Apa yang dilakukan tindakan firewall redirect? pilih semua pernyataan yang benar.

1. Action=redirect is applied in Action = redirect diterapkan di A. chain=srcnat B. chain=dstnat C. chain=forward 2. You have 802.11b/g wireless card. What frequencies are available to you? Anda memiliki 802.11b kartu wireless / g. frekuensi apa yang tersedia untuk Anda? A. 5800MHz B. 2412MHz ++ C. 5210MHz D. 2422MHz E. 2327MHz 3. Mark all correct statements about /export file=(name of an rsc file). Mark semua pernyataan yang benar tentang / ekspor (file RSC). A. Exports logs from /log print B. Exports full configuration of the router (without RouterOS user password) + C. Exports only part of the configuration (for example /ip firewall) + D. Exports scripts from /system script E. Exports files could not edited 4. What wireless card can we use to achieve 100 Mbps actual wireless throughput? Apa kartu nirkabel dapat kita gunakan untuk mencapai 100 Mbps throughput yang nirkabel yang sebenarnya? A. 802.11 b/g B. 802.11 a/b/g C. 802.11 a D. 802.11 a/n E. 802.11 a/b/g/n 5. It is possible to add user-defined chains in ip firewall mangle Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk menambahkan user-defined rantai di ip mangle firewall Yes 6. Choose all valid hosts address range for subnet Pilih semua rentang alamat host yang valid untuk subnet A. B. C. D. 7. Action=redirect allows you to make Action = redirect memungkinkan Anda untuk membuat A. Transparent DNS Cache B. Forward DNS to another device IP address C. Enable Local Service D. Transparent HTTP Proxy 8. Which is correct masquerade rule for network on the router with outgoing interface=ether1? Yang aturan masquerade benar untuk jaringan pada router dengan outgoing interface = ether1? A. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade chain=srcnat + B. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade chain=srcnat src-address= + C. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade out-interface=ether1 chain=dstnat D. /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1

9. Mark all features that are compatible with Nstreme Mark semua fitur yang kompatibel dengan Nstreme A. WDS between a device in station-wds mode and a device in station-wds mode B. Encryption C. WDS between a device in ap-bridge mode with a device in station-wds mode == D. Bridging a device in station mode with a device in ap-bridge mode = 10. Which are necessary sections in /queue simple to set bandwidth limitation? Yang merupakan bagian penting dalam / antrian sederhana untuk mengatur keterbatasan bandwidth? A. target-address, max-limit ++ B. target-address, dst-address, max-limit - C. target-address, dst-address D. max-limit 11. What protocol is used for Ping and Trace route? Apa protokol yang digunakan untuk Ping dan Trace Route? A. DHCP B. IP C. TCP D. ICMP + E. UDP 12. From which of the following locations can you obtain Winbox? Dari mana dari lokasi berikut dapat Anda peroleh Winbox? A. Router s webpage B. Files menu in your router C. Via the console cable D. mikrotik.com 13. Two hosts, A and B, are connected to a broadcast LAN. Select all the answers showing pairs of IP address/mask which would allow IP connections to be established between the two hosts. Dua host, A dan B, terhubung ke siaran LAN. Pilih semua jawaban yang menunjukkan pasangan alamat IP / mask yang akan memungkinkan koneksi IP yang akan didirikan antara dua host. A. A: and B: B. A: and B: - C. A: and B: - D. A: and B: 14. Why is it useful to set a Radio Name on the radio interface? Mengapa berguna untuk menetapkan Nama Radio pada interface radio? A. To identify a station in a list of connected clients B. To identify a station in the Access List C. To identify a station in Neighbor discover 15. MikroTik RouterOS DHCP client can receive following options klien MikroTik RouterOS DHCP dapat menerima pilihan berikut A. Byte limit B. IP Gateway C. Rate limit D. Uptime limit + E. IP Address and Subnet 16. The HotSpot feature can be used only on ethernet interfaces. You have to use a separate access point if you want to use this feature with wireless. Fitur HotSpot dapat digunakan hanya pada antarmuka ethernet. Anda harus menggunakan jalur akses terpisah jika Anda ingin menggunakan fitur ini dengan nirkabel. NO/FALSE

17. If you need to make sure that one computer in your HotSpot network can access the Internet without HotSpot authentication, which menu allows you to do this? Jika Anda perlu memastikan bahwa satu komputer dalam jaringan HotSpot Anda dapat mengakses internet tanpa otentikasi HotSpot, menu yang memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan hal ini? A. Users B. IP bindings ---- C. Walled-garden + D. Walled-garden IP 18. Which default route will be active? Yang rute default akan aktif? /ip route add disabled=no distance=10 dst-address= gateway= add disabled=no distance=5 dst-address= gateway= A. Route via gateway B. Route via gateway 19. How long is level 1 (demo) license valid? Berapa lama level 1 (demo) lisensi yang valid? A. 24 hours B. Infinite time C. 1 month D. 1 year

