Facebook video upload size limit 2022

Table of Contents

  • 1 Social Media Video Sizes 2022
  • 2 Facebook video size 2022
    • 2.1 Regular feed video on Facebook:
    • 2.2 Facebook 360 video:
    • 2.3 Specs of Video ads in Facebook’s stream:
    • 2.4 Facebook Messenger video ads sizes :
    • 2.5 Facebook carousel video ads sizes:
    • 2.6 Facebook Collection cover video specs :
    • 2.7 Facebook Instant Experience (IX) video:
  • 3 Instagram
    • 3.1 Instagram Video Size
    • 3.2 Carousel Video Ad
    • 3.3 Instagram Reels
    • 3.4 IGTV
  • 4 TikTok video specifications
  • 5 YouTube Video Specs
  • 6 Twitter
  • 7 LinkedIn
    • 7.1 Native Videos on LinkedIn
    • 7.2 Videos Ads on LinkedIn
  • 8 Pinterest
    • 8.1 Related

Facebook video size 2022

Making video videos optimized for Facebook is difficult, mostly due to the numerous methods it offers video for its viewers.

If you decide to purchase an ad video on Facebook today, it may be displayed in a variety of formats (in an individual’s mobile news feed or in the sidebar of Facebook’s desktop counterpart, Facebook, and even in the inbox of a user on Facebook Messenger). It’s important to familiarize yourself with the different formats of

Facebook video, and to determine an appropriate delivery format that is compatible with the goals of your campaign.

Regular feed video on Facebook:

The size suggested: Upload the highest-resolution video that is compatible with dimensions and ratios.

Minimum width: 120 pixels

Aspect ratios supported: 16:9 (horizontal) to 9:16 (full portrait)

Facebook 360 video:

Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- SproutSocial

Max size 5120 by 2560 pixels (monoscopic) or 5120 by 5120 pixels (stereoscopic)

Supported aspect ratios: 1:1 or 2:11:1 or 2:1

Suggested specifications:.MP4 or. MOV format with up to 10GB of storage for up to 30 min suggested frame rate of 30 frames per second. Larger duration and longer files may require longer processing time.

Specs of Video ads in Facebook’s stream:

Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- SproutSocial

Suggested size: 16:9 ratio Suggested. Upload the video with the highest resolution that is within the requirements for size and ratio.

Suggested specifications. MP4 or. MOV format with a maximum file size of 4GB, Maximum length of 15 seconds, and maximum frame rate of 30 frames per second.

Facebook Messenger video ads sizes :

The size suggested: Upload the highest-resolution video available that’s within the size and ratio restrictions.

Size minimum:500 pixels wide

Aspect ratios supported: 16:9 to 1.91:1

Strategies: Videos can be up to 15 seconds in length as well as up to 4GB in size and have the maximal frame speed of 30 frames per minute.

Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- SproutSocial

The size suggested: At least 1080 by 1080 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio)

Size minimum: not suggested

Suggested specifications. MP4 or. MOV format, the maximum length of 240 minutes and maximum frame rate of 30 frames per second, and the maximum file size is 4GB.

Facebook Collection cover video specs :

Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Updated Guide on Social Media Video Sizes for 2022 13

Size:1200 by 675 pixels

Accepted aspect ratios for 1:1 or 16:9

Minimum size: none listed

Suggested specs. MP4 or. MOV format, maximum file size 4GB, maximum frame rate 30fps

Facebook Instant Experience (IX) video:

Size suggested:1200 by 628 pixels

Minimum size for landscape videos:720 by 379 pixels (1.9:1 aspect ratio)

Minimum size of video, square: 720 by 720 pixels (1:1 aspect ratio)

Specifications suggested: .MP4 or .MOV format with maximum file size of 4GB maximum length 120 seconds, max frame rate 30fps.


Instagram Video Size

Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- Socialpilot

Instagram introduced video capabilities in 2013 and soon was able to see enough success that it began advertising on the platform in 2015. Since then, video has grown as a social media platform that is engaging. Therefore, it is no surprise that Instagram videos are well worth the cost.

In Feed Video (Landscape, Square & Vertical)

In 2015 and since, Instagram crafted its video formats to support three distinct styles: square, landscape, and vertical. Instagram allows you to share videos of all sizes organically to reach your target audience.

