Apa yang membedakan antara ICAO dan IATA?

kita bahas perbedaanya dari berbagai sisi, ya.
dari segi pengertian, ICAO adalah singkatan dari International Civil Aviation Organization yang dimana salah satu lembaga khusus di bawah naungan PBB sama halnya UNESCO, WHO, IMF, dll. ICAO beranggotakan negara-negara anggota PBB yang mengeluarkan peraturan - peraturan operasional penerbangan yang dikenal sebagai Annex. Sedangkan IATA adalah singkatan dari International Air transportation Association yang beranggotakan maskapai - maskapai pesawat dari negara yang terdaftar sebagai anggota ICAO. Di Indonesia sendiri, salah satu negara yang menjadi anggota IATA. Dari segi fungsi, ICAO mengeluarkan aturan - aturan International yang ditetapkan sebagai dasar peraturan penerbangan yang lebih berfokus kepada aspek teknis dan hukum. Kalau IATA lebih ke segi ekonomi seperti penetapan harta dan jadwal secara international untuk mewujudkan persaingan yang sehat dalam usaha di bidang penerbangan.

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Disapa laaaah

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Ehh gasopam asliii!! Kamu berhak tegor dia

Duit 😅

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Both IATA and ICAO have significantly shaped commercial aviation operations. While experienced aviation enthusiasts and travelers may already know how these two international organizations differ, let's take a refreshed look at their respective roles and how they influence the way we travel.​

How the two organizations are similar

While the differences between the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) are relatively straightforward, it's completely understandable to confuse the two organizations. Indeed, both IATA and ICAO...

  • Were founded at similar times in history
  • Have an international presence
  • Have stated priorities of safety and environmental protection
  • Set international standards
  • Deal with commercial aviation and passenger travel

Of course, the standards that are set and the specific activities they conduct are quite different.

ICAO is a branch of the United Nations and is headquartered in Montreal, Canada. Photo: Caribb via Flickr

Founded at similar times

While IATA is technically considered a non-governmental organization, its key role is as a trade association to represent commercial airlines of the world. On the other side, ICAO acts as an intergovernmental association- supporting diplomacy and cooperation between countries as they relate to air transport.

While the Convention on International Civil Aviation (commonly referred to as the Chicago Convention) was drafted in 1944, the ICAO was actually founded in 1947, based on the core principles of the convention. Perhaps inspired by the Chicago Convention's spirit of international cooperation, IATA was founded in 1945, two years before the ICAO was officially established.

IATA, however, had its roots in the International Air Traffic Association, which was founded in the Hague in 1919 - the year of the world's first international scheduled services.

Core functions

The core function of ICAO is "to maintain an administrative and expert bureaucracy supporting diplomatic interactions, and to research new air transport policy and standardization innovations..." The UN agency emphasizes that its standards should "never supersede the primacy of national regulatory requirements" and that local and national regulations must be adhered to by air operators. Indeed, the organization makes it very clear that it is not in itself an international aviation regulator.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) defines itself as a trade association for the world's airlines, representing some 290 airlines around the world which accounts for 83% of total air traffic. The organization notes that it helps to formulate industry policy on "critical aviation issues," adding that it advocates for the interests of airlines. IATA challenges "unreasonable rules and charges" and holds regulators and governments to account while striving for "sensible regulation."

ICAO standards have made the management of air traffic much easier. Photo: Getty Images

A summary of differences

If we were to keep this article short and try to summarize the significant differences between the two organizations, we would highlight the following aspects:

  • IATA sets standards for its member airlines while ICAO sets standards for member nations
  • IATA advocates for its airline industry members, while ICAO looks to set standards and procedures for civil aviation (particularly as it pertains to the actual process of flight).

Airport codes are one field where the two organizations overlap (for London Heathrow, IATA's code is LHR while the ICAO equivalent is EGLL). The variance in these codes highlights the differences between the two organizations: IATA's airport codes have been developed for use by airlines as they relate to passengers and customers- think boarding passes and flight reservations. For ICAO, its respective list of airport codes is used by pilots and air traffic controllers (or air navigation service providers).

While both organizations may have their own respective safety initiatives, IATA has a strong focus on the commercial health of its member airlines. While the ICAO, may examine economic development through air transportation, it is much more focused on aviation safety for its member nations.

Did you know the difference between IATA and ICAO? Let us know by leaving a comment.

Apa yang membedakan antara ICAO dengan IATA?

Fadjar Nugroho ICAO code adalah 4 huruf pengenal untuk bandara yang di keluarkan oleh ICAO, badan PBB untuk penerbangan. Sedangkan IATA adalah asosiasi/kumpulan perusahaan2 penerbangan di dunia. IATA mengeluarkan kode 3 huruf untuk bandara2 di dunia. Kode ini dipakai di tiket2 pesawat.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan ICAO?

(Montreal, 25 September 2013) Keikutsertaan Indonesia pada Sidang Majelis ke 38 ICAO yang berlangsung mulai 24 September sampai 4 Oktober 2013 di Montreal membawa misi penting yaitu pencalonan Indonesia menjadi anggota Dewan (Council) Organisasi Penerbangan Sipil Internasional (International Civil Aviation Organization ...

Jelaskan apa yang menjadi kepentingan dan tujuan utama ICAO The International Civil Aviation Organization?

Kepentingan dan tujuan utama ICAO adalah Kamanan & Keselamatan, Efisiensi dan Keteraturan (Security & Safety, Efficiency, Regularity). Kantor pusat ICAO berada di Montreal (Canada). Kantor wilayah tersebar di 7 (tujuh) wilayah : Mexico City (Mexico).

Annex 8 ICAO mengatur tentang apa?

Annex 8 - Airworthiness of Aircraft merupakan pengaturan tentang standar kelayakan udara dan pemeriksaan pesawat udara berdasarkan prosedur yang seragam.

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