100 kutipan film terbaik sepanjang masa 2022

The American Film Institute proudly curates lists to celebrate excellence in the art form. We believe their greatest impact is to inspire personal, passionate discussions about what makes a great film and why and, also, to chart the evolution of the art form. Since its inception, American film has marginalized the diversity of voices that make our nation and its stories strong – and these lists reflect that intolerable truth. AFI acknowledges its responsibility in curating these lists that has reinforced this marginality and looks forward to releasing new lists that will embrace our modern day and drive culture forward.


1. Citizen Kane (1941)

2. The Godfather (1972)

3. Casablanca (1942)

4. Raging Bull (1980)

5. Singin' in the Rain (1952)

6. Gone with the Wind (1939)

7. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

8. Schindler's List (1993)

9. Vertigo (1958)

10. The Wizard of Oz (1939)

11. City Lights (1931)

12. The Searchers (1956)

13. Star Wars (1977)

14. Psycho (1960)

15. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

16. Sunset Blvd. (1950)

17. The Graduate (1967)

18. The General (1926)

19. On the Waterfront (1954)

20. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

21. Chinatown (1974)

22. Some Like It Hot (1959)

23. The Grapes of Wrath (1940)

24. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

25. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

26. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)

27. High Noon (1952)

28. All About Eve (1950)

29. Double Indemnity (1944)

30. Apocalypse Now (1979)

31. The Maltese Falcon (1941)

32. The Godfather Part II (1974)

33. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)

34. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

35. Annie Hall (1977)

36. The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)

37. The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

38. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)

39. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

40. The Sound of Music (1965)

41. King Kong (1933)

42. Bonnie and Clyde (1967)

43. Midnight Cowboy (1969)

44. The Philadelphia Story (1940)

45. Shane (1953)

46. It Happened One Night (1934)

47. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)

48. Rear Window (1954)

49. Intolerance (1916)

50. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

51. West Side Story (1961)

52. Taxi Driver (1976)

53. The Deer Hunter (1978)

54. M*A*S*H (1970)

55. North by Northwest (1959)

56. Jaws (1975)

57. Rocky (1976)

58. The Gold Rush (1925)

59. Nashville (1975)

60. Duck Soup (1933)

61. Sullivan's Travels (1941)

62. American Graffiti (1973)

63. Cabaret (1972)

64. Network (1976)

65. The African Queen (1951)

66. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

67. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

68. Unforgiven (1992)

69. Tootsie (1982)

70. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

71. Saving Private Ryan (1998)

72. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

73. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969)

74. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

75. In the Heat of the Night (1967)

76. Forrest Gump (1994)

77. All the President's Men (1976)

78. Modern Times (1936)

79. The Wild Bunch (1969)

80. The Apartment (1960)

81. Spartacus (1960)

82. Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927)

83. Titanic (1997)

84. Easy Rider (1969)

85. A Night at the Opera (1935)

86. Platoon (1986)

87. 12 Angry Men (1957)

88. Bringing Up Baby (1938)

89. The Sixth Sense (1999)

90. Swing Time (1936)

91. Sophie's Choice (1982)

92. Goodfellas (1990)

93. The French Connection (1971)

94. Pulp Fiction (1994)

95. The Last Picture Show (1971)

96. Do the Right Thing (1989)

97. Blade Runner (1982)

98. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)

99. Toy Story (1995)

100. Ben-Hur (1959)

AFI is a 501c3 non-profit advancing the art of the moving image by empowering storytellers and inspiring audiences


Top 100 Poster Film: Pada tahun 2003, 100 dari poster film Amerika terhebat yang pernah dibuat dipilih oleh American Film Institute dan dibuat ulang sebagai litograf edisi terbatas yang diproduksi dengan tangan oleh S2 Art Group dan hiburan galeri. Koleksi "Art of the Movies", juga disebut 100 tahun ... 100 American Movie Poster Classics, sepenuhnya berlisensi dan disahkan oleh studio film utama, dan memberikan rekreasi seni film favorit yang berkualitas tinggi dari klasik poster film favorit. In the year 2003, 100 of the Greatest American Film Posters ever made were selected by the American Film Institute and remastered as hand-produced, limited-edition lithographs by the S2 Art Group and Entertainment Galleries. The "Art of the Movies" collection, also termed 100 Years...100 American Movie Poster Classics, was fully licensed and authorized by the major film studios, and provided the highest quality, fine art recreations of favorite movie poster classics.

Tautan ke 100 poster film Amerika terhebat: (mungkin tidak semua tersedia)

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American Film Institute dengan bangga membuat daftar untuk merayakan keunggulan dalam bentuk seni. Kami percaya dampak terbesar mereka adalah untuk menginspirasi diskusi pribadi dan penuh gairah tentang apa yang membuat film yang hebat dan mengapa dan, juga, untuk memetakan evolusi bentuk seni. Sejak awal, film Amerika telah meminggirkan keragaman suara yang membuat bangsa kita dan kisah -kisahnya kuat - dan daftar ini mencerminkan kebenaran yang tak tertahankan itu. AFI mengakui tanggung jawabnya dalam membuat daftar daftar ini yang telah memperkuat marginalitas ini dan berharap untuk merilis daftar baru yang akan merangkul zaman modern kita dan mendorong budaya ke depan.

  • Tampilan Daftar
  • Tampilan yang diperluas

1. "Terus terang, sayangku, aku tidak peduli."

Gone With the Wind (1939)

2. "Aku akan memberinya tawaran yang tidak bisa dia tolak."

The Godfather (1972)

3. "Anda tidak mengerti! Saya bisa memiliki kelas. Saya bisa menjadi pesaing. Saya bisa menjadi seseorang, bukan gelandangan, itulah saya."

Di tepi laut (1954)

4. "Toto, aku merasa kita tidak lagi berada di Kansas."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

100. "Aku Raja Dunia!"

Casablanca (1942)

Titanic (1997)

AFI adalah nirlaba 501c3 yang memajukan seni gambar yang bergerak dengan memberdayakan pendongeng dan penonton yang menginspirasi

Daftar buletin kami

American Film Institute dengan bangga membuat daftar untuk merayakan keunggulan dalam bentuk seni. Kami percaya dampak terbesar mereka adalah untuk menginspirasi diskusi pribadi dan penuh gairah tentang apa yang membuat film yang hebat dan mengapa dan, juga, untuk memetakan evolusi bentuk seni. Sejak awal, film Amerika telah meminggirkan keragaman suara yang membuat bangsa kita dan kisah -kisahnya kuat - dan daftar ini mencerminkan kebenaran yang tak tertahankan itu. AFI mengakui tanggung jawabnya dalam membuat daftar daftar ini yang telah memperkuat marginalitas ini dan berharap untuk merilis daftar baru yang akan merangkul zaman modern kita dan mendorong budaya ke depan.

Tampilan Daftar

Tampilan yang diperluas

1. "Terus terang, sayangku, aku tidak peduli."

Gone With the Wind (1939)

2. "Aku akan memberinya tawaran yang tidak bisa dia tolak."

The Godfather (1972)

3. "Anda tidak mengerti! Saya bisa memiliki kelas. Saya bisa menjadi pesaing. Saya bisa menjadi seseorang, bukan gelandangan, itulah saya."

Di tepi laut (1954)

4. "Toto, aku merasa kita tidak lagi berada di Kansas."

5. "Ini yang melihatmu, Nak."

6. "Silakan, buat hari saya."

Dampak mendadak (1983)

7. "Baiklah, Tuan Demille, saya siap untuk close-up saya."

The Maltese Falcon (1941)

15. "E.T. Phone Home."

E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

16. "Mereka memanggilku Tuan Tibbs!"

In The Heat of the Night (1967)

17. "Rosebud."

Citizen Kane (1941)

18. "Membuatnya, Ma! Top of the World!"

White Heat (1949)

19. "Aku sangat marah, dan aku tidak akan mengambil ini lagi!"

Jaringan (1976)

20. "Louis, saya pikir ini adalah awal dari persahabatan yang indah."

Casablanca (1942)

21. "Seorang pengambil sensus pernah mencoba menguji saya. Saya memakan hatinya dengan beberapa kacang fava dan chianti yang bagus."

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

22. "Bond. James Bond."

No (1963)

23. "Tidak ada tempat seperti rumah."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

24. "Saya besar! Ini gambar yang kecil."

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

25. "Tunjukkan Uangnya!"

Jerry Maguire (1996)

26. "Mengapa Anda tidak muncul kapan -kapan dan melihat saya?"

Dia melakukan dia salah (1933)

27. "Saya berjalan di sini! Saya berjalan di sini!"

Midnight Cowboy (1969)

28. "Mainkan, Sam. Mainkan 'Seiring waktu berlalu.'"

Casablanca (1942)

21. "Seorang pengambil sensus pernah mencoba menguji saya. Saya memakan hatinya dengan beberapa kacang fava dan chianti yang bagus."

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

22. "Bond. James Bond."

No (1963)

23. "Tidak ada tempat seperti rumah."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

24. "Saya besar! Ini gambar yang kecil."

Casablanca (1942)

21. "Seorang pengambil sensus pernah mencoba menguji saya. Saya memakan hatinya dengan beberapa kacang fava dan chianti yang bagus."

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

22. "Bond. James Bond."

No (1963)

23. "Tidak ada tempat seperti rumah."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

24. "Saya besar! Ini gambar yang kecil."

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

25. "Tunjukkan Uangnya!"

Jerry Maguire (1996)

26. "Mengapa Anda tidak muncul kapan -kapan dan melihat saya?"

Dia melakukan dia salah (1933)

27. "Saya berjalan di sini! Saya berjalan di sini!"

Midnight Cowboy (1969)

28. "Mainkan, Sam. Mainkan 'Seiring waktu berlalu.'"

29. "Anda tidak bisa menangani kebenaran!"

Some Good Men (1992)

30. "Saya ingin sendirian."

Grand Hotel (1932)

31. "Lagi pula, besok adalah hari lain!"

Gone With the Wind (1939)

Casablanca (1942)

21. "Seorang pengambil sensus pernah mencoba menguji saya. Saya memakan hatinya dengan beberapa kacang fava dan chianti yang bagus."

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

22. "Bond. James Bond."

No (1963)

23. "Tidak ada tempat seperti rumah."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

24. "Saya besar! Ini gambar yang kecil."

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

25. "Tunjukkan Uangnya!"

Jerry Maguire (1996)

26. "Mengapa Anda tidak muncul kapan -kapan dan melihat saya?"

Dia melakukan dia salah (1933)

27. "Saya berjalan di sini! Saya berjalan di sini!"

Midnight Cowboy (1969)

28. "Mainkan, Sam. Mainkan 'Seiring waktu berlalu.'"

29. "Anda tidak bisa menangani kebenaran!"

Some Good Men (1992)

Jerry Maguire (1996)

26. "Mengapa Anda tidak muncul kapan -kapan dan melihat saya?"

Dia melakukan dia salah (1933)

27. "Saya berjalan di sini! Saya berjalan di sini!"

Midnight Cowboy (1969)

28. "Mainkan, Sam. Mainkan 'Seiring waktu berlalu.'"

29. "Anda tidak bisa menangani kebenaran!"

Some Good Men (1992)

30. "Saya ingin sendirian."

Grand Hotel (1932)

31. "Lagi pula, besok adalah hari lain!"

Gone With the Wind (1939)

32. "Ambil para tersangka yang biasa."

33. "Saya akan memiliki apa yang dia miliki."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

24. "Saya besar! Ini gambar yang kecil."

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

25. "Tunjukkan Uangnya!"

Jerry Maguire (1996)

26. "Mengapa Anda tidak muncul kapan -kapan dan melihat saya?"

Dia melakukan dia salah (1933)

27. "Saya berjalan di sini! Saya berjalan di sini!"

31. "Lagi pula, besok adalah hari lain!"

Gone With the Wind (1939)

32. "Ambil para tersangka yang biasa."

33. "Saya akan memiliki apa yang dia miliki."

When Harry Met Sally ... (1989)

34. "Anda tahu cara bersiul, bukan, Steve? Anda hanya menyatukan bibir Anda dan meniup."

Untuk memiliki dan belum (1945)

35. "Anda akan membutuhkan perahu yang lebih besar."

Casablanca (1942)

21. "Seorang pengambil sensus pernah mencoba menguji saya. Saya memakan hatinya dengan beberapa kacang fava dan chianti yang bagus."

The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

22. "Bond. James Bond."

No (1963)

23. "Tidak ada tempat seperti rumah."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

24. "Saya besar! Ini gambar yang kecil."

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

25. "Tunjukkan Uangnya!"

Jerry Maguire (1996)

26. "Mengapa Anda tidak muncul kapan -kapan dan melihat saya?"

Dia melakukan dia salah (1933)

27. "Saya berjalan di sini! Saya berjalan di sini!"

Midnight Cowboy (1969)

28. "Mainkan, Sam. Mainkan 'Seiring waktu berlalu.'"

No (1963)

23. "Tidak ada tempat seperti rumah."

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

24. "Saya besar! Ini gambar yang kecil."

Sunset Blvd. (1950)

25. "Tunjukkan Uangnya!"

Jerry Maguire (1996)

26. "Mengapa Anda tidak muncul kapan -kapan dan melihat saya?"

Dia melakukan dia salah (1933)

27. "Saya berjalan di sini! Saya berjalan di sini!"

Midnight Cowboy (1969)

81. "Halo, cantik."

Funny Girl (1968)

82. "Toga! Toga!"

National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)

83. "Dengarkan mereka. Anak -anak malam itu. Musik apa yang mereka buat."

Dracula (1931)

84. "Oh, tidak, itu bukan pesawat terbang. Kecantikan membunuh binatang buas itu."

King Kong (1933)

85. "My Precious."

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

86. "Attica! Attica!"

Dog Day Sore (1975)

87. "Sawyer, Anda akan keluar anak muda, tetapi Anda tidak akan kembali menjadi bintang!"

42nd Street (1933)

88. "Dengarkan aku, Tuan. Kamu ksatria di baju besi yang bersinar. Jangan lupa. Kamu akan kembali ke kuda itu, dan aku akan berada tepat di belakangmu, berpegangan erat , dan kita akan, pergi, pergi! "

On Golden Pond (1981)

89. "Beri tahu mereka untuk pergi ke sana dengan semua yang mereka dapatkan dan menang hanya satu untuk Gipper."

Knute Rockne-ALL AMERIKA (1940)

90. "A Martini. Guncang, tidak diaduk."

Goldfinger (1964)

91. "Siapa yang dulu."

The Nakal sembilan puluhan (1945)

92. "Cinderella Story. Tidak ada yang tidak ada. Mantan penjaga Greens, sekarang, akan menjadi juara master. Itu terlihat seperti mirac ... ada di dalam lubang! Ada di dalam lubang! Ada di dalam lubang!"

Caddyshack (1980)

93. "Hidup adalah perjamuan, dan pengisap yang paling miskin kelaparan sampai mati!"

Bibi Mame (1958)

94. "Saya merasa perlu - kebutuhan akan kecepatan!"

Top Gun (1986)

95. "Carpe Diem. Rebut hari itu, anak laki -laki. Buat hidup Anda luar biasa."

Dead Poets Society (1989)

96. "Keluar dari itu!"

Moonstruck (1987)

97. "Ibuku terima kasih. Ayahku terima kasih. Adikku terima kasih. Dan aku berterima kasih."

Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942)

98. "Tidak ada yang menempatkan bayi di sudut."

Dirty Dancing (1987)

99. "Aku akan mendapatkanmu, cantikku, dan anjing kecilmu juga!"

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

100. "Aku Raja Dunia!"

Titanic (1997)

AFI adalah nirlaba 501c3 yang memajukan seni gambar yang bergerak dengan memberdayakan pendongeng dan penonton yang menginspirasi

Daftar buletin kami

"Here's looking at you, kid." "Open the pod bay doors, please, Hal." "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." The history of cinema is littered with lines of dialogue that transcend context, but for the most part, what are considered the Great Movie Quotes are vintage in nature. AFI's 100 Years...100 Quotes remains the bible, reminding us that, yes, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" is pretty significant.

These days, one way to mark a movie's cultural impact is whether a part of the script has gone viral. The "sunken place" is not just a dream state where an evil white psychiatrist traps her daughter's black boyfriend, it's a metaphor for race in America. "She doesn't even go here" is an easy way to vent your frustration with an interloper. "My wife" is, well, "MAH WIFE."

We here at Thrillist Entertainment have made an effort to canonize the movie quotes of the modern era, starting with the year 2000 and running through today. Our process was highly unscientific. We thought (and fought) through what moments had lodged themselves into our brains and stuck there. Not every entry on this list has become a meme, though some certainly earn their spots because of that. Others we included simply because they astonished us in some way: the perfect punchline, the gut-dropping reveal, the brilliantly written axioms. Some are so silly we've developed a deep affection for them. (Ever hear the one about sand from Star Wars?) All of these 100 selections have made us cry, laugh, or nod in solidarity, and they frequently pop unbidden into our heads.

Before we get to the list, we have to acknowledge our inherent limitations. We're an American site with English-speaking readers, writers, and editors. There is a virtually limitless amount of excellent filmmaking and screenwriting happening around the globe, from Mexico to South Korea and everywhere in between, so consider "greatest" as modified with "mostly American, English-speaking, Western cinema." And one procedural note: We decided to limit any given movie (including individual films of a franchise) to one quote maximum. So while we probably could have filled this list entirely with lines from Mean Girls and Anchorman, we had to make some tough choices.

ALSO READ: 'Looks Like Meat's Back on the Menu, Boys!': Three Orc Actors Discuss the 'Lord of the Rings' Trilogy's Goofiest Quote

Universal Pictures

100. "I don't have friends. I got family."

Furious 7 (2015)
It's the one line from the Fast & Furious franchise that everyone knows, the one theme that gets hammered home again and again in perhaps our best ongoing action film series. When some ignoramus asks you if all the F&F movies are about is driving fast and kissing chicks, you might snap, "NO, it's about FAMILY." Family, given a few new heartbreaking layers in Furious 7 after Paul Walker's death, is what holds Dominic Torretto and his crew together: It's the nitrous-oxide in the tank that fuels their everlasting bond (it's also a tad ironic, given all the drama that's transpired amongst the movies' stars in a series of petty Instagram posts). As the series evolved, its characters matured, transforming a brotherhood between pals into something much deeper. (Watch) 

99. "Ogres are like onions."

Shrek (2001)
Hell yeah, Shrek made it onto this list. Despite its slow decline into the maw of internet depravity, the first Shrek was a genuine big deal for DreamWorks Animation as its fifth production and highest-grossing to that point. (It was usurped by Shrek 2, which another DWA film has yet to top.) Believe it or not, Shrek premiered at Cannes in 2001, where it competed for the prestigious Palme d'Or alongside Baz Luhrmann's Moulin Rouge and David Lynch's Mulholland Drive. Insane, right?! Anyway, Shrek: In 2019, the animation looks terrifyingly deranged—no one needs to see every pore of a fleshy green ogre—but Mike Myers, bless his heart, gives a laudable vocal performance in a Scottish accent for 90 minutes, taking over for the departed Chris Farley, who was originally going to be Shrek. The "ogres are like onions" scene really is funnier than you probably remember, with Eddie Murphy and Myers' cheeky tête-à-tête, definitely teaching kids (and probably adults, too) a handy metaphor for social penetration theory. Now, please kill me!!! (Watch)

98. "You're my boy, Blue!"

Old School (2003)
If you happened to attend college in the years between 2003 and, oh, 2019, you've heard your fair share of Old School quotes. Despite how annoying it became to hear an endless stream of pastel-polo-wearing guys shouting, "We're going streaking!" and, "I'll do one!" and, "Once it hits your lips it's so good!" among others, that ubiquity is the definition of influence and longevity. Among several memorable lines, it's Will Ferrell's unhinged "You're my boy, Blue!" that best captures the nonsensical, uninhibited joy that can only be expressed by 30-something white guys in America. Blue (Patrick Cranshaw), of course, is the octogenarian willing to subject himself to extreme hazing just to get into the post-grad fraternity at the center of the movie, and Ferrell's Frank the Tank utters his infamous line twice, slightly reconstructed: The first, "Blue, you're my boy," comes when the frat founders make initiates drop from a rooftop cinderblocks attached by a long string to their penises. The second, more absurd delivery comes at Blue's funeral (spoiler!), where Frank ends an unfortunate version of Kansas' "Dust in the Wind" with the words, "You're my boy, Blue! You're my boy." It's a line out of nowhere, a nonsequitur that embodies the spirit of the times, when everything seemed to come out of nowhere, and the rest of us could only go along for the ride. (Watch)

97. "Jessica, only child, Illinois, Chicago."

Parasite (2019)
There is an immediate electric energy among the characters in Parasite, the kind of feeling you get from a heist team that operates like a well-oiled machine, or a family that is so close they can anticipate each other's thoughts. When Ki-woo (Woo-sik Choi), possessed with an idea to infiltrate a wealthy family from the inside, brings his sister Ki-jung (So-dam Park) into his scheme, he instructs her to pose as a children's art teacher, hoping she'll get hired to tutor the wealthy family's young son. When the two show up at the front door of the Park family's palatial home, Ki-jung pauses before knocking, and sings a little mnemonic to herself as a reminder of the character she and her brother have concocted for her to play. It's a hilarious moment, and also a very sly way to show how close these two characters are, and how much thought they've put into this so-crazy-it-might-even-work idea. (Watch)

96. "You have bewitched me, body and soul."

Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Before he achieved prestige-TV immortality with his role as the sweetly conniving doofus Tom Wamsgans on HBO's money-obsessed drama Succession, actor Matthew Macfadyen was perhaps best known for his turn as the charmingly aloof heartthrob Mr. Darcy in Joe Wright's fog-drenched adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Competing with Colin Firth's beloved take on the character was no easy task, but Macfadyen makes the most of his final declaration of love, which Wright shoots like a sumptuous perfume ad. As he works up the courage to tell Keira Knightley's Elizabeth Bennett how he truly feels, the words "you have bewitched me, body and soul" come tumbling out of his mouth. Though it might sound like the perfect swoon-worthy literary musing, the line doesn't appear in Jane Austen's 1813 novel; instead, it was the invention of the film's screenwriter Deborah Moggach, who bewitched a whole new generation with this tear-inducing monologue. (Watch)

95. "So be prepared, be enthusiastic, and leave your bullshit attitude and baggage at the door because we don't need it!"

