Arti kata "cold water" bahasa Inggris dalam bahasa Indonesia

Arti kata cold water bahasa

A Cold Water Extraction, or CWE for short, is primarily used to separate tylenol from opiate-based pain-relievers because tylenol is known to be damaging to the liver in large doses, so CWE's are what you use when your doctor is a complete asshole and prescribes you weak pain medication. Opiates dissolve readily in cold water, while tylenol seeps to the bottom. The CWE process goes as follows: 1. Crush up said pills (Vicodin, Percocets, etc.) into as fine of a powder as possible. You should be doing one CWE for no more than five pills at once. 2. Take about 150mL of water and bring it to a warm temperature--make sure it is not hot or the opiate will be destroyed and your efforts compromised. You should be able to stuck your finger in the water and hold it there comfortably. Think of about the same temperature as a heated pool. 3. Mix the powder in with the warm water and stir. 4. Put the glass in the freezer and let it chill for about 30 minutes. 5. Take it out and filter the water through a coffee filter into an empty glass. What you see in the bottom of the first glass in the freezer when you first take it out is the APAP. If you're doing a CWE, you don't want that, so filter through a coffee filter. Pour carefully and slowly. Make sure you have the coffee filter secured. 6. Lastly, to speed up the process, gently squeeze the coffee filter to empty any remaining water into the glass. And you're done. The result is a slightly cloudy mixture, but will taste bitter.


Perform a Cold Water Extraction on that shit bro.

Arti kata cold water bahasa

The process of extration, commenly used for extracting codeine from other painkillers (paracetamol, ibuprofen) it is usually combined with in legally avaliable pills. it is a fairly simple process however time consuming but necassary to get the nice codeine. i will go into detail but read no further if you've ever recreationally taken any other opiates (morphine, heroin) as codeine is a weak form and won't give you a buzz you'll OD before you get 'there'. first get yourself some codeine and paracetamol tablets (co-codamol) then boil some water. depending on the strength of the tablets you want to empty around 300mg of codine so calculate howmany pills you need. then pour boiling water over the pills mix them into the water, then allow to cool, preferably in a fridge then filter the water using coffee filters, the liquid left will be diluted coedine without binders or paracetamol. result


'argh mate cold water extraction is effort, but its worth it' 'nah man since i had those morphine based pills codeine just don't work' 'hmmm'

Arti kata cold water bahasa

Bad news; news that's mean, harsh and difficult to take.


"But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water, these hoes don't want him no more, he's cold product." -Eminem, Lose Yourself

Arti kata cold water bahasa

A refreshing beverage selection in Balitmore, Maryland. If conditions are right, it can be had for a very reasonable price, sometimes as low as only one dollar. Always most effective if it's ice (ice) cold (cold).


I got that ice cold water! And it's only one dollar. And it's only one dollar.

Arti kata cold water bahasa

A sexual act involving two partners wherein one partner does a prolonged handstand and allows the second person to insert approximately 40-50 ice cubes down their anus. Once all the ice cubes have been tucked into place, allow 5 minutes for the ice to melt. Now, person 2 will reach around the abdomin of person 1 and squeeze tightly as if performing the Heimlich Maneuver. If all goes according to plan, a blast of cold water will shoot from partner 1's anus. Partner 2 should try to catch as much of the water in his/her mouth as possible. Swallowing is optional.


Chuck promised to give me a Cosby Sweater if I allowed him to drink from the Cold Water Fountain.

Arti kata cold water bahasa

An Italian-American Mafia expression for the first time you kill someone.


He put his hand in cold water. Really, how did he do it? He beat da kid to death wit a 2x4!!! ice kill get rid of whack

Arti kata cold water bahasa

The highpitched scream of a person being hit by cold water, e.g. under the shower.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! A: Oh my gosh, what happened? B: Don't worry, it's just a cold water orgasm.

Arti kata cold water bahasa

It's just plain water, but boiled, then chilled. How to make is: * Put water in a pot with the stove on high *Let water come to bubbling brew *take water and put it in the freezer. *Freeze it till just before it turns to water rocks *then take out and put it into your best sippy cup. * feed it to your newborn. They will love it.


My grandmother decided to give me a bottle of plain, boiled water, and I loved it. Have you tried their plain, boiled cold water? It's delicious.

Arti kata cold water bahasa

Where people think its impressive to pour ice water over their head on a 100 degree day.


Hi I am an idiot, And this is my cold water challenge. If I do this, I think I dont have to donate to ALS.

Arti kata cold water bahasa

to dampen or put an end to something


The police tried to pour cold water on the party until they found they were only drinking root beer.