Arti kata "hard man" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata hard man bahasa

A hard man is good to find is what I tell my cadet roomie when he walks around naked with a raging boner.


A hard man is good to find is what I tell Matt when he walks around waving his his dick in my face!

Arti kata hard man bahasa

Those last two definitions of Hard Man are all wrong. The first one is actually referring to a chav, which is quite the opposite, and the other was written by someone who plays too much Mega Man. A Hard Man is someone who is unafraid of a fight and/or can take loads of physical punishment and drink.


He just smashed a bottle over the bouncer's head. What a Hard man

Arti kata hard man bahasa

a man who can deal with situations that stack up against him and can still keep his cool and deal with them. someone who does not go out lookin for trouble but when comes to him he will do watever it takes he will also protect others who are not capable of defending themselves


lenny mclean was a very hard man

Arti kata hard man bahasa

A short haircut with a little bit more longer fringe which is put up with styling gel. This look is sported by a man in order to show everyone that he is a hard man. Unfortunately it makes him look gay.


J: New haircut? P: Yeah, I got a lot of big meetings coming up. I wanted the hard-man look. S: Isn't it a bit erm... P: What? J: Gay. P: This is not a gay cut. This is a hard-man cut. Coupling - Series 1 - Episode 'Inferno'

Arti kata hard man bahasa

a fat robot master from Mega Man 3, he attempts to shake the ground each time he hits the ground, head-on.

Example it just me, or is Hard man...seductive?

Arti kata hard man bahasa

Hard man ('Ard man), more scientifically known as tracksuits retardus, is a general tough guy who roams around looking for trouble cos he is just so hard. The 5 rules of being an 'ard man are - 1) You MUST not have a school bag 2) You MUST ALWAYS spit 3) You MUST ALWAYS swear 4) You MUST have a fundamental inability to walk without rolling your arms in suspicious patterns to look 'ard 5) You MUST have a rock 'ard shaved head. Extra bonuses to being an 'ard man can include - - Wearing a baseball cap at 90 degrees (Fake burberry if possible) - Having a compulsive disorder to hating people who express individuality - End your sentences with "So I was like fuckin..." (Don't say anything else after the ...) - Hating any form of black clothes - Eating nails as part of a nutritious breakfast - Listenin to DIZTRUXHUN, UPRISING, HELTA SKELTA or any of the like. - Having a nickname such as "Gaz", "Baz", "Jubba", "Staples" etc, etc. - Wearing cheap jewellry, such as large fake diamond earrings, more better known as pling - Driving a nova - Frequently dropping words into your sentences such as "Buzzin", "Banging", "Geeza", "Innit", "Sorted", "Raspin'" and "Waaaaaa" - Address non 'ard men with terms such as "Dick 'ed" 'Ard men are usually found grazing their natural habitats. Don't be mistaken, these guys are ROCK ARD. They may look harmless, but seriously, there is no one cooler, or should I say "MORE BUZZIN" than these guys. Don't be fooled, the stench of stale smoke, the cheap and excessively used jewellry, the baseball cap at a 90 degree angle are all SERIOUSLY COOL TRAITS OF AN ARD MAN. If you see an 'ard man, DO NOT APPROACH HIM, COS BELIEVE ME, HE IS ARD so you "best get runnin", really.


"Arigh' m8, last nigh' were fuckin buzzin, we were like darn station gettin stoned n tha', n then i 'ad sum cider wiv rest of krew innit" "Waaa, buzzin man, I got this ring like, it's like gold but if you rub it a bit it goes silver, so its like fuckiiin two fa' price a' one innit? i was like fuckin..." "Fuuuuck, ya' know what your doin' when it comes down ta' bling dont ya, fuckin..." "Waaaa, shut up dick 'ed" "Shut up hard man. You are scum." It is at this point that the normal person gets bashed in cos ard men are just too plain ard and they'll get you in the end.

Arti kata hard man bahasa

a hardman is generally someone who isn't afraid to speak up for their beleifs or even fight if it comes to it. generally large in build, a bit of weight and a bit of muscle. a good example of a hard man would be Ray Winstone's charachters in either 'Love, Honor and Obey' or the short film 'Bouncer'. an experienced fighter with some reserve.


1: ''you want a fight? well mate if i was you i wouldn't be a mug and mess him about, he's known around here for being a bit of a hard man...''

Arti kata hard man bahasa

Glaswegian colloquialism for: A fighter who can take a hit as well as (sometimes better than) he gives. A survivor.


P1: Any coward can through a punch at the back of someone's head. But a real hard man (/hardman) looks the bloke right in the eye, and is ready to give "the old 1 3". P2: Don't you mean "the old 1 2"? P1: No, the "2" is for him. He's a hard man because he knows he will take it and still gets to 3.

Arti kata hard man bahasa

A true hard man is someone who his both physically and mentally strong, but more importantly someone who stands up and takes responsibility, dealing with any challenging situation life throws at him and never giving up.


My dad was a hard man in his younger years, He knew what lines not to cross and whenever the shit hit the fan he would just accept the situation and get on with it. I wish I was capable of that.

Arti kata hard man bahasa

any time between 12:00am 12:59am, should be celebrated with a photo of the celebrator doing the hand symbol with your middle and fourth finger down, this should be posted on your private story with the caption ‘hmh’ and the snapchat time sticker


happy hard man hour everyone’’yeah happy hmh