1. which firewall chain should be used for filters that protect your router interface? INPUT, yang firewall chain harus digunakan untuk filter yang melindungi antarmuka router Anda? 2. Netinstall can be used to? (Reinstall software without losing lisence) dan (install different software version/upgrade and downgrade) Netinstall dapat digunakan untuk? (Instal ulang perangkat lunak tanpa kehilangan lisensi) Dan (menginstal versi perangkat lunak yang berbeda / meng-upgrade dan downgrade) 3. Wireless acces point is reqquired for customer. Which RaouterBoard can be used for it? (RB493 with level 4 lisence) dan (RB433 with level 4 lisence) Wireless acces point reqquired bagi pelanggan. RaouterBoard yang dapat digunakan untuk itu? 4. You start a scan for wireless networks on you access point. What will happen? All connected clients will disconnect Anda mulai memindai jaringan nirkabel pada titik akses Anda. Apa yang akan terjadi? 5. You want to use PCQ and allow 256k maximum download and upload for each client. Chose correct argument values for the required queue. Anda ingin menggunakan PCQ dan memungkinkan 256k download maksimum dan upload untuk setiap klien. Memilih nilai-nilai argumen yang benar untuk antrian yang diperlukan. 6. It possible to acces Mikrotik graphs on a different port than HTTP port 80. FALSE ++ TRUE -- mungkin untuk acces Mikrotik grafik pada port yang berbeda selain port HTTP 80. 7. A mikrotik PPPoe server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoe protocol if there is router that splits broadcast domain between the customer and that PPPoE server. Server mikrotik pppoe dapat digunakan hanya dalam domain broadcast, yaitu, pengguna tidak dapat menjalankan protokol pppoe jika ada router yang membagi broadcast domain antara pelanggan dan server pppoe. TRUE ++++++ 8. A mikrotik PPPoe server can be used only within a broadcast domain, that is, users can not run PPPoe protocol with a server if there is a router between the customer and that PPPoE server. FALSE 9. What can be used as target-address in the simple queue? CLIENT S Address Apa yang dapat digunakan sebagai target-address dalam antrian sederhana? 10. What is necessary for PPPoE client Configuration? Interface (on which PPPoE client is going work) Apa nacessary untuk konfigurasi klien PPPoE? 11. Using wirelless connect-list it s possible to prioritize connection to one access point over another Access Point by changing the order of the entries. TRUE ++ Menggunakan wirelless terhubung-daftar itu mungkin untuk memprioritaskan sambungan ke satu titik akses lebih jalur akses lain dengan mengubah urutan entri. 12. Where should you upload new Mikrotik RouterOS version packages for upgrading router? FTP root directory or/files directory other router Di mana Anda harus meng-upload Mikrotik RouterOS paket versi baru untuk upgrade router? 13. Log messages are stored on disk by default. FALSE +++ Pesan Log disimpan pada disk secara default. 14. What does the firewall action log do? it logs the packet Apa yang firewall tindakan "log" lakukan?

1. Manakah fakta yang benar mengenai file backup? Manakah fakta yang benar mengenai file backup? A. Termasuk file yang tersimpan di /files <<< B. Bisa diedit C. Termasuk username dan password dari /user <<< D. Mencakup seluruh konfigurasi router <<< 2. NStreme works only on 40mhz channel width Nstreme bekerja hanya pada lebar saluran 40MHz true false <<<++ 3. To make all DNS requests coming from your network to resolve on your router (regardless of the clients' configuration), which action would you specify for the DST-NAT rule? Untuk membuat semua permintaan DNS yang berasal dari jaringan Anda untuk menyelesaikan pada router Anda (terlepas dari konfigurasi klien '), yang tindakan yang akan Anda tentukan untuk DST-NAT memerintah? A. masquerade B. dst-nat C. you can't use DST-NAT to achieve this D. redirect <<< 4. Two hosts, A and B, are connected to a broadcast LAN. Select all the answers showing pairs of IP address/mask which would allow IP connections to be established between the two hosts. Dua host, A dan B, terhubung ke siaran LAN. Pilih semua jawaban yang menunjukkan pasangan alamat IP / mask yang akan memungkinkan koneksi IP yang akan didirikan antara dua host. A. A: and B: <<< B. A: and B: C. A: and B: D. A: and B: 5. The first two rules in the forward chain of the filter table are: Dua aturan pertama dalam rantai maju dari tabel filter adalah: /ip firewall filter add chain=forward connection-state=established action=accept /ip firewall filter add chain=forward connection-state=invalid action=drop Connection-state=related packets are not filtered by the rules above. paket koneksi-negara = terkait tidak disaring oleh peraturan di atas. True - false <<< 6. /interface wireless access-list is used for / interface wireless access-list digunakan untuk A. Shows a list of Client's MAC Address that are already registered at AP <<<++ B. Authenticate Hotspot users C. Handles a list of Client's MAC Address to permit/deny connection to AP D. Contains the security profiles settings 7. Possible actions of ip firewall filter are: Kemungkinan tindakan filter ip firewall adalah A. tarpit <<< B. tarp C. bounce D. add-to-address-list/add-to-list - E. log <<< F. accept <<< 8. In case when router login password is lost, it is necessary to reinstall RouterOS or use hardware reset funcion. Dalam hal ketika password router login hilang, perlu untuk menginstal ulang RouterOS atau menggunakan hardware ulang funcion.

