10 film terbaik tahun 2010 2022

Dalam artikel ini Anda akan menemukan berbagai daftar film aksi / action terbaik di tahun 2010. Dari pensiunan regu pembunuh bayaran yang terpaksa bertugas kembali hingga konfrontasi antar geng yang semakin brutal, inilah rekomendasi action terbaik 2010 yang harus Anda saksikan.

1. Red (2010)

Sinopsis Red (2010) – Setelah selamat dari serangan regu pembunuh bayaran, pensiunan agen CIA Frank Moses mengumpulkan kembali tim lamanya untuk perang habis-habisan. Frank bersatu kembali dengan Joe tua, Marvin yang gila dan Victoria yang cerdik untuk mengungkap konspirasi besar yang mengancam hidup mereka. Hanya pelatihan ahli mereka yang memungkinkan mereka untuk selamat dari misi yang hampir mustahil ini – membobol markas CIA.

2. Salt (2010)

Sinopsis Salt (2010) – Ketika Evelyn Salt menjadi perwira CIA, dia bersumpah untuk tugas, kehormatan, dan negara. Tapi, ketika seorang pembelot menuduhnya sebagai mata-mata Rusia, sumpah Salt diuji. Sekarang sebagai buronan, Salt harus menggunakan setiap keterampilan yang diperoleh dari pelatihan dan pengalaman bertahun-tahun untuk menghindari penangkapan, tetapi semakin dia mencoba membuktikan bahwa dia tidak bersalah, semakin dia tampak bersalah.

3. The Expendables (2010)

Sinopsis The Expendables (2010) – Pemimpin tentara bayaran Barney Ross dan orang-orang setianya melakukan apa yang mereka anggap sebagai tugas rutin: operasi rahasia untuk menyerang negara Vilena di Amerika Selatan dan menggulingkan diktatornya. Tapi, ketika mereka mengetahui bahwa pekerjaan itu akan menjadi misi bunuh diri, mereka harus memilih penebusan atau penghancuran persaudaraan mereka.

4. Green Zone (2010)

Sinopsis Green Zone (2010) – Chief Warrant Officer Roy Miller dan tim inspekturnya sedang dalam misi pada tahun 2003 untuk menemukan persediaan senjata pemusnah massal yang dilaporkan Irak. Bepergian dari satu situs berbahaya ke situs lainnya, Miller dan timnya gagal menemukan bahan kimia atau senjata lain. Sebaliknya, mereka menemukan penyamaran yang rumit di mana senjata yang paling sulit dipahami adalah kebenaran.

5. Predators (2010)

Sinopsis Predators (2010) – Dibawa ke sebuah planet misterius, seorang tentara bayaran dan sekelompok pembunuh berdarah dingin kini menjadi mangsanya. Sebuah generasi baru alien mengejar manusia sampah melalui hutan lebat. Kelompok tersebut harus bekerja sama untuk bertahan hidup, atau menjadi piala terbaru dari para pemburu intergalaksi yang menakutkan.

6. Faster (2010)

Sinopsis Faster (2010) – Setelah menjalankan tugas penjara 10 tahun, Driver berlari melewati gerbang untuk membalas dendam pada mereka yang bertanggung jawab atas pembunuhan saudaranya. Dalam beberapa jam setelah membunuh yang pertama, ia memiliki dua pengejar dibelakangnya: seorang perwira polisi dan seorang pembunuh yang bersemangat. Driver mencoba untuk tetap selangkah lebih maju dari pengejarnya, tetapi ada petunjuk bahwa daftarnya tidak lengkap, dan orang yang tidak dikenal dapat membahayakan hidupnya.

7. Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)

Sinopsis Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010) – Setelah kerusuhan penjara, mantan Kapten Nascimento, yang sekarang menjadi perwira keamanan berpangkat tinggi di Rio de Janeiro, terseret ke dalam perselisihan politik berdarah yang melibatkan pejabat pemerintah dan kelompok paramiliter.

8. Takers (2010)

Sinopsis Takers (2010) – Gordon Jennings dan teman-temannya menikmati gaya hidup mewah yang didanai oleh perampokan bank, dan mereka menghindari penangkapan dengan berpegang pada sebuah aturan yang ketat.

Saat mereka merayakan pekerjaan terakhir, seorang mantan rekan datang dengan rencana berani untuk merampok mobil lapis baja. Iming-iming uang tunai begitu banyak terlalu menggoda untuk ditolak tetapi, tanpa sepengetahuan anak buah Gordon, pencurian ini menempatkan mereka pada jalur tabrakan dengan mafia Rusia dan seorang detektif yang akan melakukan apa saja untuk menangkap mereka.

9. Snabba Cash (2010)

Sinopsis Snabba Cash (2010) – Mahasiswa bisnis JW, yang suka bergaul dengan orang kaya, menyukai ahli waris yang seksi, jadi untuk mempertahankan gaya hidup itu, ia menjalani kehidupan kriminal.

