How to add an existing Page to my Facebook account

I’m sure if you try, you can come up with a scenario where you might want to transfer ownership of a Facebook page. If you can’t, how about this; someone buys your company and you no longer need to control the page. It’s a surprisingly common scenario, and yet a lot of people don’t know how to give over control of a page.

I don’t blame them. The process isn’t difficult, and it makes sense, but it isn’t the easy “assign ownership of this page” button or the arcane “contact Facebook and get them to do it” method you might expect.

So, here’s the basic process.

Step 1: Be the admin of the page.

You can’t transfer ownership if you’re not an admin, for obvious reasons.

Step 2: Make the other person an admin.

There are a number of different page roles, each with different capabilities. Analysts only get Insights and the ability to see who posted as a page. Advertisers get access to the ads manager. Moderators can ban people, remove comments, and send messages as the page. Editors can make posts as the page, and edit page apps and data. Admins are the only role that can manage page roles and settings.

In order to make someone an admin, you need to click the Page Roles section in the settings menu on your page. Click the Admin drop down and select a role for the person, and then save your changes. You’ll be prompted to enter your password, to confirm it’s really you making the change.

Step 3: Remove yourself as an admin.

To do this, click settings and go to Page Roles. Find your name on the list and click the X next to your name. This is if you want to remove yourself entirely. If you just want to demote yourself, you will have to click the drop down and select your new role. Again, you’ll be prompted to input your password when you save.

In some cases, you won’t be able to remove yourself as an admin. No worries! Just have your newly appointed admin and business owner remove your permissions.

Step 4: Unlike and unfollow the page.

If you’re going to completely remove yourself from association with the page, you should also make sure to unlike and unfollow the page. Otherwise, it will still be on your list of followed pages, and you will still see updates.

Note that you do have to have someone else in the admin role before you can remove yourself as an admin. You cannot have a page with no admin.

There’s another possible way to get ownership of a page, specifically without going through this process. The admin who wants to be in charge needs to enroll in Facebook’s Business Manager. From inside the manager, an admin can claim the page and take ultimate ownership of the page.

This only works, however, if no one else has claimed the page through the Business Manager. If someone else has, you won’t be able to claim it, and you will need to go through a longer process.

Business Manager has more roles than normal pages, and correspondingly more functionality. It’s typically used as a sort of master role over a bunch of managed Facebook pages, such as a franchised business with numerous local pages. The roles are:

  • Business Admin: the ultimate top manager, able to access and modify any aspect of the account, including deleting it.
  • Business employee: an account capable of seeing all of the information in the pages, but unable to make changes.
  • Ad account admin: an account capable of managing everything about ad campaigns, including reporting, billing and account permissions.
  • Ad account advertiser: an account that can create ads using the payment information already set in the account.
  • Ad account analyst: an account capable of viewing ad performance and analytics.

Additionally, all of the page roles – admin, editor, moderator, advertiser, and analyst – still exist in business manager.

In order to change ownership of an entire business manager account, you will need to follow roughly the same steps as the process above, only for the business manager section itself.

Step 1: Go to the business manager itself. Once logged in, go to settings.

Step 2: Click the “people” section on the left side of the screen. This will give you a list of page accounts. You can add people to this list using a different process.

Step 3: Click the name of the person you want to give ownership to and click to change roles. You will want to make them a Business Account Admin, which is distinct from a page admin role.

Step 4: Make the person an admin and notify them of their new status. The will then be able to log in and remove your admin permissions. You may be able to do this yourself, or you may not; it seems to vary based on how old the business account is, since Facebook has made changes over time and some features get lost.

Once again, once you’re removed from the admin role, you’ll want to remove your like and follow from the business page if you want to completely divorce yourself from it. If not, you’re free to keep your like if you desire.

Note: if you find yourself removed as an admin and you didn’t authorize the change, you will have to contact Facebook. You may be the victim of a hacked social account, and one of the other admins was compromised. Make sure you always follow proper security procedures to avoid this sort of event.

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