true <<< false 9. PPP Secrets are used for Rahasia PPP digunakan untuk A. L2TP clients <<<+++++ B. Router users C. PPtP clients <<<+++++ D. IPSec clients E. PPPoE clients <<<+++++ F. PPP clients <+ 10. Choose all valid hosts address range for subnet Pilih semua host valid mengatasi berbagai untuk subnet A. B. C. <<< D. 11. WPA 2 Pre-Shared Key (PSK) is enabled on AP, all your clients have to use the same PSK. Only Virtual AP could be used to allow clients to connect with a different PSK. WPA 2 Pre-Shared Key (PSK) diaktifkan pada AP, semua klien Anda harus menggunakan PSK yang sama. Hanya Virtual AP bisa digunakan untuk mengizinkan klien untuk menghubungkan dengan PSK yang berbeda. false true <<< 12. Which of the following actions are available for '/ip firewall mangle' (select all valid actions) Manakah dari tindakan berikut ini tersedia untuk '/ ip firewall mangle' (pilih semua tindakan yang valid) A. change MSS B. mark connection <<< C. Accept <<< D. Jump <<< E. Drop <<< F. mark packet <<< 13. OSFP area ID does not need to be unique within the AS. OSFP ID daerah tidak perlu menjadi unik dalam AS. true false <<< 14. What configuration is added by /ip hotspot setup command? (select all that apply) Apa konfigurasi ditambahkan oleh / ip perintah konfigurasi hotspot? (Pilih semua yang berlaku) A. /ip dhcp-server <<< B. /ip service C. /queue tree D. /ip hotspot user <<< E. /ip hotspot walled-garden 15. Mode wireless apakah yang bisa digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasikan WDS? Modus apakah wireless Yang can digunakan untuk review mengkonfigurasikan WDS? A. ap-bridge <<< B. nstreme-dual-slave C. bridge D. station-wds <<< E. Station 16. Check all of the DHCP Server Options that are implemented for DHCP-Client and not Custom. Periksa semua DHCP Server Pilihan yang diimplementasikan untuk DHCP-Client dan tidak Kustom. A. WINS Server <<<

B. ntp server <<< C. DNS Server <<< D. subnet mask <<< E. tftp F. Gateway <<< 17. Anda akan menyimpan website yang telah dikunjungi ke dalam sebuah log dari web proxy. Manakah konfigurasi yang benar? Andari akan menyimpan situs Yang has dikunjungi Ke hearts SEBUAH log Dari web proxy. Manakah Konfigurasi yang Benar? A. /system logging add topics=web-proxy,debug action=memory <<< B. /system logging add topics=web-proxy,!debug action=memory C. /system logging add topics=web-proxy,!debug action=remote D. /system logging add topics=web-proxy,!debug action=disk <<< 18. You need to set up an E1(T1) connection with PPP configured. Which License level is needed? Anda perlu menyiapkan koneksi E1 (T1) dengan PPP dikonfigurasi. Tingkat Lisensi yang diperlukan? A. Level 4 B. It cannot be done in RouterOS C. Level 5 <<< 19. Mark queue type that uses fairness principle between sub-queues, allows users to choose classifier for sub-queues, and apply a limit to each sub-queue Mark Jenis antrian yang menggunakan prinsip keadilan antara sub-antrian, memungkinkan pengguna untuk memilih classifier untuk sub-antrian, dan menerapkan batas untuk masingmasing sub-antrian A. SFQ B. RED C. PCQ <<< D. BFIFO 20. How many different priorities can be selected for queues in MikroTik RouterOS? Berapa banyak prioritas yang berbeda dapat dipilih untuk antrian di MikroTik RouterOS? A. 1 B. 8 <<< + C. 0 D. 16 21. An IP address pool can contain addresses from more than one subnet. Sebuah kolam alamat IP dapat berisi alamat dari lebih dari satu subnet. True <<< false +

1. Is ARP used in the IPv6 protocol? Apakah ARP digunakan dalam protokol IPv6? [True / False] JAWAB : False --> menggunakan ndp sebagai pengganti arp 2. Select which of the following are 'Public IP addresses': [multiple answers] Pilih mana dari berikut ini adalah 'IP Public alamat': [Beberapa jawaban] a. b. + c. d. e. + JAWAB: B,E -> 3. In MikroTik RouterOS, Layer-3 communication between 2 hosts can be achieved by using an address subnet of: [multiple answers] Pada MikroTik RouterOS, Layer-3 komunikasi antara 2 host dapat dicapai dengan menggunakan subnet alamat: [Beberapa jawaban] a. /30 ++ b. /29 +++ c. /32 d. /31 - JAWAB : B 4. A PC with IP can access internet, and static ARP has been set for that IP address on gateway. When the PC Ethernet card failed, the user change it with a new card and set the same IP for it. What else should be done? [multiple answers] Sebuah PC dengan IP dapat mengakses internet, dan statis ARP telah ditetapkan untuk alamat IP pada gateway. Bila kartu PC Ethernet gagal, pengguna mengubahnya dengan kartu baru dan mengatur IP yang sama untuk itu. Apa lagi yang harus dilakukan? [Beberapa jawaban] a. Old static ARP entry on gateway has to be updated for the new card * b. Nothing - it will work as before == c. MAC-address of the new card has to be changed to MAC address of old card * d. Another IP has to be added for Internet access JAWAB : A,C,D 5. How many usable IP addresses are there in a 20-bit subnet? [single answer] Berapa banyak alamat IP dapat digunakan yang ada di subnet 20-bit? [Tunggal jawaban] a. 2047 b. 4096 c. 2048 d. 2046 e. 4094 +++ JAWAB : E

