Bandwidth minimal untuk streaming facebook

Kecepatan internet sangat mempengaruhi kualitas broadcasting online atau live streaming. Sebagus apapun konten, jika koneksi internet buruk akan mengganggu penyampaian konten kepada audiens atau viewer yang tentunya akan berpengaruh pada pendapatan iklan atau donasi. Nah berikut ini adalah jawaban atas pertanyaan berapa kecepatan internet untuk streaming Youtube, Facebook dan Twitch dengan framerate 60fps:

Bandwidth minimal untuk streaming facebook

Yang perlu dipahami terlebih dahulu adalah beberapa layanan streaming menerapkan syarat bitrate yang bergantung pada resolusi dan framerate (fps). Berikut ini adalah syarat bitrate pada youtube, facebook dan twitch dengan framerate 60fps:

Youtube Bitrate 60fps

Resolusi (4K) 2160p > bitrate: 20000-51000Kbps

Resolusi (QHD) 1440p > bitrate: 9000-18000Kbps

Resolusi (FHD) 1080p > bitrate: 4500-9000Kbps

Resolusi (HD) 720p > bitrate: 2250-6000Kbps

Facebook Gaming Bitrate 60fps

Resolusi (FHD) 1080p > bitrate: 6000Kbps

Resolusi (HD) 720p > bitrate: 3000Kbps

Twitch Bitrate 60fps

Resolusi (FHD) 1080p > bitrate: 6000Kbps

Resolusi (HD) 720p > bitrate: 4500Kbps

Kenapa 60fps ?

Layanan streaming menampilkan kualitas video dengan framerate 30fps secara default, tapi jika ingin kualitas video menjadi halus maka harus menggunakan framerate 60fps sebagai setting output.


Jika syarat bitrate tertulis 9000-18000 maka setting output bitrate bisa diisi 9000 sampai dengan 18000 dimana makin besar bitrate, makin bagus kualitas warna video. Dan jika syarat bitrate tertulis hanya 6000 maka setting output bitrate cukup diisi 6000 (tidak perlu lebih atau kurang).

Kecepatan Internet

Setting output bitrate akan menentukan besaran kecepatan internet yang dibutuhkan untuk live streaming. Jika syarat bitrate tertulis 3000Kbps artinya membutuhkan kecepatan upload internet sebesar 3Mbps. Dan jika bitrate tertulis 4500-9000Kbps artinya membutuhkan kecepatan upload internet sebesar 4.5Mbps sampai 9Mbps.

Berapakah Paket Internet Yang Dibutuhkan Streaming?

Jawabannya adalah sebaiknya 3kali dari kecepatan upload yang dibutuhkan. Jika ingin streaming dengan bitrate 6000Kbps maka 6000×3 = 18000kbps = 18Mbps sehingga pilih paket internet yang menyediakan kecepatan minimal 18Mbps atau lebih.

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Facebook has become the go-to social platform used by young and old alike to stay in touch with family and friends. It now boasts over a billion users worldwide. Recently, the social media giant introduced video chat for users, accessible directly from users’ Facebook accounts without the need to download additional software. For some, however, the experience has been less than optimal, leading to the question: What’s the ideal Internet speed for Facebook chat?

Bandwidth minimal untuk streaming facebook

Video Chat Basics

There are two types of chat functions available for Facebook users: text and video. When you use Facebook, a small notification window typically appears at the bottom right of your screen, letting you know who’s online and available for text chat. Clicking on the window lets you select a friend and send a message. If you find this chat is lagging, you may have a problem with your Internet connection, or your router’s firewall may be blocking access to Facebook. If you’re on a wireless connection, check to make sure you have service; if you’re on a 3G or 4G network, make sure you aren’t out of data.

To access video chat, simply click on the small video camera icon next to your friend’s name. This will start a video call she can accept, even if she doesn’t have a video camera. In that case, you’ll be able to hear but not see your friend, though she’ll still see you if your camera is enabled. Facebook doesn’t charge for this service, but it does note on its support page that there are several caveats when using video chat. First, minimal setup is required, so if you’re calling a friend who’s never used the feature before, it may take a few moments to connect. In addition, not every computer is able to run Facebook video calling. If you’re running Windows 8.1, OS X 10.9 or Linux, Facebook video isn’t available. Fortunately, the service works with most popular Web browsers including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer (32 bit only).

Up to Speed

According to Facebook’s video calling Bugs and Known Issues page, some users experience difficulty connecting if their computer or connection is too slow. Facebook recommends an Intel Core 2Ghz or faster processor and at least 1 gigabyte (GB) of RAM. Netbooks are not recommended, as they often experience poor video performance. A slow Internet connection can be responsible for video chat problems. Download speed of at least 500 kilobytes per second (kbps) is recommended — this is the same as what Skype recommends for one-on-one video calling, and Facebook video chat uses a variant of Skype traffic. It’s worth noting that a similarly fast upload speed is also recommended, since you’re not just receiving video data during a chat but also sending the same amount of data in return. If you have high download but poor upload speed, your friend may have difficulty hearing or seeing your side of the chat. A free online speed test can help you determine if your Internet is running up to speed.

The best Internet speed for Facebook chat is the fastest you can manage under your budget — aim for at least 3 Mpbs download and 1 Mpbs upload. While basic requirements to use the service are minimal, you’ll experience quicker connections and higher quality calls with speedy Internet connections.

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Bandwidth minimal untuk streaming facebook

Paul Williams

Paul Williams brings a wide range of experiences to his writing. He worked extensively in technology, as a software engineer, technical writer, and now a technology writer. Known as the leader of one of the top American Spacerock bands, his forward-looking music continues to be heard all over the world.

Berapa Mbps untuk live streaming di Facebook?

Spesifikasi teknis untuk video siaran langsung Catatan: Bitrate maksimum yang direkomendasikan adalah 15 Mbps.

Berapa minimal Mbps untuk live streaming?

Koneksi internet dengan kecepatan minimum 1 Mbps.

Berapa jam live streaming di FB?

Tentang Batas Waktu Streaming Facebook Ada batas selama 12 jam saat melakukan streaming. Setelah 12 jam berturut-turut, streaming Anda akan dinonaktifkan secara otomatis. Anda bisa melacak durasi Anda melakukan streaming menggunakan timer di dasbor Anda.

Berapa kecepatan upload untuk live streaming?

Setting output bitrate akan menentukan besaran kecepatan internet yang dibutuhkan untuk live streaming. Jika syarat bitrate tertulis 3000Kbps artinya membutuhkan kecepatan upload internet sebesar 3Mbps. Dan jika bitrate tertulis 4500-9000Kbps artinya membutuhkan kecepatan upload internet sebesar 4.5Mbps sampai 9Mbps.