Wet Hot American Summer (2001)
It was hard for the Thrillist Entertainment team to land on which Wet Hot American Summer quote to represent the movie because there are so many good ones. "It's always fun to get away from camp, even for an hour." "You taste like burger, I don't like you anymore." "Let's all promise that in 10 years from today, we'll meet again, and we'll see what kind of people we've blossomed into." "I love sluts! Sluts rock!" "You're covered in dirt. Take a shower." Etc., etc., etc. It's a goldmine, folks! Ultimately, we settled on this one from Amy Poehler's theater enthusiast Susie, who tells the camp kids to saddle up for the musical number from Godspell they'll be performing for the talent show—which Bradley Cooper's Ben is producing and Susie is directing-slash-choreographing. This D-plot concludes when Susie announces the kids later at the talent show: "Before we start, I'd just like to say the campers you're about to see suck dick! But nevertheless, please welcome them." (Watch)

Warner Bros. Pictures

94. "I just wanted to take another look at you."

A Star Is Born (2018)
The idea of "I just wanted to take another look at you" didn't originate with the 2018 remake of A Star Is Born. In fact, that interaction between ingenue and weathered celebrity has been with the story since 1937. But something about the drawl Bradley Cooper put on to play Jackson Maine turned the line into a minor internet phenomenon. He and Lady Gaga's Ally have just spent a delirious night together that ended in a supermarket parking lot, composing "Shallow" off the cuff. When he drops her off, he stops her. "Hey?" "What?" "I just want to take another look at you." In Cooper's mouth the words turn buttery, and the line indelible. (Watch)

93. "You gotta hear this one song. It'll change your life, I swear."

Garden State (2004)
The inclusion of a Garden State quote on this list generated some controversy among the Thrillist Entertainment crew, since it comes from a movie that in 2019 is nearly universally derided, but which in 2004 was loved unironically enough to turn it into a surprise cult hit. Fans weren't just twee indie men pining for a "manic pixie dream girl," a term Natalie Portman's Sam helped inspire—they were teenagers and young adults who identified with the sense of privileged malaise and vague sadness that runs through the film, and they probably harbored a fantasy that love could cure them. It may be cringeworthy to look back on the scene in which Portman excitedly tells Zach Braff's zombified Andrew Largeman (that name!) to listen to a life-altering Shins song ("New Slang"), but to ignore its influence in 2004 and the years immediately ensuing would be to deny history. The scene also points to the enduring legacy of the Garden State soundtrack, which itself has become part of a socially acceptable opinion: "The movie sucks, but the soundtrack is great!" Ridiculous as it is, the scene emits strong nostalgia vibes for anyone who loved it the first time around, and for those of us who have been hardened into cynical skeletons by the unforgiving forces of time and the internet, it's evolved into a very good meme. (Watch)

92. "Beginilah cara saya menang."

Uncut Gems & Nbsp; (2019) Di pertengahan tahun 90-an, Adam Sandler adalah raja yang berkuasa dari komedi yang konyol dan dapat dikutip. Film seperti Billy Madison ("Berhenti Melihat Saya, Swan."), Happy Gilmore ("Anda makan omong kosong untuk sarapan?"), Penyanyi pernikahan ("Saya punya mikrofon, dan Anda tidak melakukannya, jadi Anda akan melakukannya Dengarkan setiap kata sialan yang harus saya katakan! "), & Nbsp; The Waterboy (" Nah, itulah yang saya sebut H2O berkualitas tinggi. ") Dan Big Daddy (" Kami menyia -nyiakan kejutan yang baik untuk Anda. ") Bertahan sebagian karena mereka dulu Sangat menyenangkan - dan, baik, terkadang menjengkelkan - untuk meniru. Meskipun secara konsisten memompa hit box office (dan akhirnya Netflix Originals), 20 tahun terakhir karir Sandler secara objektif kurang dapat dikutip, yang membuat permata yang tidak dipotong, serangan panik Safdie Brothers dari sebuah film kejahatan yang dibintangi Sandler sebagai kecanduan judi Howard Ratner, Wahyu seperti itu. "Beginilah cara saya menang," sebuah pernyataan tujuan dan filosofi panduan, dibubuhi sebagai meme sekitar waktu rilis film, tetapi kemudian memiliki kehidupan akhirat yang liar, muncul kembali selama berbagai kecelakaan era Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai sebagai yang paling baru sebagai sebagai yang paling baru dan baru-baru ini sebagai saat Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai saat Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai saat Trump era Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai saat Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump era Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump era Trump dan baru-baru ini sebagai Trump dan baru-baru ini Perayaan yang ironis selama pertandingan berhenti meme stok terburu -buru. Meskipun Sandler dihina oleh Oscar karena gilirannya yang dramatis, ia memenangkan sesuatu yang mungkin lebih berharga: keabadian internet. (Jam tangan)
In the mid-to-late '90s, Adam Sandler was the reigning king of the goofy, quotable comedy. Movies like Billy Madison ("Stop looking at me, swan."), Happy Gilmore ("You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?"), The Wedding Singer ("I have a microphone, and you don't, SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DAMN WORD I HAVE TO SAY!"),  The Waterboy ("Now that's what I call high quality H2O.") and Big Daddy ("We wasted the good surprise on you.") endure partially because they were so fun—and, fine, sometimes annoying—to imitate. Despite consistently pumping out box office hits (and eventually Netflix originals), the last 20 years of Sandler's career were objectively less quotable, which made Uncut Gems, the Safdie Brothers' panic-attack of a crime film starring Sandler as gambling addict Howard Ratner, such a revelation. "This is how I win," a statement of purpose and a guiding philosophy, spiked as a meme around the time of the film's release, but it's gone on to have a wild afterlife, resurfacing during various Trump-era mishaps and most recently as an ironic celebration during the Game Stop meme stock rush. Though Sandler was snubbed by the Oscars for his dramatic turn, he won something perhaps more priceless: internet immortality. (Watch)

91. "Kamu punya merah padamu."

Shaun of the Dead (2004) Film zombie Edgar Wright Spoof Shaun of the Dead penuh dengan bit berulang dan lelucon visual: Satu adegan pembuka diciptakan di tengah-tengah film dengan rempah-rempah zombie yang ditambahkan, dan urutan hebat lainnya menggunakan dijahit-bersama-sama Klip televisi untuk meramalkan kekacauan berdarah yang akan datang. Sepanjang semuanya, berbagai karakter menghentikan percakapan mereka dengan protagonis Shaun (Simon Pegg) untuk memberitahunya, "Anda punya merah pada Anda," menunjuk ke noda tinta di bajunya dari pena terbuka di sakunya dan, kemudian, kemudian, Darah melengkung dari, Anda tahu, mengayunkan The Walking Dead, mengubah kiasan film horor kotor yang berdarah menjadi sesuatu yang biasa -biasa saja. (Tonton) & nbsp;
Edgar Wright's zombie movie spoof Shaun of the Dead is full of recurring bits and visual gags: one opening scene is recreated midway through the movie with the added spice of zombie mayhem, and another great sequence uses stitched-together television clips to foreshadow the bloody mayhem that's to come. Throughout the whole thing, various characters pause their conversations with protagonist Shaun (Simon Pegg) to tell him, "You've got red on you," pointing to an ink stain on his shirt from an open pen in his pocket and, later, blood spatters from, you know, ganking the walking dead, turning a gory, gross horror movie trope into something hilariously mundane. (Watch) 

90. "Jujur ke blog?"

Juno (2007) Juno mengumumkan kedatangan Diablo Cody sebagai suara penulisan naskah baru yang khas, tetapi dialognya yang unik pada akhirnya mendapatkan banyak pembenci seperti penggemar yang memujanya. Ketika karakter sahabat Olivia Tirlby menyatakan "jujur ​​untuk blog" dengan tidak percaya, sebagai reaksi terhadap berita bahwa Elliot Page's Juno, pada kenyataannya, hamil, ia pada dasarnya merangkum semua argumen untuk dan terhadap merek hiper-spesifik Cody. Kunjungi kembali fitur di film dan Anda akan menemukan para pemain dan kru memuji naskahnya untuk realismenya, yang terasa tidak akurat melihat ke belakang. Betapa berbedanya Cody membuat suara remaja yang sekarang menonjol dan pantas dipuji seperti halnya cemoohan. (Jam tangan)
Juno announced Diablo Cody's arrival as a distinctive new screenwriting voice, but her quirky dialogue ultimately gained her as many haters as adoring fans. When Olivia Thirlby's best friend character declares "honest to blog" incredulously, in reaction to the news that Elliot Page's Juno is, in fact, pregnant, she essentially summarizes all arguments for and against Cody's hyper-specific brand. Revisit a featurette on the movie and you'll find cast and crew praising her script for its realism, which feels inaccurate looking back. It's just how different Cody made her teens sound that now stands out and deserves as much praise as it does scorn. (Watch)

89. "Saya Groot."

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) Apa yang ada untuk dikatakan tentang "I Am Groot" selain: Saya Groot. Dalam komik, Groot tidak selalu kurang dalam kosakata, tetapi ketika ia melakukan debut layar lebar pada tahun 2014 pengulangannya menjadi karakteristik yang mendefinisikan yang menggemaskan. Sejujurnya, "I Am Groot" bukan hanya satu baris - itu semua garis pohon yang setia. Vin Diesel tidak memiliki tugas yang mudah menyuarakan makhluk itu, tetapi infleksi yang halus mengubah sebongkah kulit tunggal dari kulit kayu menjadi sosok budaya pop yang terkenal. Ketidaksamaan dari "I Am Groot" yang berakhir di sini mirip dengan ketidaksamaan wali menjadi hit pelarian Marvel: aneh, tetapi berhasil. (Jam tangan)
What is there to say about "I am Groot" other than simply: I am Groot. In the comics, Groot wasn't always so lacking in vocabulary, but when he made his big screen debut in 2014 his repetition became an adorable defining characteristic. To be honest, "I am Groot" isn't just one line—it's all of the loyal tree's lines. Vin Diesel had no easy task voicing the creature, but his subtle inflections turned a monosyllabic hunk of bark into a celebrated pop cultural figure. The unlikeliness of "I am Groot" ending up here is akin to the unlikeliness of Guardians become Marvel's breakout hit: It's weird, but it works. (Watch)

88. "Letakkan Windex di atasnya."

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) Lelucon yang berjalan dari teater-kinerja yang berubah menjadi rom-com tahun 2002, pernikahan Yunani besar saya, adalah ayah yang sangat Yunani yang bersumpah bahwa spritz Windex dapat menyembuhkan apa saja. Pada hari pernikahannya, Toula (Nia Vardalos, yang juga menulis film) bangun dengan jerawat (atau gigitan nyamuk, siapa yang bisa dikatakan?) Dan ayahnya merekomendasikan Windex. Pemikiran ajaib ini menular suaminya yang baru Ian (John Corbett), yang menempatkan Windex di jerawatnya di pagi hari pernikahan mereka, membuatnya menghilang. Itu menjadi sedikit untuk semua orang yang pernah menonton film itu juga: ada beberapa karya yang ditulis, mengutip dokter kulit, bahwa Windex, sebenarnya, bukan obat yang mengherankan. (Tonton) & nbsp;
The running gag of the theater-performance-turned-hit-rom-com of 2002, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, was a very Greek father who swore that a spritz of Windex could cure anything. On the day of her wedding, Toula (Nia Vardalos, who also wrote the film) wakes up with a zit (or mosquito bite, who's to say?) and her father recommends Windex. This magical thinking rubs off on her new husband Ian (John Corbett), who put some Windex on his zit on their wedding morning, making it disappear. It became such a bit for all the people who had seen the movie too: There were several pieces written, citing dermatologists, that Windex is not, in fact, a wonder drug. (Watch) 

87. "Ini adalah peran tituler!"

Lady Bird (2017) Biasanya dianggap sebagai tulisan yang buruk untuk menggunakan kata "tituler" —i.e. Mengatakan bahwa Christine "Lady Bird" McPherson adalah karakter "tituler" dalam komedi Bird Lady Bird yang hampir sempurna dari Greta Gerwig. Mungkin itulah sebabnya sangat indah ketika sahabat Lady Bird Julie (Beanie Feldstein) lobs "tituler" sebagai penghinaan yang berlebihan selama pertarungan. Lady Bird, setelah jatuh di bawah mantra beberapa anak keren, tidak datang untuk mengklaim peran yang ditugaskan untuk permainan sekolah. Apa peran itu? Tempest masuk, well, Tempest. "Tidak ada peran Tempest," Lady Bird Bellows, sebelum Julie memotong: "Ini adalah peran tituler." Ini adalah representasi yang ideal dari teman-teman sekolah menengah yang bodoh berdebat, dan momen pembuatan bintang untuk Feldstein. (Jam tangan)
It's commonly thought of as bad writing to use the word "titular"—i.e. to say that Christine "Lady Bird" McPherson is the "titular" character in Greta Gerwig's near-perfect coming-of-age comedy Lady Bird. That's probably why it's so wonderful when Lady Bird's best friend Julie (Beanie Feldstein) lobs "titular" as an over-enunciated insult during a fight. Lady Bird, having fallen under the spell of some cool kids, did not come to claim the role she was assigned for the school play. What's that role? The Tempest in, well, The Tempest. "There is no role of the Tempest," Lady Bird bellows, before Julie cuts in: "It is the titular role." It's an ideal representation of the dumb shit high school friends argue over, and a star-making moment for Feldstein. (Watch)

86. "Saya ingin bermain game."

Saw (2004) Keberhasilan hampir $ 1 miliar dari waralaba Saw membingungkan pemirsa yang mengabaikan film-film ultra-kekerasan sebagai latihan kosong dalam apa yang sering disebut sebagai "porno penyiksaan," tetapi daya tariknya ada di sana dalam frasa sederhana dan menakutkan ini ini dan menakutkan ini ini dan menakutkan ini ini dan menakutkan ini ini : "Saya ingin bermain game." Ini semua sedikit menyenangkan, tidakkah Anda melihat? Sejauh penjahat pergi, jigsaw yang mengenakan topeng Tobin Bell selalu berada di sisi yang cerewet-tidak rentan terhadap permainan kata-kata seperti Freddie Kruger, tetapi juga bukan slasher yang sunyi seperti Michael Myers atau Jason-dan pesan videonya kepada Amanda Young, yang malang, bertarung Untuk hidupnya dalam perangkap beruang terbalik di Saw yang pertama kali, adalah sedikit sadisme instruksional dari penulis skenario Leigh Whannell, yang membalikkan teror tujuh yang dipelajari menjadi brainteaser beranggaran rendah yang lebih marier. Dia membangun aturan permainan yang berbelit -belit yang tidak pernah ingin Anda mainkan, menulis ulang sejarah baru -baru ini dari genre horor dalam prosesnya. (Tonton) & nbsp;
The nearly $1 billion success of the Saw franchise is bewildering to viewers who dismiss the ultra-violent movies as empty exercises in what's often referred to as "torture porn," but the appeal is right there in this simple, terrifying phrase: "I want to play a game." It's all a bit of fun, don't you see? As far as villains go, Tobin Bell's mask-wearing Jigsaw was always on the chatty side—not prone to Freddie Kruger-like puns, but also not a silent slasher like Michael Myers or Jason—and his video message to poor Amanda Young, fighting for her life in a reverse bear trap in the first-ever Saw, is a stark bit of instructional sadism from screenwriter Leigh Whannell, who flipped the studied terror of Seven into an even grimier low-budget brainteaser. He's establishing the convoluted rules of a game you'd never want to play, rewriting the recent history of the horror genre in the process. (Watch) 

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85. "Mereka memanggil saya Tuan Glass."

Unbreakable (2000) Bagaimana Anda berdua menindaklanjuti salah satu ujung twist yang paling mengejutkan dari tahun 90-an dan salah satu horor satu kalimat yang paling dapat dikutip sepanjang masa? Jika Anda pembuat film M. Night Shyamalan, Anda melarikan diri dari bayang -bayang "Bruce Willis adalah hantu sepanjang waktu" dan "I See Dead People" dengan menulis drama keluarga yang murung dan muram yang mengungkapkan dirinya benar -benar menjadi murung, suram Kisah Asal Panggul. "Mereka memanggil saya Tn. Glass," bisik Elijah Price Samuel L. Jackson yang jahat di momen terakhir yang tidak bisa dipecahkan, skor menghantui James Newton membengkak di latar belakang ketika para penonton menemukan penipuan di jantung cerita. Film ini dianggap sebagai langkah aneh pada saat itu, gagal merebut kembali tertinggi dan komersial dari keenam indera, tetapi para pembela yang bersemangat yang tidak bisa dipecahkan menanggapi perpaduan melodrama dan bubur yang kaya secara emosional, dan Shyamalan mendapat tawa terakhir, akhirnya melanjutkan cerita itu dengan thriller yang kurang dapat dikutip dan kaca. (Tonton) & nbsp;
How do you both follow up one of the most shocking twist endings of the '90s and one of the most quotable horror one-liners of all time? If you're filmmaker M. Night Shyamalan, you escape the shadow of "Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time" and "I see dead people" by writing a moody, somber family drama that reveals itself to actually be a moody, somber superhero origin story. "They called me Mr. Glass," whispers Samuel L. Jackson's tragically villainous Elijah Price in Unbreakable's final moment, James Newton's haunting score swelling in the background as the audience figures out the deception at the heart of the story. The film was considered an odd move at the time, failing to recapture the critical and commercial highs of The Sixth Sense, but Unbreakable's passionate defenders responded to the emotionally rich mix of melodrama and pulp, and Shyamalan got the last laugh, eventually continuing the story with the less quotable thrillers Split and Glass. (Watch) 

84. "Aku punya puting, Greg. Bisa & nbsp; kamu memerahku?"

Meet the Parents (2000) Anda mungkin dapat melacak gerakan akhir-karier yang underwhelming Robert De Niro seperti Kakek Kotor untuk keberhasilan komersial utama Meet the Parents, sebuah waralaba yang melahirkan dua sekuel. Mengapa tidak bermain pria yang lebih tua yang akan mengatakan apa yang ada di pikirannya ketika formula telah terbayar di masa lalu? Tapi itu adalah chemistry antara mantan pria tangguh de Niro dan tunangan idiot Ben Stiller yang membuat filmnya berdetak, seperti yang dicontohkan dalam adegan ini. Greg Stiller, terperangkap dalam kebohongan lain, berupaya menceritakan kisah bagaimana ia memerah susu kucing, memunculkan salah satu tanggapan de Niro yang menyelidik yang disampaikan tanpa jejak humor atau ironi dalam suaranya. Ini adalah jenis garis yang semua orang dalam seluruh keluarga akan menemukan lucu, mencapai universalitas yang Anda harapkan dari film yang mengubah stereotip yang paling reduktif tentang pernikahan dan keluarga menjadi komedi yang menguntungkan. (Jam tangan)
You can probably trace Robert De Niro's underwhelming late-career moves like Dirty Grandpa to the mainstream commercial success of Meet the Parents, a franchise that spawned two sequels. Why not play an older guy who will say exactly what's on his mind when the formula has paid off in the past? But it's the chemistry between De Niro's ex-CIA tough guy and Ben Stiller's bumbling idiot fiancé that makes the movie tick, as exemplified in this scene. Stiller's Greg, caught in another lie, attempts to tell the story of how he milked a cat, eliciting one of De Niro's intensely probing responses delivered without a trace of humor or irony in his voice. It's the kind of line that everyone in the whole family will find funny, achieving a universality you'd expect from a movie that turns the most reductive stereotypes about marriage and family into a lucrative comedy. (Watch)

83. "Ini Sparta!"

300 (2006) Seperti hampir setiap detail dari visi gulat Historis Zack Snyder yang hiper-stilisasi, Pro Wrestling History, garis "This Is Sparta!," Diserahkan oleh Gerard Butler sebelum menendang utusan Persia ke dalam lubang tanpa dasar, dirobek langsung dari a Panel novel grafis Frank Miller dengan nama yang sama. Tetap saja, sulit untuk sepenuhnya menyalahkan Miller, Butler, atau bahkan Snyder untuk ubiquity kutipan di antara untaian tertentu dari pembantaian bir, orang-orang kasar yang mengangkat berat di pertengahan hingga akhir '00-an. Kutipan ini ditampilkan banyak dalam materi pemasaran, hampir secara instan menghasilkan meme, parodi, dan remix di situs -situs seperti YTMND (RIP). "Ini SPARTA!" adalah "A Thing" bahkan sebelum film keluar, dirayakan dan diejek karena gravitasi macho -nya. Pada saat garis menjadi lucunya dalam spoof 2008 yang menjijikkan bertemu Spartan, disampaikan dengan gumpalan besar ludah dan seringai raksasa, lelucon itu sudah mati. (Tonton) & nbsp;
Like almost every detail of Zack Snyder's hyper-stylized, pro wrestling vision of ancient history, the line "This is Sparta!," bellowed by Gerard Butler before kicking a Persian messenger into a bottomless pit, was ripped directly from a panel of Frank Miller's graphic novel of the same name. Still, it's tough to totally blame Miller, Butler, or even Snyder for the quote's ubiquity amongst a certain strand of beer-slamming, weight-lifting brutes in the mid-to-late '00s. The quote was featured heavily in the marketing materials, almost instantaneously generating memes, parodies, and remixes on sites like YTMND (RIP). "This is Sparta!" was "a thing" before the movie even came out, celebrated and mocked for its macho gravitas. By the time the line became a punchline in the odious 2008 spoof Meet the Spartans, delivered with a big wad of spit and a giant smirk, the joke was already dead. (Watch) 

82. "Dalam salah satu desain kami bahkan gigitan nyamuk ini akan terlihat seperti mangga yang berair dan berair!"

Tekuk seperti Beckham (2002) hanya ada melodi lucu untuk menghina backhand seorang penjahit mengarahkan ke arah bintang sepak bola yang bercita -cita tinggi Jess (Parminder Nagra) di Bend It Like Beckham ketika dia benar -benar cocok untuk sari. Adik perempuan Jess dikecam oleh ibu mereka karena menginginkan pakaiannya bertindak sebagai bra push-up, tetapi para wanita yang lebih tua sangat ingin Jess memamerkan tubuhnya. Ini adalah enkapsulasi miniatur dari gagasan tentang kewanitaan pahlawan kita melawan selama film. (Jam tangan)
There's simply a funny melody to the backhanded insult a seamstress directs toward aspiring soccer star Jess (Parminder Nagra) in Bend It Like Beckham when she's miserably getting fitted for a sari. Jess' sister is chided by their mother for wanting her garment to act as a push-up bra, but the older women are desperate for Jess to show off any of her body. It's a miniature encapsulation of the notions of womanhood our heroine battles against over the course of the movie. (Watch)

81. "Aku ingin Rob."