6. What is the default TTL (time to live) on a router that an IP packet can experience before it will be discarded? [multiple answers] Apa yang default TTL (time to live) pada router yang paket IP dapat mengalami sebelum akan dibuang? [Beberapa jawaban] a. 60 b. 30 c. 1 d. 64 JAWAB : A,B,D (ga yakin) 7. The network address is [multiple answers] Alamat jaringan adalah [Beberapa jawaban] a. The first usable address of the subnet ++ b. The last address of the subnet + c. The first address of the subnet JAWAB : A,B 8. Choose all valid hosts address range for subnet [single answer] Pilih semua rentang alamat host yang valid untuk subnet [Tunggal jawaban] a. b. c. + d. JAWAB : C 9. Which ones of the following are valid IP addresses? [multiple answers] Manakah dari berikut ini adalah alamat IP yang valid? [Beberapa jawaban] a. + b. ++ c. ++ d. JAWAB : B,C 10. Which of the following is NOT a valid MAC Address? [multiple answers] Manakah dari berikut ini tidak MAC valid Alamat? [Beberapa jawaban] a. 95:B5D:EE:78:8A b. 13:16:86:53:89:43 c. 80:GF:AA:67:13:5D ++ d. 88:0C:00:99:5F:EF e. EA:BA:AA:EE:FF:CB JAWAB : A,C

11. If ARP=reply-only is configured on an interface, what will this interface do [multiple answers] Jika ARP = balasan-satunya dikonfigurasi pada interface, apa yang akan antarmuka ini dilakukan [Beberapa jawaban] a. Add new IP addresses in /ip arp list b. Accept all IP/MAC combinations listed in /ip arp as static entries ++ c. Accept all MAC-addresses listed in /ip arp as static entries d. Add new MAC addresses in /ip arp list e. Accept all IP addresses listed in /ip arp as static entries JAWAB : B,E 12. What is term for the hardware coded address found on an interface? [single answer] Apa istilah untuk alamat hardware kode ditemukan di sebuah antarmuka? [Tunggal jawaban a. IP Address b. Interface Address c. MAC Address ++ d. FQDN Address JAWAB : C 13. Which of the following IP addresses are publicly routable? Manakah dari alamat IP berikut routable publik? [Beberapa jawaban] [multiple answers] a. b. c. d. JAWAB : A,D 14. What protocol does ping use? [single answer] Apa protokol tidak ping digunakan? [Tunggal jawaban] a. UDP b. TCP c. ARP d. ICMP ++++ JAWAB : D 15. MAC layer by OSI model is also known as [single answer] MAC lapisan model OSI juga dikenal sebagai a. Layer 3 b. Layer 7 c. Layer 2 +++ d. Layer 6 e. Layer 1 JAWAB : C 16. How many layers does Open Systems Interconnection model have? [single answer] Berapa banyak lapisan yang model Open System Interconnection miliki? a. 12 b. 6 c. 9 d. 5 e. 7

17. How many IP addresses can one find in the header of an IP packet? [single answer] Berapa banyak alamat IP dapat satu menemukan dalam header dari sebuah paket IP? [Tunggal jawaban] a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 = d. 2 JAWAB : C (ga yakin) 18. Select valid MAC-address [single answer] Pilih valid MAC-address [Tunggal jawaban] a. G2:60:CF:21:99:H0 b. 00:00:5E:80:EE:B0 + c. d. AEC8:21F1:AA44:54FF:1111DAE:0212:1201 JAWAB : B 19. The basic unit of a physical network (OSI Layer 1) is the: [single answer] Unit dasar dari jaringan fisik (OSI Layer 1) adalah: [Tunggal jawaban] a. Byte b. Frame c. Bit ++++ d. Header JAWAB : C 20. You have a router with configuration Anda memiliki router dengan konfigurasi - Public IP : - Default gateway: - DNS server:, - Local IP: Mark the correct configuration on client PC to access to the Internet [single answer] Menandai konfigurasi yang benar pada PC client untuk akses ke Internet [Tunggal jawaban] a. IP: gateway: b. IP: gateway: c. IP: gateway: d. IP: gateway: +++ e. IP: gateway: JAWAB : D

1. In Ip Firewall NAT, you can Classify Traffic in SRC Nat Chain based on " in-interface". Dalam Ip Firewall NAT, Anda dapat Klasifikasikan Lalu Lintas di SRC Nat Rantai berdasarkan "diinterface". False +++ 2. Which option in the configuration of a wireless card must be disabled to cause the router to permit ONLY known clients listed in the access list to connect? Pilihan mana dalam konfigurasi kartu nirkabel harus dinonaktifkan untuk menyebabkan router untuk mengizinkan klien HANYA dikenal tercantum dalam daftar akses untuk menyambung? A. Default Forward B. Enable Access List C. Default Authenticate D. Security Profile 3. Is it possible to limit how many clients are able to connect to an access point? Apakah mungkin untuk membatasi berapa banyak klien dapat terhubung ke jalur akses? A. Yes, but only with access-lists ++ B. No it's not possible at all C. Yes 4. It is necessary to configure a local DNS server to be able to give out a DNS setting to clients via DHCP server. Hal ini diperlukan untuk mengkonfigurasi server DNS lokal untuk dapat memberikan suatu DNS pengaturan untuk klien melalui server DHCP. True 5. What kind of users are listed in the "/user" menu? Apa jenis pengguna tercantum dalam menu "/ user"? A. pptp users B. hotspot users C. router users D. wireless users 6. How many DHCP servers could you run on one interface? Berapa banyak server DHCP Anda bisa berjalan di satu antarmuka? A. 255 B. 1024 C. 4 D. 1 7. What configuration is added by /ip hotspot setup command? (select all that apply) Apa konfigurasi ditambahkan oleh / ip perintah konfigurasi hotspot? (Pilih semua yang berlaku) A. /ip hotspot user B. /queue tree C. /ip service D. /ip dhcp-server E. /ip hotspot walled-garden 8. Router has Wireless and Ethernet client interfaces, all client interfaces are bridged. To create a DHCP service for all clients you must configure DHCP server on Router memiliki Wireless dan Ethernet interface klien, semua antarmuka klien yang dijembatani. Untuk membuat layanan DHCP untuk semua klien Anda harus mengkonfigurasi DHCP server di A. only on bridge interface B. every bridge port C. DHCP service is not possible in this setup D. Ethernet and wireless interfaces

