Buku panduan asma pdpi 2011


MEDBOX is an innovative online library aimed at improving the quality of healthcare in humanitarian action, worldwide.

MEDBOX is an independent internet platform supported by international agencies and scientific institutions active in humanitarian assistance, development and health work worldwide. MEDBOX collates the increasing number of professional guidelines, textbooks and practical documents on health action available online today and brings these into the hands of humanitarian aid and health workers: when they need it, where they need it.

MEDBOX is still under development! We are keen to receiving more documents, training materials and presentations relevant to improve the quality of health action! Your feedback is valuable to us, so do get in touch if you have something you'd like to share with us to improve on, and maximise, our collaborative space. Do send your comments to:

MEDBOX. Capacity building and quality assurance through innovation.

For more information please go to our section of annual report here

The MEDBOX Team has started a new feature publishing Issue Briefs with different topics.

MEDBOX Video Series

The MEDBOX team has produced a new video clip series to virtually explain "The idea behind MEDBOX" as well as the different possibilities of use. Video 2 "How to search a document" deals with searching specific documents, video 3  MEDBOX Features explains how to register, how to use MY MEDBOX and MY NEWS and video 4 TOOLBOXES gives you a brief overview about our available Toolboxes. You find these video clips here in MEDBOX and on YouTube!

  • Organisasi
    • History
      • Daftar Isi
      • PDPI Awal & Perkembangannya
      • Foto Awal & Perkembangan PDPI
      • Sejarah Pulmonologi di Indonesia
      • Sejarah Bedah Torak
    • Mars PDPI
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    • Berita Foto
    • Warta Organisasi
    • Cabang-cabang
      • PDPI Cab Jakarta
  • Ilmiah
    • Karya Ilmiah
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    • Agenda ilmiah
    • Simposium
    • Buku Ajar
    • Buku-buku PDPI
      • Protokol COVID-19 PDPI
      • PPK Pneumonia COVID-19 Berat dengan Komplikasi
      • PPK Pneumonia COVID-19 Berat
      • PPK Pneumonia COVID-19 Ringan
      • PPK Pneumonia COVID-19 Berat dengan Komplikasi PDPI
      • SOP Nebulisasi PDPI
      • Protokol Tatalaksana COVID-19
      • Bronchoscopy and COVID-19-PDPI & PERBRONKI
      • Bronkoskopi COVID-19
      • Pedoman Tatalaksana COVID-19
      • SPO-Spirometri pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19
      • SPO-KHAC COVID-19
      • Buku Pedoman Tatalaksana COVID-19 5OP Edisi 3 2020
      • Buku KHAT PDPI
      • PPK PascaCOVID-19 PDPI
      • Algoritma Tatalaksana COVID-19
      • Buku Saku Protokol Tatalaksana COVID-19
      • Buku Saku Protokol Tatalaksana COVID-19 Ed 2
      • Rekomendasi IDI Pemberian Antikoagulan Profilaksis pada Pasien COVID-19 yang Dirawat di Rumah Sakit
      • Rekomendasi PDPI COVID-19 PCR Negatif 2021
      • Rekomendasi Pemberian Vaksin COVID-19
      • Buku Tatalaksana COVID-19 5 OP Edisi 4 Jan 2022
      • Buku Vaksin 17 Mei 22
      • BUKU PUPK PDPI 2021
      • BUKU GUIDELINE TB 2021
      • ASMA BERAT
      • OSA
  • Pendidikan
    • Spesialis Paru - SP I
      • Malang
      • Surabaya
      • Solo
      • Medan
      • Jakarta
    • Spesialis Paru - SP II
    • SII & SIII
    • Pusat Pendidikan Kedokteran di Indonesia
  • Majalah Paru
    • Jurnal Respirologi Indonesia
    • Jurnal Respirologi Jakarta
    • Jurnal Respirasi
    • Warta Rokok & Kesehatan
    • Warta TB
  • Humas & LN
    • Majalah Paru LN
      • APSR
      • ATS
      • Chest
      • ERS
      • NEJM
      • Thorax
    • Link Center Paru
  • Mailing List
    • Diskusi Paru
  • Mitra Kerja
    • Farmasi
    • Alat Kesehatan
    • Lain-lain

Fakta Varian Omicron
Uploaded on Dec 13, 2021

Bahaya Debu Abu Vulkanik pada Kesehatan
Uploaded on Dec 10, 2021

Juara I - PDPI Cab Surakarta
Uploaded on March 27, 2022

Juara II - PDPI Cab Yogyakarta
Uploaded on March 27, 2022

Juara III - PDPI Cab Malang
Uploaded on March 27, 2022

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