How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?

Here is a Facebook ad consolidation strategy that will allow you to increase your performance, exit learning limited, scale results, and win more auctions...

1.) Identify Proven Winning Ads and Ad Sets

To use the consolidation strategy you first want to have proven winning ads and ad sets that you can consolidate....

A proven winning ad/ad set would be when you have a specific audience that is generating great results and you have an ad in that audiences that is generating great results.

You'll want to have a t least 1-2 ads that are your best performers and you'll also want 3-5 audiences that are producing great results...

Once you have both...

2.) Stack all proven audiences into 1 ad set.Even though you might have multiple ad sets generating you great results... You still might be missing out on even better results if you were to consolidate.

When a campaign launches, each ad set goes through an initial learning phase to help optimize each ad set’s performance.

Running too many ad sets at the same time means each one gets fewer results.

This leads to fewer ad sets exiting the learning phase and more budget spending before the delivery system can fully optimize performance.

This initial process is needed so you can identify your winners but not stacking after finding your winning ad sets and ads can quickly become a liability over time if you don't take the next steps to consolidate all those proven audiences into one single campaign with one ad set.

3.) How to Consolidate Ad Sets Step-by-StepCombining ad sets will help you get the results you need faster, which means you’ll see stable results sooner.

There are 2 ways you can combine ad sets:

Option 1:

Select the ad sets you want to combine, then create a new ad set that incorporates the audience, budget and distinct creative from those other ad sets.

Pause your old ad sets.

Option 2:

Consolidate your ad sets into one existing ad set or campaign. (Most advertisers choose the ad set or campaign with either the lowest cost per action (CPA) or the most results.)

Choose the existing ad set or campaign you want to use.

Edit it to include the combined audience and combined budget of the other ones.

Add distinct creative from other campaigns or ad sets that are winners.

If you have different winning creatives, you can also add each one.

Facebook recommends no more than 6 active winning ads per ad set to optimize delivery.

Pause the other ad sets/campaigns.

Once you've put all your best performing audiences and ads into one ad set and have the budget set on the CBO level...

You'll be able to scale faster, exit learning quicker, get more consistent results, decrease auction overlap and competition and allow the algorithm to improve your results even more.

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I personally aim for 3-5 live at once. I would hold extra creatives and set live once you hit your frequency cap or ad fatigue.

The only real downside to too much creative is not being able to exit the learning phase fast enough. If you have enough budget to support 7, go for it. However, what exactly are your 5-7 creative setup? Are they different value props or products in each? Are they placement variations? e.g. 2 IG stories,, 2 in feed, 2 carousel. Or is it just stylistically different creatives?

Struggling to understand the Facebook ad campaign structure? Don't worry... Everyone's been there.

When I first started advertising on Facebook, I was confused, too. Now after several years of running Facebook campaigns, I'm sharing what I've learned to help you understand and save you hours of research.

In a few steps, I'll cover the Facebook ads campaign structure to help you get started:

Key takeaways
  1. Facebook ads must be in an ad set and ad sets must be in a campaign
  2. The "ad" is the creative, destination URL, and tracking parameters
  3. The ad set is where you choose the audience targeting, placements, and budget (unless it's inside a CBO campaign)
  4. The campaign is where you set the objective and budget if you make it a CBO campaign
  5. Keep structured and consistent naming conventions to avoid reporting headaches

Overview of the Facebook campaign structure

Ads in Facebook are structured in three hierarchies referred to as 'levels:'

  1. Campaigns
  2. Ad sets
  3. Ads

I'll go over each one in more details, but the campaign is at the top and is where you set the objective of the ads that will go inside it. Ads don't go directly inside campaigns, they first go into ad sets. Ad sets are where you'll set the targeting (the audiences you want to see your ads) and fine tune your budget, optimization, and bid. And finally, the ads go inside the ad sets. You can have multiple ad sets in campaigns and you can have multiple ads inside ad sets.

Here's what that looks like:

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?
Example of the Facebook Campaign Structure

Although it may seem complex in the beginning, this campaign structure for Facebook Ads is designed to help advertisers be successful. Facebook is always making changes to its ad platform, but luckily the ad account structure hasn't changed a bit.

Once you structure your account and campaigns correctly (and I'll show you how), all you have to do is just keep an eye on your key performance indicators (KPIs).

Sounds easy, right?

Well, it actually is! Each level serves to set up a different set of parameters. Let’s go through all of them.

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What is a Facebook campaign?

A Facebook Ads Campaign is the top level container to organize your audiences, targeting, bid strategy, and ad creatives toward a single advertising objective. It helps make sure your workflow and the hundreds of ads you may create stay structured at all times making it easier for you to manage your ads.

You'll start off with creating a campaign. Campaigns are where you set your objective. Facebook has a plenty of them:

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?
Choosing your Facebook campaign objective

Why should I use more than one Facebook campaign?