Video Guidelines

  • The minimum resolution of all formats must be 1080 pixels x 1080
  • Recommended horizontal resolution is 1920 pixels.
  • Multiple aspect ratios are possible. The landscape aspect ratio of 16:9 and aspect ratio of squares is 1:1, and the vertical aspect ratio is 4:5.
  • The maximum file size in all formats can be four gigabytes.
  • Recommended formats for videos include .MP4 or .MOV.
  • The duration of a video can range from between 3 and 60 seconds.
  • The recommended frame rate is between 23 and 60 FPS.
  • The minimum recommended rate for data/bitrate when posting through the Sprout platform 5Mbps (Megabytes each second)

Character Limits

  • The primary text recommendation is at least 125 characters.
  • The maximum number of hashtags is 30 hashtags.
Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- Socialpilot

Video Guidelines

  • The minimum resolution is 600 x 600.
  • The resolution is 1080 pixels by 1080.
  • The aspect ratio is 1:1.
  • The maximum file size is 4GB.
  • Recommended formats for videos include .MP4 or .MOV.
  • The maximum length of the video can be 60 minutes.
  • Instagram allows 2-10 videos/cards per ad.

Video Guidelines

  • The recommended resolution is 1080×1080.
  • The aspect ratio is 9:16.
  • The maximum file size is 4GB.
  • The recommended video formats include .MP4 or. MOV.
  • The maximum length for video length is 2 minutes in the case of ads, as well as 15 seconds for natural. When you post a long clip-on organic video, it will be cut into several Stories slides.’

Instagram Reels

Introduced at the end of 2020, Instagram Reels are a different option to consider for your strategy for video on Instagram. The short videos are focused on making them easy to create in addition to sharing and discovery, which is similar to TikTok’s main offerings. For content creators on social networks seeking to quickly create many pieces of content on Instagram, many of the videos’ specifications for Instagram Reels are remarkably like other formats available that exist on Instagram, the primary distinction being the shorter length and the ability to edit within the app to add effects and audio.

Video Guidelines

  • The recommended resolution is 1080×1080.
  • An aspect ratio of 9:16.
  • Videos can be as short as 30- or 15-second long.
  • The maximum file size is 4GB.
  • The most recommended formats for video include .MP4 as well as. MOV.
  • Reels will be displayed in the feed with a slightly cropped portrait size (4:5 (1080×1350 or 4:5).


Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- Socialpilot

Video Guidelines

  • The recommended resolution is 1080 pixels by 1920 pixels.
  • The minimum resolution is 720 pixels.
  • The aspect ratio of 9:16 (recommended) or 16:9 can also be supported. In-feed previews are shown at 4:5.
  • Videos must be no longer than 1 minute and up to 15 minutes in length when uploaded via mobile. You can upload videos for up to an hour via desktop.
  • The maximum filesize for video clips that are less than 10 minutes in length is 600MB. For videos lasting up to 60 minutes long, the limit is 3.6 gigabytes.
  • The format of the file that is required is MP4.

TikTok video specifications

Below are the TikTok video specifications, including the suggested TikTok dimension for the video, so that the TikTok video resolution doesn’t get involuntarily altered

TikTok Video dimensions, resolution and dimension: 1080×1920.

TikTok video width & height: 1080×1920.

TikTok Max file dimensions: 287.6 MB. For TikTok video advertisements, the maximum is 500 MB.

Vertical videos work well on TikTok However; horizontal ones can also be used.

The aspect ratio required: is 9:16 (a normal smartphone screen). You can, however, make use of an aspect ratio of 1:1; however, it will not be full-screen.

Format of the file.MP4 as well as MOV.

Format for files used in ads:.AVI and. GIF.

Tiktok Video length maximum limit is 3 minutes by 2022.

YouTube Video Specs

Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- Hootsuite

YouTube Video Player Specs

Sizes that are recommended:

  • For 240p: 426 by 240 pixels
  • For 360p for 360p: 640 x 360 pixels
  • For 480p: 854 by pixels
  • For the 720p resolution: 1280 by 800 pixels
  • To be 1080p, 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels
  • For 1440p : 2560 x 1440 pixels
  • for 2160p: 3840 x 2160 pixels

Size minimum: 426 by 240 pixels

Size maximum: 3840 by 2160 pixels

Aspect ratios supported: 16:9 and 4:3

Specifications recommended: .MOV, .MPEG4 MP4, .AVI, .WMV, .MPEGPS, .FLV, 3GPP or WebM Maximum file size 128GB, max 12 hours of uninterrupted time.


Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Updated Guide on Social Media Video Sizes for 2022 14

Twitter Video:

  • Video File Size: 512MB
  • Video Length Minimum: no minimum
  • Video Length Maximum: 140 seconds
  • Max Frame Rate is 40 FPS. 1:1 ratio of pixels
  • Video Captions: Available
  • Video Sound: Available – mono or stereo

Twitter Horizontal Video Dimensions:

  • Format: MP4
  • Size recommended: 1280 1024 pixels
  • Minimum size: 32 x 32 pixels
  • Maximum size: 1920 x 1200 pixels
  • Aspect ratios: Between 1:2.39 to 2.39:1
  • Recommended size for 2048K bitrate: 1280x 800 pixels
  • The recommended specifications are: .MP4 for web, .MOV format for mobile devices.