Jorge adalah penjahat kecil yang melarikan diri dari polisi dan mafia Serbia. Sedangkan, Mrado adalah pembunuh bayaran yang sedang memburu Jorge tetapi harus merawat putri kecilnya pada saat yang sama.

Saat JW tenggelam lebih dalam ke dunia kriminal, ketiga pria itu terjerat dalam nasib bersama.

10. Outrage (2010)

Sinopsis Outrage (2010) – Setelah anak buahnya bertindak terlalu jauh dalam konfrontasi mereka dengan geng saingan, seorang antek yakuza terjebak dalam perang massa yang meningkat dan semakin berutal.

Nah, itu dia rekomendasi dari Immaku.com untuk film action terbaik di tahun 2010 yang penuh dengan aksi dan menantang.

Baca juga: Rekomendasi 10 Film Action Terbaik Tahun 2009

Published by: anewsgroup.com

In fact, some of the best gifts are ones that come from the heart rather than being expensive or elaborate. Try one of these ideas for making your girlfriend feel special on her birthday:

Do something she has wanted to do for a long time.

Surprise your girlfriend on her birthday by doing something she has wanted to do for a long time.

Go somewhere she has always wanted to go.

As a rule of thumb, we suggest that you take your girlfriend somewhere she has always wanted to go, but never had the time. This can be anything from a trip to the beach or concert to an amusement park or weekend getaway at a fancy hotel. The point is for you both to enjoy yourselves and have fun together!

If you want to do something really special for your lady love on her next birthday, book tickets for her favourite band taking over the town in two weeks—but don't tell her about it yet! This will keep her on her toes during their concert date and make her feel loved after all this effort from you!

Take her on an unconventional date.

A unique date can be the perfect way to surprise your girlfriend on her birthday. When you take a girl out for the first time, you have to impress her and show her that you are not just any guy.

If she's never been to the place where you're taking her for dinner or drinks, then it'll definitely leave an impression on your woman.

You don't have to go overboard with this one; just try something new and exciting! Even if what you choose is not extravagant or expensive, she will appreciate that special effort was made in order for her enjoyment - even more so when she realizes that all other guys wouldn't bother doing such things for their girlfriends' birthdays (or at all).

Get her a thoughtful gift.

When you're looking for the perfect birthday gift for your girlfriend, it's important to keep in mind that she will actually use and appreciate what you get her. A thoughtful gift is one that is special to you, but also something she will appreciate. You can take this a step further by making the gift yourself—this shows that you put a lot of thought into it!

Spend more time with her than you usually do.

As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. This is especially true when it comes to your girlfriend of four years who has been feeling neglected lately and has been complaining that she wants more time with you.

You could take her out for a fancy dinner or buy her a gift, but those are all things that have been done in the past by other people and they might not be as special to her as they once were. Instead, why not spend more time together?

important for couples to make time for each other even when life gets busy; this can help keep the spark alive in any relationship!

Do something out of the ordinary for the two of you.

Bring her flowers or a small gift when she least expects it.

Flowers are a classic gift that any woman would love to receive on her birthday. The most important thing to know is what kind of flowers she likes best, so do some research and make sure you know your girl's favourite flower before you go out and buy it.

If you're not sure, ask her friends or family members what they think she would like.

Another thing you can do with flowers is getting creative with the presentation. You could wrap them up in cellophane and place them in a small box filled with tissue paper or put them in a vase and bring that to her house.

This can be done by asking the florist for help if you aren't sure how to arrange them yourself!

Don't forget to include a card or note explaining why they're special: "Happy Birthday" or some form of gratitude might be enough depending on how well you know each other at this point (if not yet).

Give her a private dance party.

If you want to surprise your girlfriend on her birthday, then the best way is to invite her over for a private dance party.

You could play some of her favourite songs, or even make up a song that describes how much she means to you. You can even put on some fancy clothes and dance with her. The most important thing is to make it special because after all, this is the woman who has been by your side since the beginning.

If she doesn't like dancing and prefers to sit back and watch others do their thing, then just make sure that she feels comfortable watching from afar before joining the fun!

Bring back an inside joke or happy memory from your relationship.

One of the best ways to surprise her is by bringing back an inside joke or happy memory from your relationship.

The best way to bring back a happy memory is by showing her something that reminds you both of that memory, like photos or videos. You can also share stories about how funny it was, and how much fun you had together.

For example, if she always laughs when you say “I love dinosaurs” in a really annoying voice, then saying “I love dinosaurs” in your most annoying voice would be a great way to surprise her on her birthday!

You can make your girlfriend feel special without spending too much money

You can make your girlfriend feel special without spending too much money.

Spending time with her and doing something she has always wanted to do is one of the best ways to surprise your girlfriend on her birthday. You can also surprise her by buying her a thoughtful gift.

To make this gift special, you can add a personal touch that not everyone else will have thought of. For example, if your girlfriend likes chocolate then you could buy her some chocolates but add a personal message inside each box so that only they know what it says.


You don’t have to spend a lot of money to show how much you care about your girlfriend. If you want to do something special for her birthday, just think about what she likes and try to make it happen.

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