The Bling Ring (2013) Film Sofia Coppola tidak dapat dikutip secara inheren. Bahkan, bisa dibilang momen yang paling tak terhapuskan yang pernah dia bangun berkisar pada bisikan yang tidak bisa ditembus dalam terjemahan. (Kami mempertimbangkan untuk memasukkannya ke dalam daftar ini, tetapi kami masih tidak tahu apa yang dikatakan Bill Murray kepada Scarlett Johansson). Cincin bling adalah outlier. Coppola menempatkan capnya sendiri pada kisah yang benar dan memikat tentang sekelompok remaja yang merampok selebritis, orang -orang seperti Paris Hilton dan Lindsay Lohan, di awal aughts. Mungkin tidak ada dalam filmnya yang mengesankan seperti salah satu remaja kehidupan nyata yang terisak-isak "Nancy Jo, ini adalah Alexis Neiers memanggil" ke telepon di reality show yang sangat liar, tetapi satu momen mendekati: Emma Watson, tumpul di tangan , memunculkan pinggulnya ke samping dan merengek, "Aku ingin Rob," dalam upaya membuat teman -temannya masuk ke rumah Paris Hilton. (Tonton) & nbsp;
Sofia Coppola's films aren't inherently quotable. In fact, arguably the most indelible moment she ever constructed revolves around an impenetrable whisper in Lost in Translation. (We considered putting that on this list, but we still don't know what Bill Murray said to Scarlett Johansson). The Bling Ring is an outlier. Coppola put her own stamp on the true and entrancing story of a bunch of teens who robbed celebs, the likes of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, in the early aughts. There's perhaps nothing in her dreamy film as memorable as one of the real-life teens sobbing "Nancy Jo, this is Alexis Neiers calling" into the phone on the reality show Pretty Wild, but one moment comes close: Emma Watson, blunt in hand, popping her hip to the side and whining, "I wanna rob," in an effort to get her friends to break into Paris Hilton's house. (Watch) 

80. "Anda meletakkan vagina di atas alas."

Virgin berusia 40 tahun (2005) komedi Bro-nerd yang membuat Steve Carell menjadi fitur bintang film bankable, seperti semua komedi Judd Apatow yang berdekatan dalam daftar ini, berbagai garis yang dapat dikutip. Tapi maskulinitas yang salah dari "Anda meletakkan vagina di atas alas" - nasihat yang ditawarkan oleh ayah Romany Malco Jay dan Cedric Yarbrough yang tidak disebutkan namanya di klinik kesehatan - menunjukkan pesona ironis yang membuat premis tipu kerja komedi seks ini. Sementara frasa ini sayangnya telah dikooptasi oleh komunitas online misoginis, dalam film itu hanya aphorisme bodoh yang dicintai oleh bros yang terlalu percaya diri. Jay berbicara kepada Andy Carell dengan otoritas terpelajar sementara empat karyawan SmartTech menghabiskan waktu dengan menghancurkan lampu. Kemudian seorang ayah acak memutuskan untuk memasukkan dirinya ke dalam kehidupan orang asing setelah mereka bertemu di klinik kesehatan: intinya adalah hal yang bodoh untuk dikatakan! Seperti yang ditanyakan Andy sendiri, "Apa yang kamu bicarakan? Apa artinya itu?" Ini berarti bahwa banyak pria memiliki ide-ide sederhana tentang cara dunia bekerja, dan mereka tidak memiliki kesadaran diri untuk mengetahui bahwa mereka terdengar seperti idiot. (Tonton) & nbsp;
The bro-nerd comedy that made Steve Carell a bankable movie star features, like all the Judd Apatow-adjacent comedies on this list, a wide range of quotable lines. But the wrongheaded masculinity of "You're putting the pussy on a pedestal"—advice offered by Romany Malco's Jay and Cedric Yarbrough's unnamed dad at the health clinic—shows the ironic charm that makes the hokey premise of this sex comedy work. While the phrase has been unfortunately co-opted by misogynist online communities, in the film it's just a dumb aphorism beloved by overconfident bros. Jay speaks to Carell's Andy with learned authority while the four SmartTech employees are killing time by smashing lights. Then a random dad decides to insert himself into a stranger's life after they meet at a health clinic: The whole point is that it's a stupid thing to say! As Andy himself asks, "What are you even talking about? What does that mean?" It means that a lot of men have simplistic ideas about the way the world works, and they lack the self-awareness to know they sound like idiots. (Watch) 

79. "Cello, Anda punya bass."

School of Rock (2003) Mari kita luruskan satu hal: Richard Linklater's School of Rock benar -benar bertahan dalam ujian waktu. Tentu saja, memikul sebagian besar kehebatannya yang langgeng adalah penampilan Jack Black sebagai Dewey Finn, seorang musisi Deadbeat yang mencuri pekerjaan pengajaran pengganti teman sekamarnya, mengubah ruang kelas anak -anak sekolah swasta yang serius menjadi rocker yang bonafid. Bagian dari transformasi itu mensyaratkan Dewey yang menunjukkan kepada para siswa bahwa keterampilan yang telah mereka ambil dari band sekolah berlaku untuk rock 'n' roll. Balikkan instrumen besar, empat senar di sisinya dan, cello-Anda punya bass. (Tonton) & nbsp;
Let's get one thing straight: Richard Linklater's School of Rock absolutely stands the test of time. Of course, shouldering most of its lasting greatness is Jack Black's performance as Dewey Finn, a deadbeat musician who steals his roommate's substitute teaching job, turning the classroom of serious private school kids into bona fide rockers. Part of that transformation entails Dewey showing the students that the skills they've already picked up from school band are applicable to rock 'n' roll. Just turn that big, four-stringed instrument on its side and, cello—you've got a bass. (Watch) 


78. "Saya akan membunuh Bill."

Bunuh Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) Meskipun kendaraan seni bela diri dua bagian Quentin Tarantino membunuh Bill Vol. 1 dan 2 membuat pengejaran Uma Thurman membalas dendam terhadap pasukan pembunuhan Viper yang mematikan dan pemimpin mereka Bill (David Carradine) selalu tampak, mendengar nama pengantin wanita menjatuhkan judul film (Minum !!!) sama memuaskannya dengan pembunuhan yang dihitung diri. Kami bertemu dengan haus darah di awal Vol. 2 dalam warna hitam dan putih saat Thurman mengemudi dengan top down, dalam sebuah misi. Dengan rekap monolog film pertama, terlihat tepat di luar kamera, dia "meraung dan mengamuk dan mendapat kepuasan berdarah," dan sekarang dia siap untuk membunuh satu orang yang dia impikan untuk membunuh selama bertahun -tahun. Keyakinannya yang marah mengatakan apa yang telah kami tunggu -tunggu membuat darah Anda mendidih dengan kegembiraan sadis - kami juga siap untuk menonton salah satu dari beberapa protagonis wanita Tarantino datang untuk membunuh. Anda tahu dia akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan. (Tonton) & nbsp;
Although Quentin Tarantino's two-part martial arts vehicle Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 makes Uma Thurman's pursuit of revenge against the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad and their leader Bill (David Carradine) always apparant, hearing The Bride name drop the title of the movie (drink!!!) is just as satisfying as the calculated slays themselves. We're met with that bloodlust at the very beginning of Vol. 2 in black and white as Thurman drives with the top down, on a mission. With a monologue recap of the first film, looking just beyond the camera, she "roared and rampaged and got bloody satisfaction," and now she's ready to murder the one man she's dreamt of killing for years. Her angry confidence in saying what we've been waiting for makes your blood boil with sadistic excitement—we're also ready to watch one of Tarantino's few female protagonists come for the killing. You know she's going to get the job done. (Watch) 

77. "Bukankah aku memberitahumu untuk tidak datang ke rumahku? Tidak ada yang menyentuh anakku!"

Terobsesi (2009) "Kemarilah, Bitch. Aku akan menyeka lantai dengan pantat kurusmu," kata Beyonce menjelang akhir thriller erotis yang menggelikan ini, twist pada formula objek wisata fatal yang terbukti dengan Ali Larter dalam peran dekat Glenn Close Close Glenn Close Close Glenn Close Close Glenn Close Close Glenn Glenn Close Close Glenn Glenn Glenn Glenn yang terbukti terbukti dan Idris Elba sebagai Master of the Universe seperti Michael Douglas dengan mata pengembara. Perbedaan besar adalah bahwa Beyonce, yang datang darinya, aku ... Sasha Fierce Record dan perannya dalam Dreamgirls, memerankan istri yang dicemooh, dan dia memanfaatkan peran dalam adegan pertarungan klimaks film, menyeret Larter dengan kaki dan menusuknya Garis dengan pukulan ke wajah. Terobsesi bukanlah film yang hebat - sangat membosankan dan turunan - tetapi itu menjadi hidup dalam peregangan terakhir, dimeriahkan oleh intensitas pertunjukan dan kekacauan materi. Saat ini, terobsesi adalah peran film Hollywood non-akting terakhir Beyoncé; Jika dia kembali ke film fitur naratif di masa depan, mungkin di belakang kamera, mudah -mudahan dia akan membawa sentuhan kesenangan katarsis yang terobsesi dengannya. (Tonton) & nbsp;
"Come here, bitch. I'll wipe the floor with your skinny ass," says Beyoncé towards the end of this joyfully ludicrous erotic thriller, a twist on the proven Fatal Attraction formula with Ali Larter in the Glenn Close role and Idris Elba as the Michael Douglas-like master of the universe with a wandering eye. The big difference is that Beyoncé, coming off her I Am… Sasha Fierce record and her part in Dreamgirls, plays the scorned wife, and she makes the most of the role in the film's climactic fight scene, dragging Larter by the leg and punctuating her lines with punches to the face. Obsessed is not a great movie—much of it is dull and derivative—but it comes alive in the final stretch, enlivened by the intensity of the performances and the tawdriness of the material. At the moment, Obsessed is Beyoncé's last non-voice-acting Hollywood film role; if she returns to narrative feature films in the future, perhaps behind the camera, hopefully she'll bring a touch of Obsessed's pulpy, cathartic pleasure with her. (Watch) 

76. "We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about."

Best in Show (2000)
Christopher Guest's dog show comedy is hard to encapsulate in a single quote. Sure, there are lines you can reference, but it's more about the characters his ensemble digs deep to create. The humor comes from getting to know these weirdos, who sometimes say hilariously un-self-aware things. Early in this dog show satire we're introduced to Jennifer Coolidge's daffy poodle owner Sherri Ann Cabot and her very old, very rich husband Leslie. While he remains silent she tries to convince the audience that they have so much in common: Soup, the outdoors, snow peas, talking, not talking. Coolidge's convoluted delivery is so precise it seems scripted, even though Guest's movies are largely improvised. (Watch)

75. "Why'd y'spill yer beans?"

The Lighthouse (2019)
With just two movies under his belt, Robert Eggers is becoming one of the most quotable directors in modern cinema. Perhaps it's his love of antique language that makes the dialogue take on a melodic quality. The sing-songy refrain of "Why'd y'spill yer beans?" from his second film, The Lighthouse, sticks in your ear and never leaves. It's a taunt from Willem Dafoe's Thomas Wake to Robert Pattinson's Ephraim Winslow, aka Thomas Howard, after the latter has just revealed his deepest secret: That he killed his foreman on a previous job and took on his identity. "Why'd y'spill yer beans?" is part hallucination, part joke, part murderous tease. It's also weirdly humorous, beans being a funny word and all. There were plenty of options we could have selected from The Lighthouse—Dafoe's speech about Triton; his impassioned defense of his lobster—but "Why'd y'spill yer beans?" is the one we'll be repeating over and over and over again. (Watch)

74. "Hell is a teenage girl."

Jennifer's Body (2009)
Screenwriter Diablo Cody's follow-up to Juno, for which she won a shit-ton of best original screenplay awards, including the Oscar, was Jennifer's Body. Directed by Karyn Kusama, it's a revenge horror-comedy unapologetically made for girls, and that completely baffled most critics at the time. A demonic indie band fronted by Adam Brody in emo eyeliner sacrificing Megan Fox's Jennifer—crowned hottest woman on the planet by every men's magazine—accidentally turning her into a boy-eating succubus, was just too much for people (read: men who paid the ticket price to ogle). Jennifer's Body has been somewhat vindicated in the last few years, with the new crop of bloggers and critics proclaiming that the film was way ahead of its time and a feminist horror classic full of sharp, ironic humor, and hinged on a poignant #MeToo story long before the movement began. But the film's opening line, in a voiceover by Amanda Seyfried's Needy, was a Tumblr anthem to puberty and the depth of emotions young women endure, long before the righteous revisionism began. (Watch)

73. "You gonna eat your tots?"

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
No one expected the world to embrace the odd patch of Idaho that birthed Napoleon Dynamite and his friend Pedro, but boy, did it ever. Made on a budget of around $400,000, the film wound up grossing more than $46 million, which is what they call a "hit" in the movie business. Like so many other movies featured on this list, Napoleon Dynamite wasn't just popular, but a lexical phenomenon that helped return to common use non-profanities like "Heck yes!" and "Gosh!", and introduced solecisms like pronouncing both L's in "quesadilla." In a script packed with enough one-liners to spawn a T-shirt cottage industry, "you gonna eat your tots?" is the quote that best sums up Napoleon Dynamite's bizarre charm. Napoleon's brazenness and social ineptitude capture the uncomfortable feeling of being a high school outcast desperate for attention, but the scene goes beyond what most people can relate to when he stuffs Pedro's tots in the side pocket of his zip-up cargo pants. It's a moment of Dada logic in a film that had so many people asking, "What the hell is this?" and answering themselves, "I don't know, but it's really funny." (Watch)

72. "I have had it with these motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane!"

Snakes on a Plane (2006)
Snakes on a Plane is a convincing argument that the internet might have been a terrible mistake. What started as a goofy joke, some good-natured ribbing about the absurdity of high-concept thrillers on screenwriter Josh Friedman's blog and a audio-only parody trailer that helped popularize the "motherfuckin' snakes" line, became an irony-soaked online obsession, eventually spilling out into the world of late night talk shows and into the text of the film itself. Pre-release speculation led to reshoots where the "motherfuckin' snakes" line, along with more R-rated violence and nudity, was filmed to please the growing snake-crazed fanboy army. (I have a vivid memory of getting a personalized robocall featuring the voice of Samuel L. Jackson telling me to go see the film). Then the movie came out, riding months of hype, and it mostly sucked, perhaps proving that B-movies shouldn't be crowd-sourced by bored forum-dwellers. While Snakes on a Plane now plays like a cautionary tale about the cornieness of "totally epic" mid-'00's humor, what's disturbing is that Hollywood has only gotten craftier at cynically stripmining viral enthusiasm for a quick buck in the last decade. Blame the motherfuckin' snakes. (Watch)

71. "Bagi saya, Anda sempurna."

Love sebenarnya (2003) Love sebenarnya tidak benar -benar sarapan teratas di Tiffany's di departemen film yang sangat dicintai, tetapi sangat bermasalah, tetapi itu membuat upaya terbaiknya melalui hampir semua dari 18.000 alur cerita yang berjalan, berpuncak pada adegan di mana Mark ( Andrew Lincoln) muncul di rumah Juliet (Keira Knightley) dengan serangkaian kartu flash romantis paling menyeramkan yang pernah dibuat. Lincoln sendiri menyebut karakternya sebagai "penguntit menyeramkan," mungkin karena Mark tidak memfilmkan siapa pun kecuali Juliet selama pernikahannya (untuk sahabat Mark), atau karena dia muncul pada hari Natal dengan diam -diam menyatakan cinta abadi untuk wanita yang benar -benar baru saja menikahi sahabatnya terbaiknya . Sepertinya dia mungkin memiliki kesempatan untuk menarik aksi flashcard di bulan atau bertahun -tahun sebelum Natal. Namun demikian! Cinta sebenarnya hidup sebagai salah satu film Natal terbaik yang pernah ada dan salah satu rom-com terbaik yang pernah ada. Tagline Treacly yang "Love sebenarnya ada di sekitar" didorong pulang oleh permohonan Mark yang putus asa, salah satu gerakan film agung yang mengingatkan Anda pada John Cusack's Say Anything Boombox. Sementara banyak naskah Richard Curtis mengungkapkan perasaan yang lebih ambivalen terhadap cinta daripada judul yang disarankan, kartu isyarat telah hidup sebagai meme, dan "Bagi saya, Anda sempurna" telah berulang kali menyelamatkan mitra romantis dengan tidak ada yang orisinal untuk ditulis pada hari ulang tahun atau kartu Hari Valentine. Sebagai catatan, satu -satunya bagian dari cinta yang benar -benar bertahan adalah peran Rowan Atkinson - Mr. Kacang membungkus hadiah dengan sangat lambat! (Jam tangan)
Love Actually doesn't exactly top Breakfast at Tiffany's in the Widely Loved, But Very Problematic Movie department, but it makes its best effort through pretty much every one of its 18,000 running storylines, culminating in the scene where Mark (Andrew Lincoln) turns up at Juliet's (Keira Knightley) house with a series of the creepiest romantic flashcards ever created. Lincoln himself called his character a "creepy stalker," maybe because Mark films no one but Juliet during her wedding (to Mark's best friend), or because he shows up on Christmas silently proclaiming undying love for the woman who literally just married his best friend. Seems like he might have had a chance to pull the flashcard stunt in the months or years preceding Christmas. Nevertheless! Love Actually lives on as one of the best Christmas films ever AND one of the best rom-coms ever. The treacly tagline that "love actually is all around" is driven home by Mark's desperate plea, one of those grand movie gestures that calls to mind John Cusack's Say Anything boombox. While much of Richard Curtis' script expresses more ambivalent feelings toward love than the title suggests, the cue cards have lived on as a meme, and "To me, you are perfect" has repeatedly bailed out romantic partners with nothing original to write in birthday or Valentine's Day cards. For the record, the only part of Love Actually that holds up is Rowan Atkinson's role—Mr. Bean wraps presents so slowly! (Watch)

70. "Untuk seorang pria dengan IQ empat digit, saya pasti melewatkan sesuatu."

Limitless (2011) Tujuh tahun sebelum Bradley Cooper menjadi aktor/sutradara ancaman empat kali lipat/produser/penulis lagu di belakang A Star is Born, ia memerankan Eddie Morra, seorang penulis yang menemukan obat yang memberinya IQ digit-digit. Ini adalah salah satu dari tempat "Just Go With It" yang dibuat eksplisit di poster dan trailer, tetapi diperkuat dalam adegan yang datang sebelum kredit pembukaan, semacam pengaturan "Record Scratch, Freeze Frame" yang menunjukkan Eddie di akhir dari tali, dengan orang jahat yang tidak diketahui mendekati sebelum kita mundur untuk mendapatkan cerita lengkap. Dalam sulih suara saat dia terhuyung -huyung di tepi gedung pencakar langit, Eddie merefleksikan keadaannya saat ini, meratapi celah -celah dalam IQ kedap udara: "Aku akan mendekati dampak pada dunia. Dan sekarang satu -satunya hal aku ' D berdampak pada trotoar. " Apakah ini Shakespeare? Tentu tidak. Tapi itu jenisnya yang bodoh dan berulang kali membuat film-film bagus begitu menyenangkan. (Jam tangan)
Seven years before Bradley Cooper became the quadruple-threat actor/director/producer/songwriter behind A Star Is Born, he played Eddie Morra, a writer who finds a drug that gives him a quadruple-digit IQ. It's one of those "just go with it" premises that's made explicit in the poster and trailer, but is reinforced in a scene that comes before the opening credits, a kind of "record scratch, freeze frame" setup that shows Eddie at the end of his rope, with unknown bad guys closing in before we rewind to get the full story. In voiceover while he teeters on the edge of a skyscraper, Eddie reflects on his current state, lamenting the gaps in his otherwise airtight IQ: "I'd come this close to having an impact on the world. And now the only thing I'd have an impact on was the sidewalk." Is this Shakespeare? Certainly not. But it's the kind of dumb, repeatable line that makes good-bad movies so enjoyable. (Watch)

69. "Selera saya sangat tunggal."

Fifty Shades of Grey (2015) Fifty Shades of Grey adalah film yang sangat menyeramkan. Ya, itu memberi kami satu -satunya sampul Beyoncé terbaik di seluruh dunia, tetapi juga memberi kami banyak orang yang mengira seorang pria membujuk seorang wanita ke dalam BDSM karena dia tahu dia menyukainya adalah ... puncak romansa? Christian Grey meminum dan menjejali masalah hanya memberi tahu wanita yang dia sukai bahwa dia menjadi beberapa aksi dom/sub kasual setiap saat, menggambarkan "selera" -nya sebagai "sangat unik." Eeeugh. Tapi, cara apa yang lebih baik untuk mengambil kembali kekuatan dan agensi kita dari penggambaran hasrat patriarki selain meme siang hari yang hidup dari adegan yang paling aneh? Cari "selera saya sangat tunggal" di YouTube dan Anda akan mendapatkan segalanya dari konsol video game hingga bantal tubuh anime gadis hingga kamar tidur tema One Direction. Apa pun yang lebih baik daripada "ruang kesakitan." (Jam tangan)
Fifty Shades of Grey is an extremely creepy movie. Yes, it gave us the single best Beyoncé cover in the whole world, but it also gave us tons and tons of people who thought a man cajoling a woman into BDSM because he knows she likes him is… the height of romance? Christian Grey hems and haws around the issue of just telling the lady he likes that he's into some casual dom/sub action every now and then, describing his "tastes" as "very singular." Eeeugh. But, what better way to take back our power and agency from patriarchal depictions of desire than to meme the living daylights out of its weirdest scene? Look up "My tastes are very singular" on YouTube and you'll get everything from video game consoles to anime girl body pillows to One Direction theme bedrooms. Anything is better than a "Red Room of Pain." (Watch)

68. "Saya harus mengembalikan beberapa rekaman video."

