Cara membuat windrose dengan excel

Dalam artikel kali ini saya mau membagikan bagaimana caranya membuat windrose diagram dan diagram polar. Secara umum windrose diagram maupun diagram polar adalah diagram dengan sistem koordinat radian/polar, terdiri dari sumbu arah dan besaran. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan googling sendiri ya...

Kedua diagram ini bisa
dipalikasikan pada data apa saja yang memiliki arah. Mskipun namanya windrose, bukan berarti hanya bisa dipakai untuk data angin saja. Disini contoh akan saya sajikan dengan menggunakan data arus.

Dalam membuat diagram tersebut saya menggunakan software dari Golden Software bernama Grapher 9.0, homepage:

Software ini merupakan software berbayar, penggunaan komersil tanpa lisensi bukan merupakan tanggung jawab saya. :)

Contoh data

silahkan copy-paste data dibawah ini ke excel:

Arus (cm/s)11.738.811.7311.7332.2652.7943.9952.7935.229.3314.672.9326.414.6723.4620.5314.6714.6729.335.8717.65.872.9311.735.8714.6735.2

Make Windrose With Excel

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dhydhy nunu

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Cara membuat Windrose dengan Excel


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Make Windrose With Excel

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dhydhy nunu


Cara membuat Windrose dengan Excel

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The example file uses 16 directions and 6 wind speed classes, but their number and contents can be easily modified.

Once the number of observations for each direction and wind speed class has been specified for each yellow cell, three charts are produced: the wind rose, the wind direction distribution and the wind speed distribution.

The joint distribution of wind direction and speed must be determined by the user. This task might require long times, particularly for large time series of data. In a wind rose the length of each arm is proportional to the number of events, or the frequency, at which wind was observed from that direction. For a specific direction, the different wind speed frequencies sum up to give the total length of the arm. The wind rose plotted with the Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc files does have such feature.

Download the Microsoft Excel file to plot the wind rose Download the Open Office Calc file to plot the wind rose

If you need more professional wind roses and more complex analysis of your data, you might want to evaluate WindRose PRO.

Download the free evaluation of WindRose PRO3

Also, we can provide meteorological data in any location of the world, generated with the meteorological model WRF.

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