9. A routing table has following entries: Sebuah tabel routing memiliki entri berikut: 0 dst-address= gateway= 1 dst-address= gateway= 2 dst-address= gateway= 3 dst-address= gateway= Which gateway will be used for a packet with destination address Gerbang yang akan digunakan untuk paket dengan alamat tujuan A. B. ++ 82+++ C. - D. 10. You want to skip HotSpot (authorization, accounting, etc.) for a specific host. What should you use? Anda ingin melewatkan HotSpot (otorisasi, akuntansi, dll) untuk host tertentu. Apa yang harus Anda gunakan? A. /ip hotspot ip-binding B. /ip hotspot walled-garden ip C. /ip hotspot walled-garden D. /ip address 11. What does the firewall action "Redirect" do?true statements Apa tindakan firewall "Redirect" lakukan? ++ A. Redirects a packet to a specified port on a host in the network B. Redirects a packet to a specified IP C. Redirects a packet to the router D. Redirects a packet to a specified port on the router A. Pengalihan paket ke port tertentu di host dalam jaringan B. Pengalihan paket ke IP tertentu C. Pengalihan sebuah paket ke router D. Pengalihan paket ke port tertentu pada router 12. Which wireless mode allows you to connect to any standard AP (not only MikroTik) and to be able to bridge this wireless interface to an Ethernet? Modus yang nirkabel memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung ke AP standar (tidak hanya MikroTik) dan untuk dapat menjembatani antarmuka nirkabel ini ke Ethernet? A. station B. bridge C. station-pseudobridge + D. station-wds 13. How many layers does Open Systems Interconnection model have? Berapa banyak lapisan yang model Open System Interconnection miliki? A. 9 B. 6 C. 5 D. 7 E. 12 14. You can control bandwidth of a client connected to AP with the resource / interface wireless access-list ( assume the client uses MikroTik RouterOS). Anda dapat mengontrol bandwidth klien yang terhubung ke AP dengan sumber daya / antarmuka akses-daftar nirkabel (menganggap klien menggunakan MikroTik RouterOS). True + 15. Choose all valid hosts address range for subnet Pilih semua host valid mengatasi berbagai untuk subnet A. B.

C. D. 16. Which configuration menu should you use to change router's Winbox default port? hich menu konfigurasi yang harus Anda gunakan untuk mengubah port default Winbox router? A. /ip service B. /ip firewall service-ports C. /ip firewall filter D. /system resource 17. A backup file from a MikroTik router is stored in plain text format Sebuah file backup dari router MikroTik disimpan dalam format teks biasa False 18. In RouterOS queue configurations the word "total" usually represents Dalam antrian RouterOS konfigurasi dengan kata "total" biasanya merupakan A. download B. upload + download --++ C. download - upload D. upload

1. On the advanced menu of the wireless setup there is a parameter called Area, it works directly with: Pada menu canggih dari setup wireless ada parameter yang disebut "daerah", bekerja secara langsung dengan: A. Connect List ++ B. Access List C. None of these D. Security Profile 2. What menus should be used to allow certain websites to be accessed from behind a hotspot interface, without client authentication Apa menu harus digunakan untuk mengizinkan situs web tertentu untuk diakses dari belakang antarmuka hotspot, tanpa otentikasi klien A. ip hotspot ip-binding B. ip hotspot profile C. ip hotspot walled-garden ++ D. ip hotspot walled-garden ip 3. You want to use PCQ and allow 256k maximum download and upload for each client. Choose correct argument values for the required queue. Anda ingin menggunakan PCQ dan memungkinkan 256k download maksimum dan upload untuk setiap klien. Pilih nilai argumen yang benar untuk antrian yang diperlukan. A. kind=pcq pcq-limit=1256000 pcq-classifier=dst-address B. kind=pcq pcq-limit=256000 pcq-classifier=dst-address C. kind=pcq pcq-limit=5000000 pcq-classifier=src-address D. kind=pcq pcq-limit=256000 pcq-classifier=src-address E. kind=pcq pcq-limit=5000000 pcq-classifier=dst-address 4. Which of the following is true for connection tracking A. Enabling connection tracking reduces CPU usage in RouterOS == B. Connection tracking must be enabled for firewall to be effective C. Connection tracking must be enable for NAT ed network D. Disable connection tracking for mangle to work Manakah dari berikut ini berlaku untuk pelacakan koneksi A. Mengaktifkan pelacakan koneksi mengurangi penggunaan CPU di RouterOS B. pelacakan Connection harus diaktifkan untuk firewall menjadi efektif C. Koneksi pelacakan harus mengaktifkan untuk jaringan NAT'ed pelacakan koneksi D. Nonaktifkan untuk mangle untuk bekerja 5. Which of these are possible solutions to bridge two networks over a wireless link: A. Both devices in AP mode and enable WDS mode B. One device in AP mode, another one in station-pseudobridge-clone C. One device in AP mode, another one in station-pseudobridge D. One device in AP mode, another one in station Yang ini adalah solusi yang mungkin untuk menjembatani dua jaringan melalui link nirkabel: Modus A. Kedua perangkat dalam mode AP dan mengaktifkan WDS B. Satu perangkat dalam mode AP, satu lagi di stasiun-pseudobridge-clone C. Salah satu perangkat dalam modus AP, satu lagi di stasiun-pseudobridge D. Satu perangkat dalam mode AP, satu lagi di stasiun 6. You have a 802.11b/g wireless card. Which frequencies can be set? Anda memiliki kartu nirkabel 802.11b / g. Yang frekuensi dapat diatur? A. 5210MHz B. 2327MHz C. 2422MHz D. 2412MHz E. 5800MHz 7. Action=redirect applies to