American Psycho (2000) Adaptasi Mary Harron dari Satire Savage Bret Easton Ellis dari Kapitalisme Amerika era Reagan melakukan lebih dari sekadar menangkap kebrutalan dan humor buku ini. Dengan Christian Bale sebagai The Psycho, Patrick Bateman, keengganannya yang ekstrem terhadap interaksi sosial manusia mengambil tenor serius yang mematikan sebagaimana diwujudkan oleh garis yang digunakan Bateman untuk keluar dari situasi apa pun dengan cepat. Ini adalah alasan yang sepenuhnya tidak dapat dipercaya yang mengungkapkan betapa sedikit empati dan kesadaran sosial yang dimiliki Bateman, terutama ketika ia menggunakannya sebagai alibi dan segera mengikuti klaim bahwa ia "berhubungan dengan kemanusiaan." Hampir 20 tahun setelah film keluar dan lama sejak rekaman video digantikan oleh media lain, "Saya harus mengembalikan beberapa rekaman video" masih berkuasa sebagai jawaban absurd yang menunjukkan betapa sedikitnya perhatian yang Anda miliki untuk orang yang Anda ajak bicara. Cobalah saat berikutnya Anda putus dengan seseorang, atau ditanyai tentang menghilangnya rekan kerja yang mencurigakan. (Jam tangan)
Mary Harron's adaptation of Bret Easton Ellis' savage satire of Reagan-era American capitalism does so much more than capture the brutality and humor of the book. With Christian Bale as the psycho, Patrick Bateman, his extreme aversion to human social interaction takes on a deathly serious tenor as embodied by the line Bateman uses to get out of any situation fast. It's a wholly unbelievable excuse that reveals how little empathy and social awareness Bateman possesses, especially when he uses it as an alibi and immediately following a claim that he's "in touch with humanity." Nearly 20 years after the movie came out and ages since videotapes were supplanted by other media, "I have to return some videotapes" still reigns as the absurd rejoinder that shows just how little regard you have for the person you're talking to. Try it out the next time you're breaking up with someone, or are being questioned regarding a coworker's suspicious disappearance. (Watch)

67. "Apakah Anda tahu apa yang terjadi pada kodok saat disambar petir? Hal yang sama yang terjadi pada yang lainnya."

X-Men (2000)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator and Avengers director Joss Whedon worked on a draft of the first X-Men script that was almost entirely scrapped, but in interviews over the years, the writer has taken credit for two distinct comedic lines that made it into the movie. First, there's the Wolverine "You're a dick" quip to Cyclops, which is a perfectly fine piece of comic-book banter. The other one, which Halle Berry's Storm delivers right as she electrocutes the villain Toad in front of the Statue of Liberty, is more controversial. In a 2013 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Whedon called it "terrible" and criticized Berry's delivery, saying, "she did it like she was King Lear." (He also told the A.V. Club in 2001 that she "said it like she was Desdemona," proving the guy really does love his Shakespeare references.) I'd argue that Berry's performance—in a series that rarely gave her much to do—is actually what makes it so memorable. She goes for it! Despite the box office and critical success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you won't find many quotes from those movies on this list because the sitcom-like sheen to the dialogue and the slightly irreverent house style renders much of it completely disposable. Unafraid to play with cheesiness, Berry elevated a corny gag to camp poetry. (Watch) 


66. "In moonlight, black boys look blue."

Moonlight (2016)
Moonlight, the Best Picture-winning sophomore feature from director Barry Jenkins, was the result of such delicate, thoughtful alchemy. Jenkins' lush visuals, inspired by the work of Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Kar-wai, supplement the poetic words of playwright-turned screenwriter Tarell Alvin McCraney, who developed the script as an unproduced conceptual theater project at Yale in the late '00s, and both elements are brought to life by actors like Alex Hibbert, playing the impressionable young Chiron, and Mahershala Ali, playing the wise drug dealer Juan. The intimacy of the "in moonlight, black boys look blue" monologue, which finds Ali telling a personal story and embodying the voice of "this old lady" from his childhood in Cuba, is different than many of the more abrasive, explosive quotes on this list. It can't be reduced to a meme or deployed as a GIF. But in a film built around small gestures, it has a profound, reality-altering power. The line transports you through time and space, the vulnerability of the performer and the character working in perfect harmony. (Watch)

65. "These are not spirit fingers. These are spirit fingers. And these are gold."

Bring It On (2000)
It's quite honestly insane that UCB staple Ian Roberts was Sparky, the pill-popping choreographer putting high school cheerleaders through boot camp to "transform [their] robotic routines into poetry written with the human body." The horrible goatee, the shirt with one too many buttons open, his scathing burns of everyone's physical flaws, and his crucial defining trait: spirit fingers, the "bad" ones practically indistinguishable from the "good" ones. Clearly just a derivation of jazz hands, "spirit fingers" was one of the defining schticks of Bring It On, directed by Peyton Reed (his first film—he would later go on to make Ant-Man), and a damn good one at that. (Watch) 

64. "The law says that you cannot touch. But I think I see a lot of lawbreakers up in this house tonight."

Magic Mike (2012)
Remember how everyone collectively lost their shit when Magic Mike came out? Directed by Steven Soderbergh (I know, right?) and loosely based on Channing Tatum's experiences as a young male stripper, it was the box office hit of late summer 2012. Hot, half-naked buff men thrusting on screen will do that, it seems. The tone of Magic Mike is set masterfully: In the first, like, two minutes, there's the one-two punch of Matthew McConaughey's Dallas, owner of club Xquisite, delivering the rules of the show to a room of screaming women in one of the most insane monologues he's ever given in film (and he was a nomadic poet in a Harmony Korine film, for chrissakes), followed by an unimpeded shot of Tatum's butt. This is what you call "cinéma." (Watch)

63. "You're a wizard, 'arry."

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
The appeal of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter stories is rooted in a raw, powerful fantasy of youth: Discovering that you're more special, more unique, and more magical than the other children around you. When Robbie Coltrane, the burly Scotish actor tasked with bringing the half-giant Hagrid to life in Chris Columbus's first Harry Potter film, leans forward and says the line, "You're a wizard, 'arry," Daniel Radcliffe, still a fresh-faced kid at this point, reacts with what looks like the beginnings of mischievous smile, hinting that he knows this is the truth he's been searching for. It's not exactly a shock. Yes, his eyes then bug out as he asks, "A what?" But it's almost like the character is performing the disbelief and surprise for his onlooking aunt and uncle, the two normal humans he despises the most. Hagrid's proclamation, one of the many economical and poignant bits of dialogue in Steve Kloves's script, is the sound of a door opening, inviting the boy to a world he can't quite imagine. In his heart, 'arry was always a wizard, but he needed to hear it out loud to confirm it was true. (Watch)

62. "I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy."

The Departed (2006)
The Departed, Martin Scorsese's Boston crime saga adapted from the Hong Kong thriller Infernal Affairs, is a movie obsessed with the corrosive myth of professionalism. Cops and gangsters, the two feuding sides in the film's heightened moral universe, each like to think of themselves as fundamentally men of honor, guys who have tough jobs but go about them with dignity. They've all got a code, right? It's unsurprising that Sgt. Sean Dignam, the foul-mouthed authority figure played by a fired-up Mark Wahlberg, believes that saying he "does his job" is the most brutal insult imaginable. Like the macho put-down's found in a David Mamet play or an episode of Billions, it's an attempt at total emasculation built around the idea that you are what you do and you must do it well. Results matter. Efficiency is the goal. Put numbers on the board. There's a reason Dignam is the lone survivor in the movie's twist-filled climax: He's the guy who does his job, the cop who keeps his head down long enough to make his move, and those dead bodies are the other guys. (Watch)

61. "Look at my shit."

Spring Breakers (2012)
Harmony Korine's hedonistic "beach noir" indictment of wealth and youthful materialism was branded an "instant cult classic" on its release, if there is such a thing, and it really is an experience to watch this dreamy neon-lit crime film play out—one that, like many of Korine's movies, may require a certain substance or two to really, like, understand, you know what I'm saying. James Franco's Alien leads a group of teen girls down the path of despair and destruction, courting them by taking them back to his pad and showing off all his "shit." The scene is a direct condemnation of the American Dream, yes, but it's also a funny thing to say when you invite your date back to your place to look at your collection of African ceremonial masks—or, in Alien's case, board shorts and machine guns and gold bullets and Scarface on repeat. (Watch)

60. "Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law!"

Superbad (2007)
Superbad, the defining teen movie of the 2000s, is yet another film on this list that contains many, many iconic quotes. How dare we not pick "I am McLovin,'" right? Well, prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the law—who is us in this instance—because we went with the declarative Seth Rogen's bumbling, drunk Officer Michaels shouts as he and Bill Hader's Officer Slater bust the high school rager. Jonah Hill's Seth is carrying out the very long Evan (Michael Cera) as the two cops come through the door, and Fogell's trying to lose his virginity upstairs. Like most of high school, nothing really goes as planned, but the one thing every high schooler can count on is at least one awkward (or worse) interaction with bored police officers. (Watch)

Walt Disney Pictures

59. "Just keep swimming."

Finding Nemo (2003)
Before Ellen Degeneres was Ellen, the mononym, she was an out-of-work actress who had been sidelined in Hollywood after coming out as a lesbian in 1997. Then Finding Nemo happened. Not four months after the Pixar movie about Marlin, a father clownfish, in search of his son was released, Ellen premiered Ellen, the same daytime talk show that's still running today. Her stunning comeback can certainly be chalked up to her sweet, legitimately funny performance as the voice of Dory, the jovially undeterred regal blue tang who suffers from short-term memory loss. In a particular moment of helplessness, their previous leads to Nemo having dried up, Dory sneaks into the frame and shares with Marlin her sing-songy wisdom for when times get tough: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do, we swim, swim…" The simple aphorism exploded into a positivity movement all its own, finding its way onto the senior quotes of high school students, tattoos, T-shirts, blog posts, GIFs… you name it. (Watch) 

58. "You had my curiosity. But now you have my attention."

Django Unchained (2012)
In the second of his revisionist history films, Quentin Tarantino is in peak form, dishing out fantasy justice to abominable characters like Leonardo DiCaprio's Calvin J. Candie, a smooth-talking slave-owner with a passion for phrenology. Candie's gleeful hatred—covered with a slimy veneer of Southern manners—puts the efficiency of Tarantino's character development on full display. The slave-owner is the quintessential talentless, overconfident man who believes himself far superior to a foreigner and a free slave, despite all evidence to the contrary. As he takes a childish slurp out of a coconut filled with booze, DiCaprio delivers the film's best line with the kind of uncomfortable familiarity and condescension that make the final act's revenge fantasy fully earned. It's the kind of line you could imagine a venture capitalist or similar vampire uttering today; we thankfully no longer sell humans as commodities, but the sickening nature of business sharks remains. (Watch)

57. "Kamu pria itu sekarang, anjing!"

Menemukan Forrester (2000) Sulit untuk menjelaskan mengapa "Anda sekarang, anjing" harus ada dalam daftar ini. Untuk satu hal, film dari kutipan yang muncul dari, drama usia yang akan datang yang dibintangi Sean Connery sebagai J.D. Salinger-Like Sastra Recluse yang membimbing seorang pemain bola basket remaja, benar-benar dilupakan, penggali belakang sentimental akan berburu dari orang-orang Siapa yang mungkin tahu lebih baik. (Entah bagaimana, itu menghasilkan $ 80 juta di box office, sebuah tanda bahwa tahun 2000 benar-benar adalah waktu yang berbeda.) Dalam konteks karier sutradara Gus Van Sant, itu dianggap sebagai bendera kecepatan semi-embarrassing dalam perjalanan menuju lebih banyak eksperimental , medan berisiko seperti Gerry dan Elephant. Tentu, sebuah connery beruban berteriak, "Punch the Keys!" Lucu dengan sendirinya, tetapi pentingnya "You're the Man Now, Dog!", Yang ditampilkan dalam trailer untuk film, berakar pada akhirat digital frasa. Diluncurkan pada tahun 2001 dengan satu lingkaran Connery mengulangi garis, YTMND menjadi komunitas online untuk pengguna yang membuat dan berbagi lelucon audio-visual berkualitas rendah satu sama lain, jenis ramuan internet yang tidak dapat dijelaskan dan tidak masuk akal sekarang menerima begitu saja sebagai bahasa dasarnya menjadi sedikit terlalu online. Situs ini menjadi raksasa pra -twitter dan -facebook dengan empat juta pengguna bulanan di puncaknya, menurut sebuah artikel Gizmodo tentang kenaikannya dan akhirnya jatuh. Dan itu jatuh keras, hampir menghilang awal tahun ini setelah menderita "kegagalan bencana," tetapi pengaruh situs sangat besar. Terima kasih, Sean Connery. (Tonton) & nbsp;
It's tough to explain why "You're the man now, dog" needs to be on this list. For one thing, the movie that the quote springs from, a coming-of-age drama starring Sean Connery as a J.D. Salinger-like literary recluse who mentors a teenage basketball player, is completely forgettable, a sentimental retread of Good Will Hunting from people who should probably know better. (Somehow, it made $80 million at the box office, a sign that the year 2000 really was a different time.) In the context of director Gus Van Sant's career, it's considered a semi-embarrassing speed-bump on the way to more experimental, riskier terrain like Gerry and Elephant. Sure, a grizzled Connery shouting, "PUNCH THE KEYS!" is funny on its own, but the importance of "You're the man now, dog!", which was featured in the trailer for the movie, is rooted in the phrase's digital afterlife. Launched in 2001 with a loop of Connery repeating the line, YTMND became an online community for users creating and sharing low-quality audio-visual jokes with each other, the kind of inexplicable and absurd concoctions internet users now take for granted as the basic language of being a little too online. The site became a pre-Twitter and -Facebook behemoth with four million monthly users at its peak, according to a Gizmodo article about its rise and eventual fall. And it did fall hard, almost disappearing earlier this year after suffering a "catastrophic failure," but the site's influence is massive. Thank you, Sean Connery. (Watch) 

56. "Gadis, Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan infeksi di lubang rampasan Anda! Ini lubang rampasan!"

Girls Trip (2017) Momen paling terkenal Tiffany Haddish dalam perjalanan gadis, komedi lucu yang ditulis oleh Kenya Barris dan Tracy Oliver, mungkin adegan pengajaran yang melibatkan jeruk Perjalanan besar ke Essence Festival di New Orleans, adalah ketika kita benar -benar merasakan apa yang akan dibawa oleh karakternya, Dina, ke film ini. Sederhananya, dia adalah teman paling lucu, teman perjalanan terliar, dan orang yang paling mungkin memasukkan narkoba di pantatnya. Penampilan Haddish adalah salah satu komedi pembuatan bintang yang benar-benar istimewa seperti Will Ferrell's di Old School, Melissa McCarthy's in Bridesmaids, atau Zach Galifianakis 'di The Hangover. Dia mencuri adegan ini dan kemudian berjalan pergi dengan seluruh film. (Jam tangan)
Tiffany Haddish's most famous moment in Girl's Trip, the riotously funny comedy written by Kenya Barris and Tracy Oliver, might be the instructional scene involving a grapefruit, but the "booty hole" exchange, which occurs in the airport before the big trip to the Essence Festival in New Orleans, is when we really get a sense of what her character, Dina, is going to bring to this movie. Simply, she's the funniest friend, the wildest travel companion, and the person most likely to stuff drugs in her butt. Haddish's performance is one of those truly special star-making comedy turns like Will Ferrell's in Old School, Melissa McCarthy's in Bridesmaids, or Zach Galifianakis' in The Hangover. She steals this scene and then proceeds to walk away with the entire movie. (Watch)

55. "Saya menjadi sukarelawan sebagai penghormatan."

Deklarasi Hunger Games (2012) Katniss Everdeen diambil langsung dari novel YA terlaris Suzanne Collins, tetapi kinerja Jennifer Lawrence yang membuatnya layak dimasukkan di sini. Dari dia, kata -kata itu menjadi terkesiap dengan putus asa. Sebagai pahlawan fantasi dystopian, Lawrence meneriakkan ungkapan ketika adik perempuannya direkrut untuk menjadi bagian dari permainan kejam di mana anak -anak dari berbagai mimpi buruk fantasi Panem berkorban. Film -film Hunger Games sendiri tampaknya menjadi kurang relevan secara budaya dari waktu ke waktu, tetapi "Saya sukarela sebagai penghormatan" tetap secara bergantian seruan dan cara untuk mengatakan Anda, eh, sukarela untuk tugas. (Jam tangan)
Katniss Everdeen's declaration was taken directly from Suzanne Collins' bestselling YA novel, but it's Jennifer Lawrence's performance that makes it worthy of inclusion here. From her, the words became a chillingly desperate gasp. As the heroine of the dystopian fantasy, Lawrence shouts the phrase when her little sister is recruited to be part of the cruel games in which children from fantasy nightmare Panem's various districts are sacrificed. The Hunger Games films themselves have seemingly become less culturally relevant over time, but "I volunteer as tribute" remains alternately a rallying cry and a way to say you, uh, volunteer for a task. (Watch)

54. "Bahkan artichoke punya hati."

Amélie (2001) Kami berdebat untuk waktu yang lama tentang apakah kutipan dari film bahasa asing termasuk dalam daftar ini, bukan karena tidak ada tulisan yang luar biasa dalam film dari negara lain (jelas, ada), tetapi karena lebih sedikit dialog dialog Dari film -film dari luar AS dan Inggris telah memasuki leksikon budaya Amerika kami. "Bahkan artichoke memiliki hati" dari Amélie adalah pengecualian. Ambil tamasya ke Etsy dan Anda akan menemukan semua jenis barang dagangan bertuliskan frasa imut. Dalam komedi Jean-Pierre Jeunet yang kadang-kadang agresif, Audrey Tautou, Amélie yang nakal menggunakan "bahkan artichoke memiliki hati" sebagai bagian dari balasan yang dibayangkan untuk seorang toko kelontong yang kejam yang secara verbal melecehkan karyawannya yang menyebutnya "sayuran." Ini hampir terlalu menggemaskan, hal yang Anda temukan pada pesan Aim Away dari seorang remaja yang sangat berbudaya di awal. (Jam tangan) (2001)
We debated for a long time about whether or not quotes from foreign language films belong on this list, not because there isn't incredible writing in film from other countries (obviously, there is), but because fewer bits of dialogue from films from outside the US and Britain have entered our American cultural lexicon. "Even artichokes have hearts" from Amélie is an exception. Just take a jaunt to Etsy and you'll find all kinds of merchandise bearing the cutesy phrase. In Jean-Pierre Jeunet's sometimes aggressively twee comedy, Audrey Tautou's impish Amélie uses "even artichokes have hearts" as part of an imagined retort to a cruel grocer who verbally abuses his employee calling him a "vegetable." It's almost too adorable, the kind of thing you would find on the AIM away message of a particularly cultured teen in the early aughts. (Watch)

53. "Apakah itu sangat sederhana."

Salam, Caesar! (2016) Anda benar-benar tidak harus melihat sindiran Coen Brothers dari Hollywood era hitam untuk menghargai adegan di mana "akan begitu sederhana" muncul. Seorang sutradara yang sombong (Ralph Fiennes) berupaya mendapatkan aktor koboi (Alden Ehrenreich) untuk mengatakan garis yang berlebihan dari dialog kuno dengan benar. Bolak -balik mereka seperti rutinitas Marx Brothers yang diamput dan frasa yang sebenarnya sangat mengejutkan sehingga itu semua komedi yang fantastis. (Jam tangan)
You truly do not have to have seen the Coen brothers' satire of Blacklist-era Hollywood to appreciate the scene in which "would that it were so simple" appears. A pompous director (Ralph Fiennes) attempts to get a cowboy actor (Alden Ehrenreich) to say an overwrought line of old-timey dialogue correctly. Their back and forth is like an amped up Marx brothers routine and the actual phrase is so surprisingly convoluted that it's all fantastic comedy. (Watch)

52. "With great power comes great responsibility."

Spider-Man (2002)
Mention "Spider-Man" to anyone who's ever dipped a toe into the pop culture wave pool, and they'll probably reply with some variation of this quote. It's a classic line from Marvel's Spider-Man comics that, because of the popularity of Sam Raimi's 2002 superhero masterpiece, is now ubiquitous. (Plenty of people probably don't even know it's from Spider-Man!) In Raimi's movie, Uncle Ben says it to Peter Parker while trying to have The Talk, not knowing that Peter is currently dealing with a puberty transformation of a different kind (the kind with six more legs than usual), and yet what he says to him in this moment ends up being the force that drives Spidey for the rest of his life. It's the inverse of "absolute power corrupts absolutely": people with strengths and abilities beyond others—superpowered or not—have a duty to understand how to use those abilities. Just because you CAN do something, just because you have a certain level of power that others don't, doesn't always mean that you should. (Watch)

51. "Ass to ass."

Requiem for a Dream (2000)
Nobody on staff here was jumping to write up the "ass to ass" quote, and who can blame them! It's the seediest, most repulsive line in a seedy, repulsively attractive film, and it serves as the three-word culmination of lives given over to the destructive power of drugs. The line comes during the film's final montage, which depicts each of the central characters' rock bottom: Harry (Jared Leto) learns his infected arm needs to be amputated, Tyrone (Marlon Wayans) has to kick heroin cold turkey in prison, and Sara (Ellen Burstyn) undergoes electroshock therapy. But it's Jennifer Connelly's Marion who's subjected to the most degrading act in her perpetual search for drugs. Having already set up an arrangement with the pimp Big Tim (Keith David), Marion takes him up on his offer to join a little party he throws, a party that's actually a sex show. As the scene intensifies and Connelly and the other girls continue blowing cocaine, one asks, "So what are we gonna do now?" Cue Stanley B. Herman's Uncle Hank (his name comes from the book), who knows exactly what they're gonna do now: The act that's pretty well described by its name. If you know nothing else about this movie, you probably still know this line thanks to its ubiquity on the internet—a line and scene that director Darren Aronofsky says on the DVD commentary were inspired by something he actually witnessed. No further elaboration given. Yikes! (Watch)

Warner Bros. Pictures

50. "You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome."

