Facebook Graph API post image to feed

I'm trying post an a message with one image via facebook graph API, and I can't. In new documentation https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.1/user/feed there is no field for an image.

If I try to use a field "object_attachment", only small thumbnail appears and post is styling like a share link.

If I try to use a field "picture", and use url of photo in the internet there is the same result. I can't post "picture" from local,as here:

$post['picture'] = '@' . realpath($image);

error appears: "picture URL is not properly formatted".

I just used a free web app to make a post with a photo, and result is just right(see attached image)

Please tell me, how can I make a post with the exact result?

Facebook Graph API post image to feed

How do I post a Facebook graph to API?

2. Facebook requires clients to use HTTPS with the Graph API..
the Facebook SDK is initialized..
a user logs in and we get a user access token..
the user access token is used for getting a page access token..
a post can be published with the page access token 🎉.

Is Facebook Graph API deprecated?

Applies to all versions. Facebook Analytics will no longer be available after June 30, 2021. Additionally, we are deprecating the App Dashboard Plugin for Marketing API. For more information visit the Business Help Center.

How do you post on a graph API?

Let's look at the steps to post to a Facebook Group using the Graph API..
Create a Facebook API App. The first step is to create an App in the Facebook Developers Console and get an access token. ... .
Save Your Credentials. ... .
Read the credentials. ... .
Authorize the App. ... .
Post Your Message to All Groups..

How do I get photos from Facebook API?

Copy the URL - https://graph.facebook.com/?fields=albums.fields(photos.fields(source)) and plug it into your browser. You should see a JSON of all your photos, and its corresponding url on Facebook's CDN..
user_photos or friends_photos..
not needed..
user_photos or friends_photos..