You should create additional campaigns when you have a different objective for your next campaign. Don’t try to outsmart Facebook–just choose the objective that best matches the goal you have for the campaign. Here's why:

Facebook's algorithms are very sophisticated and it will do its best to help your campaign achieve the objective you set. It works by prioritizing the users it shows your ads to who are most likely to perform the action you set your objective to. For example, if you set the objective to “Traffic”, Facebook will target people who it knows are more likely to click the link in your ad.

Or if your campaign goal is conversions on your website, set the objective to “Conversions” and Facebook will target the people who are more likely to convert. This works for all other objectives, too.

It also might make sense to create more than one campaign even with the same objective just for organizational purposes.

How do I know which Facebook campaign objective to use?

Here's a useful table to help you choose the right objective for your campaigns:

Campaign goalFacebook ads campaign objective
Online sales Conversions, catalog sales
Likes, shares, comments or Page engagements Engagement
Website traffic increase Traffic
App store visits & conversions App installs
Video views increase Video views
Get leads with contact information Lead generation
Reach out to people who are likely to convert via Messenger Messages
Build awareness through reaching people more likely to recall your ads Brand awareness
Increase your reach as much as possible Reach

A Facebook Ad Set is the second level container for ads. On the ad set level, you can set your targeting (audiences), budget, bid settings, ad placements, and more.

Because the budget is on the ad set level where you choose your audiences, you'll have a lot of control with how much budget should be used for your audiences.

First things first—you’ll start with ad set’s name. The name might be inconsequential, but it’s the part that confused me most before I figured out how to right within the campaign structure itself. Naming can be extremely important especially when you run dozens of ad sets and hundreds of ads. You will thank yourself later when you have to navigate and report on dozens of campaigns, ad sets, and ads.

When you think of naming your ad sets, first think of your whole campaign structure. Remember how I mentioned you can have multiple ad sets under one campaign? Well, here's where you plan how you're going to split them up.

Most commonly, you'll split your ad sets by your audience, or who you will be targeting. This could be by location, age, gender, interest, or custom audience. Then put the changing part of the equation to the ad set name. For example, “audience_name | locations”. That will simplify your future management and reporting with your campaigns.

Let's say you want to run a campaign to four interest-based audiences in five different locations. In this case you'll need to make 20 ad sets (4 interests x 5 locations)! That’s quite a lot to do manually.

Unfortunately, there's no other way around building them all manually. But if this is something you deal with a lot, Revealbot has a feature to do this called Bulk Creation as a part of Facebook Ad automation tool. Here's how Bulk Creation works:

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?
Use macros to create unique names for each ad set

You can use any campaign parameter (including current date) as macros to uniquely name lots of ad sets automatically—you literally don’t have to do anything else except setting the naming template at the very first step of campaign creation.

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?

Learn more about how Bulk Creation works.

Save time with Revealbot's Bulk Creation

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How to set up Facebook ad set audiences and targeting

Next, you have to set up targeting, which is the audience you want to show your ads to. In general, there are two types of audiences:

  1. Prospecting: people who are not familiar with your product yet
  2. Retargeting: people who know of your product/service and you want to reach them again

Prospecting audiences are usually built based on interests, locations, or lookalikes (similar to your existing visitors or customers). Retargeting audiences are based on the data collected by the Facebook Pixel from your website, your Facebook Page engagement data (people who interacted with your content in some way), or from customer lists manually uploaded to your Facebook Ads account.

When building audiences, there’s an important thing to watch out for: audience overlap.  

How to handle audience overlap

Audience overlap means that a single particular user may belong to two or more of your audiences, which may lead to your cost-per-click increasing because you'll be competing with yourself. When you have few audiences, it’s normal to have some overlaps between them.

There are two ways to deal with audience overlap

  1. If the overlap is significant (most of the users belong to both audiences), it’s better to consolidate them and merge corresponding ad sets into one.
  2. In other cases, it’s effective to refine audiences or just exclude them from each other to eliminate overlaps.

You’ll find more information on audiences overlap here:

Exploring audiences for prospecting

As I mentioned above, there are two approaches to audiences for prospecting in general: broad interest-based audiences and lookalike audiences. My main advice—avoid over-segmenting your audiences. It may be better to set audiences broader and start campaigns with just a few audiences, and to figure out which segment works better later with campaign statistics.

We’ll cover approaches to building good audiences in future posts, for now learn how to use Facebook Insights. I promise, you’ll have a great list of ideas for your audiences after spending just five minutes there.

What are Lookalike audiences and how do they work?

Now let’s have a look at lookalike audiences. Lookalike is a cool feature based on data that Facebook (and other advertising platforms) collect while their users interact with the content and other ads. Facebook collects tons of data about you while you browse the web and engage with content on Facebook. All this data is used to assign users to different groups of interests (by the way, you can check your personal interests as Facebook sees them at Ad Preferences page:

Now let's say you have a list of customers, or people who had some valuable interaction with your business. You can upload these lists to Facebook and ask Facebook to build a lookalike audience. When you do this, Facebook will create an audience of people similar to them. That’s why lookalike audiences are indispensable—it builds new audiences based on lists you provide as source data and compares those people interests and behaviors with the ones of other Facebook users.

