atau kebas, dan juga pegal otot yang lama juga dapat diredakan dengan mengonsumsi obat ini.