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
George Miller effortlessly created a whole world, complete with its own societal structure and mythology, within the first half hour of his epic Mad Max: Fury Road, adding fierce Imperators and albino "warboys" to his diesel-drenched post-apocalyptic saga. The tyrannical Immortan Joe has developed a religion in order to subjugate his people, convincing them that, when they die, they'll continue to "ride shiny and chrome" in the viking afterlife of Valhalla. That's what he says to young Nux (Nicholas Hoult) before he sends him on a suicide mission. It's the YOLO of the sandy, violent future. It's also the thing your lizard brain says to itself right before you run a red light. (Watch)

49. "I don't like sand. It's all coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere."

Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
Hayden Christensen became an instant icon for all of his weird lines in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and its sequel Revenge of the Sith—unfortunately for him, not because any of those lines were any good. The characteristically dopey delivery of his diatribe against sand to his lover Padmé Amidala is perhaps the finest bit of unintentionally comedic acting in the whole Star Wars saga. Anakin grew up as a slave on a desert planet, so yeah, naturally, the texture of sand would probably bring back those memories. But, geez, man, can't you think of a less creepy way to say it? (Watch) 

48. "I am the motherfucker that found this place, sir."

Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
Jessica Chastain is not exactly a "funny" performer, and Zero Dark Thirty, the controversial drama about the years-long hunt for Osama bin Laden, is definitely not a "funny" movie. The character she plays, a no-nonsense CIA intelligence analyst named Maya, is obsessed with her job, and when she gets in the room with James Gandolfini's gruff CIA Director she doesn't back down. She's been pushing this rock up a hill for years. The "motherfucker" line has a grim matter-of-factness to it that speaks to the movie's focus on Maya's single-minded, ethically warped mission. Zero Dark Thirty and The Hurt Locker, the two tactics-obsessed war films written by Mark Boal and directed by Kathryn Bigelow from the '00s, are filled with functional bits of military jargon, bureaucratic double-speak, and terse commands. They're not exactly quotable, choosing to focus on creating feelings of dread instead, but somehow the "motherfucker" line cuts through the tension and adds a much-needed moment of levity. (Watch) 

47. "Cium aku, gadisku, sebelum aku sakit."

Phantom Thread (2017) Anda biasanya tidak berpikir seseorang yang meracuni pasangannya "manis," tetapi Thread Phantom menariknya. Tindak lanjut Paul Thomas Anderson terhadap misteri yang melekat pada misteri yang melekat pada misteri yang melekat pada Reynolds Woodcock yang teliti dan keras dan keras dari Reynolds Woodcock dan narasi langsung dari pasangan yang jatuh cinta. Seorang perancang busana dengan kecenderungan obsesif-kompulsif dan mengendalikan, Woodcock menghabiskan seluruh waktu berjalan secara verbal mengurangi mereka yang gagal-termasuk Alma, pelayan yang dia ubah menjadi inspirasi, meskipun dia sama sekali tidak mau menyerahkan ketegasan dan kemerdekaannya sendiri (itu Teh keluar, gangguan tetap ada di sini bersamaku!). Dinamika mereka membuat tanggapannya terhadap wahyu Alma bahwa telur dadarnya diracuni sangat manis. Tepat ketika perjuangan bersama -sama mencapai saat -saat paling gelap, Alma dan Reynolds meletakkan kartu mereka di atas meja. Dia ingin dia datar di punggungnya; Dia akhirnya bersedia melepaskan kendali. Ini melambangkan sifat cinta yang kontradiktif, menyakitkan, dan transenden, dan menempatkan batu penjuru pada pacaran Alma dan Reynolds. (Tonton) & nbsp;
You wouldn't typically think someone poisoning her partner is "sweet," but Phantom Thread pulls it off. Paul Thomas Anderson's follow-up to the hazy, mumbling, postmodern mystery Inherent Vice favors the meticulous, harsh candor of Daniel Day-Lewis' Reynolds Woodcock and the narrative straightforwardness of a couple falling in love. A fashion designer with obsessive-compulsive and controlling tendencies, Woodcock spends the entire running time verbally cutting down those who fail him—including Alma, the waitress he's turned into his muse, though she's totally unwilling to give up her own assertiveness and independence (The tea is going out, the interruption is staying right here with me!). Their dynamic makes his response to Alma's revelation that his omelet is poisoned so perversely sweet. Just when the struggle of being together reaches its darkest moments, Alma and Reynolds lay their cards on the table. She wants him flat on his back; he's finally willing to give up control. It epitomizes the contradictory, painful, and transcendent nature of love, and puts a fitting capstone on Alma and Reynolds' courtship. (Watch) 

46. ​​"Anak yang salah meninggal."

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story & Nbsp; (2007) untuk sementara waktu hampir tampak seperti berjalan keras: kisah Dewey Cox akan menjadi catatan kaki di era komedi yang ditentukan oleh anak laki-laki yang produktif Adam McKay dan Judd Apatow. Untungnya, tahun -tahun telah baik untuk parodi biopik musik yang membosankan ini, terutama mengingat Hollywood terus membuat biopik musik yang membosankan. Walk Hard sekarang dihargai sebagai mahakarya, dan digunakan sebagai titik referensi setiap kali film baru menjadi mangsa klise yang sama yang dicerapnya. (Ahem, Bohemian Rhapsody.) Di antara klise -klise itu: sosok orang tua yang tidak menyukai, yang menolak untuk mengakui bahwa putranya adalah seniman berbakat. "Kami terus memperhatikan bahwa sebagian besar karakter memiliki orang tua yang tidak setuju," kata Apatow dalam sejarah lisan film tersebut. Anda tahu, Dewey mengiris saudaranya menjadi dua selama pertarungan parang yang menyenangkan, dan ayahnya tidak akan berhenti mengingatkannya: "Anak yang salah meninggal." Elton John mungkin tidak memiliki saudara kandung yang sudah mati di Rocketman, tetapi ayahnya yang pemarah mungkin juga mengatakan kepadanya "anak yang salah mati" setiap kali dia menatap kekecewaan. (Jam tangan)
For a while it almost seemed like Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story would be a footnote in the era of comedies defined by prolific man-babies Adam McKay and Judd Apatow. Thankfully, the years have been kind to this parody of tedious music biopics, especially considering Hollywood keeps making tedious music biopics. Walk Hard is now being appreciated as the masterpiece it is, and is used as a reference point whenever a new movie falls prey to the same clichés it lampooned. (Ahem, Bohemian Rhapsody.) Among those clichés: The unloving parental figure, who refuses to acknowledge that his son is a talented artist. "We kept noticing that most of the characters had the disapproving parents," Apatow said in an oral history of the film. You see, Dewey slices his brother in half during a playful machete fight, and his father will not stop reminding him: "Wrong kid died." Elton John may not have a dead sibling in Rocketman, but his grumpy father may as well be saying to him "wrong kid died" every time he serves up a look of disappointment. (Watch)

45. "Bukan lebah!"

The Wicker Man (2006) Menurut Ethan Hawke, Nic Cage adalah "satu -satunya aktor sejak Marlon Brando yang sebenarnya melakukan sesuatu yang baru dengan seni akting." Dia benar. Cage tidak menghuni peran sebanyak dia meraihnya dengan lehernya dan mengalahkannya agar tunduk, dan tidak ada yang lebih jelas daripada di Wicker Man, pembuatan ulang mid-aughts dari British Horror Classic 1973. Ini adalah kinerja kandang yang sangat gila; Beberapa orang mungkin menyebutnya akting yang buruk, sementara kita memilih untuk mengenali jenius Gonzo yang tidak terikat. Sepanjang film yang memiliki kandang berlarian berteriak pada anak-anak, meninju dan menendang wanita, adegan di mana neo-pagan akhirnya tepatnya hukuman mereka adalah salah satu pekerjaan terbaiknya. "Bukan lebah!" memusatkan semua kecemerlangan Cage menjadi teriakan primal, seruan putus asa terhadap siksaan yang tidak adil. Itu luar biasa. (Jam tangan)
According to Ethan Hawke, Nic Cage is "the only actor since Marlon Brando that's actually done anything new with the art of acting." He's right. Cage doesn't inhabit a role so much as he grabs it by the scruff of its neck and beats it into submission, and nowhere is that technique more evident than in Wicker Man, the mid-aughts remake of the 1973 British horror classic. It's a quintessentially insane Cage performance; some might call it bad acting, while we choose to recognize its unhinged gonzo genius. Throughout a film that has Cage running around yelling at children, punching and kicking women, the scene where the neo-pagans finally exact their punishment is among his finest work. "Not the bees!" concentrates all of Cage's brilliance into a primal scream, a desperate cry against unjust torture. It's outstanding. (Watch)

44. "Aku senang dia lajang karena aku akan memanjat seperti pohon."

Bridesmaids (2011) Pengiring pengantin penting karena banyak alasan, tetapi untuk tujuan kita di sini, kita akan fokus pada fakta bahwa itu melepaskan kesenangan komedi absolut dari Melissa McCarthy pada dunia sebagai Dogie (Tim Heidecker) Doofus dengan--- A-Heart-of-Gold Sister, Megan. Dalam adegan pertama kami diperkenalkan padanya, kami mendapatkan banyak dari Megan, berlebihan dengan Annie dari Kristen Wiig tentang mendapatkan pin di kakinya setelah jatuh dari kapal pesiar dan mengira Hugh Dane yang luar biasa tinggi merokok pipa dan mengenakan topi Newsboy Untuk Annie "Fella," saat itulah kita mendapatkan permata libido tanpa filter ini. (Jam tangan)
Bridesmaids is important for lots of reasons, but for our purposes here, we're going to focus on the fact that it unleashed the absolute comedic delight of Melissa McCarthy upon the world as Dougie's (Tim Heidecker) doofus-with-a-heart-of-gold sister, Megan. In the first scene we're introduced to her, we get a lot from Megan, oversharing with Kristen Wiig's Annie about getting pins in her leg after falling off a cruise ship and mistaking the extraordinarily tall Hugh Dane smoking a pipe and wearing a newsboy cap for Annie's "fella," which is when we get this gem of unfiltered libido. (Watch)

43. "Apakah Anda mengawasi dengan cermat?"

The Prestige (2006) Seluruh inti trik sulap adalah menipu. Itu sebabnya mereka disebut trik, dan itulah yang membuat cerita turny-turn-turn dari Christopher Nolan's The Prestige begitu memukau, bahkan jika Anda sudah tahu apa yang terjadi. Bagian dari melakukan sihir adalah membuat penonton berpikir triknya terjadi di sini, sambil benar -benar membuat sesuatu yang lain terjadi di sana. "Apakah kamu menonton dengan cermat?" adalah slogannya dari Alfred Borden (Christian Bale), salah satu pesulap saingan yang berperang untuk kekuasaan dalam film, dan ia menggunakan frasa itu untuk salah mengarahkan perhatian penonton. Saat Anda menonton bola di satu tangan, Anda tidak fokus pada apa yang dia lakukan dengan yang lain, yang membuat triknya berhasil pada akhirnya. (Tonton) & nbsp;
The whole point of magic tricks is to deceive. That's why they're called TRICKS, and that's what makes the twisty-turny storytelling of Christopher Nolan's The Prestige so riveting, even if you already know what happens. Part of doing magic is making the audience think the trick is happening over here, while actually making something else happen over there. "Are you watching closely?" is the catchphrase of Alfred Borden (Christian Bale), one of the rival magicians warring for power in the movie, and he uses that phrase to misdirect the audience's attention. When you're watching the ball in one hand, you're not focusing on what he's doing with the other, which is what makes the trick work in the end. (Watch) 

42. "Bayi Yesus yang baru lahir 8-pound, 6-ons ..."

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby & Nbsp; (2006) Sampai hari ini, kita sebagai budaya masih mencelupkan ke dalam raksasa komedi yang dapat dikutip yaitu Adam McKay dan Will Ferrell's Talladega Nights, tetapi satu adegan yang paling ditambang adalah Ferrell's Ricky Bobby, tetapi Ferrell's Ricky Bobby, tetapi Ferrell's Ricky Bobby Menyampaikan doa keluarga bertele -tele saat makan malam domino, KFC, dan taco bell "The Always Delicious". After giving thanks for his wife's 94/100 ass, his two sons, Walker and Texas Ranger, his best friend Cal (John C. Reilly)—*fistbump* "shake and bake"—and his wife's father with an open leg wound that Baunya buruk, percakapan meja makan beralih ke bagaimana orang membayangkan Yesus ketika mereka berdoa kepada -Nya. Ricky Bobby lebih suka Natal Yesus, dan karenanya: "Bayi Yesus yang baru lahir 6-pon, 6-ons, bahkan belum tahu sepatah kata pun ... hanya sedikit bayi ... begitu menyenangkan, tetapi masih mahakuasa. Kami hanya hanya Terima kasih untuk Anda semua balapan yang saya menangkan dan $ 21,2 juta - woo! Love That Money! —Dapulah yang telah saya peroleh selama musim ini. Juga, karena kontrak pengesahan yang mengikat yang menetapkan saya menyebutkan Powerade di setiap rahmat, saya hanya ingin Mengatakan bahwa Powerade lezat dan membuat Anda mendinginkan Anda di hari musim panas dan kami menantikan pembebasan Powerade dari Mystic Mountain Blueberry. Terima kasih atas semua kekuatan dan rahmat Anda, dewa sayang. Amin. " (Jam tangan)
To this day, we as a culture are still dipping into the quotable comedy behemoth that is Adam McKay and Will Ferrell's Talladega Nights, but the single scene that's mined the most is Ferrell's Ricky Bobby delivering a rambling family prayer over a dinner of Dominos, KFC, and "the always delicious" Taco Bell. After giving thanks for his wife's 94/100 ass, his two sons, Walker and Texas Ranger, his best friend Cal (John C. Reilly)—*fistbump* "shake and bake"—and his wife's father with an open leg wound that smells bad, the dinner table conversation turns to how people envision Jesus when they pray to him. Ricky Bobby prefers the Christmas Jesus, and thus: "Dear 8-pound, 6-ounce newborn infant Jesus, don't even know a word yet... just a lil infant... so cuddly, but still omnipotent. We just thank for you all the races I've won and the $21.2 million—Woo! Love that money!—that I have accrued over this season. Also, due to a binding endorsement contract that stipulates I mention Powerade at each grace, I just want to say that Powerade is delicious and it cools you off on a hot summer day and we look forward to Powerade's release of Mystic Mountain Blueberry. Thank you for all your power and grace, dear baby God. Amen." (Watch)

41. "Man, persetan Jesse Jackson!"

Barbershop (2002) Waralaba Barbershop adalah pembicaraan. Selama lebih dari satu dekade, seri, yang melahirkan dua sekuel, spin-off yang dibintangi Ratu Latifah, dan komedi showtime berumur pendek, mencatat kegiatan yang ramai dan olok-olok tanpa henti di dalam perusahaan pemotongan rambut Chicago yang dimiliki oleh Ice Cube Calvin Palmer Jr. tetapi Ice Cube, tetapi Calvin Palmer Jr. Calvin sering menyerahkan lantai untuk Cedric the Entertainer's Eddie, seorang tukang cukur berambut abu-abu, mengenakan kacamata dengan pendapat tentang segalanya. Di dunia pra-media, komentar provokatif Eddie dalam film, yang termasuk mengambil seperti "bercinta Jesse Jackson," "O.J. Do It," dan "Rosa Parks Ain't Do Nothin 'tetapi duduk di pantat hitamnya," berhasil menghasilkan berita utama surat kabar, surat -surat yang sangat kata -kata ke studio, dan bahkan ancaman boikot dari Pendeta Al Sharpton. Sulit untuk memikirkan banyak komedi lain di mana dialog benar -benar tumpah ke dunia nyata sejauh ini, mendorong Jackson sendiri untuk menekan studio untuk menghapus garis yang menyinggung tentang ikon hak -hak sipil dari DVD. Apa yang patut diperhatikan tentang adegan yang sebenarnya adalah bahwa hampir semua orang di toko pada saat itu sudah mengutuk pernyataan Eddie, menggerutu dan mencemooh di latar belakang, dan garis Jackson mendapatkan erangan terbesar dari semuanya, menunjukkan "lurus pembicaraan" seperti Eddie's Always Comes dengan reaksi yang kuat. (Jam tangan)
The Barbershop franchise is all talk. For over a decade, the series, which spawned two sequels, a spinoff starring Queen Latifah, and a short-lived Showtime comedy, chronicled the bustling activity and nonstop banter inside a Chicago hair-cutting establishment owned by Ice Cube's Calvin Palmer Jr. But Calvin often ceded the floor to Cedric The Entertainer's Eddie, a gray-haired, glasses-wearing barber with opinions on just about everything. In a pre-social-media world, Eddie's provocative comments in the movie, which included takes like "Fuck Jesse Jackson," "O.J. did it," and "Rosa Parks ain't do nothin' but sit her black ass down," managed to generate newspaper headlines, strongly worded letters to the studio, and even threats of a boycott from Reverend Al Sharpton. It's hard to think of many other comedies where the dialogue actually spilled out into the real world to this extent, prompting Jackson himself to pressure the studio to remove the offending lines about Civil Rights icons from the DVD. What's noteworthy about the actual scene is that almost everyone else in the shop at the time is already condemning Eddie's remarks, grumbling and booing in the background, and the Jackson line gets the biggest groans of all, showing "straight talk" like Eddie's always comes with a strong reaction. (Watch)

40. "Apakah tidak apa -apa jika saya menunjukkan kepada anak -anak tempat tidur pelacur?"

Nymphomaniac Part I (2014) Sutradara bad-boy Denmark Lars von Trier bukan untuk semua orang, dan dua bagian kecanduan seksnya Epic Nymphomaniac jelas bukan untuk semua orang, tetapi untuk mereka yang menggali filmografi T-T-T-twisted-nya, Nymphomaniac Part I berisi The Bacaan tunggal, paling aneh, paling mengejutkan, membaca semua filmnya. Itu terjadi ketika Mrs. H (Uma Thurman, God Tier) memutuskan untuk membawa dirinya dan anak -anaknya untuk mengunjungi suaminya yang tidak setia dan gadis muda (protagonis film, dimainkan di sini oleh Stacy Martin) yang sedang tidur dengannya, berkeliling di sekitar apartemennya dan berkomentar atas semua harta miliknya. Seluruh latihan dirancang untuk menunjukkan kepada suaminya bagaimana perselingkuhannya telah menghancurkan kehidupan keluarganya - pengaturan yang sangat, sangat, sangat canggung untuk sebuah adegan - dan ketika dia akhirnya sampai ke garis "tempat tidur pelacur", seluruh otak Anda akan adil hanya penuh dengan tanda seru dan tidak ada yang lain. (Jam tangan)
Danish bad-boy director Lars von Trier is not for everyone, and his two-part sex addiction epic Nymphomaniac is definitely not for everyone, but for those who dig his t-t-t-tWiStEd filmography, Nymphomaniac Part I contains the single greatest, most bizarre, most shocking line reading of all his movies. It occurs when Mrs. H (Uma Thurman, god tier) decides to bring herself and her children to visit her unfaithful husband and the young girl (the movie's protagonist, played here by Stacy Martin) he's sleeping with, touring around her apartment and commenting on all of her possessions. The whole exercise is designed to show her husband how his infidelity has ruined the lives of his family—an extremely, extremely, painfully awkward setup for a scene—and when she finally gets to the "whoring bed" line, your whole brain will just be full of exclamation points and nothing else. (Watch)

Gambar Fox Searchlight

39. "Saya sempurna."

Black Swan (2010) sedikit yang bisa meramalkan bahwa thriller balet psikologis Darren Aronofsky akan membersihkan di box office, tetapi begitu saja, meraih $ 329 juta terhadap anggaran $ 13 juta. Sebagian besar popularitasnya turun ke chemistry (dan adegan seks yang banyak dihiasi) antara Mila Kunis dan Natalie Portman, dengan Portman khususnya memberikan kinerja yang gila dan obsesif sebagai Nina, seorang balerina yang kehilangan cengkeramannya pada kenyataan saat dia berjuang untuk diwujudkan Swan hitam dan putih di Swan Lake. Film -film Aronofsky biasanya menunjukkan matanya untuk bidikan terakhir yang mempesona (pegulat atau Requiem for a Dream, misalnya), tetapi tidak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk mengakhiri film tentang bahaya perfeksionisme daripada dengan pendarahan Nina Portman, melihat ke dalam lampu, dan mengatakan sekali: "Saya sempurna." Dia sudah berbicara dalam bentuk lampau, tetapi perasaan sesaat itu yang dia inginkan. (Jam tangan)
Few could have predicted that Darren Aronofsky's psychological ballet thriller would clean up at the box office, but damn did it ever, raking in $329 million against a budget of $13 million. Much of its popularity comes down to the chemistry (and the much-hyped sex scene) between Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman, with Portman in particular delivering a crazed, obsessive performance as Nina, a ballerina losing her grip on reality as she struggles to embody the Black and White Swan in Swan Lake. Aronofsky's films typically demonstrate his eye for an dazzling final shot (The Wrestler or Requiem for a Dream, for example), but there's no better way to end a movie about the hazards of perfectionism than with Portman's Nina bleeding, looking into the lights, and saying for once: "I was perfect." She's already speaking in the past tense, but that momentary feeling is all she's ever wanted. (Watch)

38. "That's a bingo."

Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Christoph Waltz's international starmaking turn as Colonel Hans Landa, an SS officer working in Nazi-occupied France, allows him to lay on his weasely, morally bankrupt charm throughout Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds, but he lands on this gem right at the moment World War II can be won by the Allies. While almost all of Waltz's screen time features zingers delivered in three languages, this is the line that reveals how truly empty his soul is: He's smart, and has no conscience. As he presents his offer to Brad Pitt's Aldo Raine and B.J. Novak's Smithson Utivich, the perpetually cheery colonel tries his hand at an American expression. The result is a malapropism that belies the utter seriousness of the moment, and is instantly memorable; the war will be over that night, but Landa happily practices his American English as he preps a clean exit for himself. Even though Aldo corrects him, Landa's version is what lives on from Inglourious Basterds. (Watch)

37. "Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"

Donnie Darko (2001)
Richard Kelly's dorm-room-poster of a movie, filled with stoner-logic time-travel shenanigans and enough adolescent angst to fill a heated LiveJournal entry, has a handful of lines that pop off the screen: "I'm voting for Dukakis;" "Smurfette doesn't fuck;" and "Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion" were all named as possible candidates for this list. Kelly's ear for teenage vulgarity and suburban absurdity remains the movie's secret weapon, the aspect that keeps it from devolving into overwrought science-fiction mumbo-jumbo and messianic self-pity. (His less widely celebrated follow-up, Southland Tales, has a handful of memorable smart-ass one-liners too.) But the "stupid man suit" question posed by Frank the Rabbit to Jake Gyllenhaal's moody hero Donnie during a Halloween screening of Evil Dead boils down the movie's cult appeal into a single utterance. Genre films are always attempting to peel back layers of reality, pushing at the boundaries of consciousness and the limits of the body, and Frank, menacing and ridiculous in his voice-modulating bunny suit, was a fitting spokesman for the "whoa"-seeking philosophy Kelly was peddling. (Watch)

36. "I know that babies taste the best."