Action = redirect berlaku untuk aturan A. Route rules B. DST-NAT rules C. Firewall Filter rules D. SRC-NAT rules 8. When backing up your router by using the Export command, the following happens: Ketika back up router Anda dengan menggunakan perintah 'Ekspor', berikut ini terjadi: A. Winbox usernames and passwords are backed up B. The Export file can be edited with a standard text editor after its creation C. You are requested to give the export file a name 9. You need to reboot a RouterBoard after importing a previously exported rsc file to activate the new configuration. FALSE/NO Anda perlu reboot RouterBoard setelah mengimpor file RSC sebelumnya diekspor untuk mengaktifkan konfigurasi baru. 10. If a packet comes to a router and starts a new, previously unseen connection, which connection state would be applied to it? Jika sebuah paket datang ke router dan memulai, koneksi yang sebelumnya tak terlihat baru, yang negara koneksi akan diterapkan untuk itu? A. no connection state would be applied to such packet B. new + C. unknown D. invalid E. established 11. We have two radio cards in a point-to-point link with settings: Kami memiliki dua kartu radio di link point-to-point dengan pengaturan: Card Nr 1.: mode=ap-bridge ssid= office frequency=2447 band=2.4ghz-b/g default-authentication=yes default-forwarding=yes securityprofile=wpa Card Nr 2.: mode=station ssid= office frequency=2412 band=2.4ghz-b/g default-authentication=yes default-forwarding=yes securityprofile=wpa2 Is Card Nr2. able to connect to Card Nr 1.? A. Yes, if Nstreme is enabled or disabled on both B. Yes, when security profile settings are compatible with each other and Nstreme is enabled or disabled on both C. No, because of the different frequencies D. No, because of the different security profiles A. Ya, jika Nstreme diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan pada kedua B. Ya, ketika pengaturan profil keamanan yang kompatibel dengan satu sama lain dan Nstreme diaktifkan atau dinonaktifkan pada kedua C. Tidak, karena frekuensi yang berbeda D. Tidak ada, karena profil keamanan yang berbeda 12. Consider the following network diagram. In R1, you have the following configuration: Perhatikan diagram jaringan berikut. Pada R1, Anda memiliki konfigurasi berikut: /ip route add dst-address= gateway= /ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat out-interface=ether1 action=masquerade On R2, if you wish to prevent all access to a server located at from LAN1 devices, which of the following rules would be needed? Pada R2, jika Anda ingin mencegah semua akses ke server yang terletak di dari perangkat LAN1, yang dari aturan berikut akan diperlukan?

A. /ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= action=drop B. /ip firewall filter add chain=input src-address= dst-address= action=drop C. /ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat src-address= dst-address= action=drop D. /ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= action=drop 13. What is the default protocol/port of (secure) winbox? Apa default protokol / pelabuhan winbox (aman)? A. UDP/5678 B. TCP/8291 +++ C. TCP/22 D. TCP/8080 14. Mark the queue types that are available in RouterOS Mark jenis antrian yang tersedia di RouterOS A. SFQ Stochastic Fairness Queuing ++++++ B. DRR Deficit Round Robin C. FIFO First In First Out (for Bytes or for Packets) ++++ D. LIFO Last In First Out E. PCQ Per Connection Queuing ++++++ F. RED Random Early Detect (or Drop) ++++++ 15. Which is the default port of IP-Winbox? Yang merupakan port default dari IP-Winbox? A. TCP 80 B. TCP 8291 ++ C. TCP 8192 D. UDP 8291

1. Can you manually add drivers to RouterOS in case your PCI Ethernet card is not recognized, and you suspect it is a driver issue? A. Yes B. No +++ 2. While troubleshooting a network from inside the network, you discover that you can ping the gateway reliably, but you cannot browse the Internet. Skype, however, works flawlessly. What is the most likely issue? A. DNS is not available B. Network card and/or cable is not working C. Masquerading rule is not applied D. The computer did not get an IP address 3. For user in local ppp secrets/ppp profiles database, it is possible to A. Allow only pppoe login ----=-=- B. Allow login by pppoe and pptp, but deny login by l2tp -- C. Deny services (like telnet) only for this user or for one group of users D. Allow/deny use of more than one login by this user --- E. Set max values for total transferred bytes (up- and download) ------== 4. The RouterOS graphing is used for A. real-time traffic and resource usage display + B. average traffic and resource usage display +++ C. bandwidth testing D. bandwidth limitation 5. In the Route List, the identification DAb for a route stands for A. direct - acknowledge - backup B. direct - active - bgp C. dynamic - active - backup D. dynamic - active - bgp ++++ 6. You want to transfer existing '/ip firewall filter' configuration from one router to a new system. Choose the best possible way to do: A. Export global configuration and remove everything apart from '/ip firewall filter' B. Export only '/ip firewall filter' C. Create backup only of '/ip firewall filter' rules D. Create backup, edit backup file and restore on target router 7. Which firewall chain you should use to filter SSH access to the router itself? A. output B. prerouting C. forward D. input 8. You want to create an access point for several laptop (non-routeros) clients. Select all options you can set on the MikroTik wireless interface: A. Nstreme to optimize link B. mode=ap-bridge C. mode=bridge D. Security profile for WPA encryption 9. If you wish to block user access to MSN messenger, which chain should the firewall rule be placed in? A. process B. input C. forward D. output 10. What is the maximum number of ARP entries on a Mikrotik RouterOS device? A. 2048 B. 8192 C. 10240