When building a lookalike audience, you can select the level of similarity. The smaller the level, the closer the users will be to your source (or seed) audience. I suggest trying all four levels of lookalike audiences and testing them:

  1. 1% level of similarity
  2. 1-3% level of similarity
  3. 3-7% level of similarity
  4. 7-10% level of similarity
How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?
The structure and levels of Facebook' Lookalike audiences

For the bidding options, I suggest using oCPM (that’s optimized CPM), optimizing it to clicks or your conversion event if you have enough traffic for it (Signup, Purchase or whatever your conversion is). I also suggest choosing 'auto placement' for to start. You’ll be able to analyze performance in details later and turn off underperforming placements.

Exploring audiences for retargeting

There a lots of approaches for doing retargeting effectively. Let's start with an example: you can run ads to your prospective customers with different messages based on how long it's been since their last visit to your website. In this case, your audiences could look like this:

  • 1-2 days since last interaction
  • 3-7 days since last interaction
  • 8-15 days since last interaction
  • 16-30 days since last interaction

For users with more recent interactions, you could use messaging like "Don't forget to check out our buyer's guide". For users where it's been a while since their last interaction, you can offer a special discount code or offer.

How Revealbot helps you keep your Facebook campaign structure and organized

As we discussed earlier, our Bulk Creation tool handles your naming process according to your campaign’s strategy. But the coolest thing about this tool is that it manages your Facebook campaign structure automatically as you move through the creation process. Since you don't have to worry about the structure anymore, you can fully concentrate on your campaign goals, creatives, and being a successful advertiser on Facebook.

Here's how Revealbot automatically structures your Facebook campaigns correctly. Below is a screenshot of the sidebar as you're creating your Facebook ads inside Revealbot:

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?

See that text at the bottom of the sidebar? It’s updating as you build your campaign.  For example, check out how it looks like after I’ve added some audiences and creatives:

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?

Revealbot will create nine ad sets with 21 ads for me, and I’ve only spent two minutes setting it up with accurate and meaningful naming conventions.

You can test how much easier and faster it is to build Facebook campaigns inside Revealbot with a free trial.

Although we didn't quite get into Facebook's automated rules feature in this guide (see our guide on Facebook ad automation), I wanted to show you another benefit for good naming conventions in campaigns and ad sets.

What’s really cool with proper naming is that it may help you set up Facebook ads automation rules in Revealbot. For example, if you have multiple ad sets split by country, and you want to set up different rules for each country—it’s easy!

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?
With this filter, you can select multiple ad sets at once for an automated rule.

You get started learning about Facebook automation in our guide and see how Revealbot makes it even easier to use Facebook automated rules.

What is a Facebook ad?

A Facebook ad is the final level in the Facebook campaign structure hierarchy. The ad is the actual creative (video/image) and message you want your audience to see.

The type of ads available to choose from are dependent on your campaign objective and your ad set placement settings. The most popular types of ads you can create are:

  • image ads
  • video ads
  • slideshow ads
  • carousel ads
  • collection ads
  • instant experience ads
  • lead ads

Here's an example of a campaign I'm running right now. When I go to create a new ad, I'm only given the options of a carousel, image, video, or instant experience ad. This is because my campaign objective and ad set settings limit me to these ad types.

How many ad sets can a Facebook campaign have?
Choosing the ad format of a Facebook ad

You can learn more about the different ad type from Facebook here.

I suggest creating several different ads with different messaging to test what works. Then duplicate those ads for each of your ad sets so then you can see how well each ad does for each of your audience segments.

Then you can monitor performance, see what works, and improve from there. Here's a great writeup from Hawke Media on Facebook Advertising KPIs you should watch out for.

Wrapping up

Well, this was just an overview of some approaches to Facebook Ads campaign structuring. We’ll keep talking about it in future posts, and if you have something to share from your own experience with Ads Manager or Revealbot—you’re very welcome to share it in the comments.

Can I create multiple ad sets in one campaign on Facebook?

Once you're in Ad Set tab select Create Multiple New Ad Sets from the drop down menu at the top of the screen. 4. In the Audience section, you'll be able to add audience, locations and age range variations you wish to target in each ad set. Every different variation added will create additional ad set.

How many ad sets should I have in a campaign?

Within each campaign, ideally, you want to have 3 to 5 ad sets. But more importantly, each ad set should have only one ad in it.

Can a campaign have multiple ad set?

Ad sets are where you'll set the targeting (the audiences you want to see your ads) and fine tune your budget, optimization, and bid. And finally, the ads go inside the ad sets. You can have multiple ad sets in campaigns and you can have multiple ads inside ad sets.

How many ad groups can a campaign have?

Did you know that a Google Ads account can contain as many as 10,000 campaigns (including active and paused campaigns) per account, 20,000 ad groups per campaign, and 50 text ads per ad group? That's a lot to manage! Fortunately, you can manage your campaigns and ads from the “Campaigns” and “Ads & assets” pages.