Snowpiercer (2013)
This one requires a spoiler alert. When Chris Evans, face dirtied, utters this line in Bong Joon-ho's Snowpiercer, a thriller about a class uprising on a train containing the last of civilization circling the globe, it's a total shock. Evans' hero, Curtis, has fought his way through most of the train before he makes the confession that, in the early days of this apocalypse, the poorest citizens were deprived of food and resorted to eating one another. Curtis is a tortured soul because he knows what people taste like, and, by extension, he knows that "babies taste best." The admission is dramatic and absurdist all at once, perfectly capturing the bizarre tone of Bong's film, which is both gritty and features Tilda Swinton in fake teeth. (Watch)

35. "Honey? Where's my super suit?"

The Incredibles (2004)
It's unlikely that Brad Bird and his cohorts knew that this was the one scene from The Incredibles that would go down in history as one of the best, funniest movie scenes of all time. It's mostly thanks to Samuel L. Jackson, who plays icy superhero Frozone, and Pixar employee Kimberly Adair Clark as his wife, who, in the movies, always appears as a voice. The two bicker about Frozone's missing suit, his wife telling him that, no, he shouldn't go off and save the city from a giant rampaging robot because they have a date planned. The scene has inspired many covers and cursed remixes, but perhaps the best thing it gave us was an instant knee-jerk response any time someone in the room says "HONEYYYYY?" All together now: WHERE. IS. MY. SUPER. SUIT. (Watch)

Paramount Pictures

34. "What is this? A center for ants?"

Zoolander (2001)
It's difficult to overstate the influence Zoolander has had on comedy in the 21st century. The absurd concept, the over-the-top characters, the jam-packed script of lines designed to be repeated for months and years after audiences leave the theater. Plenty of quotes have taken up residence in standard pop-culture references: "Really, really, really, ridiculously good-looking," "So hot right now," "I think I'm getting the black lung, Pop," "Moisture is the essence of wetness," etc., and countless others. But the most iconic of all comes when Mugatu (Will Ferrell) reveals a scale model of the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too. Zoolander (Ben Stiller) is outraged, and his timing in this scene—destroying the model, standing expectantly, then asking his rhetorical line—makes the quote stand out. More than Blue Steel or Magnum, the "center for ants" quote defines Derek Zoolander… and countless others trying to be just as funny upon encountering a small-scale model of a large object. (Watch)

33. "Meet me in Montauk."

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Whispered by Kate Winslet's Clementine in the midst of a collapsing house and a disappearing memory, "Meet me in Montauk" is a last-ditch rescue attempt, a verbal Hail Mary tossed into the void before the clock runs out. Of all the clever dialogue in Charlie Kaufman's Oscar-winning script, which he penned during a wildly productive burst of creativity in the early '00s, it's this earnest request that hits home the hardest, evoking a dream of a shared life and a chance at romantic redemption. Even after all the pain and heartbreak, you still want to see Clementine and Joel find each other and get another shot at reconstructing their relationship. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind understands that basic yearning for hope and connection. Unsurprisingly, the line has inspired fans to travel to Montauk itself for trips and special screenings—perhaps discovering their own fractured love stories along the way. (Watch)

32. "It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer."

Step Brothers (2008)
Like the previous Adam McKay and Will Ferrell collaborations Anchorman and Talladega Nights, Step Brothers is a movie filled with incredibly funny lines, but this time the two writers were freed up by the movie's R-rating to chase some of their most bizarre, vulgar ideas. (That's part of why the famous but squeaky-clean trailer line "Did we just become best friends?" didn't feel like the right pick here.) How did "the biggest helicopter leasing event in the Western hemisphere since 1997" come to mean so much to the movie's fans? "It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer," is said by both Adam Scott's super-slimy jerk Derek and Richard Jenkins's dinosaur-loving patriarch Robert after John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell save the day with their ridiculous musical performance at the event. In the years following the movie's release, the line has become a celebratory shorthand and a way of life: The New Orleans Saints said it in the locker room after they won the Super Bowl in 2010, and it's also now a real event you can attend in California. As you'd imagine, McKay has expressed some ambivalence about the phenomenon, saying in a recent interview, "When you see the people who you're kind of making fun of embrace it, it's both hilarious, and at the same time, dispiriting." So, if you see the guy on the street, maybe don't yell it at him. (Watch)

31. "Rock stars have kidnapped my son!"

Almost Famous (2000)
Cameron Crowe's semi-autobiographical screenplay about a 15-year-old writer embedded with rising stars in the heyday of '70s rock is basically a sacred text for various groups: Journalists, musicians, and the proverbial "uncool." You could pick a moment of quintessential rock douchebaggery: Russell Hammond, high on acid and about to jump off a roof, proclaiming, "I am a golden god." Or Lester Bangs' career advice: "You cannot make friends of the rock stars." But we're going with a curveball. Frances McDormand's performance as William Miller's exasperated mother is borderline underrated given that it's perhaps the least glamorous of the entire film. But all you need to do is watch her stop a lecture to declare, "Rock stars have kidnapped my son," to see what power she has. It's not Crowe's most poetic line, but it's one of his funniest. (Watch)

30. "Not quite my tempo."

Whiplash (2014)
J.K. Simmons' ruthless jazz conductor Terence Fletcher seethes variations of "not my tempo" throughout Whiplash, but the scene where he grills Miles Teller's first-year drummer Andrew Neiman if he's rushing or dragging behind the kit while rehearsing the title track, "Whiplash," is the movie's most iconic instance. Anyone who's played in school bands can relate on some level to Fletcher's sociopathic motivational techniques designed to frighten his conservatory kids into nailing their repertoire—a drummer friend who put himself through music school and now teaches lessons relayed a story about a professor who would notoriously curse out freshman who showed up to rehearsal unprepared. Watching Simmons embody one of those types of band leaders is both exhilarating and horrifying. Am I laughing because this scene is funny, or am I laughing because I'm scared?? Either way, it's effective. (Watch) 

29. "Wilsoooooooon!"

Cast Away (2000)
For a long time, any beach-, summer-, or water-related activity was likely punctuated with your loudest friend shouting, "Wilson!" The still-recognizable bit from Robert Zemeckis' Cast Away is the survival epic's most unforgettable scene: the slow disappearance of Chuck Noland's (Tom Hanks) sole friend, a volleyball named Wilson. Largely because he is a volleyball with a bloody handprint for a face, the scene and Hanks' dramatic pleas became instantly memorable… and, for better or worse, the subject of many spoofs, despite the film's critical acclaim. In context, though, it gets at the raw emotion of the human need for companionship, one of the essential drives that makes us human. Hanks moves from desperation and sorrow to sheer guilt ("I'm sorry, Wilson!") and grief, which is part of what helped garner Hanks a Best Actor nomination at the 2001 Academy Awards. It may be just a funny line in retrospect, but nobody else can emote over a volleyball like Hanks. Wilson's death goes down in one of cinema's most tragic, and we mourn him just the same. (Watch) 

28. "Sekarang Anda berada di tempat cekung."

Get Out (2017) "Yo, ini ikon," sutradara dan penulis skenario pemenang Oscar Jordan Peele mengatakan kepada Daniel Kaluuya sebelum menembak adegan di Get Out Where ke Catherine Keener's Eerie Hypnotist Missy mengirim Chris Kaluuya ke tempat terpencil. Peele benar sekali: lebih dari sekadar garis yang dikatakan Missy kepada Chris ketika kesadarannya tenggelam lebih jauh dari tubuhnya yang lumpuh. Sama seperti film itu sendiri, ini adalah metafora tentang dinamika ras di Amerika dan representasi dalam film -film horor yang telah dipetik (dan memed) berkali -kali lipat. Kehilangan total agensi Chris di tangan seorang wanita kulit putih jahat adalah analog yang jelas dengan sistem penindasan yang telah ada di negara ini sejak selamanya. Jauh dari pembedahan pertama dari mekanisme sosial yang berbahaya ini pada film - tetapi itu pasti penggambaran paling menakutkan dan paling menggelegar yang dapat kita pikirkan. (Jam tangan)
"Yo, this is iconic," director and Oscar-winning screenwriter Jordan Peele told Daniel Kaluuya before shooting the scene in Get Out where Catherine Keener's eerie hypnotist Missy sends Kaluuya's Chris to the sunken place. Peele was absolutely right: It's more than the line Missy says to Chris as his consciousness sinks further away from his paralyzed body. Much like the movie itself, it's a metaphor about race dynamics in America and representation in horror films that's been picked apart (and memed) many times over. Chris's total loss of agency at the hands of a malicious white woman is a clear analog to the systems of oppression that have existed in this country since forever. It's far from the first dissection of this insidious societal mechanism on film—but it's definitely the scariest, most jarring depiction we can think of. (Watch)

27. "Mengapa begitu serius?"

The Dark Knight (2008) Joker Heath Ledger tidak diragukan lagi adalah penjahat superhero yang paling mengerikan yang pernah diletakkan di layar perak, dan sebagian besar ancamannya berasal dari kurangnya latar belakang, motivasi, atau apa pun yang biasanya memanusiakan penjahat yang cukup untuk memberikan smidgen empati pada penonton. Joker, sebaliknya, benar -benar kosong, senang mengarang cerita tentang bekas luka wajahnya yang mengerikan. Yang paling berkesan, berbisik kepada sekelompok gangster di aula kolam renang, melibatkan ayah pemabuknya mengukir wajahnya dengan pisau dapur, tertawa sambil mengulanginya, "Mengapa begitu serius?" Itu menjadi semacam slogan santapan, yang terpampang di atas stiker bemper dan kaos topik hangat, Joker terus-menerus menguji seberapa jauh orang akan pergi untuk menyelamatkan diri. Mengapa begitu serius, saat mengeluarkan yang terburuk dalam kemanusiaan bisa sangat lucu? (Tonton) & nbsp;
Heath Ledger's Joker is undoubtedly the most chilling superhero villain ever put on the silver screen, and most of his menace comes from his lack of backstory, motivation, or anything that usually humanizes a villain just enough to impart a smidgen of empathy on the audience. The Joker, by contrast, is a total blank, delighting in making up stories about his horrific facial scars. The most memorable, whispered to a group of gangsters in a pool hall, involves his drunkard father carving up his face with a kitchen knife, laughing while repeating to him, "Why so serious?" It became a needling catchphrase of sorts, emblazoned on bumper stickers and Hot Topic T-shirts, the Joker constantly testing how far people will go to save themselves. Why so serious, when bringing out the worst in humanity can be so hilarious? (Watch) 

26. "Sulit sulit lemon sulit."

Dalam The Loop (2009) sebelum Armando Iannucci sedang menulis beberapa dialog yang paling kejam di televisi untuk Veep -nya, ia membuat di The Loop, sebuah film spin -off dari serial Inggrisnya, The Pamat, dibintangi oleh Peter Capaldi sebagai sutradara Profane yang sangat cantik dengan anggun yang mulia Komunikasi Malcolm Tucker. Seperti Veep, dalam lingkaran itu berkaitan dengan roda gigi di roda politik Inggris dan Amerika. Pada satu titik, Sekretaris Negara untuk Pembangunan Internasional Simon Foster (Tom Hollander) mendapat undangan ke Komite Perencanaan Masa Depan di Washington dan mendorong Toby Wright (Chris Addison) yang bawa untuk meninggalkan ruangan dan mengumpulkan informasi. "Ini akan mudah squeezy lemon peasy," kata Simon. Yang merespons Toby: "Tidak, tidak akan, itu akan 'sulit sulit lemon sulit.'" Ungkapan yang tidak masuk Second Life sebagai ekspresi ideal dari gangguan independen dari film. (Jam tangan)
Before Armando Iannucci was scripting some of the most wonderfully cruel dialogue on television for his Veep, he made In the Loop, a film spinoff of his British series The Thick of It, starring Peter Capaldi as the gloriously profane director of communications Malcolm Tucker. Like Veep, In the Loop is concerned with cogs in the political wheels of both Britain and America. At one point, the hapless Secretary of State for International Development Simon Foster (Tom Hollander) gets himself an invite to the Future Planning committee in Washington and encourages his underling Toby Wright (Chris Addison) to leave the room and gather information. "It'll be easy peasy lemon squeezy," Simon says. To which Toby responds: "No, it won't, it will be 'difficult difficult lemon difficult.'" The nonsensical phrase "difficult difficult lemon difficult" took off online (where people have a love for nonsensical phrases), continuing on its second life as an ideal expression of exasperation independent of the movie. (Watch)

25. "Aku tidak akan mengatakannya untuk telinga bayi kecil di sana, tapi itu berirama dengan 'smushmortion.'"

Knocked Up (2007) Di era blogging yang jauh lebih awal - 2007! —Tipe "smushbortion" yang disampaikan oleh Jonah Hill sementara Ben Rogen Rips A Bong selama Knocked Up adalah studi dalam virality backlash primitif, negara adidaya unik di internet. Itu dipisahkan oleh penulis di situs -situs seperti Atlantik, Slate, dan The Guardian. "The-Word," seperti yang disebut Jay Baruchel, secara efektif dilarang dari blockbuster sutradara utama kedua Judd Apatow dari pertengahan tahun 2000-an, dan para kritikus membaca itu: Apakah Apatow pembuat film pro-kehidupan? Mungkin tidak, jika politiknya saat ini merupakan indikasi masa lalunya. Kembali ke budaya pop pra-bangun, itu hanya adegan sindiran di mana kelompok teman dewasa yang memiliki pria kulit putih lurus yang belum matang mencoba, tanpa bahasa yang sesuai atau politik yang diinformasikan, untuk berbicara tentang apa yang harus dilakukan ketika saudara Anda mengetuk seorang wanita, sehingga memohon a dengan riang mundur dan percakapan bodoh. (Tonton) & nbsp;
In a far earlier era of blogging—2007!—the "smushbortion" line delivered by Jonah Hill while Seth Rogen's Ben rips a bong during Knocked Up was a study in primitive backlash virality, the internet's unique superpower. It was picked apart by writers on sites like The Atlantic, Slate, and The Guardian. "The a-word," as Jay Baruchel calls it, was effectively banned from Judd Apatow's second major directorial blockbuster from the mid-2000s, and critics read into that: Is Apatow a pro-life filmmaker? Probably not, if his current politics are any indication of his past. Back in pre-woke pop culture, it was just a satirical scene where an adult friend group of immature straight white dudes try, without appropriate language or informed politics, to talk about what to do when your bro knocks up a lady, thus begetting a hilariously backwards and stupid conversation. (Watch) 

Studio Marvel

24. "Apakah ini rajumu?"

Black Panther (2018) "Wakanda Forever" adalah slogan Black Panther, tetapi "apakah ini raja Anda?" adalah momen puncaknya. Di antara berbagai alasan bahwa Black Panther berdiri terpisah di ladang superhero yang ramai adalah karakterisasi penjahatnya, Erik Killmonger dari Michael B. Jordan. Killmonger bukanlah orang jahat satu dimensi. Dia seorang pria yang dipenuhi dengan kebencian yang dapat dibenarkan, yang memanggil Wakanda karena sikap isolasionisnya yang memungkinkan warga kulit hitam dari negara -negara lain seperti yang diderita AS. Jadi ketika dia mengalahkan T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) dalam pertempuran dan berteriak, "Apakah ini Rajamu?" Di kerumunan yang terkejut, itu adil untuk memiliki keraguan sejati tentang pahlawan yang jelas. "Apakah ini rajumu?" mudah ditempatkan ke dalam sejumlah meme, tetapi kekuatan tetapnya adalah hasil dari status Killmonger sebagai salah satu antagonis terbaik yang menghiasi layar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. (Jam tangan)
"Wakanda Forever" is Black Panther's catchphrase, but "Is this your king?" is its crowning moment. Among the myriad reasons that Black Panther stood apart in the crowded superhero field was the characterization of its villain, Michael B. Jordan's Erik Killmonger. Killmonger is no one-dimensional bad guy. He's a man filled with justifiable resentment, who calls Wakanda out for its isolationist stance that allows black citizens of other countries like the US to suffer. So when he defeats T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) in combat and shouts, "Is this your king?" at the shocked crowd, it's fair to have true doubts about the ostensible hero. "Is this your king?" is easily slotted into any number of memes, but its staying power is the result of Killmonger's status as one of the best antagonists to grace the screen in recent years. (Watch)

23. "Jika Anda seekor burung, saya burung."

The Notebook (2004) Anda akan kesulitan menemukan kisah cinta yang lebih aneh dan lebih pandering daripada & nbsp; notebook, berdasarkan novel Nicholas Sparks dengan nama yang sama, tetapi hanya mencoba menonton Rachel McAdams dan Ryan Gosling jatuh cinta pada jatuh cinta Tanpa cangkang pelindung es di sekitar hati Anda meleleh sedikit. Ini adalah film yang menciptakan gambar "Hey Girl" Gosling bertahun -tahun sebelum ada meme "Hey Girl". Ini memberi penggemar hubungan Gosling-McAdams kehidupan nyata. Seperti cinta sebenarnya, itu memberi pasangan garis untuk saling mengatakan ketika perasaan mereka sendiri mengecewakan mereka. Sebagai McAdams dan Gosling bermain dan menggoda satu sama lain di dalam air, berbicara tentang reinkarnasi dan merasakan keracunan cinta baru yang menggembirakan, Anda hanya menginginkan garis romantis pembunuh yang akan membuat segalanya benar di dunia. Allie (McAdams) menuntut Nuh (Gosling) memanggilnya burung; Nuh mewajibkan. Semua orang Swoons, dan Gosling memasuki sejarah kutipan film. (Jam tangan)
You'd be hard-pressed to find a cheesier, more pandering love story than The Notebook, based on the Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name, but just try to watch Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling fall in love without the icy protective shell around your heart melting just a little bit. It's the movie that created the "Hey Girl" Gosling image years before there was a "Hey Girl" meme. It gave fans a real-life Gosling-McAdams relationship. Like Love Actually, it gave couples lines to say to each other when their own feelings let them down. As McAdams and Gosling play and tease each other in the water, talking about reincarnation and feeling the exhilarating intoxication of new love, you just crave that killer romantic line that will make everything right in the world. Allie (McAdams) demands Noah (Gosling) call him a bird; Noah obliges. Everyone swoons, and Gosling enters movie quote history. (Watch)

22. "Saya Shiva, Dewa Kematian."

Michael Clayton (2007) Memetakan intrik firma hukum bertenaga tinggi yang terlibat dalam penutupan agrokimia raksasa, Michael Clayton sama intensnya dengan film thriller-tetapi tidak ada adegan yang sama intensnya dengan percakapan Clayton dengan salah satu pengacara perusahaannya perusahaannya (Tom Wilkinson) yang berada di tengah-tengah gangguan mental, setelah menyadari bahwa ia membantu insinyur mengatakan penutupan, yang telah mengekspos orang pada karsinogen yang dikenal. Arthur Eden dari Wilkinson, yang diketahui memiliki episode manik, menolak permohonan Clayton untuk mulai minum obatnya lagi, dan sebaliknya mondar -mandir di lantai dan mengakui kesalahannya. Adegan memuncak dengan meningkatnya diri yang tepat ketika Arthur membandingkan dirinya dengan dewa kehancuran Hindu, mengingat berapa banyak orang yang tidak bersalah yang diizinkan dia mati. (Tonton) & nbsp;
Charting the machinations of a high-powered law firm fixer involved in a giant agrochemical cover-up, Michael Clayton is about as intense as thrillers come—but no scene is as intense as Clayton's conversation with one of his firm's attorneys (Tom Wilkinson) who is in the midst of a mental breakdown, having realized that he's helped to engineer said cover-up, which has exposed people to known carcinogens. Wilkinson's Arthur Eden, who's known to have manic episodes, rejects Clayton's pleas to start taking his medication again, and instead paces the floor and confessing his guilt. The scene peaks with appropriate self-aggrandizement when Arthur compares himself to the Hindu god of destruction, given how many innocent people he's allowed to die. (Watch) 

21. "Saya akan mencuri Deklarasi Kemerdekaan."

National Treasure (2004) Benjamin Franklin Gates memiliki rasa hormat terbesar terhadap lembaga sejarah kita, itulah sebabnya sangat sulit baginya untuk membayangkan pernah melakukan kejahatan di salah satunya. Setelah pidato yang panjang dan menginspirasi tentang memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengambil tindakan ketika Anda tahu Anda perlu melakukan sesuatu yang benar, Nicolas Cage mengucapkan salah satu kalimat paling terkenal dalam sejarah film. Ini adalah adegan yang hebat, memetakan keputusan karakter untuk melakukan sesuatu yang dia tahu salah untuk mengejar apa yang benar ... dan itu juga garis melodramatik yang sangat menyenangkan dalam film yang sangat menyenangkan dan menarik berdasarkan ide yang aneh. Sejak film dibuka, baris ini telah dimed berulang kali, tanpa henti sehingga muncul kembali dalam National Treasure 2: "Saya akan menculik Presiden Amerika Serikat." Terkadang, Anda harus melakukan apa yang harus dilakukan. Terkadang, Anda harus mencuri Deklarasi Kemerdekaan. (Jam tangan)
Benjamin Franklin Gates has the greatest respect for our historical institutions, which is why it's so difficult for him to imagine ever committing a crime in one of them. After a long, inspiring speech about having the responsibility to take action when you know you need to do something right, Nicolas Cage pronounces one of the most famous lines in film history. It's a great scene, charting a character's decision to do something he knows is wrong for the pursuit of what is right… and it's also a hilariously melodramatic line in a very fun, exciting movie based on a bizarre idea. Since the movie opened, this line has been memed over and over again, so relentlessly that it reappeared again in National Treasure 2: "I'm going to kidnap the President of the United States." Sometimes, you gotta do what has to be done. Sometimes, you gotta steal the Declaration of Independence. (Watch)

20. "Kamu tidak akan lewat!"