D. Unlimited 11. To connect your MikroTik router to a wireless access point, you have to: A. Use the same Band (5 GHz, 2.4 GHz,...) +++++ B. Use the same Radio Name C. Use the same SSID as on accesspoint = 12. DHCP server is configured on a router s ether1 interface. IP address is assigned to the interface. Possible IP pools, that can be used by this DHCP server, are: A. B. C. +++ 85++ D., +++ 85++ 13. Which firewall chain should you use to filter clients HTTP traffic going through the router? A. prerouting B. input C. output D. forward 14. Consider the following diagram. We want to communicate from a device on LAN1 to a device on LAN2. Assuming that all necessary configurations are already included on R2, which of the following configurations in R1 would enable this communication? A. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=ether1 B. /ip route add dst-address= gateway= 82++ C. /ip route add dst-address= gateway= 82++ D. /ip route add dst-address= gateway= E. /ip route add dst-address= src-address= gateway= 15. What is the meaning of letter "R" on an active session in the menu PPP Active Connections? A. Running B. Radius +++++ C. Remote

1. /ip route configuration on router, /ip route add gateway= /ip route add dst-address= gateway= /ip route add dst-address= gateway= /ip route add dst-address= gateway= Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used? A. B. 80+ C. D. ++ 82++ 2. Which route will be used to reach host /ip route add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway= add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway= add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway= A. Route via gateway B. Route via gateway C. Route via gateway -- 3. To securely bridge together 2 remote networks you can use A. PPPoE over EoIP - B. PPTP over EoIP - 82+ C. EoIP over PPTP D. PPTP BCP 4. Which routing table is used to apply recursive routing at MikroTik RouterOS A. It is only possible in the main routing table 82+ B. It is only possible on the x86 platform C. It is possible in all the routing tables installed in a router D. It is not possible 5. Select correct statements about EoIP: A. does not provide encryption. B. uses GRE. C. does not provide authentication. D. uses ESP.

6. On the following network diagram, when ROUTER wants to reach "HOST A" by itself, it should use ISP1 as gateway and when CLIENT wants to reach "HOST A", router should use ISP2 as a gateway. How would you configure routing marks to achieve this? A. Chain Input for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain Output for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 1 B. Chain Output for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain Forward for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 1 C. Chain Forward for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain Forward for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 1 +82 D. Chain Prerouting for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 2 & Chain Output for a Routing Mark to route to ISP 1 7. Which ones of these are Point-to-Point addresses? A. address= network= B. address= network= C. address= network= D. address= network= 8. A MikroTik system administrator implemented OSPF Routing protocol in the network. But realized that he has a static route on the routers. What can be done to make the static route work as a failover whenever the dynamic routing protocol fails. A. He should manually disable the static routes and enable them whenever OSPF fails -- B. He should use "netwatch" to trigger static routes whenever OSPF fails C. He should increase the administrative distance of the static route 82+ D. Delete all static routes because there is no way for it to work with OSPF 9. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer? A. IP address == 82++ B. VLAN ID C. MAC Address == 82++ D. 802.11g 10. It is possible to create a configuration where VLAN and PPTP interfaces are bridged together. FALSE - TRUE - 11. If router receives packet with TTL=1 then: A. packet will always reach its destination B. packet will be forwarded only to next L3 device C. packet will not be forwarded

12. What addressing scheme is typically used on a PPP link? A. /32 address on each side of the link B. /30 subnet C. /31 subnet D. /24 private subnet 13. Consider the image above. In this OSPF network, using Type II metrics would ensure that traffic from the source network to the destination network followed the path outlined by the dotted line. False/true 14. When adding a static route, you must always ensure that you add both the gateway and the interface. TRUE ++ FALSE 82++ 15. The address can be used for PPPoE servers local address. True/false 16. When creating a route, it is possible to specify the gateway to a network even if the gateway is not directly connected by using recursive next-hop resolving from an existing route. True/false 17. There are two routes in the routing table: 0 dst-addr= gateway= 1 dst-addr= gateway= Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address A. the required route is not in the routing table B. +++++++ C. - D. both - half of the traffic will be routed through one gateway, half through the other 18. You can not use OSPF and RIP routing protocols simultaneously on the RouterOS. True false + 19. Look at the picture. Which Gateway will be used to reach A. B. no one C. 82+ D.

