Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

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Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

I've always been familiar with technology and now I can't spend a day without my Android Phone

"Now you can open YouTube videos in the background"

4/5 Good

Screenshots of Minimize for Youtube play in background

Main features of Minimize for Youtube play in background

  1. We are working on the description of Minimize for Youtube play in background developed by
  2. Minimize for Youtube play in background is related to Android apps, Media - Video , Music.
  3. For now, check out the description of Minimize for Youtube play in background as provided by the official producer here
  4. Size: 17M
  5. Operating System: Android
  6. Developer:
  7. Price details: A completely free app. Free
  8. Installation requirements: A minimum of 17M of free memory space and Android 5.0 or higher.

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Android apps Media - Video  Music Video Youtube Android multitasking

Minimize for Youtube play in background APKs

APK security details

Version: 1.7.3
Updated on: 28-12-21
Size: 15.13 MB
Signature: 49F43D1130C6EFE0AA8CF5690976009FEAE8A850
APK File SHA1: 32DAA5A5C46051A2E897E4BC4B77CD32687490E7

Why we can guarantee APK 100% safe?

  • - All our APK files are safe and free from virus or any other sorts of Malware.
  • - An authentication process takes place in which the cryptographic signature of the app is matched and contrasted to ensure that the APK file is from a trusted and legitimate developer.
  • - All APK files we provide are original and completely free. We don't offer APK files for paid apps.

VirusTotal Security Report

0 out of 59 antivirus say Minimize for Youtube play in background 1.7.3 is suspicious
Latest scan: 2021-12-28

View full report in VirusTotal

Size: 15.13 MB

Date: 28-12-21

APK security details

Version: 1.6.8
Updated on: 20-12-21
Size: 15.12 MB
Signature: 49F43D1130C6EFE0AA8CF5690976009FEAE8A850
APK File SHA1: 45786A0BE8E0096E5166913257F97CA8EF36A097

Why we can guarantee APK 100% safe?

  • - All our APK files are safe and free from virus or any other sorts of Malware.
  • - An authentication process takes place in which the cryptographic signature of the app is matched and contrasted to ensure that the APK file is from a trusted and legitimate developer.
  • - All APK files we provide are original and completely free. We don't offer APK files for paid apps.

VirusTotal Security Report

0 out of 61 antivirus say Minimize for Youtube play in background 1.6.8 is suspicious
Latest scan: 2021-12-20

View full report in VirusTotal

Size: 15.12 MB

Date: 20-12-21

APK security details

Version: 1.3.5
Updated on: 08-10-21
Size: 13.30 MB
Signature: 49F43D1130C6EFE0AA8CF5690976009FEAE8A850
APK File SHA1: 33F1B59553D6C0F9449146A3DA1D65BE14943515

Why we can guarantee APK 100% safe?

  • - All our APK files are safe and free from virus or any other sorts of Malware.
  • - An authentication process takes place in which the cryptographic signature of the app is matched and contrasted to ensure that the APK file is from a trusted and legitimate developer.
  • - All APK files we provide are original and completely free. We don't offer APK files for paid apps.

VirusTotal Security Report

0 out of 62 antivirus say Minimize for Youtube play in background 1.3.5 is suspicious
Latest scan: 2021-10-08

View full report in VirusTotal

Size: 13.30 MB

Date: 08-10-21

APK security details

Version: 1.2.34
Updated on: 23-08-21
Size: 13.36 MB
Signature: 49F43D1130C6EFE0AA8CF5690976009FEAE8A850
APK File SHA1: A3D4BD2738253841B4344E8EEEFCB238F00C9DAB

Why we can guarantee APK 100% safe?

  • - All our APK files are safe and free from virus or any other sorts of Malware.
  • - An authentication process takes place in which the cryptographic signature of the app is matched and contrasted to ensure that the APK file is from a trusted and legitimate developer.
  • - All APK files we provide are original and completely free. We don't offer APK files for paid apps.

VirusTotal Security Report

0 out of 62 antivirus say Minimize for Youtube play in background 1.2.34 is suspicious
Latest scan: 2021-08-24

View full report in VirusTotal

Size: 13.36 MB

Date: 23-08-21

APK security details

Version: 63
Updated on: 31-12-20
Size: 10.54 MB
Signature: 49F43D1130C6EFE0AA8CF5690976009FEAE8A850
APK File SHA1: C20B4E3F22D355FCC22BCEEF7956832881E24262

Why we can guarantee APK 100% safe?

  • - All our APK files are safe and free from virus or any other sorts of Malware.
  • - An authentication process takes place in which the cryptographic signature of the app is matched and contrasted to ensure that the APK file is from a trusted and legitimate developer.
  • - All APK files we provide are original and completely free. We don't offer APK files for paid apps.

VirusTotal Security Report

0 out of 64 antivirus say Minimize for Youtube play in background 63 is suspicious
Latest scan: 2020-12-09

View full report in VirusTotal

Size: 10.54 MB

Date: 31-12-20

APK security details

Version: 59.0
Updated on: 30-11-20
Size: 10.50 MB
Signature: 49F43D1130C6EFE0AA8CF5690976009FEAE8A850
APK File SHA1: E73ABA8E4855FC4DE0D4DB62F0669F12A0485442

Why we can guarantee APK 100% safe?

  • - All our APK files are safe and free from virus or any other sorts of Malware.
  • - An authentication process takes place in which the cryptographic signature of the app is matched and contrasted to ensure that the APK file is from a trusted and legitimate developer.
  • - All APK files we provide are original and completely free. We don't offer APK files for paid apps.

VirusTotal Security Report

0 out of 62 antivirus say Minimize for Youtube play in background 59.0 is suspicious
Latest scan: 2020-11-15

View full report in VirusTotal

Size: 10.50 MB

Date: 30-11-20

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Top downloads Youtube

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

YouTube Go


Download and watch YouTube videos whenever you want

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk



Simplified access and sharing

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk



Play your multimedia archives on this great platform

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Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk



Simplified access and sharing

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

Minimize for YouTube play in background apk

How do I keep YouTube playing when minimized?

Use Desktop Mode on Android.
Search for the video you want to play. ... .
Once the site refreshes, press the start button to play the video. ... .
Swipe down to reach the control center, and find the video in your settings. ... .
Turn off your screen, or switch to another app, and YouTube will continue to play..

Can I play YouTube in background on Android?

For Android devices, you can play YouTube videos in the background via Google Chrome or picture in picture mode. For Apple smartphones, streaming videos with YouTube minimized can be done with the help of browsers like Opera and Dolphin.