Do I need a Facebook app ID?

This blog post was originally written in December 2017. Facebook has changed its developer portal user interfaces since then. For the same, we have updated the blog for Facebook application id and secret key as per latest developer portal steps.

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How To Get An App ID and Secret Key From Facebook

You have to register for a new Facebook App to get a Facebook App ID and Secret Key. It is very easy to set up an account and it is free of cost where your application does not need to do anything. For the further process, we only need the keys.

In case you have a Facebook App, you can directly use its App ID and Secret Key without any registration to a new account.

  • First, you have to navigate your browser to the Facebook Developers page. For the same, you have to login into your Facebook account.
  • Next, you need to Click the "Add a New App" link located in the top right "My Apps" menu.

Login Process for Facebook API:

To use the Facebook API, like the Login with Facebook or Facebook Graph API, you need to create a Facebook App. When you make a Facebook App, that app will have an App ID and an App Secret. You need these credentials to do almost anything with Facebook, including going through the OAuth authorization flow and working with Facebook's Graph API.

With the App ID, you can send API requests to Facebook for data. The Facebook App Secret can be used to decode encrypted data.

Follow the below steps to create Facebook application:

1. Login to your Facebook account and navigate to

2. If you already have an account registered for a Facebook developer account, you can skip this step and directly go to step 3. If you are not registered on a Facebook developer account, then you need to follow these steps:

  • Click on Get Started button from the top right corner.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

  • Now, you need to click on the “Next button” from the popup.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

  • Enter your verification code to verify your account through your mail ID.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

  • It may be needed to Re Verify your account by your mail ID.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

  • On the next screen, after verifying your account, 3rd step is to tell you about it. Select the Developer option here.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

  • On welcome screen, click on Create First App button. Here you'll be asked for Display Name and Contact Email of your New App ID. This app name will be shown to end-users when they will try to “Login with Facebook” and they are redirected to the Facebook website for login permission.
  • So, make sure you give a meaningful name here which can identify your website.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

3. If you are already registered with Facebook developer perform below steps:

  • Click on “My App” >> “Add a New App”

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

  • From the popup enter “Display Name” of your new application and "Contact Email”, then click on the “Create App Id” Button.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

  • Complete the Security Check entering the password and click on “Submit button” and it will open the product list page.

4. From the Product list page click on “Set Up” button from product with name “Facebook Login”.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

5. In the menu at the left corner, click on the “Facebook Login” link to expand the sub menu. Next, you need to Click on “Settings” from the sub-menu.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

6. Now, you will see the details where you have to enter your website URL in “Valid OAuth redirect URIs”.

For example, my website domain is so I entered

Do I need a Facebook app ID?
7. Now expand the Setting menu and select Basic. Here you can find the App ID and App Secret. Then click on the “Show” button in the “App Secret” text box. You can copy the “App Id” and “App Secret” which you can use for your Facebook API calls.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

8. By default, when you create Facebook application, it is private and available only to you for testing purpose. End users can only use it after you make the app live. For the live app you must enter a Privacy Policy URL at setting > Basic.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

9. For Switching the mode from Development to Live, click on the status switch. After that, it will show a popup to switch the mode. Please select the category of your app and click on the “Switch Mode” button to make your app public.

Do I need a Facebook app ID?

In a nutshell, It is an easy process to get a Facebook app ID and Facebook secret codes from Facebook. Using Facebook OAuth settings while following above mentioned steps can help you get a Facebook application id and secret key in 2022. You can set it live from the development version by just switching the mode in one click.

If you find this blog useful and are curious to know more about social media integration, please go through the below-mentioned blogs.

  1. ASP.NET - login with Facebook and graph API
  2. ASP.NET - Login and SignUp with LinkedIn API
  3. 2020 Updated: How to get Google app Client ID and Client Secret

We can help you with easy implementation for your software outsourcing company requirements.

Does FB need App ID?

Login Process for Facebook API: You need these credentials to do almost anything with Facebook, including going through the OAuth authorization flow and working with Facebook's Graph API. With the App ID, you can send API requests to Facebook for data.

Where do I find Facebook App ID?

How do I find my user ID for my apps and games on Facebook?.
Tap in the top right of Facebook..
Scroll down and tap Settings..
Tap Apps and Websites, then tap Logged in with Facebook..
Tap on the name of the app..
Scroll down to Learn more. Your user ID is in the paragraph below..

What is Facebook app ID and secret?

When you make a Facebook App, that app will have an App ID and an App Secret. With the App ID, you can send several requests to Facebook for data. The Facebook App Secret will be used to decode the encrypted messages from Facebook, so that sensitive information remains protected.

What does App ID mean?

An app ID is a unique ID number assigned to your apps when they're added to AdMob. The app ID is used to identify your apps.