20. You have a router with the following IP addresses: ether1: ether2: ether3: wlan1: wlan2: You have a customer directly connected to ether2, and another customer directly connected to ether3. Your wireless radios are used for wireless connectivity to two different towers, and ether1 goes to another wireless access point for other subscribers. You need all of the subnets distributed across your OSPF Network You need to configure OSPF to talk on this router, what would be the best configuration. A. set distribute-state=yes B. Set Distribute-Connected=yes C. set distribute-default=always-type-1 D. Set Ethernet 2 and 3 to passive mode E. Set OSPF networks, to, F. Set OSPF networks to G. Set Ethernet 1, 2, and 3 to passive mode H. Set OSPF Networks to,,,, and 82++ I. Set OSPF Networks to,,,, and J. Set OPSF networks to only 21. There are 6 routers running OSPF and connected with each other using point-to-point network types. How many Designated Routers are there among them? A. 15 B. 6 C. 0 D. 1 22. /ip route can have DS flags simultaneously. False True 82++

1. The highest queue priority is A. 8 B. 1 ++ C. 256 D. 16 2. It is impossible to disable user "admin" at the menu "/user" FALSE 11 TRUE - 3. In Winbox, Hide Passwords unchecked shows passwords for the following A. RouterOS user = B. RADIUS shared secret C. Hotspot User D. PPP secrets 4. Which software version can be installed onto the following RouterBoard types? A. routeros-mipsbe-x.xx.npk on a RB133 B. routeros-x86-x.xx.npk on a RB1100 C. routeros-powerpc-x.xx.npk on a RB333 D. routeros-mipsle-x.xx.npk on RB133 - E. routeros-mipsbe-x.xx.npk on a RB433-5. Which is a default baud-rate of currently manufactured RouterBOARDs? A. 9600 B. 11520 C. 38400 D. 115200 + 6. Is it possible to have PPTP Client and PPTP server on one MikroTik router at the same time? TRUE ++++++ false 7. Firewall configuration is the following: 1) /ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=jump jump-target=icmp 2) /ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=log log-prefix=icmp-deny 3) /ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=drop 4) /ip firewall filter add chain=icmp protocol=icmp action=log log-prefix=jump-icmp-deny 5) /ip firewall filter add chain=icmp protocol=icmp action=drop Client sends ping to router. What will the router do? A. Router will drop the packet at the Input drop rule (3rd rule) B. Router will log it with prefix: ICMP-DENY C. Router will drop the packet at ICMP (jump) chain drop rule (5th rule) D. Router will log it with prefix: JUMP-ICMP-DENY 8. The following image shows a RouterOS Wireless Access List configuration. Wireless interface Default Authenticate is unchecked. What will happen with clients connecting to this AP? A. 00:0C:42:61:6C:90 client will connect to wlan1 B. No client is able to connect to the Wireless Access Point. C. Client with mac-address 00:0C:42:31:38:A2 will connect to wlan1 D. 00:0C:42:31:38:A2 will connect to wlan1 when the signal strength is greater than -60 9. PPPoE server only works within one Ethernet broadcast domain that it is connected to. And if there is a router between server and end-user host, it will not be able to create PPPoE tunnel to said PPPoE server. TRUE +++

false 10. Which facility should be used, to ensure that clients with radio signal strength poorer than 90 dbm can t connect to interface wlan1 on a MikroTik AP? Choose one answer A. /interface wireless security-profiles add static-transmit-key B. /interface wireless access-list C. /interface wireless registration-table remove numbers=-91 D. /interface wireless set wlan1 basic-rates-a/g - 11. What letters appear next to a route, which is automatically created by RouterOS when user adds a valid address to an active interface? A. D + B. A + C. S D. I E. C + 12. Router A and B are both running as PPPoE servers on different broadcast domains of your network. It is possible to set Router A to use /ppp secret accounts from Router B to authenticate PPPoE customers. FALSE ++++++++ TRUE 13. Which of the following Routes statuses are possible? A. S = Static --+ B. C = Connected - + C. D = Drop D. A = Active --+ 14. What kind of users are listed in the Secrets window of the PPP menu? A. l2tp users ++ B. pptp users +++ C. hotspot users D. winbox users E. wireless users F. pppoe users ++ 15. By default info, error and warning messages are logged into memory of your RouterOS device. You can add logging of visited web-pages and other message topics TRUE 16. What does this simple queue do (check the image)? A. Queue limits host upload data rate to one megabit per second. B. Queue guarantees download data rate of one megabit per second for host C. Queue guarantees upload data rate of one megabit per second for host D. Queue limits host download data rate to one megabit per second. 17. Simple Queue number 0 defines 2M for upload and download for target IP Simple Queue number 1 defines 4M for upload and download for target IP Client is be able to obtain A. 0M upload/download B. 4M upload/download C. 6M upload/download D. 2M upload/download +

18. For static routing functionality, additionally to the RouterOS system package, you will also need the following software package: A. advanced-tools B. routing C. no extra package required/none ++++++++ D. dhcp 19. Router firewall rules are: /ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=jump jump-target=custom /ip firewall filter add chain=custom action=passthrough /ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=log When traffic reaches the end of chain=custom. What will happen next? A. Traffic will be accepted in chain=custom B. Traffic will be logged in chain=forward C. Traffic will be dropped in chain=custom ++ 20. How many wireless clients can connect, when wireless card is configured to mode=bridge? A. 2007 B. 1 ++ C. 100 D. 2 21. To use masquerade, you need to specify A. action=masquerade, in-interface, chain=src-nat B. action=masquerade, out-interface, chain=dst-nat C. action=masquerade, out-interface, chain=src-nat D. action=accept, out-interface, chain=src-nat 22. Which features are removed when advanced-tools package is uninstalled? A. bandwidth-test B. neighbors C. LCD support D. ip-scan 80+ E. netwatch 80+ F. ping 80+ 23. Consider the attached diagram: In order for Router 1 to see all of the networks the following commands could be used (choose all answers that could work) A. /routing add dst-address= gateway= B. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=, /ip route add dstaddress= gateway= C. /ip route add dst-address= gateway=, /ip route add dstaddress= gateway= 82++ D. /ip route add dst-address= gateway= 82++ 24. Where can we use NAT rules with action=masquerade? A. chain=forward B. chain=src-nat C. chain=dst-nat D. chain=input