Can t view public Facebook pages 2022

Facebook has gone through a lot of changes in the last several years. So here are some updates to this topic.

There is another article about this topic here.

(The old comments below might only be for older versions of Facebook, so keep that in mind.)

WEBii is a web development firm based in the fast-growing city of Austin, Texas. Our little agency was born here in 1996, before the dawn of Facebook! In fact, I remember back when Facebook was only used by college students and we didn’t really “get it” yet. In a few short years, it was speeding past millions of users and a common integration with all the websites we were building. Today, business owners still set up a Facebook page as a common part of their marketing strategy. If you just set up a new business page and don’t know where it went, this might be what brought you here.

There are some common reasons why your Facebook Page might not be appearing in the Facebook search results.

Facebook has redesigned the layout and tools several times in the last decade, so you might need to hunt for some of these options in a different spot than they were found in previous versions. Remember that in order to adjust the page, you must be a Page Admin.

Check your page settings.

You need to make sure you do not have incorrect age and country restrictions set. If you do, you probably need to be actually logged into Facebook and meet those requirements in order to see the page in results.

Facebook says: Make sure you complete the basic profile items like profile picture, cover image, and call-to-action button.

Here is the Facebook help page about not appearing in search results.

Fill out your full About profile.

Facebook recommends filling out as much as possible, but at least the “basic info”.

Did you publish?

Also, make sure the page was published and not just a draft.

Social media newborn?

Finally, Facebook states that a new page takes some time – maybe many days – to start appearing in their search results.

If you want a better chance of being found in results and also have access to Facebook Insights, collect at least 30 likes (fans) for the page. Share it with your friends, coworkers, and clients to get things going.

Are you interested in a little help with your web presence or maybe a Facebook graphic? Drop us a note!

Want to give us some likes for helping you out with this info? Find WEBii on Facebook too! Become one of our special fans.

I’m no Facebook guru, so others should chime in here in case I’m missing something, but within the past day or so, public Facebook pages I use to be able to read, are no longer visible unless you have a Facebook account and sign into it. When I visit a public page, a pop-up window instructs me to login to Facebook or create a Facebook account. If I don’t login, and close out the pop-up window, the scroll bars on the page disappear and I can’t read any of the posts on a public Facebook page. I tried this on multiple pages, including Coca-Cola’s and they are not readable, which also means I can’t watch videos.

If this is Facebook’s new policy, it’s bad news for content owners, especially for those who want to promote videos on their public pages. While I realize Facebook is huge, not everyone has a Facebook page and Facebook shouldn’t force users to have to log into a Facebook account just to be able to see videos or other content that’s on public pages. And as usual, it seems Facebook make this change to their system without announcing it as I can’t find any kind of news of the change anywhere on their site. I don’t care how many users Facebook has, the company has no respect for their users.

While Facebook might have started as a social nexus for college students, it's now also become an important tool used by business professionals. As a small business owner yourself, Facebook might be just want you need to scout potential employees, search for new clients or to check out what the competition is doing. And doing this – by reading Facebook content – doesn't necessarily require that you open your own Facebook account.


  1. Facebook has two major means by which Facebook users can post content – a personal Facebook profile and a Facebook page. And since using a personal profile for a commercial purpose is against Facebook's terms of service, organizations, businesses and brands that want to advertise themselves on Facebook must do so via a Facebook page. Each Facebook page is connected to a personal Facebook profile – it is not a separate Facebook account.


  1. At any given time, you can read anything on a Facebook page without your own Facebook account, since all Facebook pages are designed as public platforms for advertising a product, service or personality. You wouldn't be able to leave comments on the Facebook page or interact with it in any other way. However, you can read everything that someone with a Facebook account can, which can be good, as was mentioned, for keeping tabs on the competition, or even for finding other businesses with which you can do business.


  1. To read a personal profile, though, it might be trickier than that. Without a Facebook account, it's possible you could read some information such as a person's Facebook "Favorites." Or you might not see anything at all except her name and profile photo. To have a chance at seeing more, you'd need an account. However, even with an account you might not be able to read much more, such as posted photos or her Facebook timeline, since she might make those elements visible only to those with whom she's "friends" on the network. So when it comes to personal profiles, what you can read depends on how private the person wants to be on Facebook.


  1. If you want to ensure that you can get the most out of Facebook in terms of reading content that others post on their personal profiles, then consider opening a Facebook account. People can't tell if you simply view their profiles and read or look at any visible content. You must interact with the profile in some way for that to happen, such as by making a "friend" request – which, again, if approved, will allow you to see more content on more private profiles. However, if you're satisfied with reading all that Facebook pages have to offer, then you don't need a Facebook account.

    How do I view as public on Facebook 2022?

    On, select the three dots under your cover photo. In the app, select the three dots to the right of the blue Add Story button. Select View As. Your profile will be shown to you as if you were viewing it as a public user.

    Are Facebook pages no longer public?

    Published and active Pages are visible to the public. Unpublishing or deactivating your Page will hide it from the public, including the people who like or follow your Page. Your Page won't be visible to the public until it's published or reactivated again.

    Why can't I see open Facebook pages?

    Refresh your browser If you're viewing Facebook in a web browser, the first thing you should try is to refresh the page using the Reload button at the top of the browser window. If that doesn't work, close the browser tab and open Facebook in a new browser tab or window.

    Why can't I see someone's public posts on Facebook?

    By default, Facebook always lets a user's friends see his or her posts. The most restricted standard privacy setting is "Friends Only," which only stops non-friends from seeing a Wall. If you are friends with someone and still cannot see that user's wall, it means your friend has customized his or her Wall privacy.

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