How do you get to the Sky race in FarmVille 3?

In my coop the leaders and co-leaders are constantly deleting tasks they don’t like or think the other players won’t like. Is this normal? Is there some kind of strategy to it? Quite frankly, I hate it. I can do the harder tasks, but they’ll get deleted. I’m not the only one in the coop who has complained about this practice, but the leaders won’t stop. That’s why I’m wondering if I’m missing something and that this is a common practice.

level 1

I delete a lot of tasks in my co-op but its because my level is higher than the others so sometimes tasks come up that I know others cannot do. I did ask what type of tasks people like and I keep an eye on what people usually choose so that I can keep those around. The other leader in the co-op deletes them too, but I don't think we have had any issues. Maybe you can ask the leaders to delete only a few times a day so that you can have a chance to select one before its gone?

level 2

I’ve asked the question on a few other platforms and I’m finding some coops don’t do it, others do. I think I just need to go looking for a better fit for me.

level 1

We don’t delete tasks unless we find it’s going to be impossible to do. So it’s not normal.

For example- I had a task to get 3 top tier in boat rewards but there was only a day pert so I deleted it to start another.

level 2

I can understand doing it in that circumstance, but they do it from the start of the race until the end. I’ll go to look for a task and see that all but a few pinned ones have recently been deleted and there’s a 15-20 minute countdown on them.

level 1

Are they just keeping the high value tasks? Ie. Above 160 points? Either way it’d annoy me too. I have my own group now and only delete either the super hard ones or tasks that get left (so undesirable ones)

level 2

It’s seems random what they delete. They delete one they think are super hard and ones not worth enough points. Even when they ask what kind of tasks you like, they delete those anyway.

level 1

Have they said anything about why they are doing it? Maybe they think the board is theirs meaning every player has their own board. They are deleting tasks they personally don't want to do not realizing it's a shared board?

level 2

They know it’s everyone’s. When I brought up I didn’t enjoy the practice, a few other players chimed in that they didn’t like it either. So the leaders asked which tasks we liked and they wouldn’t delete those ones. By the time we were done naming different tasks we like, every type of task had been named. And they’re still deleting them. They actually just demoted a co-leader because they weren’t deleting enough tasks.

I think it’s just time for me to find a new coop.

Sky Race in Farmville 3 is where you can join friends for a race across the skies by completing tasks and earning points. The more points you earn, the further your balloon moves! When the race is over, you see how many points are accumulated and gain your rewards. The only way to play this is to join up with a clan of like-minded Farmville players, but what is the best way to do this? Find out below!

Joining a Co-Op in Farmville 3

via Farmville 3

Cop-Ops are a great way to meet friends and chat with other players. You can help each other out by giving resources, visiting their farms, and offering gifts! There are a few ways to join a Co-Op in Farmville 3:

  • Create one of your own
  • Join an existing Co-Op in-game
  • Find an existing Co-Op via the search bar

Related: How to Get Gems in Farmville 3

via Farmville 3

When you reach level 6 in Farmville 3, you are offered the chance to join a Co-Op. It is up to you whether you decide to join a random one, or create one and have people join it. Some players recommend joining one via Reddit’s r/farmville3_animals so you are guaranteed to join an active co-op full of helpful players dedicated to the game.

via Farmville 3

It can be so disappointing when you join a group that starts out enthusiastic and ends up not playing much weeks later. If you do find yourself in an inactive co-op, you can always leave by tapping on the Town Hall and then tapping the red shield with an X in it.

Sky Race is unlocked at level 20 and is pretty competitive, pitting co-op against co-op. It involves a good deal of teamwork, so make sure you join a co-op group that is active and playing daily to gain the best rewards.

Best of luck!

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How do I get a sky race?

A: Sky Race tokens are awarded for completing Sky Race tasks during specific weeks of each Sky Race season. You will not receive Sky Race tokens if you complete tasks during a week that does not award tokens. Always check a task's possible rewards prior to undertaking it.

How do you join a co op in Farmville 3?

To join a Co-op, tap on the Townhall. You will see a selection of recommended Co-ops. Tap the Info button to find out specific information about each Co-op. This will help you find the best Co-op for you.

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