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Ian McKellen menjadi badass di usia tua berkat perannya sebagai Magneto dalam franchise X-Men dan Gandalf the Grey/White dalam trilogi Lord of the Rings. Dalam yang terakhir, dia terus -menerus menentang harapan: Gandalfnya bergantian konyol, licik, dan menakutkan. Tetapi ketika dia berhadapan dengan Balrog dalam persekutuan ring, dia hanya keren. "You Not Not Lewat" adalah prestasi pengiriman, karena suara McKellen yang sedang booming yang membuat pendirian melawan makhluk itu lebih dari apa pun. Mendengarkannya, ruangan bergetar. (Jam tangan)
Ian McKellen became a badass in old age thanks to his roles as both Magneto in the X-Men franchise and Gandalf the Grey/White in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. In the latter, he's constantly defying expectations: His Gandalf is alternately goofy, sly, and terrifying. But when he faces off against the Balrog in The Fellowship of the Ring, he's just absurdly cool. "You shall not pass" is a feat of delivery, as it's McKellen's booming voice that makes a stand against the creature more than anything else. Listening to him, the room shakes. (Watch)

19. "Jika ada yang memesan Merlot, saya pergi. Saya tidak minum Merlot sialan!"

Sideways (2004) "The Sideways Effect" adalah nyata: Setelah film 2004 keluar, di mana penulis anggur Snobby Paul Giamatti Miles Raymond terkenal mencintai Pinot Noirs dan dengan terkenal membenci Merlots karena mantan istrinya minum, penjualan untuk setiap anggur meroket dan masing -masing anjlok. ; Jack meminta Miles untuk berperilaku sendiri, dan minum Merlot jika tamu mereka memesannya, yang Giamatti tidak bisa menahan diri dalam hati nurani yang baik: "Jika ada yang memesan Merlot, saya pergi. Saya tidak minum Merlot sialan!" "Anda tahu, itu hanya lelucon," sutradara Alexander Payne mengatakan kepada USA Today pada peringatan 10 tahun film tentang ledakan Miles. "Tapi itu menjadi setara dengan tahun 1934 itu terjadi pada suatu malam, ketika Clark Gable melepas bajunya untuk mengungkapkan tidak ada kaos. Dilaporkan penjualan kaos anjlok. Aku tidak akan pernah meramalkan film ini akan mengenai zeitgeist." (Jam tangan)
"The Sideways Effect" is real: After the 2004 movie came out, in which Paul Giamatti's wine snobby writer Miles Raymond famously loves pinot noirs and infamously hates merlots because his ex-wife drank them, the sales for each wine skyrocketed and plummeted, respectively. (For better or worse, merlot is back on the uptick.) There's a clear line from the hearty red's decline to a specific scene between Miles and his gross friend Jack before they head into an important dinner. Jack asks Miles to behave himself, and drink the merlot if their guests order it, to which Giamatti cannot contain himself in good conscience: "If anyone orders merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT DRINKING any FUCKING merlot!" "You know, it was just a joke," director Alexander Payne told USA Today on the movie's 10th anniversary about Miles' outburst. "But it sort of became the equivalent of 1934's It Happened One Night, when Clark Gable removed his shirt to reveal no undershirt. Reportedly sales of undershirts plummeted. I never would have predicted this film would hit the zeitgeist." (Watch)

18. "Tapi yang saya miliki adalah serangkaian keterampilan yang sangat khusus, keterampilan yang saya peroleh selama karier yang sangat panjang, keterampilan yang membuat saya menjadi mimpi buruk bagi orang -orang seperti Anda."

Take (2008) kami menerbitkan penghormatan untuk pidato yang berisi kutipan ini, jadi mungkin Anda harus membaca dengan teliti untuk konteks penuh - termasuk bagaimana biasanya salah mengutip - dan apresiasi. Cukuplah untuk mengatakan bahwa pidato telepon ini secara efektif meluncurkan karier kedua Liam Neeson sebagai bintang aksi yang lebih tua (dan, entah bagaimana, beberapa iterasi yang diambil), dan membuat "serangkaian keterampilan yang sangat khusus" salah satu frasa yang paling sering dikutip abad ini . (Jam tangan)
We published an homage to the speech containing this quote, so perhaps you should peruse that for full context—including how it's usually misquoted—and appreciation. Suffice to say that this phone speech effectively launched Liam Neeson's second career as an older action star (and, somehow, several iterations of Taken), and made "a very particular set of skills" one of the most oft-quoted phrases of the century. (Watch)

Gambar Columbia

17. "Lihat aku. Lihat aku. Aku adalah kapten sekarang."

Kapten Phillips (2013) Ini adalah ancaman lembut dan tatapan besi Barkhad Abdi (saat itu dalam peran film pertamanya) yang memberikan salah satu kalimat pembuka teror sederhana. Setelah membajak pedagang Mariner Maersk Alabama, ia memegang kaptennya, diperankan oleh Tom Hanks, dengan todongan senjata, menjelaskan situasi dengan istilah yang paling sederhana. Dia kapten sekarang. Itu dia. Adegan ini, tentu saja, telah memedulnya sehingga sekarang yang harus Anda lakukan adalah memposting tangkapan layar wajah Abdi tanpa teks, dan semua orang di utas Twitter yang menjelaskan mengapa membiarkan kucing Anda berkeliaran di luar adalah ide yang buruk akan tahu bahwa Anda bisa mengambilnya dari sini, terima kasih. Dalam tampilan jenius pemula, & nbsp; abdi ad-libbed kalimat ini pada saat itu, menggunakan naluri bajak laut dari karakternya untuk mengambil kendali adegan. (Jam tangan)
It's the soft menace and iron-hard gaze of Barkhad Abdi (then in his first-ever film role) that gives one of his opening lines its simple terror. After hijacking the merchant mariner Maersk Alabama, he holds its captain, played by Tom Hanks, at gunpoint, explaining the situation in the simplest possible terms. He's the captain now. That's it. The scene has, naturally, been memed so much that now all you really have to do is post the screenshot of Abdi's face with no text, and everyone in that Twitter thread explaining why letting your cats roam outside is a bad idea will know that you can take it from here, thanks. In a display of novice genius, Abdi ad-libbed this line in the moment, using the pirate instincts of his character to seize control of the scene. (Watch)

16. "Sayang, kamu akan melewatkan pesawat itu."

Sebelum Sunset (2004) Jarang menemukan dialog yang indah pada tahun 2019 yang belum dikooptasi menjadi semacam meme, tetapi garis yang hampir menutup bagian tengah Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, dan trilogi Julie Delpy Sekitar dua orang yang terlalu mengartikulasikan satu sama lain menentang kecenderungan itu. Ini, cukup sederhana, cara yang sempurna dan sangat seksi untuk mengakhiri film, membangkitkan momen -momen klasik seperti "Shut Up and Deal" karya Shirley MacLaine dari apartemen. Hawke's Jesse dan Delpy's Céline telah menghabiskan hari ajaib di Paris berdebat dan menggoda satu sama lain ketika mereka tiba kembali di apartemennya dan dia mengenakan Nina Simone. Dia seharusnya kembali ke Amerika untuk bersama istri dan anaknya, tetapi malah menetap dan menonton tariannya. Dia menatapnya, melakukan pengimpuan semu Simone: "Sayang, kamu akan merindukan pesawat itu," coosnya. "Aku tahu," katanya. Mereka tertawa ketika adegan memudar menjadi hitam, nasib mereka, untuk saat ini, tidak diketahui. Sementara semua film sebelumnya ditulis dalam upaya bersama oleh Hawke, Delpy, dan Linklater, Delpy mengambil kredit untuk momen khusus ini. "Tanpa memberi tahu mereka bahwa saya agak bertindak," katanya dalam sebuah wawancara. "Aku tahu Richard akan menyukainya. Dan Ethan juga. Dan mereka melakukannya." (Jam tangan)
It's rare to find a beautiful piece of dialogue in 2019 that has not been co-opted into some sort of meme, but the line that nearly closes out the middle part of Richard Linklater, Ethan Hawke, and Julie Delpy's trilogy about two overly articulate people falling for one another defies that tendency. It is, quite simply, a perfect and devastatingly sexy way to end a movie, evoking classic moments like Shirley MacLaine's "shut up and deal" from The Apartment. Hawke's Jesse and Delpy's Céline have spent a magical day in Paris arguing and flirting with one another when they arrive back at her apartment and she puts on Nina Simone. He's supposed to go back to America to be with his wife and kid, but instead settles in and watches her dance. She looks at him, doing a quasi-impression of Simone: "Baby, you are going to miss that plane," she coos. "I know," he says. They laugh as the scene fades to black, their fate, for now, unknown. While all of the Before movies are scripted in a joint effort by Hawke, Delpy, and Linklater, Delpy takes credit for this specific moment. "Without telling them I kind of acted out the scene," she said in an interview. "I knew Richard would like it. And Ethan, too. And they did." (Watch)

15. "Istriku!"

Borat (2006) Hal tentang "istri saya!" Kutipan seperti yang sekarang diulang - sangat keras, diucapkan dalam infleksi regional yang tidak dapat diidentifikasi untuk mengubahnya menjadi "mah wahhf!" - adalah bahwa Sacha Baron Cohen tidak pernah mengatakannya dalam Borat seperti yang dikatakan masyarakat umum. Dia melakukannya, secara teknis, mengucapkan kata -kata "istri saya" beberapa kali dengan aksen Kazakhstani palsu, tetapi jika Anda hanya akan mendengar pengulangannya sebelum menonton film, Anda akan berpikir dia meneriakkannya di pantai dalam kapurnya yang tidak konvensional pakaian mandi hijau. Begitulah kekuatan berbagai referensi Borat kepada istrinya, yang telah melampaui film dan acara Da Ali untuk terus memengaruhi budaya pop pada tahun 2019. Bahkan New Yorker & NBSP; menerbitkan seluruh kolom tentang evolusi istilah dalam konteks online suatu online , dan bagaimana istri sebagai konsep menjadi lucu secara inheren. Karya dimulai dengan menunjuk ke Borat sebagai asal yang mungkin. Itu tidak jauh lebih berpengaruh dari itu, dan kecuali perbedaan yang tidak dapat didamaikan, kita pasti "istri saya!" untuk masa mendatang. (Jam tangan)
The thing about the "My wife!" quote as it's now repeated—very loudly, pronounced in an unidentifiable regional inflection to turn it into a nasally "Mah wahhhf!"—is that Sacha Baron Cohen never says it in Borat the way the general public says it. He does, technically, utter the words "my wife" several times in his fake Kazakhstani accent, but if you'd only heard the repetitions of it before seeing the movie, you'd think he shouted it at the beach in his unconventional lime green bathing garment. Such is the power of Borat's various references to his wife, which have transcended both the movie and Da Ali G Show to continue influencing pop culture in 2019. Even The New Yorker published an entire column about the evolution of the term in an online context, and how the wife as a concept has become inherently funny. The piece begins by pointing to Borat as a possible origin. It doesn't get much more influential than that, and barring any irreconcilable differences, we're bound to "My wife!" for the foreseeable future. (Watch)

14. "Apakah Anda tidak terhibur?"

Gladiator (2000) Setelah menghina sekelompok pejuang kekar dengan beberapa ayunan pedangnya, Gladiator Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe), seorang jenderal Spanyol diperbudak mengikuti pengkhianatan komodus jahat terhadap keluarganya dan kaisarnya, LoBs a Bilah ke tribun. "Apakah kamu tidak terhibur?" Dia berteriak ke kerumunan ketika mereka berteriak pada sedikit bahaya. "Bukankah ini mengapa kamu ada di sini?" Tidak menghormati otoritas dan keterampilan di atas ring menyebabkan dia menjadi, dari semua hal, menjadi favorit orang -orang, akhirnya membawanya ke Roma dan kemungkinan balas dendam. "Pembalap Spanyol," mereka semua melantunkan, saat dia meludah di tanah dan melangkah pergi. Mengutip Gladiator dengan cepat menjadi penanda budaya pop yang mengganggu, tetapi selama dua dekade ke depan, "Apakah Anda tidak terhibur?" Berkembang menjadi meme lucu yang abadi. (Jam tangan)
After contemptuously taking out a gang of burly fighters with a few swings of his sword, gladiator Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe), a Spanish general enslaved following the betrayal of the evil Commodus against his family and his emperor, lobs a blade into the stands. "Are you not entertained?" he shouts into the crowd when they scream at the hint of real danger. "Is this not why you are here?" His brazen disrespect for authority and skill in the ring cause him to become, of all things, a favorite of the people, leading him finally to Rome and the possibility of revenge. "Spaniard," they all chant, as he spits on the ground and strides away. Quoting Gladiator quickly became a pop-cultural signifier of annoyingness, but over the course of the next two decades, "Are you not entertained?" evolved into an enduringly funny meme. (Watch)

13. "Anda duduk di atas takhta kebohongan."

Elf (2003) Buddy Elf adalah anak laki-laki yang benar. Selama perjalanannya ke New York selama ELF, komedi Natal yang mengubah Will Ferrell menjadi bintang film ramah keluarga, ia memesan cemoohannya, penilaiannya, dan kecamannya bagi mereka yang tidak memiliki penghormatan yang tepat untuk keceriaan liburan. Ketika dia melihat Santa "palsu" di mal, bermain dengan tingkat kekasaran yang tepat oleh komedian Artie Lange, teman tidak bisa tidak memanggil Kris Kringle palsu dengan garis -garis seperti "Anda jijik saya," "Anda Stink," dan "Bagaimana Anda bisa hidup dengan diri sendiri?" Tapi "Anda duduk di atas takhta kebohongan" adalah orang yang bertahan dalam kesadaran publik, menjadi klip audio yang populer di situs YTMND (lihat #57) dan berubah menjadi meme yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk menuduh kesalahan bermain cepat dan cepat dan Longgar dengan kebenaran. Ketika frasa dipanggil, Anda tidak hanya menyebut seseorang pembohong; Anda mengatakan mereka telah membangun struktur kekuasaan yang mementingkan diri sendiri berdasarkan penipuan total. Dalam perannya sebagai Ombudsman Yuletide, Buddy berbicara kebenaran kepada kekuasaan. (Jam tangan)
Buddy the Elf is a righteous man-child. During his travels to New York over the course of Elf, the Christmas comedy that turned Will Ferrell into a family-friendly movie star, he reserves his scorn, his judgment, and his condemnation for those who lack the proper reverence for holiday cheer. When he sees a "fake" Santa at the mall, played with the right degree of roughness by comedian Artie Lange, Buddy can't help but call out the counterfeit Kris Kringle with lines like "you disgust me," "you stink," and "how can you live with yourself?" But "you sit on a throne of lies" is the one that's lingered in the public consciousness, becoming a popular audio clip on the site YTMND (see #57) and turning into a meme you can use to accuse any wrongdoer of playing fast and loose with the truth. When the phrase is invoked, you're not just calling someone a liar; you're saying they've constructed a self-serving power structure based around total deception. In his role as Yuletide ombudsman, Buddy spoke truth to power. (Watch)

12. "Apakah kamu ingin hidup dengan nikmat?"

The Vvitch (2016) Fitur debut Robert Eggers menjatuhkan penontonnya ke paranoia New England abad ke -17 dengan menggunakan bahasa aktual dari periode itu. Naskah ini penuh dengan ungkapan kuno yang pada gilirannya membuat kisah keluarga terpisah oleh kecurigaan dan sihir yang sebenarnya semakin menakutkan. Tapi tidak ada frasa yang lebih mengerikan daripada tawaran Black Phillip kepada remaja Thomasin saat film mendekati kesimpulannya. Sisa keluarganya telah terkoyak oleh kekuatan jahat yang meliputi hutan, dan dia, berlumuran darah, mulai berkomunikasi dengan kambing setan. Dengan suara rendah dia bertanya, "Apakah kamu ingin hidup dengan nikmat?" Ini sangat sederhana dan menggoda, sama seperti iblis itu sendiri. Thomasin siap untuk menyerahkan diri. (Jam tangan)
Robert Eggers' debut feature plunged its audience into the paranoia of 17th century New England by using actual language from that period. The script is full of antiquated phrasing that in turn makes the story of a family torn apart by suspicion and actual witchery all the more terrifying. But no phrase is more giddily unnerving than Black Phillip's offer to the teen Thomasin as the movie approaches its conclusion. The rest of her family has been ripped apart by the malevolent force pervading the woods, and she, bloodied, starts to commune with the Satanic goat. In a low voice he asks, "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?" It's so simple and tempting, just like the devil himself. Thomasin is ready to give herself over. (Watch)


11. "Olahraga memberi Anda endorfin. Endorfin membuat Anda bahagia. Orang -orang bahagia tidak menembak suami mereka, mereka hanya tidak."

Legally Blonde (2001) Sesuatu yang orang lupakan: Sebelum pirang legal adalah film musim panas tahun 2001 dan semua orang membungkuk dan membentak, ada sebuah naskah yang mengambang di sekitar, ditulis oleh Stanford Law Dropout Amanda Brown, tentang pirang stereotip dari La yang memasuki dunia cutthroat dari Cutthroat dari Stanford Law School untuk mendapatkan pacarnya kembali. Mitra penulis skenario Karen McCullah dan Kirsten "Kiwi" Smith, duo yang bertanggung jawab atas 10 hal yang saya benci tentang naskah Anda dan sekuel 2020 Legally Blonde 3, mengambil novel, subbing di Pantai Timur yang dingin, Hukum Harvard untuk Stanford untuk meningkatkan ikan- penjajaran di luar air, dan meledakkan premisnya menjadi titik sentuh budaya awal. Lagu pembuka ada di mana -mana, dan untuk demografi tertentu - yaitu. Gadis -gadis remaja - Anda tidak bisa melakukan percakapan tanpa memberikan kutipan dari film, yang memang sangat dapat dikutip. Elle Woods dari Reese Witherspoon memiliki banyak kalimat terbaik, tetapi tidak ada yang melampaui pembelaannya terhadap dugaan suami pembunuh Brooke Taylor Windham, disampaikan dalam pertemuan pertama magang hukumnya. Antara pengiriman sempurna Witherspoon, contortions wajahnya yang "aw, shucks", dan konteks dia berbicara tentang kasus yang tampaknya dipotong-dan-kering untuk orang lain, "orang bahagia tidak membunuh suami" dengan benar-benar meringkas dengan sempurna ELLE WOODS: Dirinya tidak takut dan tidak menyesal dalam situasi apa pun, dikombinasikan dengan pemahaman hukum yang intuitif. (Jam tangan)
Something people forget: Before Legally Blonde was 2001's movie of the summer and everyone was bending and snapping, there was a manuscript floating around, written by Stanford Law dropout Amanda Brown, about a stereotypical blonde from LA entering the cutthroat world of Stanford Law School to get her boyfriend back. Screenwriting partners Karen McCullah and Kirsten "Kiwi" Smith, the duo responsible for the 10 Things I Hate About You script and the 2020 sequel Legally Blonde 3, took the novel, subbing in the chilly east coast Harvard Law for Stanford to up the fish-out-of-water juxtaposition, and blew up its premise into an early aughts cultural touchpoint. The opening song was everywhere, and for certain demographics—i.e. teen girls—you couldn't have a conversation without dropping a quote from the movie, which is indeed extremely quotable. Reese Witherspoon's Elle Woods has many of the best lines, but none surpasses her defense of alleged husband murderer Brooke Taylor Windham, delivered in the first meeting of her law internship. Between Witherspoon's perfect delivery, her "aw, shucks" facial contortions, and the context of her speaking up about a case that seems cut-and-dried to everyone else, the "happy people don't kill their husbands" line perfectly sums up Elle Woods: unafraid and unapologetically herself in any situation, combined with an intuitive understanding of the law. (Watch)

10. "Kamu mencabik -cabikku, Lisa!"

The Room (2003) Tidak ada karya seni orang luar yang memiliki dampak yang lebih besar pada film daripada karya agung Tommy Wiseau, yang dimulai sebagai mimpi demam dari sebuah Eropa yang tidak terobsesi dengan ketenaran, yang tidak dapat dijelaskan di Eropa yang tidak pasti dan menjadi gambar horor Rocky Horror Of abad ke -21. Tidak ada yang akan memberi tahu Anda bahwa skrip itu hebat, tetapi karena kurangnya rasa hormat terhadap struktur naratif, akal sehat, dan bagaimana manusia berinteraksi, itu mencapai kecemerlangan yang terus menarik penonton ke teater, sepak bola di belakangnya. Lihat saja beberapa baris dialog seputar garis Wiseau-as-Johnny yang paling terkenal, yang dikerjakan dari pemberontak James Dean tanpa alasan:
No piece of outsider art has had a bigger impact on film than Tommy Wiseau's masterpiece, which began as the fever dream of an obscure, fame-obsessed, inexplicably wealthy European of uncertain provenance and became the Rocky Horror Picture Show of the 21st century. No one will tell you the script is great, but in its complete lack of regard for narrative structure, common sense, and how humans interact, it achieves a brilliance that continues to draw audiences to theaters, footballs in tow. Just take a look at the few lines of dialogue surrounding Wiseau-as-Johnny's most famous line, which is cribbed from James Dean's Rebel Without a Cause:

Johnny: Mengapa Lisa, Mengapa Lisa? Tolong bicarakan dengan saya! Anda bagian dari hidup saya, Anda adalah segalanya, saya tidak bisa melanjutkan tanpamu, Lisa. Why Lisa, why Lisa? Please talk to me, please! You're part of my life, you are everything, I could not go on without you, Lisa.

Lisa: Kau membuatku takut. [Berdiri.] You're scaring me. [Stands up.]

Johnny: Anda berbohong, saya tidak pernah memukul Anda. Anda mencabik -cabik saya, Lisa!You're lying, I never hit you. You are tearing me apart, Lisa!

Lisa: Kenapa kamu begitu histeris?Why are you so hysterical?

Johnny: Apakah Anda mengerti hidup? Apakah kamu? Do you understand life? Do you?

Lisa: [berjalan pergi] Jangan khawatir tentang itu. Semuanya akan baik-baik saja. [Walking away] Don't worry about it. Everything will be alright.

One thing's for sure: Neither Lisa nor Johnny understands life, but in their ignorance they have stumbled on an eternal truth. (Watch)

9. "I'm a fiend for mojitos."