Twitter Vertical Video Dimensions:

  • Format: MP4
  • The recommended size is 1200 x 1800 pixels
  • Minimum size: 32 x 32 pixels
  • Aspect ratios: portrait
  • The recommended size for 2048K bitrate: 64 pixels
  • Recommended specifications: .MP4 for web, .MOV format for mobile phones.


Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- Invideo

Native Videos on LinkedIn

Native videos are those you can upload directly onto LinkedIn. That’s the best aspect it’s that the LinkedIn algorithm favors native content. Thus, uploading native videos can help your content get the maximum amount of people who will view it.

Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- Invideo

Another benefit is that native video auto-plays (and loops) when the user scrolls through their feeds, giving them the ability to create an initial impression on an active user.

Below are essential LinkedIn video specifications to remember for native video content on LinkedIn:

It is recommended that the LinkedIn video size has to be less than 5 GB.

Your video should be 3 seconds to 10 minutes long.

The file formats accepted comprise MP4, ASF MPEG-1, MPEG-4 MKV, H264/AVC MP4, VP8 as well as VP9, WMV2 as well as WMV3.

The resolution of the video must be in the range of 256 x 144 pixels up to 4096 x 2304 pixels.

Your video may be either landscape (16:9) as well as a square (1:1) But be aware that if you’re posting an image that is vertical (9:16), LinkedIn will include padding around the border such as:

  In contrast, this is what a video that’s horizontal (16:9) video would appear like:  

 With user experience in mind, the most effective dimension for uploading your own LinkedIn video onto your feedfor mobile devicesis 4:5. The standard is 4:5. LinkedIn video is larger than it should be; the video will be cropped or be surrounded by blurry bars, which makes the user experience less optimal.  

It fills the entire mobile screen, allowing for an excellent viewing experience. 

The ideal size to upload your original LinkedIn stream video for desktop use is 16:9.

This is because it creates an immersive experience. Check it out with others in the picture below, and you’ll be able to see what we mean by that.

If you’re thinking of uploading a video to appear as great on a desktop computer as it will on mobile, then go ahead and utilize the 1:1 scale.

Videos Ads on LinkedIn

You can also publish sponsored content by making videos via LinkedIn. The content will appear in the feed of a user, with the words ‘Promoted’ under the name of the company and followers count as shown below.

This method allows you to tailor your content for an audience that you have identified and then optimize it to achieve your main purpose.

The three main goals offered through the website are branding exposure, considerations, and converts.

Here’s the skinny on LinkedIn video specifications for ads

The size of your Linkedin video file size could go up to 200MB. The file format has to be MP4 and may need to be converted.

The advertisement can run any length from 3 seconds to 30 minutes in length; however, we’d suggest keeping it under 1 minute in order to capture viewers’ attention, similar to that below. In fact, a study conducted by the platform revealed that videos with less than 30 seconds saw 20% more views completed.

The aspect ratios and resolutions can be found as in the following order:

  • Landscape (16:9) Minimum 640×360 pixels, Max 1920 1080 pixels
  • Square (1:1) Mini 360×360 pixels. max 1920 x 1920 pixels
  • Vertical (9:16) Min 360×640 pixels. Max 1080×2020 pixels


Facebook video upload size limit 2022
Source- Hootsuite

Video hero creative specs:

  • Type of file: .mp4, .mov, .m4v
  • File fize 2GB MX
  • Hero creative: 1 per collection
  • Video length: Minimum 4 seconds/maximum 15 minutes
  • Aspect ratio Aspect ratio: Between 1.91:1 or 1:2 (square 1:1 or vertically 2:3, 4;5 9:16 is recommended)

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How do I upload a video to Facebook 2022?

To upload a video:.
Tap Photo at the top of your Feed..
Tap Video..
Tap to select an option to record a new video or choose one from your mobile device's gallery..
Tap Post..

How long can a video be on Facebook 2022?

Your videos can be as long as 240 minutes, as large as 4GB large, and have a maximum frame rate of 30fps. Tip: To get the best quality for your video posts, Facebook recommends uploading videos in . MOV and . MP4format, however, most video file types are supports.

How can I upload a video to Facebook without losing quality 2022?

You should set the uploading video in HD..
Find "Settings and Privacy" when you open Facebook..
Then, you should select "Settings". Scroll down the menu and hit "Videos"..
In the "Video Settings", you should select the "HD if available" option..
Finally, back to the "Home" and choose "Photo/Video"..

Can I post a 3 minute video on Facebook?

Videos must be less than 60 minutes long. The longer your video is, the larger its file size will be. This may affect the quality of the video and the time it takes to upload. We also recommend Stereo AAC audio compression with 128kbps, or more, preferred.