Miami Vice (2006)
The hardened career criminals and weary law enforcement officers of director Michael Mann's epic crime sagas often speak in clipped, coded language that reveals character through small details. Think of James Caan declaring "I was state-raised and this is a dead place" to a snooty administrator at an adoption agency in 1981's Thief. Think of Robert De Niro sneering, "You must've worked some dipshit crews" to Al Pacino across the dinner table in 1995's Heat. Mann's work in the last 19 years is filled with similar bits of verbal firepower—"Yo homie, is that my briefcase?" from 2004's hitman neo-noir Collateral almost made this list—but no quote has the same sleazy-yet-suave quality as a greasy-haired Colin Farrell telling Gong Li, "I'm a fiend for mojitos" in 2006's Miami Vice, a beautiful digital blur of a movie that's only become more celebrated since its release. What's so special about this relatively obscure line? In its mix of tough-guy swagger and unapologetic cheese, it perfectly crystalizes the appeal of this ultra-tense, visually striking remake of the '80s television series. Maybe you laugh. Maybe you shake your head. Maybe you nod in recognition. No matter what, you know Sonny Crockett is a fiend for mojitos. (Watch)

DreamWorks Pictures

8. "Boy, that escalated quickly."

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
Will Ferrell was already a star by 2004, but his film roles to that point had mostly been secondary characters, a la Old School's Frank the Tank. Between Elf and Anchorman, Ferrell shot to superstardom, and Ron Burgundy became the legend the full title of the movie promised thanks to a string of one-liners and quotes that have been well worn in the 15 years since its release. There's "60% of the time, it works every time." There's "I'm in a glass case of emotion!" There's "I love scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch." There's "Milk was a bad choice!" There's "I'm kind of a big deal." And so many more. While many of these quotes made their way into everyday speech, the most universally applicable—and the one that turned into a meme around 2012—comes right after the giant fight between all the rival news teams, a fight that ratchets up from knives and threats to tridents and death very, well, quickly. It's the kind of quote that can apply to any situation that spirals out of control: A night out drinking, a work meeting, a family reunion, a Twitter exchange. In a world that changes constantly and continues to increase the speed of our lives, "Boy, that escalated quickly" has only become more relevant, if kinda annoying, over the years. (Watch)

7. "King Kong ain't got shit on me!"

Training Day (2001)
Is there anything better than watching Denzel Washington go off? After a career playing good guys, Denzel broke bad and found that playing a crooked cop suited him as well as playing a civil rights leader, a lawyer, or an officer in the military. It suited him so well, in fact, that his most famous line, which comes in a crazed speech as the paper-thin empire Washington's Alonzo has built crumbles around him, was an improvisation made up on the spot. In an interview from 2001, Washington said, "Almost that whole last scene where I'm screaming at everybody, I made it up... [Director] Antoine [Fuqua] encouraged me. He said, 'Man, some of this stuff you make up is the best stuff.' So, we would just flow with it. Like when I came up with that 'King Kong' line, I don't know where that came from. I was just riffing. I just think it was his ego." Like so many great movie quotes in history, a flash of genius enters this one into the canon, and it earned Washington a Best Actor Oscar along the way. Hey, if you make up one of the century's best movie quotes in the heat of the moment, it's the least the Academy can do for you. (Watch)

6. "I live my life a quarter mile at a time."

The Fast and the Furious (2001)
It's easy to forget that the Fast and the Furious series, the box-office dominating behemoth that's spawned seven sequels and a spinoff coming this summer, was based on an article about underground street racing in Vibe magazine. The Rob Cohen-directed original was built around a cast of relatively unknown young actors, featured a plot that was widely seen as a Point Break ripoff, and swiped its title from a Roger Corman B-movie from 1955. These movies had a humble beginning, and there was no grand plan. You might even say the series has lived its life a quarter mile at a time—just like Dom Toretto, the racing guru and family leader played by the heart and soul of the franchise, Vin Diesel. Nearly two decades later, it's hard to remember that the actual monologue that this bumper-sticker-ready, live-life-to-the-fullest quote comes from is incredibly bleak: Dom tells Paul Walker's blonde-haired undercover FBI agent Brian O'Conner a haunting story about how he "watched his dad burn to death" in a racing accident and remembers "hearing him scream." If that wasn't heavy enough, Toretto then says he nearly beat the man who caused his father's crash to death with a wrench. Dom's "quarter mile at a time" philosophy isn't a hedonistic creed or an inspirational TED Talk-ready bromide. It's an acknowledgment of the death drive by a broken man. (Watch)

5. "Satu juta dolar tidak keren. Anda tahu apa yang keren?"

The Social Network & Nbsp; (2010) hampir sulit untuk melebih -lebihkan keajaiban kecil naskah jejaring sosial. Aaron Sorkin dan David Fincher mengubah kisah penemuan Facebook menjadi drama yang mendebarkan yang penuh dengan pendendam 6'5 "kembar dan kutu buku pendendam. Untuk melakukan ini, Sorkin mungkin sedikit dihiasi. Ambil, misalnya, kutipan ini, yang merupakan salah satu dari banyak Kami bisa memasukkan, tetapi sedikit yang paling mewujudkan penggambaran keserakahan yang tajam ini selama booming internet. Seringkali ini salah mengutip. Dalam trailer "creep" paduan suara, Justin Timberlake ketika Sean Parker mengatakannya secara penuh: "satu juta dolar isn ' t keren. Anda tahu apa yang keren? A billion dollars." But Timberlake's Sean never actually says "a billion dollars." Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) does, fed up with the bullshit the Napster founder is feeding Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg). The real Sean Parker did not like his Karakterisasi atau garis dialog khusus ini. "Menjadi revolusioner budaya itu keren," kata Parker kepada Financial Times. "Jadi sejauh Anda telah menghasilkan satu miliar dolar, Anda mungkin menjadi tidak keren." Apakah Anda membeli apa yang dijual Parker atau tidak, pada titik ini hampir terasa seperti ketidakakuratan yang lebih kecil tidak masalah. Semakin banyak skandal Facebook menumpuk, semakin rasanya Sorkin sampai pada kebenaran internal tentang Perusahaan dan cara itu berjalan. Sedemikian rupa sehingga penulis telah secara terbuka melayang gagasan sekuel. (Tonton)
It's almost hard to overstate what a small miracle The Social Network script is. Aaron Sorkin and David Fincher turned the tale of Facebook's invention into a thrilling drama full of vindictive 6'5" twins and vengeful nerds. To do this, Sorkin perhaps embellished a bit. Take, for instance, this quote, which is one of many we could have included, but is the bit that most embodies this snappy depiction of greed during the internet boom. It's often misquoted. In the choral "Creep" trailer, Justin Timberlake as Sean Parker says it in full: "A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A billion dollars." But Timberlake's Sean never actually says "a billion dollars." Eduardo Saverin (Andrew Garfield) does, fed up with the bullshit the Napster founder is feeding Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg). The real Sean Parker did not like his characterization or this specific line of dialogue. “Being a countercultural revolutionary is cool," Parker told the Financial Times. "So to the extent that you’ve made a billion dollars, you’ve probably become uncool.” Whether you're buying what the real life Parker is selling or not, at this point it almost feels like the smaller inaccuracies don't matter. The more Facebook's scandals pile up, the more it feels like Sorkin got to some internal truth about the company and the way it's run. So much so that the writer has publicly floated the idea of a sequel. (Watch)

4. "Dia bahkan tidak pergi ke sini!"

Mean Girls & Nbsp; (2004) Mungkin Anda merengek, berpikir bahwa "Berhenti mencoba membuat fetch terjadi" adalah kutipan gadis yang lebih ikonik, tetapi dengarkan: Jika Anda "memiliki banyak perasaan," kami tidak punya waktu untuk Anda. Damian Leigh (Daniel Franzese) adalah satu -satunya yang akan memanggil "gadis menangis" acak selama pertemuan di Mean Girls, ketika semua gadis ditugaskan menulis catatan permintaan maaf satu sama lain setelah Regina George's "Burn Book" go public. Tentu saja, ekstra lucu bahwa sepanjang waktu bingkai menjulangnya mengenakan hoodie biru muda raksasa dan kacamata hitam, seolah-olah itu akan menyamarkannya dalam perakitan semua gadis. Hei, dia dan Janis pergi ke mana -mana bersama, ke mana lagi dia seharusnya? Bagian dari apa yang membuat kutipan ini sangat lucu adalah siluetnya yang nubby yang bangkit dari kerumunan gadis (sempurna untuk screencapping dan menempel pada t-shirt dan mug dan komputer desktop kantor), kemudian secara halus menutupi wajahnya dengan tangan yang anggun. (Jam tangan)
Maybe you're whining, thinking that "Stop trying to make fetch happen" is the more iconic Mean Girls quote, but listen: if you "have a lot of feelings," we have no time for you. Damian Leigh (Daniel Franzese) is the only one who will call out the random "Crying Girl" during the assembly in Mean Girls, when all the girls are tasked with writing apology notes to one another after Regina George's "Burn Book" goes public. It is, of course, extra funny that the entire time his towering frame is dressed in a giant light blue hoodie and dark sunglasses, as if those will disguise him in an all-girls assembly. Hey, he and Janis go everywhere together, where else was he supposed to be? Part of what makes this quote so funny is his nubby silhouette rising from the crowd of girls (perfect for screencapping and pasting on T-shirts and mugs and office desktop computers), then subtly covering his face with a graceful hand. (Watch)

Fitur fokus

3. "Saya berharap saya tahu cara berhenti dari Anda."

Brokeback Mountain (2005) Heath Ledger membenci meme homofobik. "Dia sangat serius tentang masalah -masalah politik seputar film ketika keluar," Jake Gyllenhaal mengatakan untuk ulang tahun ke -10 sejarah lisan Ange Lee's Romance Classic. "Banyak kali orang ingin bersenang -senang dan bercanda tentang hal itu, Dan dia bersemangat tentang menjadi serius, sampai -sampai dia tidak benar -benar ingin mendengar tentang apa pun yang diolok -olok. " Masuk akal: Humor "kepanikan gay" arus utama tahun '00 sangat lazim sehingga New York Times mencurahkan seluruh artikel untuk parodi Brokeback pada tahun 2006, menyoroti mashup trailer yang populer di "situs video kuratorial - termasuk YouTube.com, Gorillamkasker di" situs video kuratorial - termasuk YouTube.com, Gorillamkaskaskaskask .net, dan dailysixer.com. " Klip dengan Wink-wink, judul-judul pun-y seperti "Brokeback to the Future" bisa menjadi viral dengan menyarankan bahwa Doc Brown dan Marty McFly sebenarnya adalah pecinta, bermain dengan harapan pemirsa dengan pengeditan dan isyarat musik yang agak pintar, dan memperlakukan kalimat dari film Lee sebagai lucunya.
Heath Ledger hated the homophobic memes. "He was extraordinarily serious about the political issues surrounding the movie when it came out,” Jake Gyllenhaal told Out for a 10th anniversary oral history of Ang Lee's romance classic. “A lot of times people would want to have fun and joke about it, and he was vehement about being serious, to the point where he didn’t really want to hear about anything that was being made fun of." It makes sense: The mainstream "gay panic" humor of the '00s was so prevalent that The New York Times devoted a whole article to Brokeback parodies in 2006, highlighting the popular trailer mashups on "curatorial video sites—including youtube.com, gorillamask.net, and dailysixer.com." Clips with wink-wink, pun-y titles like "Brokeback to the Future" could go viral by suggesting that Doc Brown and Marty McFly were actually lovers, playing on viewer expectations with mildly clever editing and music cues, and treating lines from Lee's movie as punchlines.

Tetapi karena spoof telah memudar dari memori kolektif, mengambil debu di lemari besi digital YouTube, film, bersama dengan adegan yang paling terkenal, hanya tumbuh dalam kekuasaan. Sementara penampilan Ledger adalah yang paling terkenal pada saat itu, memberikan heartthrob nominasi aktor terbaik sementara lawan mainnya diturunkan ke kategori aktor pendukung di Oscar, Gyllenhaal adalah orang yang memberikan garis yang memilukan, yang pertama kali muncul di Kisah pendek oleh Annie Proulx yang menjadi dasar film ini. Faktanya, naskah oleh Diana Ossana dan Larry McMurtry meraih sebagian besar monolog kerinduan Jack Twist, disampaikan dengan gunung tituler di latar belakang, dari teks Proulx. Pengakuan emosionalnya mencapai kesimpulannya dengan "Saya berharap saya tahu bagaimana berhenti dari Anda," pengakuan atas keinginan yang tidak terpenuhi dan kemarahan yang tak terkatakan yang sangat mentah sehingga hanya dapat dikatakan sementara dua koboi yang tabah dan terluka berhadapan satu sama lain. Dalam ceritanya, Proulx mengakhiri adegan dengan deskripsi yang tragis, "tidak ada yang berakhir, tidak ada yang dimulai, tidak ada yang terselesaikan." (Jam tangan)

2. "Motif bunga? Untuk musim semi? Peletakan batu pertama."

Iblis memakai Prada & nbsp; (2006) terkadang budaya memakan dirinya sendiri. Buku The Devil Wears Prada terinspirasi oleh waktu penulis Lauren Weisberger bekerja di Vogue bersama editor terkenal Anna Wintour. Pada tahun 2006, film adaptasi, yang ditulis oleh Aline Brosh McKenna, menabrak layar yang dibintangi Meryl Streep sebagai Miranda Priestly, Stand-In Wintour yang sedingin es. Sekarang, Streep-as-Priestly dikutip dalam publikasi Wintour. Soalnya, Rita Ora dapat membuat "motif bunga untuk musim semi" sebenarnya inovatif, menurut setidaknya satu penulis. McKenna-yang paling dikenal karena karyanya tentang mantan pacar gila-thrillist yang diceritakan bahwa pencopotan brutal Miranda yang licik dari klise fesyen tidak ada dalam draft awal. "Salah satu hal menyenangkan tentang mengerjakan film ini adalah sangat menyenangkan untuk menulis penghinaan kering itu," kenangnya. "Aku benar -benar jujur ​​bisa melakukan itu sepanjang hari." Miranda membuang banyak komentar seperti itu, tapi itu "motif bunga? Untuk musim semi?" tongkat itu. Dia menjatuhkannya di pertemuan lapangan. Tidak ada yang menyenangkannya dan underling yang bersemangat menyebutkan bahwa banyak desainer menambahkan tema bunga ke dalam koleksi mereka. Miranda tidak memiliki omong kosong yang basi itu. Streep memberikan garis dengan wajah paling lurus yang pernah ada, ayam kecil kepalanya di ujung untuk menempatkan titik halus pada pengeluarannya yang baru saja dia buat. Yang benar adalah: akan selalu ada motif bunga untuk musim semi, dan mereka tidak akan pernah menjadi inovatif. (Jam tangan)
Sometimes culture eats itself. The book The Devil Wears Prada was inspired by author Lauren Weisberger's time working at Vogue alongside the notorious editor Anna Wintour. In 2006, the film adaptation, written by Aline Brosh McKenna, hit the screens starring Meryl Streep as Miranda Priestly, the ice-cold Wintour stand-in. Now, Streep-as-Priestly is getting quoted in Wintour's publication. You see, Rita Ora can make "florals for spring" actually groundbreaking, according to at least one writer. McKenna—best known for her work on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend—told Thrillist that Miranda's slyly brutal takedown of a fashion cliché was not in the initial draft. "One of the fun things about working on this movie was it was just so fun to write those dry insults," she reminisced. "I truly honestly could have done that all day." Miranda throws out many such remarks, but it's "Florals? For Spring?" that sticks. She drops it at a pitch meeting. No one is pleasing her and an eager underling mentions that a lot of designers are adding flower-themes into their collections. Miranda is having none of that hackneyed crap. Streep delivers the line with the straightest face that ever existed, a little cock of her head at the end to put a fine point on the evisceration she just enacted. The truth is: There will always be florals for spring, and they will never be groundbreaking. (Watch)

Film Paramount Vantage/Miramax

1. "Saya minum milkshake Anda."

Akan ada Blood & Nbsp; (2007) semangat di sekitar "I Drink Your Milkshake" segera setelah pelepasan Paul Thomas Anderson's Oil Man Epic akan ada darah. Itu hampir secara instan dikanonisasi, meskipun itu bukan penendang film yang sebenarnya: itu akan menjadi Pededinan Daniel Plainview "Saya selesai." Tapi garis milkshake datang selama klimaks yang marah, menampilkan seorang yang tidak terikat dan menorehkan Daniel Day-Lewis memuntahkan kemarahan yang mengejutkan saat berhadapan dengan para pengkhotbah Sniffling Paul Dano, Eli Sunday. Daniel, mengamuk, menyia -nyiakan Eli, pertama -tama secara lisan, lalu mengalahkannya sampai mati dengan pin bowling. Kapitalisme awal menjadi serba salah, naluri cutthroat berubah mematikan. Setelah dia mengatakan dia akan minum milkshake Eli, Daniel menyerang dengan kejam, periode menjijikkan dengan ancaman yang mengesankan. Anderson mengakui bahwa ia membuat garis "milkshake" dari audiensi kongres tentang skandal kubah teko yang melibatkan Edward Doheny, taipan minyak yang melayani sebagai inspirasi bagi Plainview dan novel Upton Sinclair di mana Anderson sedang riffing. Ceritanya bahwa Senator New Mexico Albert Fall, dituduh dan akhirnya dihukum karena menerima suap, mengatakan selama audiensi tahun 1924, "Tuan, jika Anda memiliki milkshake dan saya memiliki milkshake dan jerami saya meraih di seberang ruangan, saya akan berakhir Minum milkshake Anda. "& Nbsp; Anderson memberi tahu USA Today pada saat itu:" Saya hanya mengambil konsep gila ini dan menggunakannya. "
The fervor around "I drink your milkshake" was immediate following the release of Paul Thomas Anderson's oil man epic There Will Be Blood. It was almost instantly canonized, though it's not the actual kicker of the film: That would be Daniel Plainview's plaintive "I'm finished." But the milkshake line comes during the furious climax, featuring an unhinged, bellowing Daniel Day-Lewis spewing mind-blowing anger while facing off against Paul Dano's sniffling preacher Eli Sunday. Daniel, raging, lays waste to Eli, first verbally, then beats him to death with a bowling pin. It's early capitalism gone awry, cutthroat instincts turned deadly. After he says he'll drink Eli's milkshake, Daniel slurps viciously, a disgusting period on a memorable threat. Anderson admitted that he cribbed the "milkshake" line from congressional hearings on the Teapot Dome Scandal involving Edward Doheny, an oil tycoon who served as inspiration for Plainview and the Upton Sinclair novel on which Anderson was riffing. The story goes that New Mexico Senator Albert Fall, accused and ultimately convicted of taking bribes, said during the 1924 hearings, "Sir, if you have a milkshake and I have a milkshake and my straw reaches across the room, I'll end up drinking your milkshake." Anderson told USA Today at the time: "I just took this insane concept and used it."

Terlepas dari status garis saat ini, itu tidak mengingat bahwa penonton akan ada di papan untuk analogi. Editor film Dylan Tichenor baru -baru ini mengatakan kepada Vanity Fair: "Garis milkshake - saya pikir semua orang memiringkan kepala mereka dan tertawa ketika mereka membacanya, seperti, 'Apa?'" Tapi itu "apa?" yang membuatnya luar biasa, dikombinasikan dengan keanehan historis tertentu. Tulisan Anderson selalu berakar pada komedi bahkan ketika narasi yang lebih besar diarahkan untuk tragedi tinggi. Dan, tentu saja, itu sama sekali tidak ada apa-apa tanpa otot penuh keterampilan sehari-hari di belakangnya. Sebelum ada darah, milkshake adalah suguhan nostalgia yang bahagia. Setelah itu, mereka selamanya adalah lambang seorang pria yang telah kehilangan akal. (Jam tangan)

Daftar di sini untuk email thrillist harian kami, dapatkan streamail untuk lebih banyak hiburan, dan berlangganan di sini untuk saluran YouTube kami untuk memperbaiki yang terbaik dalam makanan/minuman/kesenangan.

Editors: Leanne Butkovic, Anthony SchneckWriters: Sadie Bell, Leanne Butkovic, Dan Jackson, Anthony Schneck, Emma Stefansky, Esther ZuckermanProduction: Sadie Bell, Paul Pierre-LouisDesign Director: Ted McGrathGraphic Designer: Frannie Jiranek Leanne Butkovic, Anthony Schneck
Writers: Sadie Bell, Leanne Butkovic, Dan Jackson, Anthony Schneck, Emma Stefansky, Esther Zuckerman
Production: Sadie Bell, Paul Pierre-Louis
Design Director: Ted McGrath
Graphic Designer: Frannie Jiranek

Apa kutipan film paling terkenal sepanjang masa?

Juri yang terdiri dari 1.500 seniman film, kritikus, dan sejarawan memilih "terus terang, sayangku, aku tidak peduli", diucapkan oleh Clark Gable sebagai Rhett Butler dalam epik Perang Sipil Amerika 1939 yang hilang dengan angin, sebagai yang terbanyak Kutipan film Amerika yang mengesankan sepanjang masa.Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn", spoken by Clark Gable as Rhett Butler in the 1939 American Civil War epic Gone with the Wind, as the most memorable American movie quotation of all time.

Apa 10 kutipan film teratas?

Berapa banyak yang telah Anda lihat?.
"Terus terang, sayangku, aku tidak peduli."Gone With the Wind (1939) ....
"Aku akan memberinya tawaran yang tidak bisa dia tolak."The Godfather (1972) ....
"Kamu tidak mengerti! ....
"Toto, aku merasa kita tidak lagi berada di Kansas."....
"Di sini melihatmu, Nak."....
"Silakan, buat hariku."....
"Baiklah, Tuan ..

Apa kalimat John Wayne yang terkenal?

"Aku tidak akan dianiaya. Aku tidak akan dihina. Aku tidak akan diletakkan sendiri. Aku tidak melakukan hal-hal ini kepada orang lain dan aku memerlukan hal yang sama dari mereka."I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them."

Apa garis terkenal Bruce Willis?

Die Hard (1988) Kutipan: "Sembilan juta teroris di dunia dan saya harus membunuh yang dengan kaki lebih kecil dari saudara perempuan saya."Nine million terrorists in the world and I gotta kill the one with feet smaller than my sister."

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